What do you expect from a bunch of basement dwelling incels?The above just proves the point… people celebrating the death of a functional government, motivated by drivel they know to be entirely irrelevant. They celebrate because they value victory over meaningful gain. They celebrate because they have nothing else to celebrate but the pain of their supposed enemies, like drunken hooligans at a football game.
An unelected billionaire has just seized the purse-strings of the entire US government, including the contracts of his competitors and detractors. They celebrate this as if some great victory over evil had been won, when in fact the great evil has just won one of the largest prizes it could ever have hoped to win.
For those of us with any sense left, we have one duty left: survive until the darkness ends, and if it doesn’t before we die, pass our hopes to the next generation. In time, they may yet relight the fires of humanity when the dark age finally dies. And, hopefully, they will have to wisdom to kill the demagogues before they rise. When it comes to sociopaths, mercy is not simply wasted, it is exploited until all the merciful die.
They understand one German word Schadenfreude.
By the time they understand they have fucked over everyone, including themselves, it will be toooo late....