The Red Light Lounge

Maybe not completely innocent but this week I learnt what a bong is from that lot in there lol
LOL! A bunch of bad influences, with the souls of poets.
Stick around. Me thinks your lessons are not quite done. :cool:
You'd be surprised at what I have seen and what I've done just seems they have done a lot of things differently!
Not exactly music to fuck to (...although...), but I remember what I thought the first time I heard THIS!
ROFFL!!! I love them dearly, but not their finest creative moment. I kept waiting for more words...

Depending on the seclusion of your new digs, this may become your mantra. ;)

ETA: I'm sure you remember these:

Lenny Williams


Does it for me every time.
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100 Words for the Red Light Lounge

On the drive over to his house late that night, this song came on. I couldn't help it; I turned it up, and on that seven-block stretch I let it wash over me. I was close to coming when it ended. If it had played twice, I'd have made it, felt that familiar throb and edge, and my legs would have gone to water. One song on the radio, that's all it takes. I never know what it's going to be, when it's going to hit me. I'm either God's amusing curse or the gleeful toy of horny angels.

On the drive over to his house late that night, this song came on. I couldn't help it; I turned it up, and on that seven-block stretch I let it wash over me. I was close to coming when it ended. If it had played twice, I'd have made it, felt that familiar throb and edge, and my legs would have gone to water. One song on the radio, that's all it takes. I never know what it's going to be, when it's going to hit me. I'm either God's amusing curse or the gleeful toy of horny angels.

I'd say the latter. God's amusement is merely a sidebar. :cool:
That is what I aspire to be, the gleeful toy of horny angels. Damn, you have a way with words. I hate you. ( no, not really)



Okay, now i feel better.

And listen, I caught up on the lovely conversation in the five in five thread, and your comment about how you feel like the really good stuff gets sent to you from outer space really hit home. I have the same sorta thing, which is why the 30/30 is so scary, and why I really did have to hear that Tzara-advice: just write, and don't be afraid to be bad (or did he say suck, there, I can't remember...)

Aliens or angels, I know the feeling when something lovely simply arrives on the page. Doesn't happen often enough, but when it does, it's great.

On the drive over to his house late that night, this song came on. I couldn't help it; I turned it up, and on that seven-block stretch I let it wash over me. I was close to coming when it ended. If it had played twice, I'd have made it, felt that familiar throb and edge, and my legs would have gone to water. One song on the radio, that's all it takes. I never know what it's going to be, when it's going to hit me. I'm either God's amusing curse or the gleeful toy of horny angels.


See now the Psycheldic Furs (and believe me I know from psychedelic) don't do it for me. I have a problem wth synth poppy sounding music. Doesn't do shit for me. But this song, which I had in my sig line, I could totally fuck to. It's such a rhymthmic, bluesy jam. I so would have fucked Milt Jackson. Listen to that man move those vibes.

I'm a shameless jazz hussy.
just the fact that you think my froggie stuff is lovely, you and Sara both, in less than 24 hours, I am honestly flattered. I didn't even know if you had read them or if it ( my "silliness") even interested you.

You amaze me with the subject matter you write so proficiently on.. I will admit, that when you first came here, I thought you were like a gust of wind, possibly like the one that lifted Marilyn's skirt so audaciously, so sexily, so brazenly over that grate...I thought that you would blow in, then out and your personality would mask any talent you had....shit, this is hard for me BJ... but you are for real. Your work, well, it is so varied and so fucking good. Count me among your worshipers;)

Eve and I once came to the conclusion that we must go into something like a poetry trance and that is where some of our poems come from and I really think that happens, because I find poems very often, that I have no memory of, don't know for sure if I wrote them or not.

Once I asked my oldest girl if she left some poems on my computer, she said, " maybe, which ones? and I showed her, she just laughed at me, called me silly mama and said-, you know good and well you wrote those.

well, I replied -- no I don't know good and well, if I had been positive, sure, or even slightly certain, I would not have asked her. That was embarrassing, really and truly. and now, I am totally over my adverb quota for today.

Thank you for your persistent kindness and your support and like I have told others whose work I admire, any time you see something that could be fixed in my stuff, please point it out, I promise I won't scream or cry or bite you( unless you want me to, lol), but I will be forever grateful.

Angeline was right,... she knows what I mean. And as usual, she is right. we all learn thateventually, right Sis?

:rose: and tons of hugs to you all. Hubby is taking me for a twilight ride down by the riverside.See yall later, after the midnight hour, for my 3-3 in the 30/30.

and special adoring hugs and gratitude to BJ.... justbecause she is she and made me feel real and that doesn' t happen to me often( the feeling of being real)I dont know how to explain it, maybe someday I can, or maybe the message will come from my space buddies.



I'm far from always right, just ask my kids. They're both highly mouthy and can give you dozens of examples where mom screwed up. My ex will tell you I've never been right yet lol. But I knew I was right about Bijou. When I first read her poems, I did what I always do with good poets: slobber over them in my reviews and try to seduce/flatter/bamboozle them into coming to the forum. I did with you, remember? I did with UYS. It's what I do best. :) Cause good poets are the lifeblood of this place.

After a few weeks I knew that she was not only a good poet and smart person; I also knew she had a good heart. She put me off a little at first cause she's such a bold one, but everyone comes here and has their own way of establishing themself here. If everyone here brought one good new poet in a year, we'd never run out of good ideas, feedback, challenges, whatever. I forget what my fucking point was, but you know what I mean, too. We've always understood each other. And I did want to answer you.

oh, hush and let me worship you, too. ;)


Well. Ok. :D

I'm not sure why we didn't have any official write poems for Rybbka thread. I though WSO did one, but I may be misremembering. I love Rybbka, always had a nice friendship with him and was so sad to hear he'd passed. He was a real friend to this forum and very fair-minded.

I still miss sp, too. He was my good friend to the point where we'd talk on the phone for hours almost every week. Sometimes I think I'd give my right arm to be able to have those chats with him again. I've been thinking about him lately, just missing him. He was very wary of my relationship with ee. He worried that I was going to get to Maine and be hurt and he was very protective of me. Of course everything worked out beautifully and I was just getting sp to come around to see my sudden move as good for me. And then he was gone. Just like that. I still go read his poems all the time. I almost feel like I have that sweet, goofy Doug back in my life again when I do. :)
I stay because it feels like family in here there are the close ones, the ones we only see occassionally but are glad to welcome back and even the ones we would quite happily never see again.
I often feel it's like life and it's not what we see on the screen it's what happens behind it that is so important ... the private boosts when we are feeling low even those that we once thought were friends but decide to move beyond our friendship to newer and better ones and leave us behind. But hey that's life what we have to offer may not be exactly what others need and there will still be others around or just waiting round the corner that think I am worth holding onto even if I haven't got as much clout as these newer friends. I am me and you are you and I am happy with the ones that accept my friendship for what it is and not what I can do for them
I just feel privileged to be part of this community.And, I feel the need to say, I don't know who brought certain people here, such as Annie, Sassy, Anschul, Hommie, and , many gifted people have come here lately.Whether brought here, guided here or just stumbled in drunk, lol.

I'd like to think something greater at work led me here. Of course, I had no way of knowing what I'd find when I got here. Initially, my lusty little love affair with words is what got me through the door. I stumbled in, not so much drunk as, ahem, a little heated. ;) I have to agree with Annie when I say that the sense of family is what made me stay. In whatever warped sense of family, we might be. Everyday ain't wine and roses, but there's solid foundation here. Wasn't looking for it, but glad I got it. Kinda like going shopping for costume jewelry, and getting slipped real gems.
Lucky us, huh? :rose:
4 inches is my absolute limit! and that's on a good day. i'm usually in the 3-3.5 range. but i do luvs me heels :heart:
Ok, so this one doesn't really do it for me, but if Ms. Andrea True doesn't sum this thread up in a nut shell, nothing does.


*cracking up, applauding*

o hell yeah. Doesn't do a thing for me either, but I do love me some cheesy mid-70's disco. Takes me back to being a gawky 12, dressed in my new hot pink rayon disco dress that I sewed myself (yes, I was Carrie, like from the movie - many of my friends will confirm this) leaning against the wall at Teen Disco Night every Monday, hoping with every fiber of my being that Ralph Kruse would ask me to dance.

He turned out to be gay. It was pretty obvious even then, but well, I was twelve.

Go figure.

As to YOU, lovely normal jean,

oh what the hell can someone say to that except a very simple and humble thank you.

I know I came bashing into this place and threw myself immediately into everything way too much, and I offer as apology only that

I've been looking for you people all my life. This village is ideal for me.


I tend to instantly fall in love with, well, everybody. It's one of my superpowers, I guess. I'm still learning how to use it for the good of Metropolis, but meanwhile, there it is.

It's a funny thing about overwhelming enthusiasm, which is a personality flaw I've struggled with all my life. Overwhelming enthusiasm is a bit like having a giant pair of wings. At a distance, it looks great. Kinda handy for some stuff too. But up close, say, in a polite drawing room, or a tightly-knit culture, they don't fit as well. Things get overturned. People get knocked down accidentally. A bull in a china shop doesn't mean to break things; he's just acting like himself.

I know I belong outdoors, or in specially constructed environments, bijou-friendly habitats where I can avoid knocking stuff over. But this little Algonquin was too fascinating for me to resist. I couldn't just stare into the window, so I tried to fold up my overwhelming enthusiasm and put it under a big cape, but somehow it always gets loose and starts tipping wineglasses and tripping people. I'm glad you all tolerated me for long enough to let me learn where all the fragile stuff was.

well, most of it anyway.

(yes, I was Carrie, like from the movie - many of my friends will confirm this)

ROFFL! (with you, not at you) :kiss:
I have seen that movie, like, fifty-eleven times. It's a ridiculous fave of mine.

I'm scared to ask, but was your mother that bad with the bible? I come from bible-thumping stock too, luckily not as bad as Carrie's momma.

A bull in a china shop doesn't mean to break things; he's just acting like himself.


I know I'm a Johny-come-lately around here, but I'm glad you stayed. I'm not at all fussy about a couple broken dishes. :)