The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. OCC.....

Thank you all, it was a lot of fun. Best of all, it helped me get my creativity back up and rolling, so I thought I's get my posting up to snuff and caught up again.

Got sunburned pretty bad, but considering I got burned down in the Bahamas, I don't think it counts. ;)
Thanks and welcome back mantra.. i am feeling good for now at least until the pain meds wear off.............. trust me when i say this dont get a hystorectomy unless you have too.. the pain sucks..........

FYI, You are under a false impression, there is no prevention from lying in elvish. There are many different versions of elvish, as for the different types of elves. It also would not take into consideration the deceptive nature of 'evil' elves or the Drow.



You may deliver the killing blow to your target... if you can. :devil:
Mantra said:

FYI, You are under a false impression, there is no prevention from lying in elvish. There are many different versions of elvish, as for the different types of elves. It also would not take into consideration the deceptive nature of 'evil' elves or the Drow.


Eh, I believe I was thinking elvish in terms of the Eragon series, not LOTR, which has different languages for the elves, like Sindarian and whatnot. Oh well.
still acepting players

just wondering if theres still place open for a nether player
theres always an opening for another player.. *smiles* I hope you will join if your still intrested just send mantra an intro of your char and ether he or one of the rest of us can help you join in...
*smiles* where did every buggy go??? ooops sorry i mean buddy *grins*...... looks like were stuck for the moment.. hope everyone is doing ok and hope to hear from ya soon..
LittleSprite2 said:
*smiles* where did every buggy go??? ooops sorry i mean buddy *grins*...... looks like were stuck for the moment.. hope everyone is doing ok and hope to hear from ya soon..

I'm still here. Just been taking my time and working on RL things.
np hun i understand about how RL goes *smiles* take your time i was just being onory. *GRINS*
LittleSprite2 said:
np hun i understand about how RL goes *smiles* take your time i was just being onory. *GRINS*

Understood. Have a nice day, Sprite. :rose: ;)
I'm still here Sprite. Im just fairly busy with several new pieces of writing that have taken up my concentration and most of my time that I'm not working.
i love to join

if some one can point me in the right derition id love to join in the story line as well
wolfknight20 said:
just wondering if theres still place open for a nether player

There's always a place for new talent :)

There are however, a few things to consider before you do.

First off, read and agree to the 'rules' of my story, located on the first post in the story thread. second, realize that this story proceeds as best as it can. It moves slowly at times because it operated largely in my free time, which has a nasty tendancy to be rather short sometimes. *shrugs* Such is the curse of real life.

If you are looking to post every single day and just cant wait, this may not be the story for you.

Now let me go attend to your PM... :)
cant wait for you to join, your more than welome and i hope you enjoy writting with us.. *Smiles*
my carater

these are the specs i sent mantra

name: silverfang wolveian nightwing
spesies:were dragon
eyes:yellow green and slited like a cats
size:6 foot in human-bout 5foot in beast and bout 6foot long
Cabilitys:wile in beast i can breath fire or ice can fly and have the gift of speaking any tougn and i can use magick which gets stronger with pratice- in human i can do magic but not as stronly as in beast my senses are highted and ive a good amount of luck
wapons: in human ive a sword that gives a mage expert fighting skills but gives a fighter inmunity from magic draw back is it cant be used aginst a female lest in self defense-in beast ive my claws and teeth with a apindeg like a blade at the end my tale
apperance:in beast ive a wolfs bodie with dragon wings and a tail like a dragons my fur is black with a white mark on my chest resembleing a cresant moon wile my scales are a cobalt blue-in human im dark taned have a beard my hairs black slitly pointed ears an lean and musclur with scares from past battles
usly perfer wareing only a pair of black lather pants cut loose so they change with me
other; has the talint for sniffing out hiddin treasurs
loyaltys : im nutal can be either good or bad
history: i was created by a mage to fight in a wizzerds war but was released after it was won

im just waiting for the go ahaed
Kewl I like it sounds like it could be fun.. tho i wonder what Thorns people would think of your char.... i can see interesting arguements and conversations over that one *GRINS*
not to fast now

im glad of the welcoms but im not on bord yet im still waiting for the final word and imn well a ware of the discusians i pose since by most thoghts im a anomaly that should not be for all know dragons and were wolves dont mix or play well with each others usualy but i was made by wizereds will like the griffen or the golam

Hello everyone,

Sorry I've been away, but alas, such is the nature of my work and my life :( I can only thank all of you who bear with me.

Wolf, Let me get to your PM and get to some real discussions to get you into the game. Be warned however, that this is usually the pace of my story. I just do not often have the time to post very fast. Also, be ready to answer alot of questions and be flexible. We have alot of work to do before your character comes into the story, but here are two questions for you to think on,

1) Good guy or a Bad Guy? Both have a place here in my story.

2) What drives your character? What is it that you/he wants in life or are you just a wandering vagabond?


You have a PM before I can continue on with your posting

Idrial and Co,

While you are searching the village, di any of you want to take anything you might find, that is, plunder? (after all, they're dead, they don't need it anymore. :devil: )
Good to know that you're still alive an' kickin' Mantra. I saw the posts in the IC thread. Nice reactions to Khan's appearance, but why did the woman have to ask for his name? He already gave it. Oh well, don't bother editing. I'll deal with it in my next post.