The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. *All welcome*

Idrial had been weging the healers offer for many elves distaned half breeds such as she, but for the boy she was about to extend her welcome. When yet another arrived at the camp causing her to again draw her sword and stand guard over the him.

This elf unlike the first however had demanded the boy and Idrial did not budge she would not give the boy over to anyone with out knowing what purpose they held.

She remaind quiet while the two elves spoke, and reolized that they assumed because she was a half breed that she could not speak their language. Idrial had always hated that, but again kept her silance.

After the male elf O'Bonn, son of M'Rhun spoke again she looked at them both and said, You are both welcome to stay, i would have welcome the healer sooner had i been given a chance, but do not try and take the boy from me or i will hunt you... If what you say is true then in time i will trust you.

Looking only at the healer she said, My concern is for the boy also if you can help him please do so. Sheathing her sword she stepped aside and allowed the healer to come to the boy.

Hey now, I was here first. Can't you just follow my lead and we can all saw a few logs? The kid's going to be okay. No reason to stay up all not making melodramatic introductions."

Glancing over at the human Max Idrial couldnt help but smile, at his words, and wondered if he had understood any of what was said, and looked up as Gabrielle returned with the flowers she had went to gather for the boy. Thank you Gaberelle these will come in very handy.. she said taking them from her and bringing them over to the healer so that if she needed them then they were there.

Looking around the camp she watched the other who had come to the camp she did not touch the food she had been given nor the mead.. Idrial thought this strange but the boy was her upmost concern at the time being. Looking back to the healer she said. If I can be of any help please ask.
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O'Bonn watched Idrial's movements and conversation. She moved with fluid grace, not unlike the full-Elves. He was impressed with her courage and beauty, yet he tried hard to not show his interest. Now was certainly not the time. Besides, she was part Human. Humans. Hmmm. Strange creatures they were. He had a few as friends, as he had fought beside them many times. He did not understand them at all.

O'Bonn stood back and watched and waited. He then took up his scimitar and, taking cue from Max, began to hack at a log to fuel the fire. He turned to the bandaged man and said, "it would be faster if the log simply broke into." O'Bonn wasn't sure if his attempt at humor would cause a smile or not. He had hoped it would, for the sadness of the coming time was enough weight upon them all.

O'Bonn would wait to see how the man-child fared. Then, he thought he would speak to J'Lth about taking counsel with the dragon called Thorn, who lived in Red Mountain in the land of Gilad, only a few days ride from where they were now. A few days ride? He had no steed. It was no matter, he would worry about that in time. The dragon Thorn was wise, and knowing of things, and had given counsel to the Elves in times before. Would the others consider this?
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Death of the healer

Calling to the Centaur, Hoping she hears my plea....
" where did you find these so easily?? I can never find them this swiftly..."
but seeing her hasty depart I turn to the boy & kneel beside him, feeling time is NOT on our side... taking the flowers in my palm & rubbing my hands together slowly, chanting, picking up the pace until it felt right & put one flower soaked hand on his forehead & one under his shirt as close to the heart as I could get... continuing the chanting & asking Elhonna for help... Hoping nothing will disturb me until I stop... Pouring the healing energy from myself into him I seal his wounds & touch his mind, hoping to awaken him. Removing my hands I place them on the top of his head, tracing a path down his body to his feet,allowing my energies to flow to him...crossing the path of my hands at his feet, sealing the protective shielding around him...
Opening my eyes I look around at everyone, all are a bit fuzzy as this type of deep healing & focus drains alot from me...
"I have done all I can do, the flowers were a powerful aid, yet I fear I must rest to regain my own strength, let us see what the morning brings"
Looking at O'Bonn I tell him in elven to watch the newest arrival with one eye... something just isn't right... as I drift off, exhausted from the tending I have just done with the boy...not realizing I have given all of me to save him, I slowly drift into a peaceful sleep.... realizing I will die soon enough for my healing but not caring as I saved him from deatrh offering myself as a replacement....
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O'Bonn nodded his head in a slight bow to J'Lth as she drifted off to sleep. He tucked his scimitar away and went over to her, taking her head in his hands and easing her to the soft ground. He folded her arms across her chest so that the forest's healing energies could find their way to her.

When he had finished, he looked to the man-child, then to Idrial.

"He will live?" he asked.
Idrial nodded at the healers words and watched her move to make a pallet close to the boy should he have need of her in the night, and agreed with her words alto it would not be just the one new commer she watched but all of them until she knew them better. To the healer she said.. My name is Idrial...there is food and drink if you wish tho it is a simple fare it is here if you have need.

Looking over to O'Bonn she wondered what it was he was thinking, but did not ask he was an interesting fellow, and from his dress she could tell that he was an extreamly skilled fighter, if not the best. Clearing her thoughts she said. I will keep first watch O'Bonn as i am not yet tired you may rest if you wish or join me i dont mind the choice is yours. she said as she covered the boy with the blanket she had given him and added another log to the fire.

She had long sence removed the make shift broth she had been making for the boy. It would still be there if he awoke, but it would not be burnt. Standing she moved to keep watch over the camp its inhabitants and the surrounding forrest.. half expecting others to appear out of thin air.
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O'Bonn sighed as he sat cross-legged beside Idrial. He adjusted the buckle on the belt that held his scimitar's sheath, and removed his long bow from his back. He sat the bow across his legs. It was Elf wood, with ornate carvings of inscripted Elven script along it's length.

"I do not need rest at this time, my lady," he said to her. He then poured water from a flask he carried into a small, wooden cup. To this he added tea leaves from a small tin, and stirred them gently by moving the cup in small circles. When he was satisfied with the steep, he took a sip. He then offerred the cup to Idrial.

"Only a small sip, for it is quite strong," he told her quietly. "By drinking, it does not mean we are married," he joked. "This is not Wedding Tea." O'Bonn was referring to the ceremonial tea drank at weddings.

As O'Bonn held the cup for her in his offering, his Elven ears heard a sound in the forest. It was not a sound the forest would make. He peered into the darkness with his Elven eyes. Perhaps it was the Centaur returning? Or, perhaps it was something else.
Morrigann watched each creature with somewhat of a detached fascination. The healer had exhausted herself trying to save this child;s life, the man, Max was only a wanderer, the others, she had yet to feel anyting but comtempt for. They alone knew the kiss of the sun on their skins. Looking to the mead she quickly drank it down savoring the warmth that it spread inside her coldness. As each creature began to make a bed for the night, she became quickly aware that she must part into the shadows for the sun was her only fear. Averting their thoughts, she slipped into the forrest but not out of sight. She wanted to watch this merry band of travelers even if it meant following them to Thorn. Reading their minds was an easy task for her. Contolling their actions would be harder. Thorn was a very wise dragon and she had been there many times in life. She knew he would be able to see her even as an undead but the boy was becoming more and more valuable to her. She could use him. She knew that whatever part he played he would be well worth her price to someone. Whom? she was not fully aware. But she intended to go along and find out. Emitting a long slow sigh, she crawled beneath the limbs of a giant oak tree slipping into the ground, warming only slightly. She was now one again with the earth from which she came.
She moved through the woods away from the modge podge camp that she had come from, choosing to ignore the elven one's question about the flowers. Let them discover for themselves the secrets of the woods!

She had an odd feeling about the human child. It was different, special perhaps. She didn't know what was to come or what role she'd play in it. Time would tell for her.

His feets stubbles over a branch and he falls head first down a small hill.

She was making swift travel through the woods, even with the disadvantage of the dark. But something was rustling in the underbrush...and it wasn't the typical woodland creature. She slowed, her hooves barely making a sound agaisnt the soft forest floor as she drew her bow, readying herself for whatever was in the darkness of the brush.

She stepped forward, notching an arrow.

"What be there?"
"What be there?"

The voice was clearly female. Forral lay still for a while. feeling numb in his bound arms. At his fall he had tangled up in a bush and could not get out. Movement was impossible. Having no other choice he felt he had to call out to her.

"I think i need some assistance."
"I do not need rest at this time, my lady," he said to her. He then poured water from a flask he carried into a small, wooden cup. To this he added tea leaves from a small tin, and stirred them gently by moving the cup in small circles. When he was satisfied with the steep, he took a sip. He then offerred the cup to Idrial.

"Only a small sip, for it is quite strong," he told her quietly. "By drinking, it does not mean we are married," he joked. "This is not Wedding Tea." O'Bonn was referring to the ceremonial tea drank at weddings.

As O'Bonn held the cup for her in his offering, his Elven ears heard a sound in the forest. It was not a sound the forest would make. He peered into the darkness with his Elven eyes. Perhaps it was the Centaur returning? Or, perhaps it was something else.[/QUOTE]

Idrial watched as O'Bonn sat, and begain making some tea glad of his company while the others slept. She noted his bow, and the intricet designs engraved into the wood it was beautifully crafted.. as was his scimatar.

She smiled hearing his comment about the tea not being wedding tea even as he warned her not to drink to strongly. Nodding her head she carfully accepted the cup from him not allowing any to spill as she begain to take a small sip she stopped hearing a sound..

Something was out of place.. looking at O'Bonn she could see that he had heard it also and was scanning the forrest.. taking a sip from the cup he offered she handed it back to him and begain scanning the surroundings as well for any signs of danger making sure to face away from the fire she switched to using her night vision.
O'Bonn silently notched an arrow onto his bowstring. He half-turned to Idrial, and quietly, in the Elven tongue, spoke to her.

"Something comes this way," he said, not realizing he was speaking his native language. "Something not of this forest."

Would it be evil or good?
She picked her way carefully towards the shape in the bushes. Only when she saw that he was bound did she lower her bow. Deciding that he didnt pose a threat, and certainly wasn't armed, she grabbed him and drug him out of hte thorny bush and sat him right side up. Using the sharp point of an arrow she deftly cut him free of his restraints.

Once done she took a step back.

"Now tell me, human, why were you such in such a state? Be you a criminal?"

Gabriele could smell the smoke on the wind...feeling it invade her senses. Something other than the village had burned. Or was burning. Not that it mattered much to her at the moment.
Max sat up and put his back to a tree at the edge of the campfire, it seemed as if the others were not interested in sleeping or letting him sleep. He hadn't yet formed an opinion on any of them, but so far it was developing into a negative one.

"I feel an itch in the back of my brain pan. It's an itch what can only be put there by wizards and worse. Someone's trying to let themselves in," he tapped the side of his head, "And they don't even have the couth to wipe their feet, damned savage."
Idrial silently drew her own sword awncering him in his own toung Idrial not thinking about language or what he may think, she said Aye but i do not yet see who or what moves as of yet... your night vision is better than my own perhaps you can see farther.

Hearing the human move behind her she listened to his words not turning to look at him because with her night vision on the firelight would blind her. The humans words about wizards or worse caused a small shiver to run up Idrials spine.

Speaking to the human as she continued to scan their surroundings with O'bonn's help she asked. Max can you follow the path they left in your mind with out harming yourself?
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Max shrugged, "Not really. but since I never did drop my name, I suppose the trail could lead to you. I wouldn't be too worried, whoever sacked the town went in the opposite direction from Kant from here, you can just see the smoke from their campfires o'er yonder. They set up a really noticable camp, they must not care who sees."
Glad his hands was freed Forral looked up at the strange female. He had never seen an kentaur this closely before. The sight was impressing. Kentaurs did not exist in his homeland and he knew nothing about them. It did not seem that she posed a threat to him, yet.

"Now tell me, human, why were you such in such a state? Be you a criminal?" He almost laughed at her question. Wisely he decided that was not the smartest thing to do. "To some i might look like a criminal. Even to myself." He said quietly as he rubbed his wrists to get the circulation flooding again. He looked up at her. "I was a prisoner of the Vandle raiding party and was about to be hanged for my crimes." The last part he said with a humourless smile.
A watcher among the trees...

Race: Drow (Dark Elf)
Age: 362
Features: Black skin, white hair, lavender eyes, dressed all in black with only his eyes visible
Class: Trained as an assassin

As he watches the odd group surrounding the fire, and listens closely for the returning sounds of those who left, he crouches so silently on his tree-branch perch that even the owl who shares the perch with him pays him no mind. Studying the full-blooded Elves as well as the half-blooded one, he wonders not for the first time what they might think of one such as himself.

Fool. You cannot approach them. If you did, as you are, they'd demand you reveal yourself. And if you were fool enough to do that, they'd kill you the second they realized just what you are! I should never have come to tis place. The Underdark is the place for my people. Never the surface. We have been too long removed from the open spaces and the sun and sky. But I could not stay there, either.

He remains perfectly still and silent, waiting, letting time decide for him. Dressed as he is in pure black clothing with nothing but his eyes showing, it is very unlikely that he would be seen.
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Scarred Traveler

Name: Coyote
Sex: Male
Race: ????
Occupation: Shaman; Howling Howl-sound wave, Transformation-Coyote
Age: Early 20's
Appearance: Just below average heigh 5;8, slightly muscular brownish skin with a slight growth of fur on most of his body. Slightly enlongated nose almost similar to his name sake with overlarge canines. Shoulder length black hair-ussually kept into a pontail for comfort. Dark brown eyes that changes based upon the season; turns to a lighter brown in wamer seasons. He typically wears a black leather vest with a buckskin shirt underneath that shows off his slimness but also his slight muscles. For pants he generally wears tan brown leather hide pants with sandals.
Notable Mark: A scar slashed across his left eye-yes he is one eyed.
Weapons: Metal Claws

<ooc:: Hmmm...not sure of joining a friend gave me the link though she didn't tell me the content to chose a rp that I find comfortable in really...will modify this post with an intro when my headache dies down...oh yeah for sake of ease the intro will most likely require one of you to notice him or something...sorry just can't really think atm. Oh yeah I used Shadowrun 3rd Edition to set up my character...errrmmm...yeah.>


People say it is the events in our lives that will eventually determine what we will become in our lives; that no matter what else occurs it is soley our actions that separate us from choosing a path that we cannot see-being blinded in on eye...leaves a particular traveler with some remorse...and not a bit of trepidation.

Squatting near a tree; the distant sounds of chatter comming a few yards away-his single eye lacking the depth that two eyes normally gave him; a wound that still ached no matter how many years have passed. A lesson learned...a lesson taught...a lesson that will remain of my failure...a failur that will haunt me through out my life..., smirking slightly; the few rays of sunlight glinting off his canine like teeth...a stark white among the clearing before his lips once more hide them. His hands comming together slightly; a small metalic ring as his claws clang together-gritting his teeth in annoyance at once more, No matter how long...not matter how much I endure...the lost of my eye...a constant reminder of what I was...

Once more his ears turn towards the sounds of others; able to pick out the lilting musical voice of an of them a half elven...a few others both female and male...maybe some humans-at least his hearing never failed least that much he could rely on...if only that was the only thing he could he rely on...

Straightening up slightly; his body still bent as he moves forward swiftly through the forest-if any heard it would sound like any other woodland creature; his sandals making barely any sounds-the muscles beneath the leather of his pants contracting and moving in a fluid movement; similiar to that graceful animal that was killed to create them. His arms folded along his side; the claws flashing slightly as the few rays of sunlight strike his shadowy frame moves between the trunks of the trees.

His single brown eye working in concert with his other senses; the feeling of the trees around him...the small animals that were present as his smell catches the whisp of a campfire the smell of a broth of some sort-mingled with the scents of the group ahead of him-elves, humans....and a horse...a centaur maybe or maybe a was hard to separate their smells.

In time he neared the boundary of the camp site; breathing softly yet not a drop of sweat appeared on his body as he settles down-even the slight growth of fur covering his body lacked any moisture as his single brown eye peers through the foliage towards the would he make his presence known or will he remain the hidden obeserver...and watch from afar...what would his path be....what would he choose...

<lil note for the time being don't actually notice him...still not sure on joining through just have to see how you all rp...also noticed I said sunlight either way just think of it as moon light or something mind still a bit out of it right now>
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Morrigann listened to the chatter of the creatures by the firelight. The human had been a prisoner of the Vandles. How interesting. She had not been able to read him. She felt the prescence of Max as she invaded his mind. Slowly she tried backing away without him noticing her in there. Nothing in there really concerned her for she was already past the point of caring.

She was interested in the creature perched upon the tree branches. She knew that the Underdark was one of the places no one dared venture. She had been there before on several occasions. What she wanted more than anything at this moment was to sleep the sleep of the dead. She wanted the chattering to cease and the sun to rise so that she may compose herself for the journey that lay ahead. She was also strongly aware of the coyote like man creature standing in the shadows. The scent he bore was strong even to her burried under the ground. She could feel his reserve in not making his prescence known. She felt a stir of eagerness as he sat down by the oak tree she had burried her self under. Listening to his breathing, she fought the urge to touch his fur.

Gathering what stength and power she still had left she summoned the wind and with it a rain. A slow steady shower that would force them to bed down for a time. She needed sleep. She needed to gather her thoughts. She needed to figure out what a creature from the Underdark was doing above ground.
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A slow building wind; the start of a small unnatural feeling making the fur on his hackles rise-his single brown orb steeling over as his senses warned him something was not right about this...sudden was too soon no warning...the smell of before did not hint of rain...the air was not swollen with moisture and yet it now rained. What is this...something not warning-something is amiss...or are my senses failing me like my eye failed me so long ago..., self doubt; a grim smile playing on his lips-his two sharpest fangs giving his grim smile an evil glint as the teeth shine brilliantly white in the darkness.

Sighing; almost wind like the sigh; before closing his single eye-the scar over his left vivid for a moment as he relaxed against the moss encrusted tree that he found himself near. Listening silently towards the sounds comming from the camp ahead of him-for now he would keep his presence hidden...the smell of spilt blood of earlier still making him wary of others-mixed with the smell of burnt flesh as he remembered the smoke that clouded the sky before-as dimly ahead he could smell the smoke of many campires in the distance.

He found the group interesting; something he till now lacked to be interested in much except himself-even though he only recently arrived he found the minute obeservance an interesting endeavor. The care of the half elf for the human child was endearing to him in a way; the full blooded elf...he rarely made contact with the full bloods prefering the half elves-though he was interested in the male elf's reactions.

In turn his mind turned to the human male; a typical representation of that race-though his actions did cause him to take notice of the human male as well...which led him to the female centaur. In a way she was the most like him...and in ways the most different from what he was an interesting thought he found pleasant to dwell on for a moment.

His senses told him of others but for now he lacked the time to separates their smells from the others-cept one...a smell he was not familiar with...a smell that was of the dark. Leaning his head back slightly; his hair and the moss pillowing the back of his head as he once more opened his single brown eye-a few drops of moisture hitting it before he once more closed the single eye. The hidden one one an interesting scent one he hasn't smelled before, An interesting scent this one...but I can't pin point where its comming from..similiar to the darkness..., opening his eyes once more; his hand lifting so he could eye the drops of water falling off the metal claw.

Feeling the soft ground; some grass...the hardness of the roots as he peers towards the wet metal of his claw, And so what shall I do....
Morrigan felt the ground above her shift knowing that the coyote had lain down and was more than likely watching what she now thought of as the band of merry misfits. She held her breath as he lay on top of her. Her need was overpowering to touch this fierce beast. He, not unlike herself, was a born killer and the smell of the last kill was maddening her senses. Sleep seemed farther away from her now than ever. She let the new found energy go and built up the storm so that the animal above would have to come so close to the inner groves of the tree that she could feel the fur on her hands. She knew this one would be interesting. She knew he would be the link that would help her. She did not know however, that he was the one who had brough about the change in her.
"It matters little now, Idrial," O'Bonn said to her, speaking once again the tongue of Man, "Mother Forest has brought us rain." He smiled at her, and winked. Her silence earlier during the conversation in Elvish was interesting. Perhaps she had learned his native language from her mother? Or father? Which one of her parents was Elfkind? He found her more interesting as time passed.

O'Bonn removed the arrow from his bowstring and drew a hooded cloak tighter around him. He uttered, almost inaudibly, "N'Atastr'e bi voniish ". The fire began to burn steadily, despite the downpour. It would burn until morning now, protected by Elven magic.

He looked to the beautiful half-Elf beside him. "The Forest has brought us more. We are being watched. Their presences are concealed well, but the Fay have spoken." His eyes narrowed. "I do not sense harm, now, but curiosity. How interesting that they do not approach."

"Oh," he said, "I plan to sleep. Come daylight we shall leave to take counsel with Thorn."

O'Bonn quieted his mind down, now listening to the whisperings of the Fay, the elemental spirits of wood, fire, earth, and wind that told him there were others there. He closed his amber eyes. The Fay would wake him if danger came.
Snapping his eye towards the clearing where the group rested; his ears picking up the words of the full blooded male elf-in his moment of indecision he neglected the spirits of nature; forgeting elves possessed the ability to commune with nature. The elemental spirits...another part of nature which I neglect...a part of nature I have forgotten elves could communicte with-how much of the elves rest in the half many know of my presence...but everything can be set right..., yes he need not reveal himself fully-the others the full elf mentioned can also be ones of nature...his curse and his how he longed he could return to what he was once.

The rain for a moment nearly drove him to seek shelter deep into the embrace of the tree...but now he must retain his senses. The elemental spirits...they can be one of their own...some of what I once was I still posses..if only in a trickle that was once a river..., lifting his face up...closing his single brown eye as stretches his neck.

"ARR....ARRR...ARRRROOOOO", a lonely howl in the midst of the forest;a sorrow filled...a sorrow overwhelming as the howl echoes off into the distance-as the howl fades his face contorts...his nose elongating into a snout...fur spourting from his brown face...a brownish fur as his black hair slowly becomes a patch of black fur-the transformation partial leaving him with the head of a coyote.

Lowering his snout back towards the direction of the camp; his tongue flicking out slightly as he hungers for food-something he could resist but now it increased-a tongue sliding out briefly licking his nose before vanishing into the mouth. His single eye open; the brown now circled by yellow; for now the elementral spirits will mark him as a beast-a bit a strange beast but a beast nonetheless as he leans back against the tree...his coyote head peering towards the camp.

In his partial transformation; his ears pricked up as he listens quietly towards the group ahead of him-the male elf might figure out his deception of the spirits...though in order to identify what was strange he would have to know the race he was.

<Shadowrun 3rd Edition-Race Type Totem Avatar>
"There's a bit too much 'specialness' 'round here. I think I'll find my own way around. You all have a good evening."

Max got up and strolled through the woods until he found his way to the road. On his way there he waved to all the various wierdos that seemed to be hanging around the area. He was soon gone.