The Search For Mecca OOC

G'night Jedi!

And I'm just bad at responding to compliments. :eek: Thank you though!
yeah :p so either make a character or go back to star wars :pPPPPP. :D
Hey! This is -our- OOC thread! ;)

deepest apologys Blue, but ive been online all night and felt left out seeing as dear sero decided to talk to you and ignore me, so i thought i would pop in while things were reletivly quiet and boot her back to our IC :)
This one here! Well, not the OOC. That'd be silly to make a character for this. But the IC thread! For Mecca.

Toon making now!
room for another person? Jedi pointed me this way. Here is the wrap sheet for the PC.

Bio Stats
Name: Peter Forest
Gender: male

Age: 27
Height: 1,80m (5´9”)
Weight: 90Kg (~200 pounds)

Race: Caucasian
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Skin tone: light tan

Distinctive markings: tattoo of a stylized lizard on the left shoulder blade; odd looking scars on the left wrist.

Aspect: Peter is a well built man, not very muscular, but physically strong. Hair is kept short in a classic cut, leaving his face open for everyone to look at. His eyes tend to look empty of feelings.

Personality: normally very kept to himself, when off-duty Peter is easily seen reading philosophy in a quiet corner. Comrades don´t normally have much to say about him besides he gets his job done; likes to be left alone but works well with others, if necessary.

Military Stats

Rank: Soldier
Branch: Assault Infantry
Specialty: Heavy weapons and explosives

Military background
Usually, the Assault Infantry trains his men to fight dirty, to be able to inflict as much damage to the enemy as possible either when arriving or when retreating. Peter was thrown into its ranks out of the blue, with a remark for the drill officers to take special attention to him, as he was considered highly insubordinate and potentially dangerous for the chain of command. Nonetheless, Peter was able to finish the instruction alive and sane. What he has done to deserve such classification remains unknown and Peter doesn´t talk about it too.


-- Customized EM assault rifle with extended clip for 100 rounds, shorter barrel and retractable stock; half clip loaded, another two for spare in the backpack.
(The gun standard-issued ammunition are high-velocity caseless porcelain rounds, coated in Teflon, that shatter inside the body of the foe, shredding internal organs, but is able to use any kind of ammunition of the same caliber)
-- 8 inch combat knife; mounting rail for the rifle
-- sapper pack: 800 grams of high velocity explosive, 3 detonators, 20 meters (~65 feet) of wire and a battery
-- emergency medikit (the stuff real doctors frown at, but that is able to mend a man together in a tight spot): 1 cannister of elastic protein, 5 shots of adrenaline, 3 shots of long-lasting pain-killers and a surgical stapler with 50 staples
-- 5 combat rations
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Good grief, I disappear for a little while and look what happens. Jeez. :rolleyes:

Qyron: so, your character's rank is Private, the lowest rank in the military?
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Yes, he is. Hitting higher ranking officers tends to cut back your military career.
Ah, so your character could be an even bigger pain in the ass for the brass than mine is.
Luckily we don't have brass to deal with as the unit hoofs it to the base, heh.
You've got Jack. While he isn't a CO, he still is the highest ranking person present.
Brass is never in the field. They have the offices and nice cushy paychecks. Jack's still a soldier! :D
True, but you can have high ranking officers like colonels and generals out in the field, like General Patton was.
Salesman, eh? Interesting. :D

Anyways, I was wondering...Zoe had more on her body than her armor, right?
Oh, goodness yes, haha. The top layer of her armor is a sort of chameleon-esque stealth suit. See the Chinsese Stealth Suit from Fallout 3, minus the helmet. Under that she has a leotard/body suit thing. So she's in a leotard/ bodysuit thing now.
Okay, so Jack doesn't have that wonderful a view. ;)

Chinese Stealth Suit? Fallout 3?