The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. OCC.....

Bladesman said:
...Is anything happening in the story?

Of course! There's always something happening in a story, especially this one. But if you're wondering why Mantra hasn't posted recently, then it's most likely that RL has him in a head-lock. Just be patient. He'll post eventually.
ive always liked a the qote of "ive always hated long good byes it gives the enemy time to aim"
To put it bluntly, your spelling sucks. You either need to slow down your typing speed or spell-check before you post.

It makes your posts a whole hella lot easier to read and understand. I'm just picky that way.
Jedi_Khan said:
Of course! There's always something happening in a story, especially this one. But if you're wondering why Mantra hasn't posted recently, then it's most likely that RL has him in a head-lock. Just be patient. He'll post eventually.

Life has alot of us in a head lock lately. Actually, I like to think that I have life in a headlov=ck really :) but it's still a bitch to fight. I pop in on rare occasion to keep up on what happens, but weekends are usually when I have time to do -anything-. This story is on my To Do list, please just be paitent. I haven't forgotten any of you.
Jedi_Khan said:
To put it bluntly, your spelling sucks. You either need to slow down your typing speed or spell-check before you post.

It makes your posts a whole hella lot easier to read and understand. I'm just picky that way.

Or maybe it's not his first language. Maybe he has a learning disablity, Maybe he's just a bad typist. Who knows.

To put it bluntly, that was unkind. :(
Mantra said:
Or maybe it's not his first language. Maybe he has a learning disablity, Maybe he's just a bad typist. Who knows.

To put it bluntly, that was unkind. :(

I tried to be tactful about it. But, hell, like I said, I'm picky that way.
Mantra said:
Life has alot of us in a head lock lately. Actually, I like to think that I have life in a headlov=ck really :) but it's still a bitch to fight. I pop in on rare occasion to keep up on what happens, but weekends are usually when I have time to do -anything-. This story is on my To Do list, please just be paitent. I haven't forgotten any of you.

Don't worry Mantra. We're not about to run out on you now :D
to jedi actuly mantra is right i do have a slite mental troble ive add other wise known as atintion defised disorder spelling is one of the things im not good at math is the other so id apresiate if you would lay off about the spelling we all have are little proplems and i guess we know one of yours now
thoe i have add im in no way retarded my iq test the doters gave me peaked at 120 so in closing jedi pleaze lay of my spelling.
wolfknight20 said:
to jedi actuly mantra is right i do have a slite mental troble ive add other wise known as atintion defised disorder spelling is one of the things im not good at math is the other so id apresiate if you would lay off about the spelling we all have are little proplems and i guess we know one of yours now
thoe i have add im in no way retarded my iq test the doters gave me peaked at 120 so in closing jedi pleaze lay of my spelling.

I'm familiar with ADD enough to be surprised that it actually affects spelling ability. Anyways, I can't say I'm an authority on the subject, so therefore, you are excused.
oh one last thing khan if your so aware of add than you know theres two kinds the behavior type and the leraning type mine happens to be the leraning type
wolfknight20 said:
oh one last thing khan if your so aware of add than you know theres two kinds the behavior type and the leraning type mine happens to be the leraning type

Got it.

I could argue a little more, but I'm not going to bother to. Have a nice day. Happy posting.
well then i think we will get along just fine jedi we each know how to retreat to fight another day heres to futer dules of which im sure ther will be many and may your den recieve you at your hunts end
OK Wolfknight, you're in.

Sorry for the wait and thank you for your paitence.

For the rest of you, I'll be updating more as I can this weekend.
heres my cariter stats im in at last

name: silverfang wolveian nightwing
spesies:were wolfgon
eyes:yellow green and slited like a cats
size:6 foot in human-bout 5foot in beast and bout 6foot long
Cabilitys:wile in beast i can breath ice ONCE A DAYcan fly and have the gift of speaking any tougn and i can use MIND MAGIC AND HAVE A SMALL CONTROL OVER WATER ELEMENTALS which gets stronger with pratice- in human i can do magic but not as stronly as in beast my senses OF SIGHT AND SOUND AND SMELL are highted and ive a good amount of GOOD luck
wapons: in human ive a sword that gives a mage expert fighting skills but gives a fighter inmunity from magic draw back is it cant be used aginst a female lest in self defense-in beast ive my claws and teeth with a apindeg like a blade at the end my tale THAT BE COMES MY SWORD WHEN IM IN HUMAN
apperance:in beast ive a wolfs bodie with dragon wings and a tail like a dragons my fur is black with a white mark on my chest resembleing a cresant moon wile my scales are a cobalt blue-in human im dark taned have a beard my hairs black slitly pointed ears an lean and musclur with scares from past battles
usly perfer wareing only a pair of black lather pants cut loose so they change with me
loyaltys : im nutal can be either good or bad
history: i was created by a mage to fight in a wizzerds war but was released after it was won FOR HE HAD NO FURTHER USE FOR ME AND THOGHT IT BEST TO LET ME GO TO FIND MY OWN WAY IN LIFE

Here are some of my disadvantages.

- my 'sword' is actually made of horn. If chipped, or cracked, it will heal or regrow over time. It can be healed with magic as well. If it ever breaks, it will cause harm, similar is if i broke a bone, but can be regrown.

- my sword is also a physical part of my body. Magic allows me to move it around in beast or human form as a sword but I MUST keep it with me. If I ever loose it or have it taken from me , it will cause great pain until I either get it back or regrow the sword from my own body.

- my trousers and sword scabbard are the only things that change when I change. Anything else, (armor, clothing, rings, even a bag of coins) do not. While I can still keep or use them, if I change my shape, they will not change with me and will likely be destroyed or lost.

- Any weapon, spell or effect which effects dragons or were-creatures, will also effect me. Likewise, anti-magic can also effect me.
nice profile i like it.. :) i am having some trouble keeping up with three chars so if its ok with you mantra i am going to shake it up a bit and if not i can edit no biggie.. *SMILES*
Yes, I agree. Nice profile, it'll be interesting to see what you come up with.

Welcome to the thread!
Hey, wolfknight? Remember those future duels you said we would get into? Here's one of them.

I'm going to have to give you an unofficial red flag on your last post. You don't exactly decide where your character goes, kinda like what you did in your post. That's Mantra's job.
Jedi_Khan said:
Hey, wolfknight? Remember those future duels you said we would get into? Here's one of them.

I'm going to have to give you an unofficial red flag on your last post. You don't exactly decide where your character goes, kinda like what you did in your post. That's Mantra's job.

I realy do hat being a precoc but in any case i didnt decide where i went i acted on the facts mantra gave me on my intrdution post he said i raed a flyer advertising for hired sorwds so i took that as a hint to haed to the towun and see the guild master i havent went any where but by reading the rest of the listings in this forum i know theres only two spots i could possibly be sent two the swamp with your careitures or to the city gards to cross paths with wolfsisters cariture eventuly un less mantra plans to send me off on my owen for a wile before i meet up with any one in either case i dont mind all will play out as it should and one last tid bit i dont see where you get off trying to tell me off jedi if mantra has a problem im sure he well tell me and i can edit my post if i must
wolfknight20 said:
I realy do hat being a precoc but in any case i didnt decide where i went i acted on the facts mantra gave me on my intrdution post he said i raed a flyer advertising for hired sorwds so i took that as a hint to haed to the towun and see the guild master i havent went any where but by reading the rest of the listings in this forum i know theres only two spots i could possibly be sent two the swamp with your careitures or to the city gards to cross paths with wolfsisters cariture eventuly un less mantra plans to send me off on my owen for a wile before i meet up with any one in either case i dont mind all will play out as it should and one last tid bit i dont see where you get off trying to tell me off jedi if mantra has a problem im sure he well tell me and i can edit my post if i must

Yes, going to town to inquire about the job offer was the right thing to do, but what you did after, by having the guild master come out and give you two options, was not. In short, you don't decide what the guild master tells you.

And as for me giving you the heads up like this, Mantra isn't around to do so, so I figure it's better to ask forgiveness than permission, in this situation.