Undercover Rookie (closed)

"I'm sure I will." Rob sneered trying to fight back a laugh at her empty threats.

The sounds of Rob's hips slapping against her ass filled the cramped interior of the van as he pounded into her. Lifting his weight from her neck he once again gripped her hair, snatching her head off the floor and pulling it back towards him.
"If you're a good little girl maybe I'll fuck you like this again. You going to show me you can be a good girl?" he asked giving her hair a hard yank to punctuate the question.

The more she seemed to fight back against him the more it prodded him on and the way she was meeting his thrusts told him everything he needed to know.
Unleashing many explicits as the man was funking her raw, Abby let a smile slip through the facade as the man grabbed her hair and forced her head towards him, feeling herself trying to kiss the man in response of his question, she pinched her nipples and than spat in his direction, but making sure to miss him.

Her brain was warning her not to prod at him, but her pussy, gripping with all its strength had other ideas and opening her mouth she said.

"No, you fuck like a little schoolboy."
A flash or rage coursed through Rob when she spat out her insult but he knew exactly what she was asking for and he was more than happy to give it.

A hard smack across her ass left a bright crimson handprint at the point of impact before he reached forward and gripped one of her wrists in each hand then yanked them back towards his waist. Her upper body collapsed down onto the floor of the van for only a moment before the tug of her arms lifted her back off it.

Rob continued to smash into her pulling her hard against him with every thrust. The sounds of his cock plunging into her wetness becoming audible. "That sloppy cunt of yours is getting awfully wet for just a schoolboy." he laughed out as he increased his pace.
" oh fuck, fuck, fuck"

She said as the man plowed into her with restored vigor, and as his handed landed a sharp slap on her soft buttocks, the moans very much betrayed she liked it. And whilst Rob was still a lot nicer than the men who had rewritten her bodies natural responses, his aggressiveness mapped on.

"Oh God no"

She exclaimed as the man pulled her arms behind her, only to pull her torso off the ground, making her float off the ground only her knees and his cock stopping her from keeling over. But there it was, as the explosion started in the small of her stomach, she started to see stars and blackspots in her vision as an orgasm wrecked her body. She had failed her goal
“There it is!" Rob called out triumphantly when he heard her cry out as her body finally surrender to him. A grin spread across his face as he felt her muscles began to contract around him. Releasing her arms her upper body folded onto the floor of the van as he slowed and delivered his final long, forceful thrusts into her.

As he slowed to stop he thought for a minute how fortunate his encounter with Angie was at the boutique. Had it not been for that he likely would have been deprived the joy of seeing the special agent quivering before him.

"You're not done yet." he barked out as he gripped her hair then began to pull her back to his seat. His large frame landed in the seat causing the van to rock slightly as he pulled her head into his lap then pulled out his phone.

"Now finish what you started!" he said as his face contorted into a sneer and he hit record on his phone. He knew it wouldn't take much but he wanted this final bit of her dignity.
As her face hit the carpet, a wave of self hatred washed over her, clashing with the still ongoing orgasm. She hated how her body kept betraying her like this, and no matter how often she reminded her it was a natural survival process, or that she would be able to get some dirty agents off the street, nothing could wipe away the shame she fell.

"Now finish what you started."

He said as he pulled her up by the hair, she wished that her next actions could be attributed to the fear of abuse, but as she hungerly took the bastards cock in her mouth, while her hands were molesting her own tits and pussy, she knew he didn't even needed to ask
"Fuck yeah, take call of that cock!" Rob blurted out as Ally attached his cock with the vigor of a woman possessed.

Rob angled his phone to the side making sure the capture her hand between her legs while the other one roughly groped at her breasts. He loved that he made her feel things she was desperate not to and he wanted to capture every bit of it for his own personal enjoyment.

As she hungerly took him down it didn't take long before his muscles started to tense and he could feel the euphoria wash over him. As his the first blast started to rumble it's way through his pulsing cock Rob gripped Ally's hair then forcefully pulled her back just in time for the first gooey blast to splash across her nose and lips. Her grip remained firm on his cock as another volley coated her forehead and eyes.

"Yeah, that's a good little whore." Rob breathed out as his cock fell still then started to soften in her hand.

Rob let out a long breath then reached down for the waist of his jeans to pull them up. "That seems like a fair trade. I'll get you the thumb drive next time I see you. Maybe I'll let you have a little more then too." He knew a repeat was probably the last thing she probably wanted but he couldn't help but twist the knife a little.
The second she felt one of the man's balls being pulled in, she knew he was close to coming, this was confirmed as the whole shaft started to tremble before the man painfully janked her head back.

Stroking his cock all through his climax, she took his full load on her face, not aiming his cock away from her, knowing he wanted to mark her. But as the man's cock grew soft in her hand she whimpered a little.

As he teased her about next time, she pointed at the door of the van and just took a moment to recompose herself.

After cleaning herself up she drove the Van back to headquarters and tossed the keys back to Agent Trask, he was the lead agent on the Russian operation, they went back all the way to quantico and was one of the few guys she trusted blindly.

"Hey Trask, does MacCalister or one of his boys has access to your ops?"

The agent gave her a look before cursing silently.

"Do I need to run a decontamination?"

He asked but ally just shook her head and assured him his problems would soon be over. The man thanked her and reminded her to send her next 360° review his way.
Rob took a second to straighten himself up in the mirror of the elevator on the way back up. Soaked from sweat and smelling like sex he had no doubts that she'd likely put 2 and 2 together when he got inside. On his way out, the tell tale smell of nail polish told him she might be a while though so he hoped she was still occupied in her room. It was strange that he felt like he needed to keep it from her but he'd prefer not to have to answer any questions. Ducking out to have sex was one thing but who it was with would probably open up a can of worms for Ally. As much as he still disliked her, he at least felt like he owed her some discretion.

When the elevator opened Rob took a quick look around the living room and was relieved to find that Dianna hadn't made it out yet. Quickly he made his way down the hall and to his room to get cleaned up for the evening.

Peeling off his jeans and the tee shirt that was stuck to his skin he stepped into the bathroom then lifted his phone to snap a quick naked selfie in the mirror. Laughing to himself he opened his message history to find 4am BC, attached the pic then typed in "Thinking of you" before hitting send. It was almost a shame that he wasn't going to tell Dianna because he was sure she'd appreciate knowing who'd stepped in to take the brunt of his abuse.
Changing into her dress, Dianna felt a little nervous about tonight, everything was going very fast and having read some of the reports on the gang, she couldn't say she was thrilled to be stuck for a whole evening in a place with some of the most dangerous people in the country. And worst part, she thought, she would have to do so looking like a snack with no underwear on.

Moving to the living room she wanted to check in with Rob for a proper briefing this time as unlike yesterday, she wanted to know what she was walking in
Stepping out of the shower Rob got dressed in his suit but left his tie hanging loosely around his neck. He took a second do admire the fact that he could almost pass as a legitimate business person when he applied himself. Before heading out to find Dianna he pulled his burner phone from the safe and checked the tracker he'd attached to the van.

"Headquarter." he whispered to himself with a sigh. He'd hoped to get a fix on where Ally might be posting up to monitor things but headquarters was no help at all. Checking his texts he found that their tech guy had returned the video embedded with the malware that he'd asked for.

"A souvenir." he typed before attaching the video and sending it to Dianna. Hopefully Ally would be curious enough to open it as she monitored his communications.

Walking out into the living room he was stopped in his tracks when he saw Dianna. He'd seen how amazing she looked in the dress but the boots and the necklace took her look to entirely different level.

"Damn you look hot!" Rob said, admiring her for another second before continuing into the room.

As they took a seat on the couch Rob had trouble lifting his eyes from her legs as he began to explain what she was getting into.

"At the start of the night you won't have much to worry about." he started off trying to ease into things. "It'll be just like any other upscale cocktail party. His mansion has a lot of space so there should be opportunities to slip away into other areas if things start to get uncomfortable. You'll probably see a fair amount of drug use to try to keep yourself under control." Rob added a little laugh for levity but when he looked up he didn't find the face of an amused person.

"For the most part everyone below me in the organization will likely steer clear of you. The exceptions will likely be Roberto who has a bit of a sweet tooth if you know what I mean and possibly some of the ladies. I feel like you can handle yourself just fine there."

"Roberto has made a habit of making examples of people at these parties so don't be surprised when that happens. As unsettling as it might be you'll need to act just as entertained as everyone else. He usually picks someone new to the organization to prove their loyalty on these but I'm going to make sure it's someone closer to the action than you so you don't have to do anything that seriously breaches your morals."

"Towards the end of the night though, all bets are off. These things tend to take on a life of their own once everyone's been partying for a while so I won't even try to predict what's going to happen. Just stick close to me and I'll do my best to keep you out of the worst of it."

Rob gave Dianna an appraising look trying to judge her reaction but wasn't getting much of a read. "Anything else you need to know?"
Seeing the Text form Rob, she hearted it without opening the link, she didn't need to be reminded of it, but if anyone checked their phones it would be trouble if she hadn't reacted to it at all.

"Thanks, I know." Giving him a once over she added

"Your not looking shabby yourself."

As Rob tried to make light of the situation with his drug joke, she replied in kind.

"Aww but Special Agent Swanson told me i could go buck wild with the coke..."

She hadn't worded it that way, but told her that since she was in for a long time and they were building a solid case based on more that her words, that if she ever was overed drugs she was comfortable taking, she could just do so. As he then told her about how most would keep clear of her except his boss and some of the ladies she said.

"So basically stay clear of the big man. Makes sense since it would be my first time there."

She said but as he kept going she did get nervous, she was not ready to hurt others or being on the receiving end, and the stories about how this gang was impossible to infiltrate sunk in. As he asked if there was anything else he needed to know he shrugged.

"You tell me, anything I am not aware off?"
"Not that I can think of. Most important thing to remember is probably to just act like you've been there before and keep cool." he replied as he tried to think of anything else his past dates ran into but coming up empty.

Rob got up from the sofa and walked over to the bar. If she needed a drink to help lead her into the previous night she was definitely going to need one tonight. He poured them both a tall glass of scotch and returned with the glasses.

"We'll relax with a drink for a few then get going." he said handing her the glass.

As they chatted Rob couldn't help but sneak glances at the open lacing on the side of the dress. It hadn't really occurred to him at the time that panties would be a problem in that dress and now that it was obvious she wasn't wearing any he couldn't seem to get his mind off of it.

"At least you won't have to worry about Stephanie pulling your panties down in front of everyone tonight." he said nodding towards her lap.

When they finished their drinks Rob put the glasses in the sink, straightened up is tie then led Dianna down to the car.

Rob pulled off the desolate road and into a gated driveway with stone pavers lining the winding path through the trees and back to the house. When they arrived a line of cars already stretched across a portion of the yard and a valet waved him to a stop. Rob flung the doors open then took Dianna's hand as he led her up the stairs into the mansion.

They entered to find only a few people milling around the house.

"Everyone's usually out back by the pool." he said before leading her through the house then out the french doors in the back.
She would have laughed at his Stephanie joke, but his words that his boss had a sweet tooth rang in the back of her head. She had already trouble dealing with Rob in the safety and privacy of their safehouse, with the man knowing there were repercussions to him going to far. But she had to wonder what the kingpin who probably never had a single consequence imposed on him for a long while, would do if given a chance.

Arriving at what couldn't be called anything else than a compound, Dianna understood why Ally had not liked the idea of this party. The Fed's would need days of recon and planning to hit this spot in the best of times and unlimited funds, but the young girl was under no illusion that if something went wrong tonight, there was not a small army at the ready to save the day.

The house as they crossed it on their way to the pool, D again was hit by the luxury these criminals were living in, this house was bigger than several of the homes in her town put together, and as she saw the decoration and the lavishness of the furniture, she was pretty sure some of those pieces were worth more than her yearly salary.

Looking at the men and woman who already hitting the booze, coke and sex she could only imagine what the afterparty would look like. Grabbing Rob's arm she did her best to ignore the hungry and curious looks they were getting.
As they walked out into the pool area Rob scanned the crowd and started to feel uneasy. Before yesterday the idea of a cop showing up in the middle of all this and making it out to tell would have been an unthinkable disaster. Having told Roberto, Rob could only assume that Roberto was smart enough to make the arrangements necessary to limit the fallout from threatening the organization. They could afford one or two low level people who didn't know enough to be a threat to go down but anyone of significance needed to watch out. Fortunately, there was always the threat of a mole within the organization so playing things close to the vest was already baked into the way most of them operated.

Rob led Dianna out onto the pool deck and past a few tables filled with rowdy people partying before approaching a table where a bookish looking middle aged man sat with a young red headed woman that, by all standards, was way out of his league.

"That's Mike Moskowitz. He doesn't look like much but he's a wizard at money laundering." Rob said under his breath as they approached.

"How's it going Mike. Trying to avoid getting into more fights I see." Rob said sarcastically as they made it to the table.

Rob and Mike had a history of going at each other in a playful way. Though the insults would get harsh at times there was an understood respect between them that kept either of them from taking it personally. Rob enjoyed nothing more than making sure Mike knew he was seen as the nerd bean counter amongst them and Mike did his best to land punches where he could.

"Yeah, kicked some guys ass earlier but I'm taking a break now. Who'd you blackmail to get her to accompany you?" he asked motioning towards Dianna. "Clearly she didn't come of her own free will."

Rob glanced toward Dianna and chuckled. If he only knew the half of it he thought before shrugging "Threatened her old man if she didn't come. Mike, this is Dianna." his eyes shifted to the redhead seated next to Mike. "And who is this lucky lady?"

The redhead said extending her hand to Rob and Dianna.

"And I am here because it would cost him more money to leave me at home, than taking me here."

She said and they all chuckled at her joke. She explained how she was the manager of a a luxurious spa franchise, and it wasn't difficult to figure out by the look Mike gave her, that he did not like her sharing that information. So it must be a new addition to the money laundering scheme.

" So you both fell for masseuses?"

Dianna asked figuring this would be a good hookin for her back story and before they knew it the two ladies were talking shop. Kamilla had started from the bottom, so it was clear to her that D didn't know much more about the job as you would expect from an Ilegal who worked in a rub and tuck, but she was not condescending about it.

She also made sure to point out many of the people in the room, and telling her who was cool and who she should stay away from.
Rob was sitting and listening to the girls talk when a loud voice drew his attention.

“Looks like you all could liven up a little!”

Rob looked up to see Roberto’s son Manuel standing next to him. Though he largely stays away from the day to day operations of the organization his father’s closest associates had become like family to him and he was eager to feel like he was one of them.

“Party favors!” Manuel said opening his hand to reveal and 8 ball of cock in a small ziplock bag.

“Well alright then!” Rob said taking it from his hand then pouring some out onto the glass top table.

Pulling out his wallet he retrieved a credit card and carved out several lines on the table. Rob then rolled up a bill and took one of the lines down before passing the rolled up bill to Mike.

It was clear Mike wasn’t thrilled about it but he leaned over the table then did his before passing the bill over to Kamilla.

Rob could feel his heart begin to pump faster as the bitter taste started to make its way down the back of his throat.

“Who’s your new friend?” ‘Manuel asked Rob, making no effort to hide the fact that he was checking out her body, as Kamilla began to lean over the table.
Dianna was surprised to see the Roberto's son here, the files had him as someone not involved in the business so she had figured he would not be precent during such parties, but as he shared an Eightball with Rob, she figured that maybe their intel was just worng.

Noticing that their money guy was not thrilled about taking a line but still doing so, Dianna figured there was no getting under it, there was also no real way to fake it, so instead of waiting for her to be asked, she simply extended her hand towards Kamilla when she finished her line.

Figuring that participating pro actively would raise less question than playing coy.

Bending at the waist she placed the bill at her nostril while blocking the other and in one swift pull she took the line, doing her best to not pull too much of a face as the vile stuff hit the back of her throat.

As she finished up she felt a heavy slap on her buttocks, making her yelp a little as the rest of the table hollered in support.
Rob had planned on Roberto and felt like he knew what to expect but Manuel was another thing entirely. Having grown up with very few people ever saying no to him he had the expectation that the world was his for the taking and he got a kick out of the fact that his dads men couldn’t do anything about it.

When he started eyeing Dianna, Rob knew this could be trouble. As Manuel’s hand landed hard against Dianna’s ass all Rob could do was holler his approval.

“Don’t damage the goods brother.” Rob said jokingly making sure Manuel didn’t feel like he was being challenged. “I have to turn that in in one piece at the end of the night.”

“That is a fine piece of ass my man.” Manuel said caressing Dianna where his slap just landed.

His hand worked down past the hem of her dress then slipped beneath and brushed against her bare folds. “Well, well, well.” He said as a smile stretched across his lips.

“Manuel, come here!” A heavy set Hispanic man called out from across the pool.

Manuel let out a disappointed groan. “Daddy calls.”

Manuel turned away quickly, removing his hand from Dianna’s dress then made his way to his father.
Taking her queu form both Kamilla and Rob, Dianna plastered a smile on her face as she looked over her shoulder to see the young man look in glee. The slap was stinging and already the heat of the handprint was radiating outwards.

A wave if relief hit her as the youngster was called away by his dad and he was forced to step away. Dianna quickly pulled the hem of her dress down a little still feeling a little vulnerable and exposed.

"Here, take another line dear."

Kamilla said, gently pushing her face towards the table as she gave her ass a gentle rub.

"First time here, I had the displeasure of catching his attention too. Couldn't sit comfortably for a day or two. But if it is any consolement, they get bored quickly and there is always a newer shinier toy."

Taking the next bump D just nodded at the woman and looked to see how Rob was doing
Rob watched Manuel walk over to his father then get sent off inside on some sort of errand. He suspected Roberto calling him away was specifically to get him away from Dianna. There were a number of reasons he’d want to see to it that he stayed clear of her. Primarily because Manuel had a habit of running his mouth when he shouldn’t but like I also because he wanted a piece of her for himself.

“I should probably introduce you to the old man.” Rob said after Dianna took another bump.

Rob leaned over doing another quick line then plugged his nostrils and pulled it back.

Taking Dianna’s hand he led her over to where Roberto was was holding court.

As Rob greeted Roberto he gave him a hug then introduced Dianna.

“Nice to meet you young lady. I’m sorry about my son. He tends to lack self control around beautiful women.” Roberto said as he took Dianna’s hand and lifted it to his lips.

She asked as Rob escorted her towards the heart of the party. Her heart was racing, which probably was mostly due to the coke, but highly likely it was also because she was about to meat the most dangerous criminal in the country.

As the man apologised for the behavior of his son and kissed her hand she acted shy and said.

"Thank you sire."

Then thinking that agreeing his som was boreish might be a bad play she said.

"And in all fairness, a lack of self control is a compliment on it self."

She Said still surprised at how charming the man was. If she hadn't read his file, she would have been fooled into liking the man.
Roberto let out a light chuckle. “If she thinks that’s a complement she should leave here tonight feeling very flattered” he thought to himself.

“I appreciate your understanding.”

Rob’s eyes were drawn to some activity by the door and Roberto turned to see what it was.

“Oh, I see it’s time.” Roberto said as he saw Manuel leading a pale, gaunt man out from inside the house.

As Manuel made his way around to pool Roberto glanced over at Dianna. “Our entertainment has arrived.”

Reaching into his jacket Robert produced a nickel plated hand gun then held it at his side.

“Have a seat James.” He said as the man made it to him. He was clearly nervous and knew what was about to happen.

James took a seat in the chair beside Roberto and began pleading with him and saying it was all a misunderstanding.

Roberto polished the sides of the hand gun then glanced over a Dianna. Pondering whether to hand it to her or not. It would have been poetic to make the cop shoot him but he also recognized the risks of giving her a gun and putting her in a tough position.

“Maybe you’d like to see your date prove himself.” Roberto said before handing Rob the gun.

Rob was stunned when Roberto had picked him. Perhaps he was sending a message to both he and Dianna. Expressing his displeasure with Rob for landing them in this situation while also showing Dianna just what he’s capable of.

Without hesitation Rob leveled the gun at James’ forehead and pulled the trigger causing the man to slump over in the chair as everyone cheered.
Dianna smiled to the man as he showed appreciation for her tact. When he mentioned entertainment, she turned around and her stomach dropped.

Seeing the man being led by Manuel told her two things as her mind raced a hundred miles an hour. The first one was that Manuel was definitely more involved in the operation than expected. The second was that all her hopes about the violence and the danger being overblown came crashing down.

As Roberto made his show, Dianna's knee started shaking as the kingpin looked at her as he upholstered a gun and for a second she thought the man would give her the gun. Then everything flipped in another fraction of a second.

Dianna let out a startled yelp as Rob shot the poor man in front of them as if nothing had happened. Even worse most people seemed to enjoy the sight. Luckily Kamilla caught D's eyes and motioned her to smile.
Roberto looked over at Dianna trying to gage her reaction. He could see the shock that she tried to cover up with an uneasy

“Oh dear. Clumsy idiot seemed to have gotten some on you.” He said as he looked that the crimson high velocity spatter that speckled her chest. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Roberto dropped down into his chair, pulling Dianna down into his lap before pulling a handkerchief from his pocket. Tugging down Dianna’s top he exposed her breasts then dabbed at Dianna’s chest for a moment before leaning over and taking a nipple between his lips.