The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. OCC.....

You got the right kind of Pop Tarts for me. I'm still here. Still waiting on Mantra. Sigh......
glad to hear the pop tarts are good.. *smiles* i think everyone is busy with rl stuff at the moment or like me havent been feeling good cas of all the wether change..

I am sure Mantra will get back to you as soon as he can he is really good about that sort of thing
*pondering warm Pop Tarts and a cold glass of milk* I'm hungry

I hope your allergies give you some relief soon, Sprite!

Hiya blaster...hang in there!
ohhh i wish they would hun but i dont think they will until the wether decides what its going to do... hehehe so till then i just dealing with it best i can.. *smiles* How about you all how have you been?
I've been doing good. Thanks for asking Sprite. I would be doing better, though, if Mantra replied to the PM I sent him 5 days ago. Sigh......(idly eats a Pop Tart)
Give Mantra a break, he's busy. Maybe post your character bio here and someone else can help you.
I would love to post my character bio, but I first have to get it fine tuned and approved by the guy running the show. Plus, there are somethings about my character that I want to be a surprise to the other PCs. The PM I sent Mantra awhile ago gave a few ideas that I can work with, and I currently have a character built that is based off of those ideas. I just have to wait and see if Mantra will accept the ideas, then I can throw the character bio his way. The worst part about all of this is the waiting. For a guy like me, who is almost fanatically enthusiastic, the waiting is killer.
Ithica said:
Give Mantra a break, he's busy. Maybe post your character bio here and someone else can help you.


You have no idea...I think in the last week, I've been online -maybe- an hour total....

Anyway Blaster, my apologies for the delay, but paitence is a virtue, so just consider it divine intervention :cool:

Seriously, your concept as is still makes your character too powerful for the group as it stands. I'll make the attempt to PM you more details to keep the secret stuff, secret.

Optimas, Playing out the actions of anothers character is godmoding and an RP no-no. (even if the played creature is a splatable NPC run by the story teller) I will do what I can to adjust the storyline, but tragically, it scuppered the plotline I had planned for your character. :(

Now for some even better news; :rolleyes: I will be taking a little business trip for the next 6 weeks. For those of you who remember what business I'm in, then you understand that my access to Lit will be very limited if not non-existant.

Carry on as you all choose and I will be back as soon as I am able.
Mantra said:
Seriously, your concept as is still makes your character too powerful for the group as it stands. I'll make the attempt to PM you more details to keep the secret stuff, secret.

In the character bio I created, I smoothed it out a bit, and narrowed his abilities some what. I'll send the bio the next time you PM me.

And thanks for the heads up on the down time. I'll start getting impatient again after the six weeks are up. ;)

Sorry am still new to this - no god modding from now on, sorry. Let me know how you want to progress and I will write it back in , or as your short on time do you just want to pm me with the outline and I will write along best i can. Sorry once again.
Casting call...but not for this RPG

With Mantra taking a business trip (I haven't the slightest idea what business he's in), it seems that it will be a long while (to me, at least) before my character gets the official approval. Therefore, I bid you all good RPGing and I will be keeping tabs until I can get into the game.

But before I take a sideline seat once again, I wish to extend a request (from myself) for a "partner in crime," if you would, for another RPG that I am involved in. This other RPG is the first one I got involved in (and, so far, the only one) called The Dragons of Ragnos. I am looking for someone to play a rather wise and witty female dragon by the name of Shela, who is paired with my character, Cris. There is one requirement that I must put upfront: the person to play the role of Shela must be able to keep up with the fast pace of the thread. That means being online on regular intervals, normally once a day. Key word, "normally". It is nogiatable. Please read the Dragons of Ragnos thread to get a feel for the story and other characters; I have briefly described Shela in the thread. PM me if you are interested.
Good luck on your Trip Mantra we'll await your return anchiously *Smiles* Looks around room.. ok guys lets take things from where we left off and see what we can come up with while Mantra is away... Who knows who or what we may run into yet on our way to Dreamweavers layer..

As to your char blaster8 i am sure once all the fine tuning is done you'll make a great additon to the group i know it can be hard to be pacent when your really looking forward to joining but i am sure your wait will be worth while and i look forward to reading your post's.
*Shouts out from the sidelines* You ran out of Pop-Tarts! They all left after I ate them all. The other's weren't fast enough!
lol well they cant blame the pregnant lady for eating them all this time.. *grins* your turn to buy more ROFL..
Nah, I won't buy more Pop-Tarts. I know of something better than them: Tastykakes! If you're from the east-coast (mainly Philadelphia/New Jersey area), you would know of this excellent pastries. Hostess has nothing on these sweet things, except maybe sales; Tastykakes are next to impossible to find outside of the east-coast area. I'll buy a truck load of Tastykakes instead of Pop-Tarts. That might work. :D
hehehehe never had them i am from Kansas but they do sound yummy... well as long as your buying hun bring them on in, i'd be more than happy to try some *GRINS*
I had a TastyKake once at a deli here. Imagine that, a deli in southeast Georgia.
Im from maryland, where we do have tasty kakes. but the best dessert thing ever is berger cookies. i dont think they sell 'em outside of maryland but they're amazing.
Never heard of them kinda cookies.

Oh, by the way sir, we are heading away from Red Mountain, not to it. The group was at Red Mountain earlier learning from Thorn and the other dragons and are now on their way to find DreamWeaver's lair. I have no idea where DreamWeaver's lair is, but I am guessing it is probably somewhere downtown, on the corner, with a big, flashing neon sign that reads "DreamWeaver's Lair".
Both of you have had or have heard of TastyKakes? Wow, I didn't think they sold outside of Philly, aside from Phoenix. I'm in Arizona and I know of only two places in all the state that sold them. One closed up, and the other is unreliable. They ain't cheap, that's for sure. At least, out here they aren't. Shipping those things costs alot of money.
Only clue i had as for directions to DreamWeavers Lair was what The Matrearc told Idrial .. as to when we actually get there well thats up to Mantra hehehehehe
I think as we get closer we'll start hearing Styx playing out of nowhere.

if anyone gets what i mean by that, they gain major awesome points