The Thread Formerly Known as the 6T Thread

Your Hand In Mine

Stepping across the shoreline
Sands in between my toes
Steady waves come and go
There you are right by my side

Your hand in mine
Wind in the trees
Singing softly
"Time After Time"

Feather light caresses
Across your hopeful face
Your sighs of pleasure
That open your thighs

Roadtrip on a lonely highway
Nameless faces driving cars
Speeding along to nowhere
There is only you and I

Chased out of the market
Like teens without a care
Your kisses sear into my soul
Running, laughing, as the seagulls cry

Gazing out the nighted window
Raindrops streaming down the panes
Whispering your name in the dark
Drifting into dreams of holding you tight

So I was stunned into a silence
Unspeakable words of awe
When you bared your heart to me
My soul touched way late at night

Happily you flit and dash
From art to pretty flowers
Singing your "Joy To The World"
Breathe deep beside me and sigh

Writing my songs and poems
Maybe you're my muse
Maybe you're my soulmate
Maybe you're the love of my life

I'm gonna love you to the end of my life
Read marvelous tales of our love story
Spoken aloud from your lips I've tasted
How has my heart lead me so wise

Turn up the radio again and again
There's another love song
And it's all about you and me
Like the one before, and coming nigh

Just know, my love, my darling
I really see you and all your cares
How blessed I must be to share
So much as time flies right by

Pouring forth for all to see
In the deeps of night
When our love was born
A love, like you, beautiful and fine
Your Hand In Mine

Stepping across the shoreline
Sands in between my toes
Steady waves come and go
There you are right by my side

Your hand in mine
Wind in the trees
Singing softly
"Time After Time"

Feather light caresses
Across your hopeful face
Your sighs of pleasure
That open your thighs

Roadtrip on a lonely highway
Nameless faces driving cars
Speeding along to nowhere
There is only you and I

Chased out of the market
Like teens without a care
Your kisses sear into my soul
Running, laughing, as the seagulls cry

Gazing out the nighted window
Raindrops streaming down the panes
Whispering your name in the dark
Drifting into dreams of holding you tight

So I was stunned into a silence
Unspeakable words of awe
When you bared your heart to me
My soul touched way late at night

Happily you flit and dash
From art to pretty flowers
Singing your "Joy To The World"
Breathe deep beside me and sigh

Writing my songs and poems
Maybe you're my muse
Maybe you're my soulmate
Maybe you're the love of my life

I'm gonna love you to the end of my life
Read marvelous tales of our love story
Spoken aloud from your lips I've tasted
How has my heart lead me so wise

Turn up the radio again and again
There's another love song
And it's all about you and me
Like the one before, and coming nigh

Just know, my love, my darling
I really see you and all your cares
How blessed I must be to share
So much as time flies right by

Pouring forth for all to see
In the deeps of night
When our love was born
A love, like you, beautiful and fine
That almost made me cry. It was that fucking beautiful.
Deep Into the night
When all is asleep
Except over yonder
Where the hippies play

Stars shining bright
On a black velvet sky
Stealing her way here
Moonless serenity

Laughter far away
Up in the hills
Songs on the wind
Drifting off to sleep

It must be a dream
Her whisper at the door
Quickly entering my home
Finding her place in my arms

Tasting her kisses
Her hunger for me
Smiling whispers
Late late dark of night

Her skin so soft
Trembles in eagerness
Her sighs of happiness
Lovers entwined

Singing their song
Dancing their dance
Stars as our witness
How we loved

Dream or memory
Sometimes I cannot decide
But I was there
Surely it was real

Nightly visits
In a far away land
Filled with music
And celestial delights

Should that be the last
How could I ever forget
Those surreal erotic nights
With music in the wind

(Maybe this is a draft. I had to post it before I lost it)
Deep Into the night
When all is asleep
Except over yonder
Where the hippies play

Stars shining bright
On a black velvet sky
Stealing her way here
Moonless serenity

Laughter far away
Up in the hills
Songs on the wind
Drifting off to sleep

It must be a dream
Her whisper at the door
Quickly entering my home
Finding her place in my arms

Tasting her kisses
Her hunger for me
Smiling whispers
Late late dark of night

Her skin so soft
Trembles in eagerness
Her sighs of happiness
Lovers entwined

Singing their song
Dancing their dance
Stars as our witness
How we loved

Dream or memory
Sometimes I cannot decide
But I was there
Surely it was real

Nightly visits
In a far away land
Filled with music
And celestial delights

Should that be the last
How could I ever forget
Those surreal erotic nights
With music in the wind

(Maybe this is a draft. I had to post it before I lost it)
Fucking beautiful Boss
Trying to understand
Still trying to understand
How she wants to stay with me
When I've done her so wrong

Long empty nights
Brilliant moons and stars
Furious thunderstorms
Finding the bottom of a bottle

Trying to understand
Still trying to understand
Can't get out of my own head
How I'd done her so wrong

So many years gone by
Dancing that terrible dance
Every time I see your face
That day when your love died

For me.

I know why I understand
I see you and still understand
How your love died died for me
Baby baby I know I did so wrong

But baby

I still love you so

Every night my heart breaks
Every night my heart aches
When you say nothing
When you lay down and sleep

And hours later
When exhaustion takes me
Whiskey finally clouds me
Head hitting the pillow with a sigh

Touching your arm
Listening to you sleeping
Maybe I won't wake up this time
Maybe it's better if I don't

Until the sun rises again
Another day of hope
Another day of forgiveness
Another day another bottle

Another day
Another bottle

Another day

Another bottle

Another day

Another day
Trying to understand
Still trying to understand
How she wants to stay with me
When I've done her so wrong

Long empty nights
Brilliant moons and stars
Furious thunderstorms
Finding the bottom of a bottle

Trying to understand
Still trying to understand
Can't get out of my own head
How I'd done her so wrong

So many years gone by
Dancing that terrible dance
Every time I see your face
That day when your love died

For me.

I know why I understand
I see you and still understand
How your love died died for me
Baby baby I know I did so wrong

But baby

I still love you so

Every night my heart breaks
Every night my heart aches
When you say nothing
When you lay down and sleep

And hours later
When exhaustion takes me
Whiskey finally clouds me
Head hitting the pillow with a sigh

Touching your arm
Listening to you sleeping
Maybe I won't wake up this time
Maybe it's better if I don't

Until the sun rises again
Another day of hope
Another day of forgiveness
Another day another bottle

Another day
Another bottle

Another day

Another bottle

Another day

Another day
Here for you MrT
Lyrics come from feelings, feelings come from somewhere? Just making sure you good Mr pimp
Nebs! You are the sweetest for looking out for me. 🥰 You can take the night off.

To answer your question, yes. It's a feeling. An old one. It didn't really play out the way it's written in the lyrics, but the feeling is similar to me.

Some feelings, like that one, the most I want to do is air it out a little in a bit of creative writing.

I am really good. Promise! So no worries eh? 🫂🫂🫂
Nebs! You are the sweetest for looking out for me. 🥰 You can take the night off.

To answer your question, yes. It's a feeling. An old one. It didn't really play out the way it's written in the lyrics, but the feeling is similar to me.

Some feelings, like that one, the most I want to do is air it out a little in a bit of creative writing.

I am really good. Promise! So no worries eh? 🫂🫂🫂
Lol take the night off. I will, I will. I’m glad youre just doing some spring cleaning so to speak. 💋 to you. 💋 to Cas and Logan
Lol take the night off. I will, I will. I’m glad youre just doing some spring cleaning so to speak. 💋 to you. 💋 to Cas and Logan

If there ever was a moment
When I thought this would end
It would not have been now
Or yesterday or last week, last month

If there ever was a moment
When I could not feel your smile
Your laughter, your kindness, and care
It would not have been now

If there ever was a moment
Where your beauty did not shine
Your raw sensuality, your spirit
It certainly is not now, or ever

My friend, my tears are for me
And for all your people
As your presence has changed
Immortalized in these halls

Could we have told stories
Dancing in our laughter and delight
Shared smiles and fellowship
Knowing we are cut from the same cloth

Smile my friend, feel my heart
That beats in this moment
For you and all that you were,
All that you are, or wanted to be

If there ever was a moment
When I thought this would end
It would not have been now
Or yesterday, or last week, last month

I live and breathe your monument
Left here, for me and our people
How I wish for one more day
Just one more moment, with you
If there ever was a moment
When I thought this would end
It would not have been now
Or yesterday or last week, last month

If there ever was a moment
When I could not feel your smile
Your laughter, your kindness, and care
It would not have been now

If there ever was a moment
Where your beauty did not shine
Your raw sensuality, your spirit
It certainly is not now, or ever

My friend, my tears are for me
And for all your people
As your presence has changed
Immortalized in these halls

Could we have told stories
Dancing in our laughter and delight
Shared smiles and fellowship
Knowing we are cut from the same cloth

Smile my friend, feel my heart
That beats in this moment
For you and all that you were,
All that you are, or wanted to be

If there ever was a moment
When I thought this would end
It would not have been now
Or yesterday, or last week, last month

I live and breathe your monument
Left here, for me and our people
How I wish for one more day
Just one more moment, with you
How I wish for one more day
One more conversation
Just one more moment

Gone too young
Gone too soon

My heart is heavy in this loss
Where shall I rest
When sleep escapes me
When we were gods
We didn't want any

Through all the long years
We loved and laughed
We fought and stood together
We revealed our divinity

We were gods, young and strong
Meant to rule with joy
Our hearts so wild and free
Minds sharper than any blade

The world moved on command
Through our labors and our dreams
Giving all of our strength
Creating life and legends

And time marched on
Taking its loathsome toll
Stripping away your divinity
Reducing you to mere mortality

Frail, sad, confused, infirm
Why did it have to be that way
When we were once gods
How could it possibly be that way

How lonely do I feel
Standing in the Summer sun
It's glare so hard to bear
Heat boiling away hope

Through all the long years
My friend, we were gods
Until just this last week
And now, it is just me

Restless, confused, and saddened
How I will miss your laugh
Your sharp wit and defiance
Your energy and yes, your grace

We were your people
Equals by your measure
And you, were ours by the same
And now, I just don't know

In time, I will snap out of it
As time still marches on
I will remember you my friend
Always as the young god you were

Those were beautiful days
We were unstoppable
Invincible, joyful
We were gods

Farewell my friend, I will miss you more than I can say and more than you could ever have known. Paul.
Give me but a moment
Just one to breathe
To feel your departure
Beyond my reach
Where is your voice
Your stupid jokes
Your irreverance
Your inclusion
Your friendship
I can't be the only one
Who misses you
You fucking jerk
If so, then fuck it
I am and will
Miss you
Apologies to any and all who read this. If I seem stranger than usual. A few days ago, one of my oldest friends, Paul, died. We had been friends for 36 years. I was a groomsman at his wedding in 1990. He played chess with me nearly every day. Loved good food. We did lots of cookouts together. Drank lots. Watched sports ball. Tried to figure out life and living. He was an asshole. But, he was our asshole. Most days, I'm okay, busy with shit, getting shit done. Sometimes, not so much. I want to be mad, sad, frustrated, drunk, whatever. I don't want to make anyone sad, or piss people off. I feel like I am doing just that. Paul was in poor health. It was coming. We all knew it. But damn. 19 people I know somehow of varying degrees of relationship have passed away since 2018. Three, were pretty close friends, including Paul. Six people were friendly acquaintances. Two, I knew from here at Lit. The others I had met at least a few times and/or were relatives of friends. I considered them all friends. My people. I can't keep up with all the candles I light throughout the year. I am late often. But I still do them. Many days I wish Brad was here, Robert here, Paul. Krista, Sunny, Paula, Tom, Patsy, Julius. Other times I feel blessed that I would find myself in the company of such people. Paul. That fucker. 36 years of friendship. I bailed his ass out of jail last year. It was an ordeal that lasted from Christmas to New Years eve. Got it done on New Years Eve. I endured the side eye from MrsT and my family every day while I pieced together that bit of business. Not the best holiday season. I'd do it all over again. The last message I got from him, was snarky and stupid, but, meant in friendship.
Apologies to any and all who read this. If I seem stranger than usual. A few days ago, one of my oldest friends, Paul, died. We had been friends for 36 years. I was a groomsman at his wedding in 1990. He played chess with me nearly every day. Loved good food. We did lots of cookouts together. Drank lots. Watched sports ball. Tried to figure out life and living. He was an asshole. But, he was our asshole. Most days, I'm okay, busy with shit, getting shit done. Sometimes, not so much. I want to be mad, sad, frustrated, drunk, whatever. I don't want to make anyone sad, or piss people off. I feel like I am doing just that. Paul was in poor health. It was coming. We all knew it. But damn. 19 people I know somehow of varying degrees of relationship have passed away since 2018. Three, were pretty close friends, including Paul. Six people were friendly acquaintances. Two, I knew from here at Lit. The others I had met at least a few times and/or were relatives of friends. I considered them all friends. My people. I can't keep up with all the candles I light throughout the year. I am late often. But I still do them. Many days I wish Brad was here, Robert here, Paul. Krista, Sunny, Paula, Tom, Patsy, Julius. Other times I feel blessed that I would find myself in the company of such people. Paul. That fucker. 36 years of friendship. I bailed his ass out of jail last year. It was an ordeal that lasted from Christmas to New Years eve. Got it done on New Years Eve. I endured the side eye from MrsT and my family every day while I pieced together that bit of business. Not the best holiday season. I'd do it all over again. The last message I got from him, was snarky and stupid, but, meant in friendship.
Holding you in love today and always as you grieve your people, our people.

Once you were gods together. Now you hold Paul in your heart and can remind others of who he was, not how he ended.
Apologies to any and all who read this. If I seem stranger than usual. A few days ago, one of my oldest friends, Paul, died. We had been friends for 36 years. I was a groomsman at his wedding in 1990. He played chess with me nearly every day. Loved good food. We did lots of cookouts together. Drank lots. Watched sports ball. Tried to figure out life and living. He was an asshole. But, he was our asshole. Most days, I'm okay, busy with shit, getting shit done. Sometimes, not so much. I want to be mad, sad, frustrated, drunk, whatever. I don't want to make anyone sad, or piss people off. I feel like I am doing just that. Paul was in poor health. It was coming. We all knew it. But damn. 19 people I know somehow of varying degrees of relationship have passed away since 2018. Three, were pretty close friends, including Paul. Six people were friendly acquaintances. Two, I knew from here at Lit. The others I had met at least a few times and/or were relatives of friends. I considered them all friends. My people. I can't keep up with all the candles I light throughout the year. I am late often. But I still do them. Many days I wish Brad was here, Robert here, Paul. Krista, Sunny, Paula, Tom, Patsy, Julius. Other times I feel blessed that I would find myself in the company of such people. Paul. That fucker. 36 years of friendship. I bailed his ass out of jail last year. It was an ordeal that lasted from Christmas to New Years eve. Got it done on New Years Eve. I endured the side eye from MrsT and my family every day while I pieced together that bit of business. Not the best holiday season. I'd do it all over again. The last message I got from him, was snarky and stupid, but, meant in friendship.
I'm sorry I didn't see this till now but offer my sympathy and empathy. I lost my best friend (of 50+ years) in 2020. I still remember the day we met. She was seven years older than me and yet we clicked immediately. We talked for hours that first night and stayed close in our hearts (if not in location) over the years, loads of phone calls, letters and precious visits. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died less than two months later. I miss her so much even though there's still a conversation between us going on in my head. That's easy as I can pretty much predict what she'd have to say about anything. I treasure my memories of our friendship.

I think I know something of how you feel. May Paul's memory always be a blessing for you. ❤️