The Seven Keys.

Goven saw the group coming, could almost feel them, at least some of them. Goodness and chivalry was like bads cologne at times, able for people from across the room to get a good whiff. It wasn't a smell though, not really, more like a dream swirling around in the back of his mind, slipping away like grains of sand. The thought wasn't soldi, but it was there, at least the outer edges of it, playing around like shadows in the night.
Sixtus had been right, the gods of light had sent their own little duelists. Closing his eyes to mere slits, he wondered just how this would play out.
"It's not the girl that's the problem," He spoke to the ones who appeared next to him, "It's a few of her friends."
"Sixtus!" He called, who was still inside the building, having a bit of fun of his own, as the rise of screams and torture spilled passed the slaver's walls, "We have company."
Normally he wouldn't have fought, wouldn't have even dreamed of fighting, especially not all of them. Inside the group, he could see three or four that would be a problem, but all of them together would be an even more dauntling task. They were losing this fight, and they hadn't even raised a sword yet.
"Immerua," He called, his wand pointing at the girl, for a moment she stopped, faultered, her feet in an almost comedic fashion scissored together and she fell in a lump down on the ground.
He addressed the group behind him, "Follow me, I'd think we'd have better luck in numbers for now. And don't fight just yet. Let me give the word. Perhaps... we could talk to them."
They did not know who this girl was, that was true, but Goven didn't doubt any of them could just look deep down and realize who she was. It took him a hearth of magic, all it would take for them is a look into those soulful eyes.
Goven ran over to the girl,
Tork was nowhere in sight. That did please Goven. An ace up his sleeve, something they needed badly. One could wonder on an average city street, just how easy it was to hide a 12 foot ogre, but Goven never questioned Tork's fighting, style, ability, or approach. The thing knew what to do, especially during times like this. Now, just knowing he was nearby made this fight seem uneven.
"Stop, stop right now!," He commanded, "That is my property, bought and paid for. Don't lay a hand on her."

He stopped just next to the girl, lying on the ground. He panted the butt of his staff in the ground, and muttered a word in a long-forgotten and ancient language. He wondered if anyone besides the Wise One had even known it?

It was only to break the spell put on the girl. He clenched the staff in his hand, leaning on it, holding his sword in an almost lazy way. Of course, he was ready for just about anything. The combination of, ohh, nearly a hundred years of hard training had taught him much, and he simply waited for the attack that was sure to come.

"Touch her? Why, I wouldn't dream of it. Stealing your property. Here? On this island? How absurd." He stared at the man a moment, letting the sarcasm set in before discarding it entirely. "Now, why don't you toss over whatever valuables you have. Gold, gems, that kind of thing. We'll let the girl carry it for us. After all, if we're gonna go around stealing, might as well get everything, right?"
He didn't know who to trust as he came around the corner and watched the scene unfold. He saw many of the same people that were at the bar earlier and a few who were not. Still how did he know that he could trust those he had only just seen for a few moments in a random bar. Who was to say that they were on his side? The girl is the one that stood out the most, dressed in dirty clothing and with a scared innocent look on her face she stuck out like a sore thumb. Surely she was the one who had screamed for help, but help from who? He walked into veiw, although he was sure they heard him from at least two streets away, if war was anything it was far from subtle. He walked passed the group and headed for the girl. Ignoreing the mage kneeling before her he looked down at her. His face calm and kind, "Of who do you need help from M'Lady?" His swords were unthreatening at his sides, points down a sign to the girl of nothing to fear. However, should it turn out to be the mage next to her that she needed help from, his sword was in perfect position to beat nearly any spell.

Truthfully he did not think that the mage was the one causeing her fear, still he could not trust him yet.

I looked up at Yris, heard his words and felt my ferrel smile widen. "Ye shur be havin' a fancy way with words, Mast'r. An' a keen eye there too."
I flicked a dagger into my left hand and flicked my whip at my side, the simple snap making a few people jump. I knew that from my expression and demenor I looked like stupid hired muscle, loosed at my employers command only, too dull to figure out anything for myself.
"Money, valuables and gems?" I thought to myself. We're on a mission to save the world and not only is he trying to rob this guy, but he's giving him a chance to reach into his robes where his hands will be concealed? Either Yris wasn't nearly as wise as I had originally thought or he had some plan cooked up he hadn't bothered to share with the rest of us. Not that he'd had time, I reflected. Oh well, might as well back them up.

As quickly as I thought of them, my throwing daggers appeared in my left hand, thankfully, facing the right way. My staff was held firmly in my right, ready to swing out at anyone who came into range. I quickly turned around. It wouldn't do to get ambushed from behind. Besides, my companions seemed to have things under control. Tactically, this was not very bright on my part, but I had to start trusting these people sometime.
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Elle merely watched the entire scene play out refusing to take part. She would protect Yris if it became neccessary but it looked like he could take care of himself so she merely stood to one side and watched.

OOC: my computer is down I"m on a friends... so my posts may be infrequent.. I'll get it fixed in the next few days ... sorry!
THe little girl cried out as the spell took effect and she fell on the floor. The group of people around her were bartering for her and some valubles. She was so confused.

A man in full plate stepped towards her, and she looked at him with scared eyes. Of who do you need help from M'Lady? he said.

Hesitating her eyes darted to the fellow in the back, and the daggers that suddenly apeared in his hands. Almost crying out in dispair...

Unsure of what to do the girl layed frozen in her position, unable to move, not from the spell but sheer fright. Hoping at the end of all this that she would come out alive, and not in that wizards hands...

Seeing the array of misfits that had been assembled to champion the cause of 'good', Sixtus could not help but laugh quietly, "THIS is the best you pathetic light gods could muster?"

It had been a few weeks since he had been in anything resembling a serious fight, and he was bored already. However, the call of his masters was not to be taken lightly, and time was not his to waste on teaching this rabble manners. Assuming a posture of command and authority, he stepped outside.

"Ho, the Watch!" he cried out loudly, attracting the attention of some of the town's constables who had been watching the scene unfold. "I am Bishop McCafferty, of Leighton on the Strauss, and these are my men. These fellows have the brazen audacity to attempt to rob us right here in the street!"

As he spoke, he silently called on his powers to further enhance the belief and trust he always inspired in his listeners. "I understand that some people object to slavery, in principle, but the fact of the matter is that it IS legal in this realm, and IS sanctioned by the church! I abjure you in the name of all that is just and righteous to do your duty and arrest these scoundrels!"
Micaelae chuckled as he listened to teh old priest.
So...n ot all fo his new partners were fools.He grinned despite himself.This one at least is shrewed,i adm ire that He chuckled and quietly added an illusion to the priest,making hims eem mroe authorative,his voice steadya nd strong with no hints of a flaw,and seem to glow with an inner light.

Yrismir didn't bother to glance at the Watch. They stopped, and looked at the Priest, raising an eyebrow. One of them looked over Yrismir, and tyook an authoritative stance. "Hey, now, you got a permit for that?"

Yrismir laughed, and pointed at Cali. "The Rouge Queen's own!"

The Watch Captain shrugged, and led his men off. Yrismir rolled his eyes, and sighed, looking at the Priest. "You know, that might have worked had you been smart enought to realize that this Island is controlled by Criminals. Maybe if you had dropped a powerful name or clan instead of mumbling about the Church, they might have cared. The Watch's job is to make sure there aren't any upstarts beginning crime on their own, and to keep down the drunken brawling, they don't give a shit if you get robbed or killed tonight."

He lazilly let his arm moved slightly, gripping his fingers on his staff. "All they care about is getting paid and not getting killed. Nice try though. Have to compliment you on the effort. Next time, though, may I suggest trying it someplace where people care about the fucking laws? Now, I believe you were at the point where you hand over your valuables or start fighting. Because, as much as the good Orc Gods don't care about robbery, they frown on killing people who aren't trying to kill you. Something about murder or some such nonsense..."
"You sure about that?" Jandar asked the man beside him. "Most of the Orc's I have run into don't care to much about murder, of course I suppose you could be right, most of those sames orcs were just trying to rob me then I had to kill them for trying to beat me up so I suppose you may be right...Anyway I don't care much for robbery but I do care for innocent life, say let's join forces, kill the moron, you can have the money and I can save the girl, agreed?"
Goven took a curious look at the band. Despite the rather green looking one, who was something of a mage, the rest didn't look at all interested in what he had in his pockets. The spell the mage had uttered almost under his breath seemed out of kindness. Was it?
Was Sixtus right? They were just playing up an act of trying to steal? How low was that? He would imagine that kind of deciet from his side, but the gods called upon liars and cheats to help aid in this quest?
Well, at least they had some things in common.
Goven smiled, pulling out a small bad, not much bigger than a pouch of gold one might carry.
"All my valuables, huh?" He opened the bag, as tiny purple gems poured out, all of them the size of marbles, but none of them either smooth or roung. They were jagged, rocklike things.
He spoke under his breath, a language far since lost in the modern world.
"You truly want to fight over this girl and a few sacks of gold?"
He could feel his own group behind him, excited and anxious, waiting to test their own powers. Were they all willing to sacrifice themselves over the very first leg of the race?
Tork, are you ready? he sent out the mental message.
There was an answer, something of a grunt inside his head. Goven thought that had meant a yes, although when it comes to ogre's yes and no were nothing more than grunts.
The blades coming out, throwing daggers and swords, and even an axe or two, all of them glinting with surprised relish.
"You can still walk away, give me my property..." he knew they wouldnt, but it was at the very least gentlemanly to ask. The purple stones began to throb ever so gently in his hand. They were waiting too, everyone was waiting, hushed on the next breath, the next move...

Yrismir grinned. Battle. Blood. His grin darkened with the natural bloodlust that ran through his orcish blood. They wanted to fight, he gave up silently to his God. He was simply gonna have to deal with them.

His sword arm jumped, lightning fast, slicing through the air towards the hand that held the gems even as his hand tilted his staff, shoving it foward towards the mage's face, uttering a short word in the ancient, unkown language the Wise One had taught him, designed to loose a ball of flame into the mans face.
One could've cut the tension with a knife. Here we were, in a stand off over the girl I.....we, were sent to find. Yrismir did most of the talking. Or threatening really. Whatever you prefer. I watched as Cali took a fighting stance. The watch showed up, but no one other than the man who announced himself as bishop paid them any heed. Yris then attacked. I was caught off guard by how quickly he not only swung his sword by also through off a fireball. I grabbed Nova by the arm.

"Nova, we need a distraction," I whispered to him. I trusted Nova would have something big up his sleeve. I drew my sword and made took a direct course for the girl. I muttered an incantation and a soft blue glow surrounded me. I was now emitting am aura of pure good, one strong enough to at least mess with our opponents' aim for a few moments.

At the mention of my guild, I'd brushed my hair back from my ear, revealing the earring marking me for who I was.
The guards, ever understanding, nodded and withdrew to a safe distance, one of them throwing up a barrier spell to keep any spells that were cast from harming the city at large. They'd let us settle things for ourselves, long as we didn't destroy any property.
I pulled my sword and tossed it to my left hand. Joys of being ambidextrous (even if I can't spell it).
I moved over to the girl, tossing her my bandana.
"Wipe those tears, little one," I said over my shoulder, taking a guarding possition between her and her former "owner."
"Hey, Yris, perhaps we could reemburce them for the cost of the girl? Avoid blood shed and such?"
I didn't think that'd work, but hey, stealing someone's property counts as a bad deed, so I'd have to do a good one to balance it out for the night. Not always an easy thing to do- finding a good deed to do after midnight. Neutriality- a bane and blessing.
The little girl looked up. All of a sudden her prayers had been answered. She was being helped, by who exactly she didnt know, just knew that she was not going to go to the man that found her mark. She wiped her face from the bandana, and slipped out of the way slidding herself from the center of the street.

She didnt know how far she would get without these people's help, so she just decided to hide in the alley. And watched to see what they would do.

And prayed that she would be safe from harm.
Years of practice and living on a battlefield had trained his heart and mind to be successful in every encounter. He said a prayer to his God and casted his own spell, targeted at himself and the mage who was helping them and who had started the battle. It was your basic sheild spell but one with the added bonus of highly motivating the target, both mentally and physically, niether one of them would tire in this battle. Quickly he rushed in watching all possible aveneus of attack. Rather than push head on he dogded to the side of the Mages and thrusted at the evil mages side. "TO DIE IN BATTLE IS A GLORIOUS AND HONORABLE DEATH! TO WAR!!!"

"Well... there went that idea," I said with a shake of my head.
I matched the girl's steps to the alley she'd choosen to hide in, standing in front of it.
All these high power magical bad guys... why me?
Whip lying at my side like a normal one, I waited and watched.
OOC: I missed a PM from Rozes so I had to kinda work it into this post. I think I did ok, but sorry if this one doesn't flow very smoothly.


As the girl cried out, I realized she was yelling to me. I stole a quick glance and looked into her eyes. The rings in my pocket suddenly began to grow warm, very warm, almost uncomforatably so. This was her! I couldn't take my eyes from her. She was lovely...and helpless. I wanted to run to her, to save her.

I heard the young knight, or whatever he was, whisper into my ear for a distraction. I snapped out of my trance and grinned. I had many illusions, but these were experienced fighters we were facing. Conjuring up a couple of large rats probably wouldn't have them screaching in fear. I did have some in mind though, two of my more powerful. I would have to trust that my companions could get the girl.

Without turning to face the stand-off, a perk of illusions being you didn't have to be able to see your target, I began casting my first spell, still ever vigilant of the surrounding crowd. I finished my first spell and waited to hear the sounds that would mark it's success. I smiled as I heard the deafening cry of a flock of huge predatory birds. I didn't need to look up to see what was making the sound.

Circling high above where three huge Roks, mythical birds that could easily carry away a man in each daggered claw. The beasts were huge and vicious looking and their cry of anger was music to my ears. They suddenly began to dive at blinding speed, shrieking as they did, heading straight towards our enemies. The gathered crowd saw the terror and began to scatter in all directions. I quickly kissed the emerald encrusted ring on my finger and suddenly the chaotic crowd had tripled in numbers.

The downside to illusions was that, barring a heart attack, they didn't actually hurt anyone. The positive side was that they made the bad guys give pause, usually leaving themselves open to attack. Hopefully my companions would use the combined illusions and real life panicked crowd to grab the girl. I could'nt care less about the enemy, just saving this girl. I felt sure that our young squire, kinght, whatever, would realize the illusions for what they were and quickly take action. After all, he WAS the one to suggest them.

Since decifering between so many illusions and real people would make my head explode, or feel like it anyway, I concentrated on the surrounding crowd, mentally "feeling" their intentions toward myself. I got a strong feeling of evil, no doubt coming from the advesaries I knew about, but only a faint feeling of threat. It could be from the same aggressors, but there still maybe more. I quickly mumbled a prayer for the girl to whatever gods were listening and quickly resumed my stance, waiting to sling my knives into the first viable target. I knew now that as long as this girl lived, I would be in this journey for the duration.
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He knew the attack was coming, expected it, in fact. He lied in wait, just examing the foe's eyes, watching for that point of decisiveness, and action.
As the staff came up, Goven threw the jagged gems high into the air, watching as they fanned out above the enemy.
He couldn't see anymore, his entire vision was blocked by a wave of flame. Goven tried to duck, pullig his cloak over him the best he could. It had protective enchantments, but he himself, hadn't put anything on himself before the fight.
Cursing, he wish he had.
The gems, lovable as though they were, went off with a loud pop. Each of them, in the air, had exploded almost like a kernel of corn, growing immense in size, and softer too. As they plopped down on the ground, they had turned into their completed spell, huge gobs of purple goo. They covered the ground now, and a few of the champions, if Goven was not mistaken.
He lay down on his knees now, his cloak over him, cursing at the pain that ran through him. Darkened scorched skin wavered around his face and hanrds, the only exposed areas.
It was in this relapse of pain, as he searched for an effective healing spell, or even a counter attack, when something ripped open his side.
He screamed out, trying to move, but the blade held him still, blood pouring out fresh from the wound.
He held his side, like a runner who had outdone himself, trying to get the energy up to just breathe right. What had happened? He thought the battle to be even, but now? They had swarmed him, and he laid here on the ground about to die?
Had the others left? Did they wait for everyoe to attack him before retreating to their own shadows?
Goven's staff lay in cinders far out of reach.

From behind everyone came a thundering crash. Tork held his weapon out, waving it first one way then the other. It slashed through the air with a sickening sound. He waited for anyone to retreat, try to back out, or even run from the fight. He took a step in, standing away from the gobs of goo slowing the others down. No one was close enough yet.
His red eyes glowed in the darkness, as his ever sharp axe caught their bloody reflection.

(this is going to be a very short fight... and even shorter RPG if I don't get some help)

Fuck! Well, he was screwed. He had hoped to use his swords to interfere with what was coming, but the mage had been good. A flick of the wrist had brought it all coming down. The fire spell to the face had done well to deflect his attack, but it deflected a majority of it to the person who had been standing right across from him.

Yrismir. Goo. Big fucking globs of purple goo. And he could see the oncoming ogre. He closed his eyes in desperation. He remembered the last time he had battled an ogre. True, Tenora had done most of the battling, since it was a mage. But when it had advanced,...

The scar that ran under Yrismir's breastplate started aching again. Ogres. It had been able to put enough force behind the blade to slice through his armor, right into him. Fairly deep, too. Another half-inch, and Tenora would not have been able to save him.

"Hey, looks like we got some real fighters, here! They seem to want the slave pretty bad! You know what that means, gang! Grab 'er and run! RUN!"

His sword arm was caught in the goo. He clenched his staff, stiff held out to where he had thrown in in the mage's face. He could feel the spell the strange new player had cast on him, and muttered slowly, breaking it.

Having one of your spells broken always hurted like Hell, but the man's magic was interfering with his own. "All of you! Run! Leave me and run, damnit!"

He began muttering quickly, slurring elvish and orcish together in haste to complete a protective spell. And then it happened. A loud sound blared in his ears alone, and the staff jumped, slipping from his fingers. He glared at the large, black, wooden heart at the top of the staff. It beat again. And he gritted his teeth. And then it lay silent, too far from his reach to boost his meager magic enough to stand. Even if he finished casting, even a mage as wounded as his opponent was could break it.

"Yes, you would choose this time to reach out of Hell to torment me." He glared at the oncoming ogre. "By the Gods I fucking hate Ogres."

"Got it, Yris," I said and wheeled. "Come along, little one. We're going to make an exit."
I grabbed her, and pulled her along after me, using my whip to harry the crowd out of the way.
The fire swept around us, me covering her with my own body. The flame singed but didn't really hurt me- I wore special clothing proofed against fire. Had to, considering my main weapon.
I noticed a cariving on a door stop and pulled her toward it, hoping to get her out of the line of fire.
Cali had the girl. Yrismir was calling for a retreat. Nova's Rocs were still screeching away. I slid to dead stop in my tracks and reversed the direction I was headed.

"Get her to the docks! Get her to my ship! Follow me!" I cried out.

I ran for the Whisper. I didn't know where we would go once we were on her, but I figured heading back to the island I trained with Lan would be as good a place as any. I spun around as we ran, stopped, and screamed.


A wall of howling wind shot up in front of me, pushing at our foes. I spun around and made my way towards the docks.
Elle glanced at Ysmir then at the retreating girl and her new protectors. Sighing softly she knew she had to protect the girl. So with one last look at Ysmir Elle took off after the girl heading towards the one mans ship.

"A ship? I think I'm in love," I said jokingly, pulling the girl with me.
We neared the docks as I yelled out, "Which one is she, Captain?"