The Rich Wives and the Bold Young Man (reserved)

There was a reason of course why I wasn't in bed when you got home at what must have been 3 or 4am. I had been up waiting for you, to find out exactly why you had sent me a video of your being fucked in a club.

When I got the message and reviewed the video I was confused, and then enraged. I found myself watching the clip over and over again. As I watched it, I was horrified to acknowledge that my cock was hardening over it all. I couldn't work out if I was more angry or horny, both emotions were running through my system as simultaneously as those young black men fucked my wife from both ends.

After some time, I lost control to the extent that I ended up jerking off over the clip. The thought crossed my mind that this rough fucking she had received was probably non-consentual. But I came along with the realisation that the look on her face wasn't of fear, or remorse, it was of ecstatic yearning.

Of course Isabelle knew none of that. I hadn't even replied to the message, though if you had any sense about you would have realised that the read notification had been received on your phone. As you entered the room, messing with my phone, I stirred. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed you messing with my phone, I figured that maybe the cheating slut was deleting the evidence. Which of course makes no sense, not after she had sent it to me.
I froze momentarily, not sure what to do exactly. But after you placed my phone down and started to move out of the room, I had fully woken.

"Where the hell have you been until this time of night, Isabelle?"
" Where the hell have you been until this time of night, Isabelle ? "

I realized that I had been caught by my husband and that he had seen the video sent by Samuel. I had watched it on my way home and while it didn't show my face entirely you could tell that it was me or someone I closely resembled.

" I'm so sorry baby, we were just having so much fun that I forgot what time it was. " I offered, feeling frantic and not able to explain my behavior. Perhaps I could convince him that it was not me and just some silly mistake...

But I could tell by his stern expression that he knew the truth.

" Oh darling, please forgive me...I have been such a naughty wife. I just couldn't help it ! " I confessed. How had I allowed this to happen ? Until today I was a perfect loyal, faithful wife...
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"I can't believe that you would do something like that without me Isabelle.

Scuttling around behind my back, and with black men too.

I feel like I don't know you. How long has this been going on?"
" long has this been going on ? "

" It just happened today baby... our new nieghbor Samuel came over and all I did was offer him a cool drink of water since he was jogging down the street. The next thing I knew, after I invited him inside, he was so aggressive...I tried to make him stop but he was so insistant and bold. He didn't care that I was married ! " I tried to explain hoping that he would understand, " And you weren't here because you were to busy playing golf at the club with your friends instead of being home with me ! "

Carl stared down at me in disbelief, with maybe a hint of disgust. I really couldn't blame him. I had behaved like a total slut...on the other hand something Samuel had said that kept ringing in my ears was that it wasn't really cheating if I was making my husband a cuckold...and he did say that white bois made the best cucky's. And that interest in interracial cuckold porn was a perfect example of that !

But what I didn't say was today I had gone beyond the point of no return and that our marriage would never be the far as I was concerned my husband Carl had only two choices, either accept that he was a good cuckold or just ask for a divorce.
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Any hint of the notion that I was turned on by this situation was hidden behind the veneer of my contempt for the situation. The reality was that my thoughts were not linear, but the a complex hierarchy of contemplations factored into my thoughts.

I reflected on my statement "I can't believe you would do something like that without me, " that was a slip; a partial acknowledgement that I'd be open to such perversion if only I had skin in the game. That was a statement that I regretted and tried to brush over.

My kinks under the surface, driven mostly by pure sexual interest and taboo fantasies, were easily hidden in this moment underneath the body of values that society has instilled in us all. Monogamy. Faithfulness. Loyalty. The fact that my wife was exploring interracial sex with this guy whose family was imposing itself on this community added to the feeling of betrayal. Each factor required no explanation, whereas Isabelle's actions were not justifiable. Her assertion that I had been playing golf and therefore she would fuck around seemed particularly unfair.

At least there was the thin appeasement that this all started today, and . Her argument that she had no control over the situation made little sense. Furthermore, the tone of her voice when she talked about how aggressive her black lover had been seemed to have a yearning, approving tone to it.

"You are talking as though you had no choice? Is that the case? Because I'm going to have trouble believing that based on your insistence on this charity function event, you weren't there at all."

"That clip you sent... how many were there? It looked like it was in some sort of swingers club, or something. It looked like you were in some interracial gangbang."

"And why the hell would you send it to me?"

I wanted Isabelle to fall to my feet and beg forgiveness, telling me that she had no choice but to submit to this guy and that we should call the police. The horny little devil on my shoulder wanted her to turn into some of the characters I had seen deliver monologue clips online, telling me that she loved it and now craved the indulgence of masterful black men with their muscular physique, huge cocks, and aggressive attitudes.
" I knew you wouldn't understand...just why and how it happened. I meant that if you spent more time doing stuff with me and paying attention to my needs, instead of with your buddies or at work all day, I might not have been tempted. I get bored being by myself and then when we do get to do it, it's over in five minutes and you roll over and fall asleep and leave me frustrated and I have no choice but too go to the bathroom and finish with my toy. " I said almost in tears. I had meant to tell Carl about his hair trigger and how much I wished he could at least last long enough for me to have an orgasm. I did like his oral skills but that rarely happened lately and when it did it was only on the weekends. I really couldn't blame him, I knew he was tired and worked long hours and needed his rest but it would be nice if he spent the weekend with me making love or going to a nice upscale hotel and having room service...

" I didn't send it to you. They took my phone from me. Samuel probably did it on purpose to get back at you for trying to keep him from joining the club because he is black. He and his friends treated me like a slut and degraded me just like every other female there. It was a private club in the city for black males and white females only. Do you want me to promise that it will never happen again ? To tell the truth, I can't. Do you want to know if I liked it ? Yes I did. But I want you to know that I love you still. You are my husband and partner. The choice is up to you, you can divorce me or you can enjoy this new lifestyle with me. Sorry honey I'm exhausted and I need to go to bed. Think it over tonight and let me know what you decide and perhaps we can talk it off in the morning. "

I couldn't have been more honest if I tried, I thought to myself as I climbed the stairs to my bedroom. Once upstairs I shut the door and watched the whole video on my wonder my husband was displeased to say the least. It was like watching one of his porn flicks. To make matters worse it was probably plastered all over every adult website on the internet

Just then my phone pinged and I saw it was a message from Samuel...
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I thought I will just drop off into my bed and pass out from all the drinks and sex I had all day, but as I fall into my comfy soft bed, I thought maybe I should check up on both of them. Perhaps I got a little worried thinking about these white women. At the end of the day, they did have their drinks slightly spiked, were left to collect their creampied pussy and go back home from an unknown area of the town. And it was indeed their first time although I was confident they were mostly okay simply because of the club rules which stated that "Once the owner of the pussy leaves, and she is left scatter brained on her table - nobody is to touch them and the women were free to leave." Perhaps it gave false sense of security to those women so they would come back again but who knows.

I flicked my folding phone open and begin typing, "Oi, still laying on the desk at the club? Reached home? I had fun. Hope you had fun as well. Especially after your husband informed you about your divorce perhaps?" I sent the text. And thought of something else, so I started typing again.

"Don't fight him, give the poor cuck a nice little blowjob. That will help him understand why losing you isn't an option. Those set of lips on you ain't anything a loser like him will ever get again. I don't think he would last longer than 3 seconds for him to ask for sex. 🤣🤣🤣

Well, see you tomorrow, same time in the afternoon."

That was all the energy I had, before I flipped my phone shut and it was lights out for me.
I read the response from Samuel and realized that perhaps I had been a little too harsh with my husband. I loved him and I knew that he still loved me and I really didn't want to go through a messy divorce. And I totally understood what a shock it must have been for him to see his loyal loving wife behave in such a manner. If given time I could have broken Carl in more gently sort of speak, but it was too late for that now. should I handle it going forward ? I had to admit that I was looking forward to my black studs visit tomorrow, already wondering what I would wear for him...

Already having showered, I decided to slip in Carl's favorite nightie, the one he bought me on our last anniversary, despite still feeling a little groggy from the drinks I had earlier at the club. Putting on more lipstick and makeup first I slipped into a pair of heeled slippers to accent my legs and went downstairs. Carl was still sitting there,with his head in his hands. I felt some pity for what I had done to him and hoped he could forgive me.

" Baby, I'm so so sorry for what happened today. If you can't find it in your heart to forgive me at least try to understand why it happened. Won't you please come up to our bedroom and we can discuss it if you want too. " I offered...
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I wasn't really sure what to say to that. It was just so confusing to see my wife acting so far out of character, or at least deviating so far from the person I thought she was. Just saying sorry and asking for forgiveness? I shake my head at the craziness.

But none-the-less I agree to go upstairs and talk. Part of me wanted to just pretend that this hasn't happened. But it has, and there is no point in ignoring it.
We talked in bed and I tried to explain that it wasn't really his fault that there was something 'missing' in our marriage, and that I loved him. It was true, my husband was successful and a good provider and we had a fabulous home and nice vehicals. Everything I could ever want except excitement...I reached over and stroked his cock, making him erect in less than a minute, despite the hurt expression on his face. I did most of the talking at least at first. " Oh baby please try to understand, he was very bold and very aggressive. Before I knew what happened, he stripped me of my dress and was manhandling me. He was so big, with all those muscles...and you know what they say about black men ! " I paused feeling Carl's dickie start to throb. I slowed down a little not wanting him to go over the edge too soon so I gently fondled his balls ...

" It was like something just came over me and I felt submissive. Oh God, baby, his cock was huge. I never seen one that big. He pushed me down on my knees in front of him and grabbed me by the hair and made me lick it with my tongue and put in in my mouth. The way he talked to me, calling me a white bitch and a white slut, no one ever called me that before. He just took what he wanted and I couldn't stop him. He is a total brute. "

That's when I bent over and began licking my hubbies cock before taking the whole thing in my mouth...I could feel him pulsing and knew he was close to erupting. I was determined, for his sake, to swallow every drop, while wondering how I was going to explain that my new black bull was coming over for a visit tomorrow. How would Carl re -act ? It was Sunday and he would be home from work. Perhaps I should wait until tomorrow to tell him and make my hubby breakfast in bed...
My attempts to hide the fact that elements of this situation turned me on were a complete failure. The treachery didn't just come from my wife's infidelity, but from my cock's growing excitement and pleasure. As Isabelle described being taken by this big aggressive black man half my age, my throbing cock betrayed the proud disapproval that I attempted to upkeep.

I closed my eyes and imagined her a few hours before, a fantasy slut. My fantasy slut? His fantasy slut? The distinctions were to difficult to make in the moment. I listened intently as I pictured the scene, this dominant athletic guy force-feeding his cock to me sex-hungry wife.

I gasped as she took my cock into her cheating mouth.

"Aggh, mmm, yes, I know what they say about black men. Was he really that much bigger than me?"

"Do you think he treated you differently because you are a rich, white woman?"

As I listened intently the the story, with pauses for breath and that merciless teasing of my cock, I couldn't hold back any more. With a thrusting of my hips I started to cum. I imagined Isabelle covered in other men's spunk earlier this evening as I released my load deep into her unusually eager mouth.
Deep down inside I knew my husband fantasized about seeing me with a man with a bigger cock than his. It was only natural really. And most black males fit that description and were more dominant than their white counterparts. A wedding ring did nothing to detour them, in fact it acted more like a magnet...

I could tell that Brad knew the truth too by the way he erupted in my mouth too soon. He had always had a hair trigger and cummed too soon when making love. But today wasn't about making love, it was more about being treated like a naughty submissive white slut for big black cock and being owned. Truthfully I had no idea how Brad was going to act tomorrow when Samuel came over...