The Summons...

Cullen could feel his anger start come about. "What is this? You summon us here give us an elaborate detail of what is happening, then you tell us it is up to us to deal with the situation! I don't know about anyone else here but I could use just a little guidance. Will you be joining us, or shall you plant yourself on that throne and use your magiks to watch from a safe distance?"
He noticed that the others were staring at his outburst and he gotten the feeling as if he had just made a grave mistake. Then he thought to himself 'I have nothing to lose, let the cards fall where they may...'
Sirroco stood up rubbing her arse,
Oi you Darren init? Let's get something straight here I'm more than capable of holding my own in a fight, look's are sometime's diseptive, besides we all got the call so we must have something to offer, and I didn't say I didn't want to go just that I didn't want to walk."
Looking round the group Sirroco asked "anyone see a farm or village on thier way here? cause if she "
Sirroco nods in the direction of the witch
"aint providing transport we are gonna have to nick some horses cause as I keep saying I aint walking, I 'ate bloody walking"
Sirroco sat down on her chair mumbling to herself"Noone seems to understand I've got shorter legs then them, I 'ate walking, don't mind fighting, but I bloody well 'ate walking."
Twisting her head to look at Cullen, Shota raised a single, delicate eyebrow, that one gesture implying a world of threat, before turning back to the others, shrugging away the rude comment, understanding the frustration that was its source.
Egan Reustwich

Egan slowly started up to the witch woman. Walking slowly, steadily, head held high, showing no fear. He stopped a few feet from her, and drew his sword. He held the blade perpendicular to the ground, and tossed it in the air. His hand twisting, he grabbed the hilt as it fell back own, and turned the sword around, shoving the point in the ground between them, signifying that he would add his sword to 'her' cause.

Turning his back to the woman, he walked across the lush grass to the table of food. Taking up a glass of wine, he took a deep sniff of it, and shurgged, taking a sip. "As a matter of fact, I do have a question. I have heard that there are more people with the gift beyond the barrier with the Old World. Me seem to have ample steel against steel, but what of magic against magic? You don't seem too apt to lend your hand to this, how would we be prepared for those beyond the barrier?"

He took another sip of the wine, turning to look at the witch woman. Shota. His eyes looking deep into hers. He slowly drank from the goblet, staring at her eyes. Showing he was not afraid of her, no matter what others may think. "I add my steel to any attempt to twart Panis Rahl, but steel is only one aspect of the battle."
She appraised the imposing warrior for a moment, then smiled, cutting her eyes to the side, where Darren Greenfield stood.
"Such magical assistance as you may require will be provided to you during your journey. There will be others who join you, for short periods of time, and they will serve as your 'magic against magic'. In addition, though they may not yet realise it, there are aspects of the gift within this party. Only time will reveal them, but they will be ready when the time is right. I will say no more about them, for they know not the power that is their birthright. They must come to it naturally, and not be forced to it."

OOC: Please nobody jump in with sudden claims of magic, the people who will have this have already left clues within their profiles and talked to me about the manifestations of such gifts.
Egan Reustwich

He sighed, and sat the wine down. He looked around, and ladeled a bowl of spice soup from a large steaming cauldron of the stuff. Putting the edge of the bowl to his lips, he tilted his head slightly, drinking from it for a moment. Then he et it down, and looked back to the witch woman.

"Even ones with the gift need years of training to be able to properly control it. I doubt if we have the time for any in this group to come into a level of control that would help us against even what can be found in the Midlands. The Old World is a completely different matter. And how about Lord Rahl himself? Will Panis know of this?"

He raised an eyebrow. If any in this group had the gift, and came into it, and Panis knew, Mord Sith would be sent. He grumbled under his breath, and took to drinking at the spice soup again. He was no wizard, but he knew about prophecies. He knew the Rahls had an exstensive library.

And an exstensive army...
Oh the confident one = )

Omar, always being the cocky one, rolled his eyes at the woman, still wondering why he had been summoned. He had taken a seat beside the man with an arm tied behind his back, not much caring to eye him because he didn't feel like evoking a fight.

"Yes yes ma'am. But why is it that you summoned us?"

Omar was quite impatient tonight, his hormones being delayed once again had already angered him, and the fact that this woman just played back the history that most men should know from fairy tales and stories there fathers should have told them.

"Do you expect us to wage war for you? Or for the sake of this world?" Omar smiled arrogantly, "Why not send out mercenaries from all the Midland nations?"

Omar wasn't afraid of what this woman could do. Mages had alread ruined his life thus far, why not let someone new with magical powers do the same. With this thought, he smiled and sat back, leaning against the table as he watched the woman named Shota.


:rose: Sorry ladies.. But we all have to have a cocky one right? Don't hate me because I'm handsome. :D
"Your concerns are well founded, child. Have no fear, Lord Rahl will know nothing of their gifts until they proclaim them. For the moment, they know nothing of it themselves, though one has begun to question.
"And as for years of training... There are ways to circumvent such measures. One will come along who will provide such a way. When the time is right, fate will intervene on your behalf."
She glanced at Omar, and frowned. "Your roles in this are preordained, and no one else can accomplish the task set before you. This group, alone, has the collective power to achieve the goal."
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Omar sat back and relaxed, sipping slowly on the spring water he had managed to obtain earlier in the day. He hated when everyone talked at once, but he shall sit silently until he is ready to voice he opinions further.
Omar turned his head left and right, picking up bits and pieces of conversation from all over the room. Everyone seemed to have an opinion, but no one wanted to just go charging in head first. He smiled, thinking how lucky it was to actually give a damn about one's life.

"I for one shall go.. If the rest do decide to come, then I shall be more than welcomed to have them join."

Omar smiled cockily again, the same smile he had used over the years to impress the young maidens who he had the chance to meet.
Egan Reustwich

Egan Turned, eyeing the man who had decided to sit behind him. He shook his head, and set the bowl down. "Well, seeing as Lord Rahl's forces are everywhere we could reasonably use to get to the Old World, the answer is obvious for those with thought. A small force of people with the right skills could easilly get the item while an army would met Rahl's own, starting a war that would only help to let Darken's hand-selected group gets it for him."

He turned back to the witch woman. "My main concern is not if Lord Rahl knows we have the gift, but iof he knows about us, period. Will he know of our quest?"
Cullen had spoken to the others. "I know nothing of this gift you all speak of. Last week I was boy with nary a worry in the world working on my fathers farm. Now I am a man being sent on a journey to thwart evil and save what we know as the world. I seriously hopes these gifts exsist cause I will need them now, since the time for daydreaming and tomfoolery is gone. I assure that I can use my sword, but a soldier I am not."
Responding once more to the D'Haran's question, Shota shook her head in uncertainty. "That has not been given to me to know. I can tell you that he does not know of you yet, but will he learn of you in the future? I cannot say. You must strive to evade his notice, else your fates are sealed."
"OK then summoner, what can you tell us? Should we travel at night? Should we travel lightly? Are there certain areas we should avoid cause Rahl is more likely to find out about us? Actaully most important is will you be traveling with us?

Cullen already knew the answers to the questions he was asking but wanted to hear them for himself straight from the summoners mouth.
Darren Greenfield

Her eyes made him nervous, even if he wouldn't admit it.

Magic. The Gift they called it. Whatever. He'd rather receive a less dangerous gift. Like a dragon with a taste for shepherds.

He listened to everyones comments, and shook his head again. What was he getting himself into?

"What the hell. I'm in. I always wanted to travel."

He eyed the witch, before reaching into his pack, and pulling out the pouch hidden there. She smiled knowingly. He scowled back.

"As for transportation..." he bounced the pouch in his hands, "I have enough gold to get us horses, at least."

He replaced the pouch in his pack. "A word of warning for any would be thiefs in our little party," he didn't quite look at Sirroco, "kill me before you try to run, because I can hit a flying eagle in the eye with an arrow."

He grabbed his pack and bow and quiver, and walked to the edge of the clearing to wait for the others.
"My name is Shota, child, you need not refer to me by token of a spell. And you already know the answers to those questions. You shall do whatsoever it is that you feel you should do. And I will not accompany you. I am here only to advise you, I cannot intervene directly."
Greeaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! Cullen thought to himself.

"Well I guess we should get ready."
Cullen grabbed a pouch from under the table and took some bread and some meat from the table and placed them in a pouch. He then grabbed one of the goblets of fresh water and proceeded to walk over towards Darren at the clearing.

"I guess this is all I'll need for now" he said to Darren. Cullen got no response from Darren, he was just staring out into the open as if trying to see what was in store for them.

OOC:Well that about does it for me. I'll be back on Friday cause I have night school tomorrow night. See ya:cool: :D

Egan walked bacxk up to his sword, pulling it free from the ground and sliding it back into it's sheath. He went back to the table of food, taking a bit of bread and a few peppers. He looked around as he slowly started eating again, wondering when exactly they would be leaving.
Shota glanced around at their preperations, smiling to herself. They were a motley crew, to be sure, and some of them complained no end, but they fell readily to the task at hand when the time came. Perhaps, she mused, they might succeed after all. Still, despite their preparedness, she sought to do something to aid them in their quest, and add some measure of reassurance to their minds.
Reaching within the satchel she carried, hanging from one delicate shoulder, she pulled forth a rolled sheet of parchment, gesturing to the D'Haran, Egan Reustwich, to come over. She handed him the sheet, and waited for him to unroll it. It was a map, of a section of the lands between her home and their first stop on the other side of the Barrier, and outlined the route that she thought the safest course to avoid the armies of Rahl. Still, it would be their decision whether to use the information or not.
"I will aid you as I can during your journey, and if you should choose to follow this route, there are those along the way who will provide you aid. And a path through the Barrier," she added, almost as an afterthought.
"But remember, from here on, your path is unclear. I can tell you nothing of the perils ahead, save what anyone else can tell you as well. I see only that you are the ones best suited to this task, and that your decisions will be the ones to decide your own destiny.
"I can promise you this. If any who seek you should travel near here, or through my areas of influence, they will not live to regret it. I will ensure that."
Upon the rolled parchment, scripted in varying colors, was an abbreviated map, showing the location of the D'Haran army and a path marked in red leading from Agaden Reach through the mountains and down, avoiding the D'Haran encampments and leading directly through the Barrier, to a place on the other side called Tanimura.
Sirroco fixed darren with a baleful gaze "I never nick of those I travel with"She stated.
Sirroco was also horror struck at the idea that they were actually going to pay for horses, looking again at Darren she said
"we would be better of nicking the horses, and saving your gold for emergancies later in this trip, you never know when your gonna need cash"
It was one of the rules that Sirroco held dear, she always carried gold but never spent it unless it was a dire emergancy, why spend your own money when you could either 'borrow' it or get a man to pay for it.
" well which ever lets go find some horses we can argue about the how we aquire them on the way, just let me grab some grub and water and i'm ready"
She said as she pulled her boots on.
Sirroco filled her pack to bursting with the contents of the table and looked a little miserabley at what was still on the table, " I 'ate waste" she said to no one imparticular.
Then looking round at Darren she said
"right I'm ready then handsome, let's go get some horses".

It's not a dream... I've arrived... The rush of exhilaration was strong still, but she was enveloped in an inky blackness that shouldn't be there. The minute she fell to the floor the woman knew she was in a world unto itself- weather and season, worry and uncertainty all disappeared in this carefully constructed domain of physical release. But I must wake... musn't I? The palette of this world- black, shades of gray- was comforting to her, she would have been content to stay in this release... but there was something more. A duty. And blue light flooded her vision, as the sea of comfort dissolved, sight returning in flashes of red and blue and orange and...

Her strange eyes fluttered open, and Onatah realised that she was surrounded by several people- at once she recognized that they must have been called here as well, for they did not bear the aura of majesty of the witch at the throne.

She tried to sit up, but a jolt of pain echoed through her body and Onatah quickly decided against moving. There was a man who had brought her water, which she readily accepted. There was another man scowling at her.

It did not seem strange that the witch was speaking now, and Onatah turned her attention toward the woman, for the moment unembarrased of her ackward position, letting the information sink in. When the witch stopped speaking, she felt eyes upon her.

She struggled to a sitting position almost reluctantly, wincing in sudden pain as her hair fell over her shoulder. My hair. That was it, a few were staring at it. Onatah held her head straight, trying not to appear self conscious.

My hair. Again.

It was a family tradition, her mother had said. A tradition to wear it long, never to cut it. Even when Onatah had complained as a small girl that the other girls wore their hair short, her mother had insisted she left it long, even though it made her a social outcast.

Her family seemed to prefer its status as loners, and before her tenth year it was decided that Onatah would be schooled at home, staying away from the village as much as possible. And so they had, up until the point of her parents death, at which the town had oddly seemed much relieved and began to pay her call, insisting- nearly demanding- that Onatah sell the farm and leave.


Onatah snapped from a daydream, to the sound of the others arguing. The witch appeared calm through it all, though several of her companions did not, and Onatah kept her silence, listening attentively without complaint.

Her stomach was rumbling. She hadn't eaten in over three days.
Seeing the group beginning to pack, and making preperations to leave, the witch woman turned her back on them, her feet once again leaving their earthly purchase as she strode back toward her throne. Arranging herself with care, she deliberately avoided glancing at them, not wishing to single any of them out to the others. Nearly every one of them had something about them, she mused. She could feel it, even here, beating upon her like the heat from a furnace door. Truly, the loss of her jewelry was a small price to pay, not nearly the price that these would risk as they traveled farther east. When these few began to realize their full potential...
She smiled at the thought. Already, there were those along the way who prepared for their arrival, those who would lend aid with various tasks, and those who would journey with the party for a time.
Egan Reustwich

Egan strode back to the table, looking over the map. He grunted a few times as he looked ober the route. Rolling it back up, he stuffed it partway into a small beltpouch. He stuffed a little more finger food in his mouth for as much energy as he could get, as he had little carrying space on him and didn't have a pack.

He looked around at the others, and yawned. He glanced up at the sky, and then back at the witch woman before looking across everyone again. "Well, when do you all want to move out? Sometime today, I hope."

Not hearing a word of what the woman. Instead allowing my hate to consume me. I looked at one of the men and relized who he was. His name was Egan Reustwich he worked for Panis Rahl. My father warned me of him. He was a Mord Sith trainer. I walked over to him. He was sitting down." These other may not know you but I have seen your handy work.People you trained killed my parents. You are a sick cruel man. How do I know that you are not working for Panis Rahl. Like you where the day Panis Rahl killed my parents. Stand up you boucher and anwser me." My father had also been a Mord Sith trainer. So I knew of his strenghts. Could I take I did not know. But My annger had consumed me. Because the day I was captured I think I seen him as my parents where being killed. Was he the one that killed them? I had to know if he was.
Egan Reustwich

Egan, who was standing, turned, looking at the person who was talking to him. He snorted under his breath, and reached out. He grasped the person's chin, and turned their face to one side, and then back.

"Had it been one of mine, you would not be alive, much less so unscarred. Unless you were nowhere near your parents, of course, which would lead me to ask how you know it was Mord Sith? And I doubt your parents had the gift. More likely simple soldiers than Mord Sith were sent. No, it was the work of a lesser. All Mord Sith under my care are sure to at least scar their pets. I should know. My own managed to make this arm of mine useless before I killed her. And I don't know when your parents were killed, or who they were, so I would not know if my loyalty to Lord Rahl had been lost by then, or not. And I am not a butcher. I do not kill, I train. I take young girls, innocent, pure, and sweet, and make them into torturers, and the most cruel women in the world. I have killed few people, and I doubt your parents were in that small number."

His hand slid down, fingers grasping the muscles of the neck as he lifted his accusor off the ground, his palm pressing against the airpipe as his fingers pressed deep into key muscles, pain being sent directly into the other's brain.

"But know this: I am not loyal to Lord Rahl any longer. Lord Rahl is supposed to work for the people, not against them. Do not insinuate such again, or I will snap your neck like a twig."

With a toss, he dropped the other straight on their ass as he turned and started to calmly walk away.