The Playground Scavenger Hunt #2

I have mixed feelings about this.

On one hand, I have the busiest week planned ever. And I am not looking forward to playing, timing-wise.

On the other hand, if you make this small lists for each week, I think it would certainly make my life easier. But if the excitement isn't kept up, folks might lose interest.
I have mixed feelings about this.

On one hand, I have the busiest week planned ever. And I am not looking forward to playing, timing-wise.

On the other hand, if you make this small lists for each week, I think it would certainly make my life easier. But if the excitement isn't kept up, folks might lose interest.

I am not talking small lists each week. I am talking an item everyday or 2. That way people can work without the stress. Post when they can. Or catch up if they step away for a week or two
I am not talking small lists each week. I am talking an item everyday or 2. That way people can work without the stress. Post when they can. Or catch up if they step away for a week or two

OK, I am down with that.

(BTW--I like the new avatar.)

But tell ya what, Hoss; you're running out of time to make up your mind.
I think it might be fun each day or 2 to see how many folks can find the item. Maybe keep a running tally. Not necessarily who can find it but who can fun the most lets say for 2012. Kind I like a 2012 scavenger hunt. Winner is one who get most items over the year.

Like it- people can pop in and out of the game at will...

Well, not to make it complicated, but - if He posted at alternate times - say, one day at 9 AM and the next night at 9 PM, that would give everyone a chance, yes?

Yep, good idea.
Think I am going to post 3 items at a time. Gives people some options. Then post 3 more a day or two later. Etc etc.

I will keep a running list on page 1 of the items as well as a score sheet. You can play as individuals or partners. Just have fun with it.
Think I am going to post 3 items at a time. Gives people some options. Then post 3 more a day or two later. Etc etc.

I will keep a running list on page 1 of the items as well as a score sheet. You can play as individuals or partners. Just have fun with it.
You'll probably get a lot more players if it is not restricted to teams. Good idea!
Great idea!!! That works nicely for me! I like the idea of keeping it going!