The Thread Formerly Known as the 6T Thread

Where does my heart lay
In serenity and peace
Or ashes and ruin
Can it be both
I imagine it can

What dark realms have I visited
Battling the demons of loneliness
The devils of grief and despair
Coloring all that I say and do
Spilling into the world
Setting it all on fire

How I had reeled in the storm
Battling between love and lust
Fueled by lightning strikes
Of Imagery and reflection
A continuous rolling thunder
With no acknowledgement
Or release of it's intimacy

Where was the outlet
To discharge all these energies
Both good and ill
Burned in the fire
Running for her life
Fearing for her soul

Now that the storm has passed
Demons and devils put in their place
There is only aftermath
And consequences
A new year forward
Testing the ropes
Inspecting the sails
Checking for spares
Hull is secure and tight
Rudder is responsive and sure
Adding stores of food and drink
Something to read
Music to listen to
Lifejackets yes lifejackets
Radio in good order
Batteries charged
Ready to sail
To catch the dawn breeze
In seach of all that was lost
In seach of something new
Come sail away
How I had always wondered
At the usage of thee and thou
Just archaic old word forms
Or were they ever something more
Yeah even such similar words
Such words being thy and thine
Curiouser even more how such words
Find their way into my prose
At a time when I most require
Earth is the strangest of places
Where the spirit may grow great
In the sharing of our love
I bid thee, be well in all that is
Find thy path and thou wilt see
Thy chains are breaking
Walk just a little longer with me
We'll break our chains together
Free of the hurts in the world
And be healed from within and without
So it has always meant to be
It has been such a privilege
To walk alongside thee
What happens the space

Between words

Between lines on a page

When my love is

A kiss



Tell me friend, what is that space



Perhaps, it is the building

Of potential

And power

To release

Or destroy

To heal

Or to harm

To enlighten

To grow.
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Thinking of you my friend
So much more than you might ever know
Thee and thou
Words between and among
Just taking a breath
Midwinter time
friendship bonds unbroken
Trust me
Trust us
To talk and heal
Uncover and reveal
A cardinal for you
A token of my love and care
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Prayers at the Light of the Full Moon

Goodnight my love
Rest your weary heart
Tomorrow is a new day
May it be filled
With joys of life
Fresh air
Good food
Clean water
Friends and family
Happy memories
Good health
Hugs and cuddles that last forever
Kisses you remember for days
Love light in your eyes
Amazement at all you see
Be uplifted
Do I touch her hand, soft feminine
Electricity charging us together
Gazing into her eyes
Those twin nebulae of mystery
My shirt wet with tears
Smeared with mascara
One step, now two, three
A slow twirl and a long dip
My firm hand supporting her back
Pulling her close as I rise
A long tear trailing down my cheek
It's fall like thunder in my ears
In and out of a single lightbeam
Drifting in an out of darkness and light
Melancholy and joy
Pulling her close
Resting against my chest
Shuddering when she pulls away
A wrenching in my soul
Lightly the song falls from my lips
Whispers of heart aches
Whispers of pure joy
One step, now two, three
How the love light in her eye shines
A mirror to the gleam of my own
Breathing in deeply
Her scent whelms my senses
Breathing all the way out
A slow twirl and a long dip
She bites her lip
Moving my soul into the stars
One step, now two, three
Marking this moment
Giving her my mark
Wearing her mark on my heart
Pulling her close as I rise
My gaze locked with hers
Her fingers weave into my hair
Whirling and twirling
In and out of the single lightbeam
Drifting in and out of darkness and light
Lost in the intensity
A crowded dance floor
And there is only her and I
One step, now two, three
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Echoes in these halls
Of joys and laughter
Sorrow and tears
Pages and pages
Of adventure and fears

Opening closed doors
Words collecting dust
Even still, I will write
The songs in my heart
See whatever takes flight

These halls are not empty
So filled with memory
Each day adding one more
Tales of love and woe
Anything that touches my core

Herein there is now a peace
A place where I can gently drift
I will write of new smiles and joy
That I give and that I find
Channeling new words to employ

Though there be days of loneliness
Herein, oh no. I am never alone
Just look at this rich tapestry of words
Volumes that fill these halls
I will continue to write and free my flock of birds

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How I watch her blossoming anew
Artistry all her own beyond compare
Visual art that resonates within
Ocean of poetry washing upon my shores
Carefully crafting and collaborating
With all the love and care
That clearly moves her soul
Expression touching us all
Preserved for however long
In these digital halls
A legacy of inspiration
So very proud of her
Yes you darling.

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Strips of fabric
Carefully chosen
Shaped and placed
Texture and stitching
An amazing palette

So many times
Dozens of times
Have I seen her magic
Scenery and subjects
Borders and batting
Custom signing
Her artistry
When Disease Stalks the Land

Our world, our land, our seas and sky
Our blue marble full of myriad texture
Ecology, both natural and unnatural
Our home, with our family and friends

Not just family and friends, but them
Those acquaintances, neighbors, strangers
All with a story, all with their own people
Each of us, no different, our blood runs red

When Disease came and brought us fear
That Death would stalk the land as well
And did it ever, and ever and ever and
Until it became a part of our fabric of living

And how did we respond in our fear
Did we cling all the tighter to one another
Neighbors delivering their care boxes
All their well wishes, hopes, thoughts, prayers

Health care workers on the front lines
Day in and day out, working throughout it all
Aghast and saddened by the daily falls
Of their people, their patients, their duty

Whole families wiped out in the fury
And death stalked us all, who is next, me, you
The trauma has grown great among us
Who do we cling to, who makes us whole

Do we reach for our friends and loves
Or push away in stubborn fearful pride
I got this, be proud from afar, watch me
And miss what our hearts truly need

Long hugs and support, crying and empathy
Lending you my chest my dear, let it all out
We suffer trauma together, binding us deeper
Sympathy and lending our courage

Or do we pull away, gradually, slowly
As the pain grows great- losing aunts, uncles
Mothers, fathers, children, friends, neighbors
Gaining momentum in our continual fear

Until we become strangers afraid to touch
Pushing harder and harder until it is too late
What bridge will span the gulf, what words
Do we accept this direction of what was us

Or do we stand, and remember our love
Our people, and decide, that today is ours
Should we claim it in our love and grace
Lean on each other, know that people break

Cling to each other- fear cannot win
Disease and Death may claim our bodies
But never our spirit or hearts
We, the people, may always love
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How Much the Little Things

How the world has changed
When little things can mean so much
What do they mean
Constancy and consistency
A high degree of regard and respect
Respect for our traditions
Traditions betwixt ourselves
Ourselves and all our people
People far away and so close
How it makes me a part of you
As much as you are a part of me
I love you
Be excellent
Good morning
Good evening
Good night
A daily ritual
You never know how much you miss
Until it is gone
Even still
There is that dawn light
Cresting the hill
Shining forth in a new day
A day to live in and for
A day where no matter what
My heart is with thee
My heart is full of thee
For which, I am grateful
A Perfect Day- Cascadia

Land of sunshine
.of persistant rain
...Great Douglas firs
.....many miles of fern
......way too much moss
.......shoreline on the Salish I love those picnics
..........walks all along Pike street
............the fence with all the locks
.............having a beer in Post Alley
..............all the kisses all those hugs
................that long kiss in the elevator
.................we should have got us a room
..................fantasy of love at that one hotel
...................the roadtrip to our final departure
....................couldn't possibly be the last time
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When Its Time

They visit the halls of the Literotica Forum
Each adding their voice, their story
Their dreams
From all over the world do they come
To read, to FEEL, something, anything
Feel alive
So many of them hurt, damaged, dying
How my heart breaks for them
Those human souls
Finding their way
Searching, needing
Finding each other here
Forging camaraderie
Relationships, even love
Soul mates
How keenly we feel their triumphs
Their heartache and struggles
Their release
And their passing
How many I have seen pass
And it never gets easier
For all of us left behind
That voice no longer active
No longer engaged
Except in memory
And for our dear departed sister
From where does the sun rise
Always in the east, my love
And where does the sun set
Always in the west, my love

And why do you ask, darling
Because the sun never fails to be
What do you mean, my love
It is always there, every day

Day after day, the world turns
Ever onward, always in motion
Collecting star dust and sunlight
Breathing life into the lifeless

Day after day we are made and remade
Stardust, sunlight, earth, water
Like some exotic plant
Day after day we return the stars
Never lost, no my love
To the symphony of the universe
To eternity
Only to return again one day
That one day the world turns
And stardust falls
Bringing us home
To live again
And the new year has started
Holidays all behind us
Wreckage in its wake
Demands of the every day are here
Decisions and living
How to live my best life
To move on from the grief
Honor it, live it, but moving forward
Life is for the living
Moving forward I must
No matter what
How to make an exceptional year
Learn to play music
Set sails for adventure
Hike across the lands
Bearing witness to beauty
Creating art channeled from my soul
Loving my people as best as I may
As best as they will allow
Hardy and rugged as ever
Moving forward with my story
The story that is me
You've come a long way mister
Seen some things
Created some things
Leaving a legacy
Wrecked some things
And still moved forward
Difficult times are lessons
And spiritual growth
Storms to sail through
To a tropical vacation
By the sea
And through it all
Shared directly
Or by memory alone
I will chart my course
And sail ever on
With a strong grip
A flash in my eyes
Adventure in my soul
I am worthy
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Managing chaos today
A brief respite in the storm
Time for a sip of coffee
A moment to breathe
Compose this missive
Volunteers upon volunteers
Yammering and confused
More donations than we can hold
Clients beating at the doors
Standing tall against the waves
My Presence and Voice rise above the fray
There is no doubt who rules
And the storm subsides
The Lord of Chaos
Takes his throne
Winning the day once again
For one and all
Down by the seaside
Her steady surf is calling
Thrills me to join with her
Even as she quenches my fire
Fingers across the wavetops
Feet deep in the sand
Ever deeper do I wade
Completely submerged
Enveloping warmth
Bringing me home to her
Down by the seaside
Extending gratitude to the healers
Those healers in my life
Who have seen my pain
Who still reached through the morass
To find the me as I aspire to be
Their matchless courage
Grateful to be healing
From the long days and nights
Of ancient fears
Putting back in place
The poet channeling the word
The sailer enamored with the wind and sea
Artistic eye that never sleeps
Caretaker of my people
Lover and friend
Reliable stalwart
Provider for those in my charge
Seer and guide
Breaker of chains
Courage to walk through hell itself
Living the adventure
With endless curiosity
Intelligence to bear
Wisdom to share
Character and integrity
Health and strength
Priorities with my people
And my graceful heart
Who gives love and accepts love
Capacity to mend all I have broken
Determination and will
I acknowledge my weaknesses
I will not be ruled by them
It is time
To move forward again
Into a sunset of legend
Let my story unfold
Gratitude is not a big enough word
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One cannot see a reflection
Unless there is light
Why is a mystery found in mirrors
Since the day we were born

Are we all just navel gazing
Excessively searching for meaning
In ourselves and our world
Finding out who we are

Be it in poetry or in art
Long discussions deep into the night
Delight in what we find
With one and another

Whether we be so very similar
Or so very different
Or somewhere in between
Choosing our streams to follow

Exercising our free will
Taking chances and finding scars
Keeping an eye on the mirror
Still certain of what we will see

What of those dark days
When shadows play on the reflection
Or our reflection seems to be missing
What ever does that mean

Bring the light closer
Certainly we will see
Shadows will evaporate
Leaving only you and me