Undercover Rookie (closed)

Ally was chewing her bottom lip as she waited for the man to get down. He had read the text but hadn't replied, which made the special agent nervous. She was just about to send him another text when she heard the elevator bell ring through the garage.

Seeing the man get out if the elevator, she gave him a little wave before entering the Van through the side door. Unclipping the band holding her gun in place in her holster for easy access she waited for the man to get in.

As he did she told him to close the door and waited for him to sit down. Then sizing him up she said.

"I am agent Swanson, and you need to leave Dianna at home tonight."

She said pauzing thinking just how to phrase it.

"You know just like I do how long it has been since your boss had a party everyone survived. You can't protect her in the best case scenario, let alone in the worst one."

Then thinking some more.

"Or you need to make sure to know that if Roberto asks her to hurt someone, she can't hold back, and that nobody will hold back against her."

She didn't need to explain this to the man as he had not only survived in this system but thrived in it.
When Ally climbed back into the van Rob reached into his pocket and fished out the tracker and palmed it before climbing into the van behind her. Climbing into the side door he took a seat and listened as she launched into her lecture.

When she finished, the absurdity that she didn't even realize she was talking to the wolf about how afraid she was about the wolf at the door caused him to let out a hearty laugh. Had he not decided to tell Roberto everything he probably would have had a concern but since he knew, he had zero concerns about either of them making it out alive. Sure, Roberto could possibly decide to do something crazy but they both knew it wasn't going to make the problem go away and his best shot at making it through this was if both of them stayed alive.

"You're the ones who came up with the idea of making your agent my girlfriend." He started off almost offhandedly. "Since she is, she needs to be at the party."

He wasn't at all surprised that what happened at Roberto's parties had gotten out. Somewhere along the line Roberto had incorporated the problems he had to deal with as a form of entertainment for his guests. It had become a way for him to kill three birds with one stone. By both taking care of a problem and giving someone else an opportunity to prove themselves all while entertaining his guests it ended up being a no lose situation.

"If she gets called on, she better not hold back. That'd be the only thing that would get held against her. I'll make sure she's ready."
As the man condescendingly tried to shift the blame on them.

"Fuck you, you requested her, you knew the party was today.this one is on you."

She wanted to add that if anything happened to the girl, the deal would be void, but she was pretty sure, he would call her bluff.

"The girl couldn't put your cock in her mouth in a controlled environment not even a day ago. How do you think she will react when Roberto takes liberties?"

She said biting her tongue to stop herself from yelling at the man for being so brazingly confidant
Rob raised an eyebrow at her comment about D not being able to put his cock in her mouth. That comment removed any doubt that might have remained about who was watching and how much they were seeing.

"You think you could have done a better job?" Rob said before mockingly grabbing for his belt. "Let's find out shall we? Maybe you'd like to take her place."

He knew it probably wasn't the best idea to taunt her so flagrantly but the way he saw it they needed him if they wanted any shot at taking down his organization and she'd have a hard time explaining to her superiors that she fucked it up because he hurt her feelings.
Ally turned bright red at the criminals retort. Not because she was embarrassed by the comment, regardless of its crudeness. This was not the first time a crook proposed her, and it would probably shock the man how often she had taken the invitation.

No her anger and embarrassment was due to losing her cool like this and letting this asshole bait her like this. Doing her best to keep her hand from her gun she looked at the man and spat out.

"While I have seen worse, I only do quit pro quo,and at the moment you haven't given me anything of value yet."

She was aware that she needed to keep them on his good side, just as much as he needed to keep them happy, so instead of shutting the door she help the promise of fun in front of him. But in the back of her mind she worried about just unborhered he seemed about tonight.
Rob hadn't really put much thought into or really even cared about how she'd respond when he said it. He really just wanted to get under her skin because he hated the idea of being controlled. Whatever he might have thought her response would be it was 180 degrees different than what he heard. Instead of shock and discomfort she seemed to be leaning into it playing a game of chicken with him.

Never being one to back down first, Rob thought for a minute then leaned back into the seat. "Well, I have given you the Melendez Cartel on a silver platter but I guess one of the largest sex trafficking organizations in the country doesn't really count for much. Maybe all you care about is knocking someone down so you can move up the ladder." Rob looked into her eyes trying to judge her reaction. "How about some recordings of some of your bosses coordinating with the cartels. Would that get you to part those sweet lips of yours?"

Though he assumed she'd never do it, Rob was starting to consider the possibility that she wasn't just playing chicken with him and that with the right offer she just might.
She had to work hard at keeping her face steady as she was surprised of just how bad a judge of character the man was, which was a good thing as he would probably misinterpret the hateful gaze she gave him anyways.

Taking off her jacket, revealing she was only wearing a wife beater and a bra under it, she laid it on the passage seat behind her.

"Well whip it out then."

She said knowing that it had often resulted in men backing off, but if not let him believe she was looking to climb the corporate ladder. After all even if her motivation was more to keep the relationship intact and getting rid of corrupt elements, it didn't matter what he thought.
When she started to take off her jacket Rob knew that things were going to escalate so he tucked the tracker under his leg as she put her jacket on the seat behind her.

Rob stared into her eyes as he unfastened his belt then lowered his zipper. Even though it'd only been a little over an hour since his encounter with Angie the thought of getting blown by an FBI agent had Rob more than willing for another. Lifting his hips slightly Rob shoved his pants down past his hips exposing his well trimmed genitals.

"Hmmm, looks like there's a little work to do." he said looking at his flaccid cock draped across his thigh. "I want it nice and slow if I'm going to give up part of my insurance policy. Don't think this is going to be some quick tug and go."
Putting her hair up in a messy bun, she suppressed a curse as the man revealed a flacid cock. This meant that this was not as much about sex for the man, but about power, and again she admonished herself for letting her emotions getting in the way of her job.

Walking towards him, she unceremoniously dropped to her knees in front of the man. Then putting one hand on his scrotum, she used the side of her index finger to push the tip of his cock up, so she could slip it in her warm mouth, swirling her tongue around the soft meat as her now free hand caressed his thigh, while the other kept his balls nice and warm
“Mmmm, yeah just like that.” Rob breathed out as he pushed her tee down over shoulder along with her bra strap.

With her attention focused between his legs Rob retrieved the tracker from under his thigh then clicked the magnet into place on the metal support beneath his seat.

“This is my tax dollars being put to good use.” He continued hoping his words would mask the soft click of the magnet as it attached to the seat.

His hand caressed her shoulder for a moment before he slipping inside her shirt and caressing her tits. As his thick fingers closed around her nipple he could feel it begin to stiffen between them.

“Let me see those eyes.”
While the man fiddled with the strap of her shirt and bra to one side, she resisted the urge to just tug everything down to her waist, but testing just how much control he wanted.

Remaining silent at his quip about tax money, she hated the fact that her body, to well trained to show pleasure even when she felt no. But she figured his ego could keep that notch.

As he demanded to see her eyes, she figured it was the moment of truth, not faking soft or lustfull eyes, instead she leaned into her anger and hate before turning her green eyes upwards to meet his gaze.

Bingo she thought as the moment they locked eyes, his cock twitched and came to life in her mouth. She was in danger and she knew it.
Rob could see the anger and rage in his eyes as she looked up at him. I’m that moment he wouldn’t have expected to see anything else. There was only one thing he could think of that would have been better than watching this fed grudgingly suck his cock and that was making her want it. Without hesitation he began to press for it.

“Mmm, you’re thinking about what it would feel like to have that thick cock inside of you aren’t you?”

Rob brushed her stray hairs away from her face before he continued.

“Wondering just how hard you’d cum. Feeling like a dirty slut for having someone like me make you cum harder than you ever had before.”

His stream of suggestions continued to flow as she worked his cock in and out of her mouth.
As the man hardened fully under her lips and tongue, she gripped his shaft at the base, so she could work the head easier, also knowing that men were less likely to slap her with his cock as of it was a billyclub, or forcefully push it down her throat.

As the man suggested she wanted to be fucked by him, she shot him the don't you even fucking dare look. The look had always helped her greatly, either to assert her boundary or at worse speed up the pounding she was bound to get.
When she shot him the look telling she didn’t appreciate his banter it only encouraged him to redouble his efforts.

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone about you tasting the forbidden fruit. Why don’t you slide those pants off and sit on my lap.” He said tapping his thigh.

“I bet you’re so fucking wet just thinking about it aren’t you? That big cock filling you.”

Rob continued to look into her cold stare as he persisted in trying to make her think about her own pleasure.

“You owe it to yourself for taking one for the team.”

By this point it was pretty clear that he wasn’t going to break her but just trying was amusing enough for him.
Dragging her teeth lightly over her the tip of his cock as she took it out of her mouth she straightend her top back up again before putting her hands on her waistband.

Sneering at him as she did so, she unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down, making sure ro push her panties with it in one go, so she didn't have to humiliate herself twice.

Then spitting in her hand, he rubbed it between her legs, sending a clear message, ignoring that she was indeed wet already. Then turning around she lowered herself down, on his lap, grabbing his cock between her legs before empaling herself on the crooks member
The sensation of her teeth dragging across his cock sent a jolt up Rob’s spine followed by a rush of excitement that she finally seemed to break.

Regardless of how much of a show she made of lubricating herself as his cock sank deep into her there was no doubt in his mind how wet she actually was. Scooting forward slightly he leaned her back against his chest as one hand slipped beneath her shirt pressing her bra up over her tits while the other began to stroke her clit as he rocked his hips driving his cock into her.

“See, that’s much better isn’t it.”

Regardless of what came out of her mouth next her labored breathing did all that was needed to betray her words.
"Will you shut the fuck up already"

She said as she fucked herself on his cock, giving him the illusion he wanted. As he pushed her bra up her chest, she pulled her left arm out of her shirt and pulled the bra to the side as it had a metal brace leaving her shirt hanging half over her shoulder, she didn't bother taking the shirt off or freeing her other arm from it.

Kicking off her shoes and pulling her jeans further off, she placed her feet on his knees, knowing that this would make her feel much tighter, and helping him cut faster in the process
As she repositioned herself on Rob's lap he slid his arm up her side then down the length of her arm freeing the other arm from her shirt. It was clear that she wasn't going to tell him what he wanted to hear but her body was doing all of the talking that he needed as she braced her feet against his knees and met his thrusts with her own.

His fingers stroked her clit as he continued to tease her nipples. Sensing an urgency to her actions Rob let the tips of his fingers trail down her spread labia until they brushed against the top of his cock as he plunged in and out of her. Timing the motion with her downward thrust he added two fingers into her wet passage, curling them forward to probe at her g-spot while his cock continued it's assault.

As his fingers slipped inside of Ally she let out a low throaty groan and her labored breathing devolved into shallow panting.

Rob knew she was close to erupting. As she careened towards her climax Rob released her breasts then gripped the cloth of the tee shirt behind her neck and pulled it tight around her throat.
"What the fuck..."

Ally's eyes shot wide open as the man went from teasing her pussy, to jamming his fingers inside of her without removing his cock, making a thight fit a painfully thight fit in the processes.

The special agent tried to lift herself up a little to create some space, but as the man continued his assault, she couldn't seem to get a good angle. She was just about to swallow her pride and ask him to stop, when she felt her top constricing her breathing.

Putting her feet down on the ground and reaching for the shirt, thinking it got twisted, she quickly realised that it, was because if the strong grip Rob had on it. Arching her back as she tried to lean forward, she almost felt like she was floating as the man's powerful strokes rocked her body, but her shirt kept her from falling over as her pale complextion turned a dark purplish red.
After providing the jolt Rob was looking for he slipped his fingers from her then held her stomach firmly against his body. Releasing the shirt he let it fall slack around her neck then wrapped his hand loosely around her throat giving her a stark reminder of the power he held over her in that moment.

His breathing became labored as he felt the rumblings of his release start to build deep within him.
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Gasping for air as the man released the strangle hold on her shirt, she moaned obscenities as she tried to reestablish her rhythm. When she felt his hand come back around her neck, she dug her nails in his knees as she desperately tried to move her hips as fast as she could up and down his shaft.

This was not because she wanted him to enjoy this, but because the rough treatment reminded her of an undercover operation, where she had been submitted to a lot of sexual abuse, and the last thing she needed was to have this man find out just how conditioned her body was to react to it, so no matter the cost she needed to get him to cum before she did
The pain from Ally's nails digging into his legs forced Rob's building orgasm to recede but only escalated his aggression towards her. His fingers tightened around her throat as she thrust her body more forcefully onto his cock. Sliding his hand down from her stomach he teased at her swollen nub. The warm stagnant air of the van was becoming intolerably hot causing beads of sweat to form on his brow as he continued to ravaged her.

Far from his treatment of Dianna, Ally had shown him nothing but contempt from the moment she'd laid eyes on him and he was determined to extract as much dignity as he could from her.
"You piece of shit."

She cried out as the man pinched her clit, pushing her dangerously close to an orgasm. Getting up she turn around and dropped on her knees, taking his cock deep in her mouth, gagging on it as she pushed it through her throat, using her nails on his scrotum and stomach as she was self skullfucking herself hoping it would make him lose his control, while she regained some sliver of dignity
"Oh hell no!" Rob growled out as he clenched a fistful of her hair and yanked her off his cock. "You're not getting off that easy!"

Getting up from the seat Rob flung Ally onto the floor of the van. Reaching out, she braced her hands against the floor before her head went crashing into it. Rob moved quickly behind her and dropped to his knees giving her pussy a firm smack before stuffing his cock back into her.

"I'm not nearly done with this!"

Leaning forward Rob rammed his palm into the back of her neck causing her arms to collapse under his weight and forcing her face into the floor of the van as he pumped into her.

The agent called out as she was dragged off the cock, a trail of saliva obscenely having between her and his tool. As he brutally worked her tonthe floor she did her best to get back up but as he smacked her pussy a high moan escaped her lips.

Only muffled as her face got painfully pushed into the foul smelling carped of the van. As Rob penetrated her again, she closed her legs, setting her up probone, but instead of trying to escape, she lifted her hips to meet Robs trust.

"You fucking coward! You will pay for this "

She said as she bit her lips hard trying to keep herself from losing controls