the mens club thread


Sexy, I must admit, we haven't had the opp to get to know each other, but from your postings, I think the sig fits you to a T.
Re: Evening

kkceohcs said:
Sexy, I must admit, we haven't had the opp to get to know each other, but from your postings, I think the sig fits you to a T.

Watch it cabanna boy...I belong to the Bad Girlz club...;) And I will take that as a compliment...thanks...:D
Hey guys.........

its the Tigress hot on the campaign trail!!

Some of you may know me from other posts/threads,
but for those who don't, I am among the top 5 finalists
for "most influential writer" in the 2001 Literotica Awards,
which are currently underway. I am up against very
stiff competition........and I ask for your vote.

I know that some of you are familiar with my stories/poems
here on Lit, but for those who aren't, just click the link
on the bottom of my post in the sig line to get to them.

Please cast your vote, for me, tigerjen, here:

I appreciate the support, and I thank you!

:rose: :kiss:
Re: Re: Evening

1sexylady said:

Watch it cabanna boy...I belong to the Bad Girlz club...;) And I will take that as a compliment...thanks...:D

Excuse m'lady, I haven't had the pleasure to serve you as of yet.... and you should....
Re: Re: Re: Evening

kkceohcs said:

Excuse m'lady, I haven't had the pleasure to serve you as of yet.... and you should....

I have not been in there much but you as I said before.....

:heart: LETS GO YANKEES............ :heart:
Good evening or morning sports fans and friends hope all has been well with ya....No news in these parts to report today so GO WINGS...Yep I am so ready for hockey season to start ...:D
Why do men always flip the channels......

because we dont want to see the same commercial for the 50th time in 2hrs.

How many times does the same commercial play during a game or race???????

why don't men watch soaps.

they don't care to live up to the expectations......
kkceohcs said:
Why do men always flip the channels......

because we dont want to see the same commercial for the 50th time in 2hrs.

How many times does the same commercial play during a game or race???????

why don't men watch soaps.

they don't care to live up to the expectations......
Hate to burst the bubble but I do watch some soaps not everyday but I do tune into General Hospital and the one on before it ....I have been sitting on my ass for a couple of months now and have nothing better to do but watch the tele...
POP, sorry man, Hope couch potato status was your choice.........

if not, really sorry....... Didn't i read a post about you returning from the hosp. surgery of some sort? How are you healing....
I am not a couch slouch by choice i was injured at work and it took them almost three months to figure out I needed I was in the hospital last week and the healing is slow but I can tell i am better from it ..One day at a time then after i heal it is back to physical therapy for me....Thanks for asking bud hope all is well in your neck of the woods..:)
Re: PC speaking

kkceohcs said:
since when is it my fault that you read my shirt and get offended.

I didn't ask for you to read...

you chose to.....

EXACTLY when did the vocal minority take over the country....
I thought we the people represented a democracy of 50.5% of the popular voting public......then the law comes into protect those 49.5% from an outcome they didn't like....whose gonna protect us that did.......

Sorry, I'll get of the soapbox now.......
GOOD FUCKING QUESTION I love this country, but it is becoming WAY too PC. I can't wait for the pendulum to swing back. :mad:
God have mercy on us all....

Wasnt that the pelican brief where the pres was fighting all factions of the people..?


While I may not agree with your opinion, I will defend your right to it with my life.....

I may disagree with the Gov. but I havent found anything working any better.....

Sorry, Its been a HARD day... Ill get off the soapbox now...
kkceohcs said:
God have mercy on us all....

Wasnt that the pelican brief where the pres was fighting all factions of the people..?


While I may not agree with your opinion, I will defend your right to it with my life.....

I may disagree with the Gov. but I havent found anything working any better.....

Sorry, Its been a HARD day... Ill get off the soapbox now...

Good Idea your feet look like they hurt..:D mmmm Did I ever get my Iced Tea...???????

:heart: LETS GO YANKEES..... :heart:
1sexylady said:

Good Idea your feet look like they hurt..:D mmmm Did I ever get my Iced Tea...???????

:heart: LETS GO YANKEES..... :heart:

Yankees should be called Hankies...for all the pissing, moaning, and crying they do! :p :D
1sexylady said:

Good Idea your feet look like they hurt..:D mmmm Did I ever get my Iced Tea...???????

:heart: LETS GO YANKEES..... :heart:

okok i give. back to the cabanna for me....{bowing his head in disappointment}
Decides to take charge of his thread again ...I give K.K.his soap box back ..Preach on brither preach on...Remember all this is not just a sports thread it is a club where we can talk anything we want to ...Like today I have to drive almost an hour to see my doctor just so he can push my arms up and down twice and tell me to come back in a month ..umm is it just me or did he totally waste my time by doing this ...Oh the Tigers got rid of the last good pitcure we had Brian Moehler is of to the reds for three people and they will only tell us who one of them is..Now if we could just find a good team to ship off Bobby Higginson we will have gotten rid of the last of our good players ...Jumps off the soapbox and kicks it to the middle of the room ..Anyone else got so,mething to get off their chest other than their shirts:)
knightstalker said:
Decides to take charge of his thread again ...I give K.K.his soap box back ..Preach on brither preach on...Remember all this is not just a sports thread it is a club where we can talk anything we want to ...Like today I have to drive almost an hour to see my doctor just so he can push my arms up and down twice and tell me to come back in a month ..umm is it just me or did he totally waste my time by doing this ...Oh the Tigers got rid of the last good pitcure we had Brian Moehler is of to the reds for three people and they will only tell us who one of them is..Now if we could just find a good team to ship off Bobby Higginson we will have gotten rid of the last of our good players ...Jumps off the soapbox and kicks it to the middle of the room ..Anyone else go
t so,mething to get off their chest other than their shirts:)

howdy, the Dr. didnt waste his time, he got you to wait for him at least 20 min.... then got an office visit fee of $200.

Theyre better than the lawyers....

with a DR. we feel like we need them...

With a Lawyer, we think we need them to tell us we do....
Evening all

Hey Rosie, sorry about the Dodgers, didn't think they would fold like a cheap lawn chair. :(

KS, very happy to hear your are recovering well. :D

KK, cute new AV. :)

Oh yea............LETS GO M E T S

Oogie, thanks. not sure if its what im after.....testing a few....

Big weekend of baseball coming up...

WOO HOO, CUBS AND CARDS... CUBS gonna kikk cards butt......


evening all.

Re: Evening all

oogieboogie said:
Hey Rosie, sorry about the Dodgers, didn't think they would fold like a cheap lawn chair. :(

KS, very happy to hear your are recovering well. :D

KK, cute new AV. :)

Oh yea............LETS GO M E T S

Oggie... this is the way it will go... Dodgers will start to come out of the slide in the next week or two... and one of the two scenario's will play out:

1: They will finish 1/2 game out of the playoffs and the watch the playoffs from home...

2: They will climb back up to the top of the heap.. be leading poised to get into the playoffs... And WHAPP... Strike called... NO SERIES.... thats my Dodgers... break your heart.. LOL

Lilrosie, do you have a preference to names....Lil, Lilrosie or the full name Lilrosie Lips.?

would like to be friendly... Dodgers did fall pretty hard last night didnt they?

sorry, Youre still better than mine.....

Take care,