The Retaking of Aine OOC

It took some doing, but life has returned to this story. Now let's see just how long we can keep it going.
We went from winter to summer in two days, so we are pretty much F! around these parts.
I'd say that's great. I went from a 46 with a wind chill bringing it down to 43 on Friday morning to a 76 with no wind chill by that evening.
Ah...of course, Wolfsister. There is rarely any doubt about your presence. It is understood that you lead a busy life and therefore can't always be online. seems that things have stalled a little. I do hope it doesn't last.
This is how this project works: its takes a step, then rests. Then another step. Then another rest.

That other thread we were on, Jedi, it simply died off. Now that was rude.
Oh, The Search for Mecca? Yeah, that really ticks me off when the person who started the story disappears without a word. It's almost exactly like what QM did, isn't it?
In a deep, deep hole, Jedi. Not having the mood lately to show up. Even let down a story I was collaborating...
Work, family issues (the relatives have been dropping like flies, lately), my girl has been sick, the works. Now I´m trying to get back on the horse. And if I can´t, I´ll simply shoot the beast to get it still.:D
Wow. Life sure is handing you a lot of lemons, isn't it? I hope you know what to do with lemons.
Sure, I add a dash of flour and sugar, a couple of eggs, mix it all together and take it to the oven: lemon pie! This won´t kill me, Jedi. Old age will. And I intend to die a very, very old man.