The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. OCC.....

Jedi_Khan said:
Yes, going to town to inquire about the job offer was the right thing to do, but what you did after, by having the guild master come out and give you two options, was not. In short, you don't decide what the guild master tells you.

And as for me giving you the heads up like this, Mantra isn't around to do so, so I figure it's better to ask forgiveness than permission, in this situation.
In the futuer id sugest letting mantra deal with things whene he gets to it after all hes the dm and as far as forgiveness and premison goes ill forgive you sticking your light saber where it dont belong this time but dont try to carict me unless mantra tyres to have you do it in the story and thats as far as permison goes
wolfknight20 said:
In the futuer id sugest letting mantra deal with things whene he gets to it after all hes the dm and as far as forgiveness and premison goes ill forgive you sticking your light saber where it dont belong this time but dont try to carict me unless mantra tyres to have you do it in the story and thats as far as permison goes

Enough. Have a nice day.
Mantras The One You Wish To Speak With Hes Are Dungen Master So To Speak He Decides Wether Your Caiture Can Be Added Or Not
wolfknight20 said:
In the futuer id sugest letting mantra deal with things whene he gets to it after all hes the dm and as far as forgiveness and premison goes ill forgive you sticking your light saber where it dont belong this time but dont try to carict me unless mantra tyres to have you do it in the story and thats as far as permison goes

Play nice you two... *waggles finger*

Although Jedi is actually correct, your first post was fine, but you should have either edited your first post to expand on what you wanted to do or held until I made a reply for you to make your next post. While I do not mind players taking some liberties with their posts, if it involves a plot change or an important NPC, I would prefer to direct a bit more. :)

Jedi was probably just trying to help.
vall_woodshadow said:
i was wondering if you were still taking players for your game.

Never say never.

PM me with details or throw up a bio and we'll see.
Mantra said:
Play nice you two... *waggles finger*

Although Jedi is actually correct, your first post was fine, but you should have either edited your first post to expand on what you wanted to do or held until I made a reply for you to make your next post. While I do not mind players taking some liberties with their posts, if it involves a plot change or an important NPC, I would prefer to direct a bit more. :)

Jedi was probably just trying to help.
sorry mantra i shall remember that in futer its just my frist time and far as me and jedis little scubbles its merly a conflict of personalitys hes too picky im too layed back
just wanted to let you know that i'll be gone over thanksgiving visiting relitives ect as i am sure most are but figured i'd drop you a message so you didnt think i had forgotten ya *smiles* and HAPPY THANKS GIVING ALL.........
This Might Be A Stupid ?

But Whos Draken I Didnt Remember Seeing That Name In The Stoy Line So Far never mind i found my answer sorry
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acutally i think there are two Draken's only spelled a little differently one is a Dragon one of the Dragon thorns people and the other is the one you read about, there is lots of info to remember that may come in handy or not later on hehhehe

Do any of you remember the necoromacer and the guy on the black horse or the man in rags who started the fire in Kent to get to Rhys in the begining?? there was also the Wolfen Kind who were working for some of the necromancers hench men to try and get to Rhys as well... we have more enemys aside from the undead and a long ways to go to figure everything out hehehehe not to mention we still have dreamweaver ahead. *grins and rubs hands togeter* GOD I AM HAVING FUN HOW ABOUT YOU???????
Oh I am most definitely having fun!! Its really interesting just how my character is going to grow. I don't even know if she's going to be evil or not :D

All I know is that Mantra's got plans and I'm loving them!
thats what i read thats cool ive always liked the drow but wolfs are my totem so thier where my heart lie
hey gang just ta let ya know ill be gone for a week or so round crismas ill be spending the holiday from hell visting my kid sister
Hope you at least have some good times during christmas, WolfKnight.

I will also be pretty scarce this month, it being holiday season and all. I'll be pretty static (not that I haven't been lately :p) but I'll definitely be around.
Greetings all,

Sorry about being a bit thin here myself, but the holidays seems to have taken several of us out for the time being. Just keep in mind I haven't forgotten any of you..

and yes, there are plans for each of you...and twisty plots galore. :devil: Nothing happens in a vacuum here and there are probably several of you doing things simoutaniously that may or may not effect one another....but trust that you all have some role in what's happening .(or going to happen)

Wolf Knight, there are two 'Drakens', one is Bladesman's character, Draken and Drakkon, one of the dragons in Thorn's commune.
Hello everyone,

Yes, I know that many are out and about for the Holidays. I'm no exception so I do understand that we're at a slow point in posting. But as some of you may have noticed, I'm starting to bring players into contact with other players or in a position to affect one another. Also as some may have guessed, things are starting to get...interesting.:devil:

Please keep an eye out for your characters as you can. No one likes to be kept waiting on another player's actions. Heck, it's bad enough that you all have to wait on me sometimes...:eek:

Thanks all,
