The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. *All welcome*

They walked in silence for a brief time. There were very few others in the keep that Idrial could see and the few that were seen looked to be dwarvish. They stepped aside, bowing slightly to Drakkon and Idrial as they passed. Drakkon often offered a nod in greeting as well, but did not say anything, instead walking quickly, leading Idrial deeper into the mountain. It was becoming quite warm and she was glad now that he hadn't brought her armor as the heavy cloth and leather would have definatly caused her to sweat profusely, had she been wearing it at the moment.

They finally arrived at a great pair of stone double doors, each set with a carving of a dragon, twisting itself into a figure eight. Silver inlay glittered in the firelight and rubies glittered from the dragon's eyes. It was magnificent craftmanship, but not of elvish make.
"Please wait one moment." Drakkon said. "I shall enter first and announce you. A mere formality I assure you, but when you enter and are acknowledged by the Matriarch, either bow or kneel, as you choose and introduce yourself. If you have a tribute, please present it before you ask for her wisdom."

He patted her on her shoulder. "And do not be afraid."

With that, the doors slid sideways, disapearing into the walls on either side and Drakkon stepped into the next room. Idrial herd words spoken, but more like hisses and growls punctuated by words she could almost make out. Finally, she heard a deep but feminine voice from inside.

Then let her come before us and speak.

Idrial took a deep breath and stepped through the doors, which slid closed behind her. She found herself in a great, circular room, so large she could not see the celing nor the far wall for the deep shadows the lights could not chase away. The room was half-ringed with dozens of torches. It was very hot within as well and the air was tinged somewhat by smoke and the heat. To her left, Idrial recognized both Drakkon and Phalanx, both kneeling on one knee as well as a third dragon-man. This one was older looking, with brownish wings and gazelle horns and knelt as well. All three faced the center of the room.

Twards the center there was a pool of water, set in a ring of smooth, red bricks. On either side was a larhe and lit brass brazier, each giving off a scented smoke as well as firelight. Rhys sat at the edge of the pool and smiled broadly as Idrial entered.

Then the shadows behind the pool moved and shifted.... and Idrial realized that the deep shadow between her and the farthest wall, was in fact, a living thing.


She was a massive creature and Idrial realized she could probably have sat in the great dragon's hand. Luminesent lights from above were in fact, giant dragon eyes, which stared down at her before the wedge shaped head bent down low upon a long, serpentine neck. Thorn was a deep, midnight blue in color. A fact which had aided her in hiding in plain sight amongst the shadows. Two bull-like horns protruded from either side of her head above cow-like ears while a third, nubby horn stood out from the center of her forhead. Teeth were visible jutting out from her long snout as she lay her head down alongside the pool and Rhys. She was old, that much could be seen in her features and her left eye was cloudy and it gleemed less brightly than the other, but as well as age, Idrial felt great strength and power rippling off the beast like a wave. Dragon-awe struck her and she fought down an urge to either crumble to her knees or turn and flee in terror but Idrial called on her inner strength and did neither. Instead she stood proudly before this ancient creature.

What is your name, child? The dragon asked. Although a whisper, her voice filled the room.
Garfield stood silently in the shadows, watching, waiting. He had smelled the scent of many many races in this village. Men, elves, dwarves, gnomes... and a centaur. Quite remarkable was their scent! Both horse and human, but mixed together. As silently as his armour would allow, he had moved through the village, following the scent. For once, lycanthropy came in handy!

Rounding a corner, he stooped himself suddenly. Up ahead he could see the centaur! Well, maybe only it's rump, but he could still tell it was her! Centaurs were interesting creatures magical in nature, and where there were centaurs, there were usually rich greedy people trying to capture or enslave them! Rich people... who didn't deserve to be rich!

But wait! There was something else there! A... wolf? in a village? and it wasn't dead yet? Then that was no ordinary wolf! Garfield backed away hastilly, praying to the Lizard King that it hadn't detected him
Idrial nodded that she understood Drakkons words as he entered the chamber and remembered the necklaces that both O'Bonn and Morrigann had given her to present. O'Bonns was still around her neck because she had forgotten to remove it and Morrigann's was still in her pack.

Then let her come before us and speak. Hearing those words Idrial entered the chamber and was amazed in awe of what she saw but managed to keep her wits about her as Thorn asked her for her name.

Kneeling down on one knee Idrial bowed her head in trust,and respect her eyes on the floor. My name is Idrial Moonbrook. Daugter of Moyra Thomas, and Fallen Moonbrook. Sister to Garret Moonbrook. I have brought you the necklace given to me by O'Bonn and present it to you. she said removing the necklace from her neck and holding it up for Thorn to see.

Th room had been quiet as Idrial spoke and when she finnished speaking it felt as tho something she said had ment something tho no one had yet moved or spoken as she waited for permission to rise.
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Idrial, whose mother was human and whose father was elven. I welcome you to this place. I am called Thorn by your kind, but my Dragonic name means, Wisdom of the Ages I am TrueBlood dragon of Water and Time and Matriarch amongst my kin.

One hand reached out, directing Idrial's attention towards the other three. "I introduce my kin and fellow dragons. You have already met he who call themselves Drakkon, Dragon of Earth and Spirit and Phalanx, Dragon of Fire and Spirit. The last is called LoreKeeper, Dragon of Water and Air. There is one more who could not be summoned in time. He is called Reverend, Dragon of Spirit and Air.

The necklace slithered across the dirt floor until it finally floated up and into the pool of water.
"I know this crystal. Once a Drow chieftan came and assisted me. In doing so, he garnered a favor. This crystal is a token of that favor and as such, I pass that favor to you, Idrial Two-Bloods."

She motioned a taloned finger towards her companions. "You may go."
The three stood and as one, marched out of the chamber.

Thorn settled back and turned her one good eye to regard Idrial. "I have known you were coming child, although I did not know exactly who,/i] you would be, I have forseen your arrival. Now, what would you ask of me?"
There were sevral things Idrail wanted to know. Such as who had attacked Kent and why? Why were the Wolfen that Phalanx mentiond seeking to kill her.. she had thought they were after the boy, and most of all she sought her brother who had dissapeared long ago.

What was Rhys, and her's rolls in all of this? She knew part of her roll was to protect the boy as she had vowed and keep him from being used as a pawn. So manny questions and she had a feeling there was little time to explain what she needed to know so where dose one begin? With the one question she could ask that would cover all but one of her questions. What is going on and how are Rhys and I involved?
Thorn's eyes closed for a moment before she anwsered.

What indeed... she finally said. The boy is special, in what way, I have not determined yet, but the threads of fate are twined about him and in doing so, they have entwined themselves about you as well. Still, there is more, Look...

Thorn passed a talon, as long as Rhys himself was, in front of his body and as the talon passed, Idrial saw angry red and pulsating runes on Rhys forhead and down, across his eyes to his chin, forming a sinister, inverted U on his face.

The boy is marked for death, why, I do not yet know. But he is marked by a powerful and ancient evil. It is because of this mark that the town he lived in was destroyed and it's citizens masacarred. The boy survived, for whatever reason and by whatever means, and found you. He chose you as his protector and you willingly accepted this role, wether you knew the truth of your actions or not. Come child, look into the water.

Idrial came closer, keenly aware the nearness of the huge dragon that now was only feet away from her. She looked over the edge of the pool and saw her reflection. Angry red runes shined up at her, etched on her images face, just as they appeared on Rhys's face.

The threads of fate and your choices have pulled you into the midst of a tragedy Idrial Two-Bloods. Already fate has drawn and is drawing those who would help you...and hinder you, to your side. You must pick up the mantle of leadership and fight this evil, or be consumed by it.

"We have watched the omens for some time now. Things have come to pass and you are now fufilling that prophecy;

Evil comes and Villainy brings,
Darkness comes on Dragon’s Wings

Fueled by Rage and an Age-old War,
Seeking to tip the Scales forevermore.

Of two Bloods where now one Stands,
Holds the fate of Worlds within their Hands.

"Still, you have the power of free will. You can choose not to accept this, to turn your back on the prophecy, the omens, us and the boy. You may even escape with your life but that cannot be guaranteed."

"The choice is yours."
Idrial sat for a few moments thinking about Thorns words and that of the prophecy even if she broke her word and walked away prophecys had a way of full filling themselves, and besides Idrial was not one to break her word.

Evil comes and Villainy brings,
Darkness comes on Dragon’s Wings

Fueled by Rage and an Age-old War,
Seeking to tip the Scales forevermore.

Of two Bloods where now one Stands,
Holds the fate of Worlds within their Hands

Thinking of the Prophecy certen words in the prophecy caught her attention.. Thorn had called her Two Bloods, Rage and age old war reminded her of Phalanax.
and of corse Dragon wings ment the dragons but she couldnt seem to tie it all least not yet..

Looking at Thorn she said.I would be honord to give you aid if i am able and i will keep my word to protect the boy. Is there more to this Prophecy?
Thorn's gleeming eyes held Idrial for a momoent and Rhys broke into another of his wide, silly grins. There was a moment where Idrial was envious of the innosence and ignorance of childhood, but she pushed that aside as Thorn started speaking again.

"There is no more that has been revealed to me or my kin. Images, fragments, stories, but little else. Still, I think we have been able to determine where you may start your search. Come and look into the pool again."

Idrial did and this time, there was no reflection of herself or of Thorn or Rhys, but an image for the mountain and town.

"Five days ride to the south lies another patch of hill lands surrounded by marshes. This too, was once the home of another of my kin, DreamWeaver. He was a powerful draconic rune mage and an eon ago, a consort of mine. Yet, although we are powerful and long lived, we dragons are not immortal. Time eventually brought DreamWeaver to his greatest challenge, death."
Thorn heaved a deep sigh, which stirred up the dirt on the floor around them. As Thorn spoke, the pool changed, following the dragon's words with images and pictures.

"Yet recently, I have become aware of a disturbance in DreamWeaver's tomb. He has returned from death and prowls the countryside. He grows stronger with each passing night and will soon begin to encounter inhabited lands as he ranges farther away in search or prey."

"To us, death is simply a natural part of life. The soul of a dragon is reincarnated into another dragon or goes on to fuel the energy that is the universe. To return from death is unnatural in spirit as well as in fact. This is not our way nor would it have ever been DreamWeaver's. I can only deduce that something wicked has captured his soul and forced it back into his body. I believe this is the 'Darkness on Dragon's Wings' the prophecy speaks of."
"I ask you Idrial Two-Bloods, to find DreamWeaver and return him to death. Free his soul and punish those who are responsible. Do this and I will anwser any question and reward you and your followers from my own hoard. But it will not be easy... DreamWeaver returned from death, but he did not return to life...."

The image in the pool finally shifted, wavering, then clearing to reveal a dragon, huge like Thorn was, but nightmarish in appearance. Whatever color his scales might have been, they were black now. Black and patchy and ruined. Great ivory bones portruded along his spiny back, legs and forarms, Ribs peeked between clinging fragments of meat and flesh. Sword sharp teeth showed clearly in a white skull, devoid of any flesh at all save for a shark-like fin atop his head. Great wings spread wide, lifting him into the air in spite of the tattered remains of the membrane. His eyes were empty and hollow, save for angry pinpoints of white light deep within the blackness. The very image chilled Idrial to her own soul.

...DreamWeaver has returned as a dracolich.
The Seeker coming back from dinner caught out of the corner of his eye the book was glowing he flipped it over it read Kent "YES THIS MAY BE WHERE SHE IS HAHAHA" he ran over and down the steps where he flung a hanful of gold for the man it didn't matter he made a spell that whenever money is taken out it is replaced (I know it's not original but is useful). He ran to the stable got Darkfire out and sped off towards Kent.
The centuar stopped in her tracks as the familiar elven man spoke to her as they nearly passed. She wasn't keen on conversation, but he had spoken to her in the Old Way, and the Old Way must be honored. She gave a low bow as was customary.

"Greetings, Speaker of the Old Ways."

Her eyes immediatly went to the creature at his feet. The Fay Hound. It almost seemed amused by her. Something stirred in an alley behind her, but she paid it no heed. Villages were filled with all sorts of vagrants.
O'Bonn smiled. He offerred her an arrow, anyway. Whether she accepted it or not, or liked it or not, mattered little. It was the gesture that made it appropriate and customary. He bowed again to her.

"Once you aided a dying Healer amongst me and those I protect," he said to her. "Now, darkness has fallen, and as the half-Elf has sought the wisdom of the dragon Thorn, so shall I. I would ask you, who trods the plains of our realm in solace, to lend your knowledge once again to this task, and see it set before you as your own."

O'Bonn suddenly came to understand, was as much a part of the events that would unfold as was he. "I ask of thee to accompany me to the keep, where mighty Thorn will reveal our tasks to us, as she now does to Idrial. The Half-Horse Belos was a fine warrior, and fought with me many times. I see his strength in you. Would thou travel with us?"

O'Bonn's Elven senses told him they were being watched. His brow furrowed, and he glanced sideways at the majai-hi, who stood with his crystal blue eyes fixed upon distant shadows. "There are many ghosts in this place," O'Bonn said, standing up.
Idrials face had gone pale at the sight of DreamWeaver, but it was the only out word sign of her distress. Even if they returned DreamWeaver to death.. the persion who raised him would only do so again..

So it would be best if they went after whom ever raised him from the dead...It could be too that should the one who raised him be killed then DreamWeaver would ether be free to die or be competly out of control. If he didnt die they would need to kill him as quickly as possable before too many innocent lives were lost.

There were manny possablitys, but as Thorn said the best place to start was to take the five days ride to the south over a patch of hill in the lands surrounded by marshes.

I accept this task and should i fail twill mean i am dead. Idrial said sitting quietly thinking about everything that had been said and doing her best to process the information she had been given. Where is a healer, or holy wepon when i need one she thought...

Seeing Rhys Idrial knew if she were to keep her word to keep him safe then she could not bring him on this quest with her, and that he would be safer here with Thorn if it were allowed.
Listening intenly to the conversation of the centaur and O'Bonn, Morrigann knew what it was she needed to do. She would follow. Creeping amongst the shadows and listening by nightfall.

She would have the spell book of the healer. No matter what she had to do to get it. Nothing would stand in her way.

She was undead, she was of the Fay, she was Pendragon. She would see to it that she would have it all. Those dying in her path by her own hands or other means was just a marker in the road to true immortal power.
Salamander was a thin, waifish figure of a lad with tossled brown hair and big blue eyes. His long, worn cloak was covered dusty and ground with dirt after weeks on the road. His long, nimble fingers were cracking at the tips where they poked through his tattered gloves. Though he was a man, he hardly looked more than a boy. Lack of regular food and constant travel had carved hollows below his cheeks. Normally a pretty lad, he really looked in need of a thick stew, a mug of ale and a warm pallet. A bath wouldn't hurt either.

On his back was slung a canvas bag holding his worldly possessions. He had little enough, as befitted his station as a veritable beggar, but he did have a small wooden harp, a small drum and a wooden flute, all crafted by his own hand. He had a large tin cup that doubled as a cooking pot, a worn and dented knife, a few coppers and a pair of sandles. His outfit was a a simple brown tunic belted about with rope. He wasn't much to look at, but then again, you haven't heard him sing. A stout walking stick was in his hand, but dragged in the dirt and he put one weary foot in front of the other, until an inn came in sight.
After the note slides under his door, Thelron gets up from his bed and croses silently to the door. As he bends down to pick up the note, his own window smashes inwards, triggering the crossbow he had set up, and Thelron watches to see how effective it turns out to be while drawing his twin blades. Quickly, Thelron realizes he's seen this person before. One of the slaves of a great Drow house who could only have been sent to try and kill him. The crossbow bolt lodges itself in the mans left shoulder as Thelron closes the gap between them, slashing with his swords. Before the doomed Drow slave has time to realize much more than the fact that he's about to die, Thelron slashes with both blades for his throat, unavoidably causing blood to fountain out from his neck as the body crumbles to the floor.

After a cursory search of the corpse, Thelron retrieves all items of any value, dismantles his traps, and gathers up his things before heading downstairs. As he reaches the common room, silence flood the inn as people not only stare at a Drow, but at a Drow with blood on his face.
Idrial spoke with Thorn awhile longer, about Rhy's, and what was best for him before seeking her bed for the night. In the morning she would need to prepare and gather her things so that she could meet with the others at the inn and begain gathering thos who would accompany her to face this new and deadly threat.
Gabriele accepted the gift. She marveled at its fine craftmanship. Not like her own, centurian arrows, but still of of excellant purpose. It would fly straight and true. She slipped it into her small pouch tied around her human waist.

"My help was of no importance, as it were just chance I was passing through."

She wondered at this man. This speaker of the Old Ways. It had been long since she heard this age old ritual performed outside of the Circle of Centuars. He must have a point, or a favor to ask. Otherwise he would not invoked such tradition.

Then it came. He spoke of Belos and of traveling. Belos was a Legend. His memory was agreed to be honored by all Centuars of any Alliance. It would be considered unforgivable to turn away a favor of one who observed the Old Ways and spoke his name.

But that didn't mean she was happy about it. She couldn't say she was happy with how any of this was happening, just that something deep inside was telling her to do so.

"Belos is a Legend among my tribe. I will gladly join your party and help one who has served alongside of him. May our travels be as Guided and Favorable as his."

She bowed once more, signaling her commitment and the ritualistic end to well structured Old Ways.

She was uneasy. The horse inside her felt predators. But she was unsure if it was the odd mixture and closeness of the village itself or of something more.
O'Bonn bowed his head to Gabriele, and looked towards the village gate. He told her of the Drow, Thelron, who was still within the inn, and she may wish to travel with him, as a note for him had been left requesting his company at the keep. Personally, O'Bonn considered it an honor and priviledge to be in the company of the Centaur, and hoped she would walk with him.

As they walked outside, the Fay hound stopped and began to snarl. O'Bonn regarded the animal, and looked to where the majai-hi stared. The High Warrior bent low to speak to the Fay made flesh.

"What evil is this you sense?" he asked.

The Wanderer, came the reply into his mind, the one that was dead and yet lives.

The Fay hound's eyes shone a bright, crystaline blue. O'Bonn touched the animal lightly on it's silvery-white back. "Seek her out," he said. And the majai-hi was off, headed for the tree line and the woods beyond.

"We will travel to the keep," O'Bonn told the Centaur. "The Fay hound will join us when he has completed whatever task his kin has set before him."
The Fay Hound

OOC: hope no one minds me giving a bit of life to this unique dog that I have written about?


The majai-hi moved swiftly, his paws digging into the drifted snow as he sought the source of the malevolence that he felt in his bones. As he ran, he spoke to the elemental Fay, his kindred, asking them for guidance.

What evil is this that walks among us? he questioned.

It is of the oldest, brother. The undead. The evil has surfaced within this form, and the soul that once possessed the body is no longer pure. they responded to him.

But why must I feel it? Why must I sense it so?

Within your corporal form you feel things from all forces as much as you did when you were among us. Now, your flesh burns so because of this un-natural creature. This power you have will assist you in aiding the ones who keep the child.

The Fay hound stopped. He sensed her. So near. He smelled her. His eyes shown in the shadows. His black lips curled into a snarl, exposing white fangs.

Can I kill this thing?

Your bite is poison to the undead. Just as the scimitar your Elven friend carries, and the arrows of the Centaur, your bite will burn the flesh from her bones!

And so the majai-hi lept into the underbrush, and into battle.
...deep in the forest South of the village...

The morning air was thick with dew as light made its way lazily through the branches of the trees. Birds sang their good morning to all the creatures in the woods as a tall figure emerged from a small primitive cabin and stood stretching in the coolness of dawn. The forest creatures had long ago accepted her presence and counted her as one of them.

Ona emptied her mind and ‘listened’ to the voices of the world around her. She shivered in trepidation and turned her face southward. Something was on the wind, something dark and evil. Coldness reached outward from the world of the dead to the world of the living and Ona shrank away from it. Her dark hair began to rise and swirl around her as if in a brisk wind and a subtle reddish glow wove through the strands like banked embers. Something this evil could not have gone unnoticed, someone somewhere had to know. She cast her consciousness to the three remaining directions and was drawn northward. There they were…..a stranger company there had never been, such an intriguing mix of creatures.

The crackle of flames and smell of burning wood tickled at the edges of Ona’s awareness. Blinking several times to focus her vision she saw that the wood laid ready in the large circle of stones at the center of the clearing was burning fierce and hot. She reached up to brush her hair away from her face struggling with the tenacious locks that wrapped around her wrists.

“Damnation…” she sighed to herself and then shrugged. At least the fire was contained. It had taken a lot of work to learn to not let the fire burn indiscriminately when it burst to life. She still couldn’t control the fire’s appearance when something upset her, but at least she could direct it to the place she kept ready for it. Since the fire was already burning she may as well make use of it. She headed toward a small cave that she used to store her provisions, her quick fingers deftly braiding her now calm hair into a thick braid that hung to her waist.

Ona paused and glanced to the North… was coming….
Morrigan felt the heat of the beast as it invaded her own. She was ready. She would battle to the death and receive the power inside the majai-hi. She stirred bursting from the darkness underground and set her self ready.

Screaming the high banshee cry, she smiled.

"Today, yes, today you die" she laughed through bared teeth at the majai-hi. Her motions were quick. As she reached inside her own purse for the items possesses within. In her mind Morrigann knew that her power was greater than before. Her only doubt was how much control over this creature did the Warrior have. Spitting in her plam Morrigan brought about a sliver of pink glass. Wizards death. She turned facing the majai-hi with the glass high above her head ready to fight.
The Fay Hound

He circled her, snarling. His hackles raised, and his crystal blue eyes shone against the shadows.

The earth calls you home. Turn from this evil. Come back to us! he called to her, pawing the ground in front of him.

The Fay stilled the very air. He could sense his kin, in the trees around him, the air, the very ground he pawed.

He lept, rushing, jaws snapping, tearing into her wrist. As he was thrown from her, he saw the wound he had made....steaming in the cold air. He backed away, his head low, and he pawed the ground once again.

It was only a wound, which would heal rapidly given her powers. But, he knew, it burned like fire.

Come back to us!, he cried to her, Remember who you are, not what you have become!
Morrigann beared her wrist. The open wound burned with a depth she had neither anticipated or wanted. Side stepping the majai-hi, she laughed.

"Come back to what? Nothing? What is it that you have that may of interest to me Fay hound? What is it that you could offer me, Morrigan Pendragon undead that would turn me from what I am? The Healer had the spell to make me live. The book is what I most covet. Your wish be damned unless you can show me profit more than what I have to gain." Morrigann's laugh rose from deep within her and became a sharp piercing sound that rang throughout the village.

"Would that I were injured and infested with your poison dear hound, you choose your next move wisely. For the poison in your bite only makes me more deadly than before for now, I have nothing to live for" and with that Morrigan beared her fangs and leapt upon the hounds back sinking them deep within the pelt.
Clutching his bundle of belongings tightly, Thelron runs quickly from the in and towards the edge of town. Nearly all the people who saw him as he came down the stairs chase after him while the others go to rouse the rest of the town. Shouts of 'murderous Drow' can be heard as the mob grows larger and larger, starting to catch up to Thelron. Having little choice, he casts a spell upon himself to make him faster and harder to hit, since some of the towns people have begun shooting at him with bows and crossbows.
Gabriele followed him as they walked. She listened to what he had to say, her mind recording everything she thought of value. Even when he sent his Fay Hound off, she respectively gave him space, but remembered everything.

The village was different. People were staring. Whispers were being shared...all of which she could hear. But she didn't pay them any heed.

"We will travel to the keep," O'Bonn told the Centaur. "The Fay hound will join us when he has completed whatever task his kin has set before him."

"Very well then. I shall accompany you there, but as I feel I am not welcome I may retreat to the forest for the remainder of the night."