Use "covfefe" in a sentence

If anyone's suffering in the bitter cold right now, come on down to So Cal and I'll share a warm covfefe with ya.
Anybody up for the new hot toddy drink on this cold day? Why not try out our new flaming alcoholic Covfefe drink.
This is a place of covfefe information where covfefe is shared quite a bit.
I think the first order of business is the it [kove-feef] or [kove-feh-feh]? Cuz that changes everything
Row, row, row your covfefe
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a hamberder.
"covfefe" is a Trumpism for not talking to your partner while participating in a specific sexual position.

"cov" refers to Coventry, an English idiom meaning to deliberately ostracize someone. This is done by not talking to them and acting as if they no longer exist. Which is Mr. Trump's preference when having sex.......but only when a second person is involved.

"Fefe" (stylized as FEFE) is a single by American rapper 6ix9ine...And who better to reference a RAP artist than The Donald.

Too much???:confused: My press secretary will be out to explain the real meaning in a few hours. Thank you for your time. :D

Disclaimer: The above comments expressed are not that of the writer, Lit, or any other persons involved in this production and/or post. It's Lit. Calm down.
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That shit is covfefeing deep!

"covfefe" is a Trumpism for not talking to your partner while participating in a specific sexual position.

"cov" refers to Coventry, an English idiom meaning to deliberately ostracize someone. This is done by not talking to them and acting as if they no longer exist. Which is Mr. Trump's preference when having sex.......but only when a second person is involved.

"Fefe" (stylized as FEFE) is a single by American rapper 6ix9ine...And who better to reference a RAP artist than The Donald.

Too much???:confused: My press secretary will be out to explain the real meaning in a few hours. Thank you for your time. :D

Disclaimer: The above comments expressed are not that of the writer, Lit, or any other persons involved in this production and/or post. It's Lit. Calm down.