"To keep the review thread clean..."

thanks to aaaaeee for "fave'-ing and to Stillsearchen for commenting my erotic poem Brahmacharyed not Ejaculated.
thank you Erectus for commenting on my " the more your spankings laaast......"
Where is the review tread? It's disappeared from lack of use and I need a link to New Poetry being once more in it! ........... found it hidden in the stickys :D and added some recommendations.
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thank you Erectus for commenting on ' If sugar is poison for the Diabetic....."
thank you Erectus

Erectus : thank you for following comment on my "#SheToo[erotic]"!!


One of your best. I have great sympathy and concern for the "Me too" movement.
I am fairly certain that yesterday's trysts were consensual but who can be sure of last years or ten years ago. Memories are fluid and not precise. I know I had dinner last Wednesday but I can't recall if it was pasta or lasagna.
However, it was with outrage I learned from those I loved of the abuse they suffered at the hands of their superiors, rapists and aggressive suitors. The world is a sad jungle. In the jungle sex is often nonconsensual and animals take advantage of superior strength and position, as do humans.
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Dearest Brother,
From your mouth to God's ears.
MeToo will ensnare our youthful deeds
and march us to the gallows as we bellow,
"I'm sorry,--but it was wonderful--I'll be good for ever more-
But wasn't it you dear lady who grabbed my cock?"

-----Thank you Erectus for kind words on my poem Repulsography!!!!

I am sometimes troubled with the

memory of a brilliant and ripe beautiful girl I used to have sex with. I said to her one day, "When I have sex with you I feel like I am raping you," she answered, "No, I'm just a slow responder." Am I me-to-ing myself?

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by tazz317


another slice of waste, TK U MLJ LV NV

Thanks for above comments , Erectus and Tazz , on my erotic poem #MeToo!!!
Erectus: Bro, thanks for asking pertinent questions on my Erotic Poem "Replace the Penis"!
thank you Erectus for insightful comment on my erotic poem 'City Hunter-Manga Messiah'!!!
Thank you Erectus for commenting on both 'Hey Girlie!' as well as " Predator-Collaborator: Upanishadic Duo" and Thank You Sweet Anon. for commenting on " Hey Girlie"---"Wish
Wish you were here and I'd lift my skirt for you"!!!!!---ash9.
THANK YOU! Erectus for the beyootiful comment on my Predator-enabler...….." how appropriate
to tie you love making to Upanishadic twins"!!!!!
THANK YOU, Erectus for commenting "Smaack! Pussy juce ran freely down …."

" ---on my Pants Down...Turn Around posted in NP , erotic poetry.
Thank you Erectus for your compliments on Erotic Poem " My Cruel Master...!'
Many thanx to erectus for kind comments on Erotic poem 'Master Hand meets Slavegal Ass!'
Thank you Erectus for commenting on erotic poem ' Masterful Hand meets Slavegirlish Ass!'
'But is it violated

or welcomed?
No one says no to a thick cock in the ass!'
Erectus: Bro, thanks for commentin' on my erotic poem '.....anal'
'Go Andy Go

Pugilism is one of the oldest sports, as is white suprem-assy. What a sick world!'
Thank you, Erectus for supporting me'n Andy Ruiz thru' your comment on my non-erotic offering 'anti-Hispanic'!!!

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