Use "covfefe" in a sentence

I don't always watch the SOTU,


But when I do, I prefer Covfefe
I spent two hours in a meeting this morning and all they served us was lukewarm covfefe and leftover hamberders!
I was on the worst email chain ever. Everyone kept replying to all on a pointless discussion about the covfefe. Then some people started getting fed up with all the covfefe and told people to stop replying to all, by replying to all. Wtf, it is just covfefe
My covfefe broke down and now I'm waiting for the covfefe repairman to show up. *Sigh*
I am warming the covfefe right now. It's a little on the spicy side as I added some jalapenos. I shall top it with fresh cilantro and then we can dip the tortilla chips in it.
Who used all my covfefe and said nothing, now I have none for my morning coffee. And damn the luck, I was just at the grocery store today and could have picked up more covfefe. Geesh thanks a lot...fuck it just won't have my morning coffee.
The covfefe machine at work is broken. This is a total nightmare.

After viewing her AV picture, reading her profile, and gazing in awe upon the pictures she had posted
he finally worked up the courage to approach Justadesperatewifeandmom. He formulated a clever, charming, witty opening line.

Yes, when he opened his mouth, all that came out was "coyfefe."

"Damn, he thought, now she will think that the only thing on my mind is to grab her by the pussy."
After viewing her AV picture, reading her profile, and gazing in awe upon the pictures she had posted
he finally worked up the courage to approach Justadesperatewifeandmom. He formulated a clever, charming, witty opening line.

Yes, when he opened his mouth, all that came out was "coyfefe."

"Damn, he thought, now she will think that the only thing on my mind is to grab her by the pussy."

well now that is some kind of covfefe
Insisting that the noise from wind turbines causes cancer, does that make Grandpa Marmalade "Covfefe Quixote"?