"To keep the review thread clean..."

Many Thanks to TGodd113 for favoriting FORWARDING "PORNOGRAPHIC" VERSE, and also to anonymous for suggesting a new concept for the poem.

Guilty Pleasure,
I'm sorry it did not work for you, but I am certainly not trying to have any fun with anyone in here. I put it under "erotic" as a prologue to other verses in other poems that may be erotic according to anyone's take, like the previous one, LOVE ZIK-ZAK, but not as such (erotic) in this instance.
To help you understand my use of capitalized preambles, or tags or whatever one may call them:

To me they are not tags but stories, chapters, song cycles etc and can be observed in all poems that I publish in Literotica.
LEMONIA PERFORCE=>ATHENS, CITY UNKNOWN is the book and chapter I am working on currently.
<=> LEMONIA => SUMMER BLAST=>BELLA GIOVENTU BEATA is connected to the above by using (<=>) and going backwards and forwards in time to ten years ago when I was writing live the story of Lemonia (whereas now I write from memory). So this was a prologue to "pornographic" verses that I wrote then. Anyway, this prologue/poem has a 2nd part which will follow shortly if approved and hopefully will make things a little clearer.
In some sense none of my poems are stand-alone pieces, although I try to make them as self-contained as I can.
Thanks for your feedback. It helps by pointing to the difficulties that I'm faced with. :)
Thanks to pelegrino and Senna Jawa for your comments on Whispers.

To Senna Jawa:

With all due respect to your criticism, lighten up man.

Not everyone is trying to be "serious" or a "student of poetry" when they compose. Readers don't need to be "serious" when they read and certainly a line by line dissection about which tense or metaphor I used was a bit over the top. For the most part I don't use a dogmatic formula. I use a simple 4 line stanza with a line 2 line 4 rhyming scheme, except on those rare occasions when I write 3 line stanzas. This works well with song lyrics and is easy to adapt.

As for the work in question, it was written 23 years ago at a time when I was experimenting in writing without a specific musical idea. Good or bad it conveys a certain point and feeling in time. As such I'm not going to re-write it to correct its "errors".

I'm sorry you didn't like it..
Thanks to pelegrino and Senna Jawa for your comments on Whispers.

To Senna Jawa:

With all due respect to your criticism, lighten up man.

Not everyone is trying to be "serious" or a "student of poetry" when they compose. Readers don't need to be "serious" when they read and certainly a line by line dissection about which tense or metaphor I used was a bit over the top. For the most part I don't use a dogmatic formula. I use a simple 4 line stanza with a line 2 line 4 rhyming scheme, except on those rare occasions when I write 3 line stanzas. This works well with song lyrics and is easy to adapt.

As for the work in question, it was written 23 years ago at a time when I was experimenting in writing without a specific musical idea. Good or bad it conveys a certain point and feeling in time. As such I'm not going to re-write it to correct its "errors".

I'm sorry you didn't like it..

With all due respect to you, Senna gave you some good advice in his comment. You may not agree with it, you may find it insulting in places (I do), and you may have written your poem many years ago. (I can understand that you might not want to revisit it decades later.) However you only come off sounding defensive in your comment here. Maybe you should open your mind some and consider what he is saying for future writing you might do. His point is well taken about not having a third person, the narrator, in the middle of a love scene for two.

It takes time and thought for a reviewer to say more specific stuff than that he did or didn't like a poem and that, to my thinking, deserves a thank you for reading and thinking about the poem, not scorn. I find it best to not get emotionally involved with my readers' comments. I try to learn from them and move on. And if I disagree I don't take their recommendations and move on anyway.

Just offering my thoughts and not trying to pick a fight or anything like that. Reviews take time and effort: that kind of feedback is always a good thing imho. :rose:
With all due respect to you, Senna gave you some good advice in his comment. You may not agree with it, you may find it insulting in places (I do), and you may have written your poem many years ago. (I can understand that you might not want to revisit it decades later.) However you only come off sounding defensive in your comment here. Maybe you should open your mind some and consider what he is saying for future writing you might do. His point is well taken about not having a third person, the narrator, in the middle of a love scene for two.

It takes time and thought for a reviewer to say more specific stuff than that he did or didn't like a poem and that, to my thinking, deserves a thank you for reading and thinking about the poem, not scorn. I find it best to not get emotionally involved with my readers' comments. I try to learn from them and move on. And if I disagree I don't take their recommendations and move on anyway.

Just offering my thoughts and not trying to pick a fight or anything like that. Reviews take time and effort: that kind of feedback is always a good thing imho. :rose:

Point taken...
Thanks for listening and not minding my sticking my two cents worth in! It's something I feel strongly about. :)

I said my piece and what's done is done.. Tilting at windmills doesn't change anything and only serves to hurt the horse..;)
With all due respect to you, Senna gave you some good advice in his comment. You may not agree with it, you may find it insulting in places (I do), and you may have written your poem many years ago. (I can understand that you might not want to revisit it decades later.) However you only come off sounding defensive in your comment here. Maybe you should open your mind some and consider what he is saying for future writing you might do. His point is well taken about not having a third person, the narrator, in the middle of a love scene for two.

It takes time and thought for a reviewer to say more specific stuff than that he did or didn't like a poem and that, to my thinking, deserves a thank you for reading and thinking about the poem, not scorn. I find it best to not get emotionally involved with my readers' comments. I try to learn from them and move on. And if I disagree I don't take their recommendations and move on anyway.

Just offering my thoughts and not trying to pick a fight or anything like that. Reviews take time and effort: that kind of feedback is always a good thing imho. :rose:

I agree with all this, Ange, with reference to improving future technique and to learn from serious criticism, even if harsh like I thought Seena's was in this instance. I just felt that these points cannot improve a poem written years ago. Better leave it as it stands, imho, it still has its charm.
Dear Ashesh9, greenmountaineer,
Thank you for your comments on Beyond but Remaining. I appreciate them.

It was a nice surprise, seeing the title of one of my stories coming back to me like that. I do hope that the poem doesn’t give the impression of putting the blame on someone.

Less is more, in your opinion?
I was unsure about adding the illustration, but I do think it has additional value. Would it better fit in Non-Erotic Poetry according to you?

I appreciate feedback.

I just wanted to get across a message that I read your stories too!
your poem doth not Blame anybody....but I used your story title in my comments : and you are a fine writer !!!
best regards,
thank you Tazz for commenting on Balance and BVMLover for compliments to Buttocks , an Illustrated skirt and JLo or Kim!!!
all the above mentioned poems are of and in the illustrated category.
thank you Tazz for comment/question and Erectus for the compliment on my Erotique offerin' " Spank --Quigong--Squeeze"
Harry : thank you Bro for your comment on Origin of Ganges.
And thank you Tazz and BVMLover for also commenting on above and BVMLover for ' fave'-ing same !!!
Thnx to Tgod for fave-ing my non erotic ' Did nae see' and to Eectsus for commenting on my erOtic Equal but Opposite.
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Thank You Tazz For Commenting On Illustrated Poem 'bonnie Pirate Annie'
Thanks Erectus For Your Kind Wishes On Illustrated ' Slut On A Roof' Winning The Jan'18 Category Award!
Thank you Tod for recommending At what price Sorry I've taken so long to reply but I'm bedridden now and it's only today that my husband has set up my laptop so I can use it from my bed :rose:
military police ex-sergeants and martinets

Either that or start a new one. I have been guilty of blabbing in threads like the passion thread myself, but in truth it's hard to find poems when there's a lot of talk between them. Otoh, people may not feel they can comment spontaneously if they have to go to another thread and link to the poem to do so. I try not to do it because smithpeter always gave me a hard time about it but I admit that was a long time ago!

Perhaps smithpeter has mellowed wth age
Erectus: thnx for commenting on Go get a sex-life even tho' I can't agree with your sentiments exactly .....
Many thnx to Erectus for complimenting my erotic offering ' in praise of Older Buttocks..."
Thank You , Erectus and Tazz for comments on my erotic poem ' Spanked not Fucked'.