Undercover Rookie (closed)

Rob walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and paused at the door of his bedroom when he heard Dianna on a call with what he expected was her handler. Figuring he had a few minutes he quietly closed the door then fished his burner phone out of the safe in the closet and dialed up Roberto. He'd hoped to keep his situation under wraps but the more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed that Roberto would sniff things out and kill both of them. The only real path forward seemed to be to let Roberto know and sell him on the plan to use the feds to their advantage.

"Calling to ask what you should wear tonight?" Roberto said when he answered the call. He knew that if Rob was using the burners that something was wrong.

"I was just going to go with something slinky that highlighted my curves." Rob said jokingly before quietly filling Roberto in on the situation he found himself in.

Roberto let out a loud sigh when Rob had finished. "What a fucking mess. Yeah, if they already know that much the only thing we can really do is try to make the best of it. I'll have the cleaner on standby in case we need to make it across the border quickly but we'll let this play out and see how things go. See you tonight."

Rob stashed his burner phone back in the safe then pulled on a tight fitting swim suit and walked out of his room.

"Gonna get some sun on the patio." he said as he passed Dianna's room.

There wasn't much to do until well after lunch so might as well relax a little before things started to get hectic again.
Wrapping up her chat with Ally, D almost dropped her phone as Rob called out he was going to catch some sun on the patio. She knew she had nothing to hide, as talking to her handler was part of the job, but still it felt weird, she and Rob were in this together and it felt strange to tattle to Ally.

Figuring she had some time on her hands and not being one for tanning she grabbed her Running gear and swung by the patio to let Rob know she was going out for a run.

Not knowing the surrounding area, she connected to her Garmin account and let it create a 5 mile route for her then putting in her ears, she started to run at a pace slightly higher than her normal race pace.
As soon as the door closed Rob sprang up from his lounge and made his way inside. He hadn't anticipated her letting him so far out of her sight but while he had the opportunity he needed to turn the tables a little and get some eyes and ears on her. There was no way he was going to be in the dark about what was filtering back to the feds while they had unfettered access to his entire personal life.

Pulling a metal briefcase from the hall closet Rob placed it on the dining room table then pulled out a micro camera with a wireless antenna and popped a fresh battery into it. He made his way down the hallway then into her room. He scanned the surroundings for a moment before settling on the artificial orchid sitting on top of the dresser. He never really liked it but the decorator insisted that it made the room feel less stark so he reluctantly agreed.

Rob worked the camera into the plant wedging it between the stem and some leaves that would keep it largely concealed then tucked the antenna into the dry soil.

Pulling out his burner phone again he finished the final configuration on the app then checked how well it picked up the room. Looking at his screen he could see it provided a full view of the room from the foot of the bed. He moved to the far corners of the room then spoke at varying levels before checking the placement one last time and slipping out of the room.

Back on the patio Rob played back the footage to find the microphone had picked up even the softest of words throughout the room. Satisfied that everything was in place he tucked the burner phone away under his towel and relaxed in the sun waiting for Dianna to return from her run.
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Her mind was racing just as hard as her legs were as the edm music pounded in her eardrums, her mind wandered towards Alina, and she wondered what she was doing, she would probably be elbowdeep in a cows ass at the moment, and that is how D know she loved the woman, even that visual didn't make her any less hot to her.

Her mind drifted to all the times Alina had asked if she would share her with a guy once as Alina was bi, and how she had always refused to. But maybe D figured when this assignment was over, she could reward her girlfriend for her absence.

Arriving at the apartment D was happy to hear her phone beep triumphantly as she had broken a pb. As she stepped into the elevator, panting and sweating profusely she wondered if the gymgirls who joked that semen was an excellent testosterone supplement were right or if there was another explanation for her performance.

"I am home"

She called out before going to the bathroom and peeling of her leggings and top before taking a long warm shower.
When Rob heard Dianna call out her return he turned back toward the apartment to see her disappear down the hall towards her room. He quickly pulled the burner phone from under the towel and unlocked it to see how everything was working.

Rob watched as Dianna peeled her top off. His eyes fixed on the site of her breasts falling as they were released from the tight lycra top. As she peeled off the leggings he watched her long tone legs come into view before she suddenly disappeared into the bathroom. Rob silently cursed himself for not putting a camera in the bathroom but it seemed excessive since peeping on her wasn't really his original purpose.

Getting up from his chair he collected the towel and his burner phone then put them away in his room before making his way to Dianna's. He could still hear the water pounding on the stone floor of the shower when he entered and took a seat on the bed. It was time to see just how much information was going to flow back his way so he waited for her to emerge so he could ask her about her call and hopefully find out exactly who she was reporting to.
Enjoying her shower as it had some of the best waterpressure she had ever experienced, the woman shaved all that needed shaving before stepping out of the shower. Throwing a towel on her head, she took a bottle of moisturiser in one hand as the other caressed her public mound, enjoying the smooth feeling under her finger tips.

Figuring she had still some time, she planned to take care of herself to keep her horniness in check for the rest of the day. Stepping out she was startled to find Rob sitting on her bed.

"The fuck dude."

She said clearly startled, then recomposing herself, she did her best to look unborhered as she started to simply rub the lotion on her legs, doing her very best to not be so self councious and cover up and give the man the pleasure of knowing he could razzle her so easily
Rob's eyes raked down Dianna's naked form as she stepped out of the bathroom then returned to hers acting as unfazed as possible.

"Sorry, I thought you'd want to talk about what you heard coming down from the feds. Couldn't help but hear you were talking to them and figured there was some direction they gave you."

Rob's eyes moved to her toned legs as she rubbed the lotion in.

"But if you want some help moisturizing I could help with that while you debrief me." he said with a devious grin.
She said shortly as she in her nervousness applied to much of the stuff on her hands, forcing her to take more time slithering it around. She was surprised about his question, but figured it was normal for him to be curious.

Remembering that Ally had told her it was best not to lie as people often picked up on it subjectivly, she thought for a second what she could share and where she needed to add some distraction to her words.

"My handler just wanted to get through yesterdays info. They had some trouble dealing with cesar, but confirmed your info. They plan to let it go through as they do not want to undermine you at the moment."

Then tossing him the bottle and sitting between his legs on the bed she said.

"Mind taking care of my back?"

Figuring this would help with distracting him slightly

"They also got word from a source that the Melendez cartel is looking to join forces and some higher ups want it taken care of yesterday rather than later."
She said relaxing as best she could against his touch.
Rob took the bottle of lotion then scooted back slightly on the bed giving himself room to work. Squirting a generous amount onto his hands he began to massage the lotion into Dianna's shoulders as he began to talk.

"Taking care of the Melendez cartel should be pretty easy. They've gotten so used to working with impunity south of the border that they're sloppy as hell expecting the U.S. authorities are going to ignore them just like the Mexican's do. They've centralized all their operations out of a ranch outside of Odessa. Everything moving up from Juarez moves through there and most of the leadership spends time there overseeing things."

Rob's hands oved down to her lower back then wrapped around her sides causing his fingertips to brush against the sides of her breasts as he continued to talk.

"Seems like a tactical team rolling in there in the middle of the night would pretty much put an end to them and leave the ones that got away fleeing for the boarder."

Scooting further back on the bed he began to work her lower back brushing against the top of her toned ass as he did.
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Listening to his briefing for the Melendez cartel, Dianna recognised a lot of the information given to her by Ally except that the special agent had specified the corruption was located in the ATF, but listening to the man it seemed the problem seemed to be far more reaching than that.

Feeling the hands of Rob roaming further than was necessary, she stopped herself from saying something about it, reminding herself that he was actually focused on what she wanted, so instead she pushed back a little against the touch. Listening on how he thought they should handle the cartel. As he shifted to work her lower back the woman arched her back a little lifting her toned butt ever so slightly off the mattress.

"Yeah except for the raid we need a judge to sign off, so we need probable cause. And that would also mean tipping our hand before striking them, giving them the chance to run or be prepared for us."

she paused a moment ondulating her back before saying.

"But if we happen to witness a crime while some of your men are meeting them, we could roll them up and leak that the mole was on the cartel side."
As Dianna arched her back and lifted her ass off the bed Rob wasted no time moving lower and cupping each ass cheek as he massaged them.

"Part of the framework I proposed to them was that we'd buy women from them instead of bringing our own across the boarder. I guess we could setup a trail buy but if we do it you all better not fuck it up. I can't have them coming back at us afterwards."

Rob paused for a moment before adding. "Didn't think the feds actually cared about warrants for the 4th amendment. Learn something new every day." he said as he pressed his chest into her back and continued to massage her ass. "Glutes are kind of tight. Can work that more if you want to lay down."
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Sitting down on his hands Dianna smiled at how easy it was to manipulate men.

"If you make sure your Intel is on time and accurate, we won't."

She said surprised to hear that he worried about the cartel. Abby had told her that his crew was so ruthlessly brutal that even the cartels feared them, but it seemed that this did not make them invulnerable. As he joked about the warrants and offered to massage her glutes, she chuckled " not so fast." and reach for his hands under her, pulling his hands in front of her, resting them on her stomach, only later realising that wasn't a safer place for them to be. So instead she tried to shift his focus " so what are today's plans"
Rob was a little shocked when she pulled his hands off her ass then put them on her stomach seemingly inviting him to massage her front. It certainly would have been a hardship he'd happily endure but he'd gotten what he wanted out of the interaction and if she indeed wanted more of his touch he was going to make her work for it. Moving his hands from her stomach he rested them on the mattress beside him propping himself up.

"Sounds like I've got to make some calls to setup a buy. I've got a couple guys that are expendable out that way so we'll see if we can setup a meet for them. You thinking you want a UC going in with them?"

Rob patted Dianna's butt signaling that he wanted her to move and let him up.

"Also have a party tonight at my bosses house. Figure you might be short on outfits so if you'd like, we can go shopping for you. Can't have my girlfriend showing up in the same dress everywhere like she's Wilma Flintstone."
As the man didn't take her action the wrong way, she simply leaned in against his chest, as he elaborated on the ways he would set up the cartel. Then as he asked about setting up assets within the deal she shook her head.

"Between the survival rates of UC's in your gang and what happens to most people who get silenced after arrest, I would say no thank you."

As he tapped her ass, she got up and taking the bottle from him finished rubbing her front in.

"I have plenty but why don't you tell me what the dress code is, and I will let you pay for a new outfit."
Rob tried not to watch too closely as she finished applying the lotion to her front. There was a second of regret that he didn't try to find out if she was, in fact, hinting that she wanted him to do it but given the way things were going he didn't think it would be his last opportunity.

"Ok, that'll make things simpler for me anyway." Rob said after she declined to send in and undercover agent with his guys. "I'll just trust that you all know what you're doing. I'll make some calls and get it setup then get you the details."

Rob thought for a moment when she asked about a dress code. There really wasn't one per-se but his girls always had a certain look. Call it sexy or slutty, he wasn't quite sure but whatever it was he found it hot.

"Similar to the dress you wore last night would probably be fine. And of course I'm paying. I wouldn't make my best girl pay for it would I?" he said somewhat sarcastically as he reached out and pinched her cheek giving her a forced smile.

"Put some clothes on and I'll make the calls." he said finally as he turned and walked out of the room.

Walking out to the living room Rob pulled up Hector's number and hit dial. When Hector picked up he knew Dianna's handlers would be on the line listening in so he worked him for as much information as he could.

"Hey, about what we discussed last night. I need 25. Can you make that happen?" Rob asked.

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem." Hector replied somewhat surprised to hear from him already."

"I'm looking for a certain type so I need you to have enough on hand for us to be selective." Rob added trying to get Hector to divulge how many girls they currently had warehoused on the ranch.

"If you're just looking for 25 you'll have plenty to choose from but if you're going to be picking out all our best ones there's going to be a premium. $2500 per girl."

"Come on man!" Rob said feigning a protest. "I thought you wanted this to work?"

"Sorry man, that's the price. You won't be sorry though. We're talking about fine chicas."

"Alright, I'll have my guys over there tonight with a couple vans. Someone going to be there to make sure they're taken care of?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll see to it myself." Hector said as a broad grin stretched across Rob's face on the other end of the line.
D nodded as he continued to talk about the sting only really focusing again as he started to talk about the party. She was surprised to hear there was no dress code as most of what she had seen in the files always had a distinctive vibe, but she figured that if you work that closely for that long some styles would just naturally immerge. As he pinched her cheek, she yelped and slapped his hand away, playful but still annoyed at the gesture said " Don't do that, at least give it a proper tap if you need to touch my ass." she said as she did not like being pinched, but she still understood the need for little mannerisms as these within a relationship. Getting dressed in a casual pair of low waisted jeans and a little crop top, she put on her shoe's as she waited for Rob to finish his conversation.


Ally cursed out loud hitting her steering wheel as she heard about the party. She had been so impressed with how the girl was playing her mark, but as he mentioned the party the special agent nearly had a panic attack, thinking about how her brother, undercover with another mob family had died at such a party. Roberto and his crew were famous for their parties, but everyone knew that it wasn't a party until someone had died, and if you were invited you never knew if it was because you were going to be exalted or executed, but refusing was never an option.
she was so preoccupied that she nearly missed the call, but luckily she shook out of it and listened in. Happy to hear that at least Rob was keeping his part of the deal on this one, she pondered if she needed to pull Dianna out before the party or if she needed to have a chat with Rob before that.
Rob hung up the phone then turned to find Dianna standing standing behind him in the living room.

"All set for tonight at 9:00 PM. I'll text you the address to send over to your people." he said before turning to his phone and typing out a text message to her including the address. "They better not fuck me on this!"

Walking down the hall towards his room he called back "I'll go get dressed and we can see about a dress for you."

About 10 minutes later Rob emerged from his room in a pair of jeans and a tight fitting tee shirt along this his signature cowboy boots. When the elevator opened he led Dianna inside then down to the garage. The drive only took a few minutes and in no time there were pulling up in front of a small upscale boutique. The window displays were dotted with mannequins wearing various dresses and rompers.

"Should be able to find what you need here." he said as they got out of the car and walked inside.

"Hey Rob." a girl in the back called out as another approached Dianna asking what she was looking for.

Dianna looked questioningly at Rob who let out a long breath shaking his head before walking over to one of the racks and rifling through it for a moment before pulling one out. How about this?
Dianna got a text from Ally, giving them a heads up that they would be ready to crash the deal and they had found a clean Judge to sign a warrant for the Melendez compound once the strike team had Hector in custody. They could not have enough just yet to launch a raid on Rob's team but it should give them a good opportunity to build their case.

When Rob called her down, she followed him and it almost felt as a fun day out in town with some friends, which felt weird as nothing about Rob would ever trigger her to talk to him outside of this situation. Let alone befriend him.

Arriving at the little boutique, Dianna was almost not surprised that the cute girls knew Rob by name. Looking at him to see if he had a dress in mind she chuckled when he just flipped through three dresses on a shelf before picking something.

Shrugging she took the dress and said. "I hope the discount will be proportional to the amount of fabric missing." But looking at the girl to point her to the dressing room, as she walked behind her she frowned when the girl took a little cushioned steps tool with her, only to leave it in the middle off the mirrored room.

As the girl gave her a little wink as Dianna was staring to take off her pants she had a sneaking suspicion, what that cushioned stepstool was for.
Rob watched Dianna follow Denise toward the dressing room then followed closely behind. He almost stopped Denise when she grabbed the step stool but he decided not to bother. She’d grown so used to him following along into the dressing room it was like second nature for her to grab it now.

“Not going to help her try it on Rob?” Angie asked when he got to the back.

“Nah, she has it under control. Dress shopping was really just an excuse to come see you.” Rob said as he backed Angie into another dressing room.

“You’re so bad!” Angie giggled as she lightly slapped his thick chest. Rob’s hands fell to her hips before he pulled her to him.

As they kissed Rob’s hands found their way beneath Angie’s short dress and cradled her ass as Angie’s tongue plunged deep into Rob’s mouth. Her fingers fumbled at his belt eagerly unfastening it before she slowly slid to her knees.

Angie looked up at Rob letting him gaze into her eyes as she slowly slid her lips down his shaft until they met the base of his cock.

“It’s the personalized service that keeps me coming back.” Rob quipped as he Angie went to work on him.

After a few minutes Rob heard Dianna come out of her fitting room then call for him.

“Just a minute.” He grunted out as his hips began to rock forcing himself deeper down Angie’s throat.

Rob’s breath quickened as his legs began to weaken. A swirl of Angie’s tongue as he withdrew was all it took to send Rob over the edge. He let out a shuddering breath as his cock convulsed between Angie’s lips sending a torrent splashing against the back of her throat.

Legs shaking, Rob braced himself against the fitting room wall as Angie rose to her feet and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“I should do way more dress shopping. Rob sputtered out as he re-zipped his pants and fastened his belt.

Stepping out of the dressing room he found Dianna standing just outside.

“Let’s see how you look.” He said pretending nothing just happened as Angie slinked out of the fitting room behind him.
Dianna was a little surprised that Rob didn't follow her in, but instead chose to take a little break with Angie. Stripping down she felt conflicted about this. Did he tried to be respectful and get his fix on a willing woman instead of forcing her into awkward situations. Or was he already bored of her? Did she do so poorly last night that he didn't even want to bother?

Putting on the dress, she looked in the mirror and felt she was pulling it off, if escort was the vibe she was trying to pull off. So stepping out she called for Rob to check it out. As the man called for just a minute, she held back from just walking in the booth, she didn't really care he was funking another woman, but maybe she could see what she had done wrong yesterday.

As Angie slicked out, Dianna pointed at the corner of her own mouth in a little whiping movement before winking at her and giving a little spin for Rob.

"Between the dresses and the personal service, we might need to set up a line of credit for me."

Then turning towards Denise she asked

"Do you have some cute thigh high boots in a 7.5 and a clutch that fits with it?"

Then turning towards Rob she said. "We also need to stop by a jewelry store."

She said and Denise smiled at her, thinking this was her getting even for the indiscretion. Once back in the car Dianna asked what Rob would wear, figuring she could see if there was a tiein possible with her nails
Rob couldn't quite tell if she genuinely needed the accessories or whether she was trying to get back at him for his little excursion into the dressing room. Any other woman he probably would have guessed the latter but with Dianna it was hard to pin down what was and wasn't part of the cover. Prior to the night before he would have taken call of her actions to be part of the cover but the way the night had played out blurred the lines for him and it left him unsure. Regardless, he was happy to buy whatever she wanted for the evening since she was going to be his date and her appearance reflected on him.

He leaned on the counter and watched as Dianna tried on the boots. Though he liked the dress a lot she definitely took it to a whole new level with the boots. There was something about thigh highs that he'd always loved. The image of them draped over his shoulders floated in his mind for a minute before she finally changed back into her clothes and they wrapped up.

"Probably just a black suite with a red tie. I usually stick with the classics and red is kind of the organizations color." Rob said as he pulled away from the curb.

A few blocks down Rob pulled up in front of a jewelry store. "Let's see what we can find to go with that outfit." he said as he climbed out of the car.

When the sales girl greeted them she asked if they were looking for anything in particular. Rob spoke up first hoping to avoid any indecisiveness.

"Looking for a necklace, probably gold. Nothing too dangly. If you have something with rubies that might work nicely." He paused for a second before adding. "And if it has matching earrings that'd work too."
Following Rob into the store it felt strange, Diana was not one for jewelry and when ever she was in a jewelry store it had always been to buy some for a girl. Looking around it was a bit strange but as Rob told the employee what they were looking for, she pointed to a pair of Earrings .

"Make it match those."

She said and looked as the woman was roaming the cabinets, pulling out several options. Trying them on she eventually decided on a very Fancy necklace.

"Thanks pappy"

She said while in earshot of the employee as they walked out the store, also making sure to hang on his arm the same way Alina did everytime she broke the bank om her.
Once Rob got things going Dianna seemed to take it from there and he enjoyed watching her try on the different necklaces that were brought out for her. It was a little bit of normalcy and he let himself forget for that brief moment that it was all an act.

"Thanks Pappy." she said as they walked out of the store.

Rob's mind wandered back to the night before......"Harder, Pappy, Harder." Even though it was an act the memory of those words were etched in his mind and he couldn't shake how much he wanted to hear her cry out like that again.

As they arrived back at the apartment Rob excused himself for a moment and went into his room. He knew he wouldn't have long before he raised Dianna's suspicions so he worked quickly pulling out his burner phone then air dropping the video of Dianna's hand job from the night before onto it. It was a risk, he knew, but he wouldn't expect anyone that had cracked his phone to know where the video was sent even if they knew it was.

He quickly typed out a message to the organizations tech guy. "Need some malware embedded. GPS locations, remote control, video, whatever you think it can send back." Rob attached the video to the text message then hit send before tucking the phone back into the safe.

He didn't really know what they could and couldn't see but hopefully whoever might be watching would be careless enough not to scan it and give him some visibility into what's going on.
Getting home, D made sure to send pictures of her outfit to Ally, while she couldn't think of any way to bug it, as the dress didn't even allow for underwear, she figured the agents would know best. Then sitting down at her nighttable, she started to do her nails, using a black base with crimson highlights.


Ally shook her ead as she saw the outfit the young girl was going to wear to the gangster party, thinking that even if she survived the psychopaths party, looking like that she was over her head.Sighing she stepped into a Van disguised as a interior design van and drove to Robs apartment.

Texting him. "Meet me in the Garage. Need to have a chat about your partner."

While he didn't know her, she had inserted her number in his phone under 4am BC assuming the BC next to a lot of girls name stood for Booty Call, she had also attached a Picture, hoping that if he didn't put 2 and 2 together, he would still come down.

Parking the van close to the elevator she stepped out and waited on the man.
Rob had just closed the safe when his phone pinged. Looking at the screen he didn't recognize the contract name but when he opened the text he recognized the picture from back at the police station. He froze for a moment wondering if she'd just observed everything he'd done and was going to call him out on it.

Either way, it was an opportunity to get at least part of what he was looking for so he quickly made his way back out to the hall closet and rummaged through his briefcase until he found a magnetic tracker. Tucking it in his pocket he called out to Dianna who was still in her room.

"Running down to the car. Be right back."

Climbing into the elevator Rob wasn't quite sure what to expect but he didn't think it was good.