"To keep the review thread clean..."

do we see duplicity here?
your words, ash...
"Thou o resident , arrogant Jerk
Don't scowl , snarl or smirk ....
What is this Power of Three ???
Some unscientific irrationality !?!?
First learn to write gramattical English
Before you'll ever be fit to drink my Piss !"
well gargle yourself a two. And if you care to explain why it is better or if why I should even bother to reed it, feel free
Thanks to Ashesh9 for commenting on "Sublime, The Glory That Was Crete".
No great mystery there, ash. My wife lives in London and I decide to return there. After a holiday to Peloponnese, of course! The real mystery remains in the sublimity of Crete.
Many thanks to wildescarlet for commenting on Student Union Consultation and on Golden Age
Also thanks for your suggestion on the first one. It makes more sense like you say and I will correct it. It was one of my first attempts to write something in English.
As for "Golden Age", Monsieur Antoine was quite independent of the story of the golden boy, but his incident happened in the same building.
Thanks, Ash, for reading through MY SISTER'S CALL and raising this question.
This (unfinished as yet) cycle is titled "Ghosts Of Every Occupation" , and is taken from a baroque dancing tune, but before, I had for it the (working) title "Deja Scru". There is a definition of it somewhere which I kind of like but still I'm thinking hard to give my own more precise definition to it (a hell of a job for me).
The original definition of "Deja Scru" is here.
Please, tell me what you think of it?
Thanks, Ash, for your comment/question in Fair Points

Let me point out:

"fair points" here (1st line, stanza 3) is used as a noun in plural, ie points made.
"points" in 3rd line, stanza 3, is used as a verb third person singular, ie something points to the direction of nowhere. Therefore the meaning is that every one of the "fair points made" is in itself pointing towards nowhere, consequently it is not fair but a nowhere point. Got it?
Of course there is a background story to both points of view (there are two people talking about points here), and this is obvious, that is why this piece is called a prelude. It is a prelude to a story proposing to narrate those points. I don’t know yet if I will decide completing it or just let it roll as it comes.
If you look at the tag "TALES OF A CUNT" and the sign <<=>> which I rarely use, it is connecting one current story with a much older one, ie LEMONIA versus EDELTRAUD.
"TALES OF A CUNT" is mere word play to me, not all revealed here.
The full title it is "TALES OF A CUNT-ERBURY PILGRIM", borrowed from Chaucer of course, or like some of my earlier songs within these stories like Adagio Cunt-Abile 1 etc distorting a musical term to suit my story telling.
I just replace letter "A" with letter "U" in English or Latin words starting with "Cant".
I find the "U" more musical.


Thanks a lot for raising the question, thus giving me a chance to talk about all these structural points (again fucking points!) which sometimes are more important/problematic to me than my poems themselves.
Thanx to Pel for commenting on all my poems today & recommending Erotic Limerick & also to HoneyA for commenting on my Time as Train poem
Thank you, Ashesh9 and Trixareforkids for commenting on Taking A Turn.
Ash, it is both an allusion to Un Anno d' Amore" and it's trying to connect to a well known song two songs of mine again, out of two chapters: "SUMMER BLAST" of "LEMONIA" with "SUMMER WILD" of "EDELTRAUD", therefore it is as you say an autobiographical detail.
Thank you, Magnetron and Greenmountaineer for commenting onTaking A Turn.

I can see what Trix means and I think she is right. It does appear to have a whimsical stutter, although it was not intentional. My intention was to finish with an optimistic message of courage, giving some little hope for carrying on.
Thanks, Ash, for comenting on Nightmare In Fibonacci Scale

poetry as speculation in the 1st mirror progression up to 8 syllables.
The events as described are like reality distilled through a not so scary nightmare.
I am really talking about three ladies here, or maybe one with three faces.
Quite therapeutic as you say.
cheers to ash, mag and harry for the replies on 'an intake of breath', and thanks to gideonite and harry for the favouriting :kiss::rose:
Thanks, Ash, for commenting on Blackgoesthatbluelovedistorted
Colors to me are a definite property of love.
"Blue" theme versus other colors is further developed maybe in some future submission: "My Right Foot Sandal"
BTW, I've noticed a very big slow down and lengthening of time taking my submissions to appear in Literotica, otherwise I would submit more poems. I mean, I used to be able to publish up to 6 pieces a day. Now it takes 2-3 days for a piece to appear and I even get informed sometimes beforehand of when it is going to appear which means to me a lot of things not stated officially. That does not suit at all my own "submissions policy" cause I want my piece (for private reasons) to make its required effect on the day I write it and publish it, not after 3 days. But what can I do?
The aforementioned "My Right Foot Sandal" was finished and intended to be published in the morning 22/11/2014, but I didn't even bother submitting it as another piece (to be published whenever) is still on the pipeline.
Do you have any such problems with your submissions? Or any one else who reads this post?

Thanks also, tazz317, for commenting on There goes The Show (and for your drumming of course).
The show must go on cause babes like to watch it.
Thanks, Ash, for commenting on Blackgoesthatbluelovedistorted
Colors to me are a definite property of love.
"Blue" theme versus other colors is further developed maybe in some future submission: "My Right Foot Sandal"
BTW, I've noticed a very big slow down and lengthening of time taking my submissions to appear in Literotica, otherwise I would submit more poems. I mean, I used to be able to publish up to 6 pieces a day. Now it takes 2-3 days for a piece to appear and I even get informed sometimes beforehand of when it is going to appear which means to me a lot of things not stated officially. That does not suit at all my own "submissions policy" cause I want my piece (for private reasons) to make its required effect on the day I write it and publish it, not after 3 days. But what can I do?
The aforementioned "My Right Foot Sandal" was finished and intended to be published in the morning 22/11/2014, but I didn't even bother submitting it as another piece (to be published whenever) is still on the pipeline.
Do you have any such problems with your submissions? Or any one else who reads this post?
Thanks also, tazz317, for commenting on There goes The Show (and for your drumming of course).
The show must go on cause babes like to watch it.

Yes , Pel there has been a perceptible slowin' down in speed of publicashun ' but since this is an unpaid service Lauren , Manu & others are renderin' to Poets Free of Charge it feels churlish to crib !?
BTW, I've noticed a very big slow down and lengthening of time taking my submissions to appear in Literotica, otherwise I would submit more poems. I mean, I used to be able to publish up to 6 pieces a day. Now it takes 2-3 days for a piece to appear and I even get informed sometimes beforehand of when it is going to appear which means to me a lot of things not stated officially. That does not suit at all my own "submissions policy" cause I want my piece (for private reasons) to make its required effect on the day I write it and publish it, not after 3 days. But what can I do?


Do you have any such problems with your submissions? Or any one else who reads this post?
yes, there seems to be a 2-3 day wait for now. whether or not this is the new 'thing' or due to all the structural changes being implemented by admin i can't say. i suggest you pm laurel to ask if it's a temporary situation.

and, as ash notes, we get this publication platform for not a single penny/cent, so whilst it might be a little frustrating right now it's not anything owed to us. :rose:
Thanks, Butters and Ash, for replying. I agree with you and I am also grateful for having this platform free.
I suppose I've been going with my old speeds. I must slow down.
Thank you GM for commentin' & likin' Erotic Verse ..??
{ your Liking means a lot to me as I think you & Dem are the best Poets here }
Thanks, Ash, for commenting on Ending An Endless Song and comparing my verse to that great scientist and poet's work that taught us all in East and West (and not only about poetry). I'm sure I'm not there yet, only trying to emulate his technique sometimes for my story telling, although hindered by the fact that I cannot read it in the original language.