The Retaking of Aine OOC

Well, Jedi, I hate to be sticking my finger into the wound, but things are quite... slow around here. Again.
Pardon my tendency to be euphemistic, Jedi. Besides that, I'm a little wired.
Understood... sorta.

So, how are things across the pond?

Oh, and by the way, I'm going to off and on for at least another hour or two. Watching a DVD and taking breaks every-so-often to catch up on Lit, so feel free to hang around, I'll eventually reply.
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Pond... never heard anyone call the Atlantic Ocean that.

Cold, rainy... The usual.
Cold and rainy, eh? Try blow freezing with nearly two feet of snow on the ground. That's what it's like here.
Already had my share of that, Jedi. Over here, the last few winters have been reported as the worst winters in 30/50 years. Of course, this tends to actually bore every soul...

Last year, the winter was reported to be the coldest and rainiest winter in 30 years. The year before, the rainiest of 50. This year, we hear on the news every single day that this winter we have had more rain, cold and snow than any other winter in 75 years! Yet, we still get the usual "nonetheless, our water reserves are in the red zone".

Red zone?! WTF?
Apparently, you guys over there are using more water than is being put into your reserves.
I would not say that, Jedi. Our territory is very rich in terms of water reserves; on some parts of the country, we simply can´t build because with two simple full shovels of dirt taken from the ground you get water. And you can drink it.

Our country has what I call a "cry-baby syndrome"; if it rains, it rains. If its sunny, its sunny. If its windy, its windy. If its foggy, its foggy.

Back in the eighties, when Portugal entered the EEC, now EU, many farmers received money to stop planting their lands. This created a nasty habit, because after that it appeared a law that "rescued" farmers that lost their crops due to unpredictable causes.

Today, at the beginning of the wine season, if it rains you can hear every single wine producer complain about the rain, that will destroy the crop. But, if it does not rain, you will hear the very same people complain that it did not rain - and if you do not know, wine gets better if the vines get a little share of thirst, but a little water won´t make the stuff undrinkable, just a little less interesting to drink.

You can use the above example to pretty much any crop produced in Portugal: wheat, vegetables, orange, cherry, almonds...

Let me just share another joke with you: cherry trees actually like cold and the more, the better. The best cherry you can have in Portugal comes from a land where you can have a blistering 0Cº during a sunny day and a cracking temperature of -5Cº during the night. Chilly, eh? Well, this is supposed to be the coldest winter in 75 years and the farmers are already claiming that the crop will be terrible. on the other side, I happen to know a person that has a few cherry trees for personal consumption and that person is expecting the best crop in several years!
Actually, nothing. I´m bored out of skull.
I wonder what is going on with wolfsister; she simply fell off the air. But things are nasty for Australia.
Yes, that huge ass wildfire that has been declared a crime scene. Yeah, I can see how that'll mess things up.

As for Wolfsister, she's around. She's just busy with RL stuff.

And I understand the boredom. In fact, to help alleviate it, I've joined a new thread: Search for Mecca. We could use one or two more players.
Sounds interesting. Now I only have to build my typically character.
Now, Jedi, don´t go jumping to conclusions.
I was thinking of the loner, anti-social dude, that will rampage on the first opportunity. But you already took the sniper...
Heavy weapons specialist, that's what he can be. He can have the machine gun.
Was thinking more of a commando type. Jack of all trades: decent mechanic, able to patch himself up (medikits do help a lot on doing that, of course), used to survive in the most desperate conditions, eat things that would make a billy-goat puke and pretty much use any kind of weapon he gets his hands on.

He won´t be able to use a sniper rifle to break a cigar in half without ripping part of the smoker´s face in the process, but he will be able to sink a bullet in an enemy´s head from a safe distance. And heavy guns do a lot of damage. As well as explosives.
Well, Serowyn doesn't want any Rambo's running around, and it sounds like you have a Rambo in mind.