Village Warriors....the War Gods call you forward.

All hail the pirate Queen.

Emerging from the bathtub covered in suds and scented oil, in her family’s farm Lyandria starts to go over her plans for the next couple of months. She brushes her long flowing fiery red hair while sitting at her vanity. It takes her an hour to braid her hair and pin it in place. She puts on her black leather pants, a red powdered elbow lengthen tunic and her father’s leather belt that she stole when she was a child. The buckle displaced a sea dragon attack a shipping vessel during a storm. She slides each leather boot and tucks her pant legs inside. Lyandria laces up a pair of small leather bracers her brother, Hugh, brought back from a raid on a Greek settlement. They depict an image of the Greek God, Poseidon. Last thing she grabs is her captain’s hat issued by the Queen herself to all captains. She walks down her center stairs to an awaiting Attewater, her family’s servant and friend. “Mistress Lyandria, your horse is ready and your cutlass and Asian dagger, wakazashi, have all been sharpened.” “Thank you Attewater. I’ll be gone most of the day addressing the new crew. Please don’t have supper made, I’ll eat at the pub.” “Very good my lady.” Towards Widow’s cove and the Sea Dog Pub she rides on, Mage, her stallion.
The crowd around the Sea Dog was a mix of families and single men looking for work on the high seas. Ardwolf waited out the back door for Lyandria to arrive. “Its about time you got here you’ve got about a hundred or so people outside looking for work.” “No fear Ardwolf, she said with a smile, this my crew and I’ll handle it.” Lyandria trotted around from to see the mob of people carrying whatever they could on their back on in a wagon. “Fellow Britons you have come here today to seek a new home, to find a new start, or to simply make money. Whatever your reason there two simple rules I’ll lay down now. One those three ships in the port sail for the Queen. If you have a problem serving the Queen under me leave now. Secondly if you think that because I’m a woman that an man can push me aside, intimidate me, or ignore any of my direct orders know now, Lyandria drew her cutlass, I will cut you down where you stand. If you get out a hand and too rowdy you will be dealt with quickly and properly. Are there any questions?” She waited a few seconds with no response. “Good we have a lot of work to do to get things started. So sleep well tonight causes tomorrow we get started early.”
All the women and able children need to replant the fields with corn, potatoes, onions, beets, neaps, and plant some apple trees. The men first will address the living conditions. One large hut can hold either a family or 4 men. Any spare huts will be turned into storage sheds or torn down for material.
Making my crew:
For the Dragon only the strongest most experienced sailors will do. Myself and three other crewmembers will be trained to use the dragon’s breath. For the Wave Runner I need experienced sailors who I can trust to keep my crew informed. They will fly a neutral flags and try to exchange false information and false maps to gain trading routes and boat design. The Little Aegir will do the same as the Wave Runner. Exchange information and scout. Its primary purpose is to be a cargo ship for use to unload our supplies onto so that it may return to Widow’s cove to drop off the prize.
Our prize:
Armed with a red dragon sail and flag my crew and I set out to pillage the seas and any lone foreign cargo ships for prize and scout out for small coastal ports to be hit.
The eve of victory


Ryu looks down at the princess sobbing at his feet, his anger is still inside him and for a moment comtemplates killing the young girl. Even so much as to raise the sword she had presented him with above her head. Ryu's heart softends as he looks apon the girl who has lost all that she had known to this day. Still she needed to be taught a lesson, he hands the sword to his brother and steps next to the girl.

"Get up!" he orderes. She dosen't obey at first either out of fear or heartbreak or both. "GET UP!" His shout causes those around him to recoil, startled they had never seen their lord this angry before. However, it does have the desired affect and the child rises. "Look at what has been done, look at the death that has been created." Though his voice is softer it is no less forceful. "I was only the catalyst of your destruction. We offered you our friendship, offered you the chance to grow as a peaceful people for the benefit of all our lives. Your brother slapped our hand in our face. This I could over look, I understand that people have differences of opinion. I had wanted to ask him again about being an ally and friend," Ryu's face controtes with anger at the memory he is about to speak. "Then for no reason, without any provocation he cowerdly sends men into my home to kill me, they failed but took from me something far worse."

"My brother would..." She begins to speak and is interrupted by Ryu's cold stare. Truly she had been kept in the dark about his plans.

"Ignore the fact that my wife was killed by his men, how could you not know what your brother intended. Hiring mercaneries to do his fighting for him. Only an ignorant cowerd would hire those he does not love and use them like animals. If I had done nothing, if I had shut myself in my room and never come out again, my men would have done the very thing that I have done today because of their love for me and my love for them. You spent your time building an army that fights for you only for the money, my army fights for a better future a day when the fighting is over and peace truly riegns. Should your brother have gone unchecked he would have destoryed the whole island and instead of only a few thousands souls lost here today the number of people dead would have been ten times that much not to mention the number of people he would have terroised in a tryanical rule such as his would have been."

He paused a moment letting his words sink in. "Moreover if I had done nothing someone else would have. All rulers of this nature have short lives either death on the field or killed in their sleep, because money can only buy so much loyalty. You have no one to blame but your brother, had he accepted my friendship things would have been different. In fact I may very well be standing here with my wife talking to you about finding you a husband rather than educating you on loyalty and love."

Ryu turns his back to her a gesture showing that not only does he not belive her a threat but that he knows she could do nothing if she had the ability. He motions for one of his samurai to come forward. He does so and kneels without fail. He motions for him to stand and whispers in his ear. "Find two horses and take her back to Tetsuo, treat her as you would a guest. She is not to be harmed, see to it."

"Yes My Lord."

Only a few minutes later Ryu walks in silence his men falling in behind him as he does so. They follow him without a second thought, he has twice lead them to victory with little casualties on their side due to good planning and a strong will. Ever since he became ruler their home has become larger and the wealth of the land has greatly increased. They followed him with only their hearts telling them to do so, they felt another great moment in their leaders life was to begin here. Finally Ryu stopped walking standing in front of a statue of Tran, it was rather large and seemed to have the affect of crushing those around you. His men circled him knowing a statement would be made here.

“My friends, this is the second time you have led us to victory against a superior force. Twice now we have been outnumbered and twice you have shown us that it does not matter, how is this possible? Is our enemy weak? Do they have no knowledge of warfare?”

The captain of his elite samurai steps forward, his first Samurai named for his battle against the pirates. He kneels then from this positions speaks. “My Lord, it is because our enemy is of many minds, they seek to hurt, steal and destroy. We are of one mind, your mind, we follow your courage, strength and heart. When Namiko died we felt the sting of loss too and we honor the fact that you would lead us when you had lost so much. All of your samurai and many of our other citizens would gladly give their lives if you only asked it.” Almost as if it was rehersed his army that had gathered around him kneeled before him showing their complete loyalty.

He motioned for his brother to step forward and took Tran’s sword that he had been holding for him. “What you say is true, our enemy is of many minds. This sword is the representation of that fact, its heart is unpure as if it hade been made by many people.” Ryu examined the sword, indeed it had been made by many, the hilt and handle had been made by an entirely different man than the blade and sheath. The sword was divided of itself torn between two identities. It was trash and should be treated as such. Ryu looked at the statue behind him instantly an idea formed. “A sword that has more than one mind and a people of the same minds will break against stone. Though its wielder is of one mind a sword that does not match its owner can never be strong.” Ryu focused his mind into breaking the stone searching for the fatal flaw in the stone that would shatter it. A few moments passed but he found the flaw, fitting that it started in the same place that had killed Tran. Immediotly he leaped into the air and brought the sword down apon the very spot. The sound rang out among the silent crowed and might as well been thunder striking over head. The vibration travled up Ryu’s arm and shoulder he held the sword into the air and watched it fall to pieces nearly crumbling to dust from the impact. Only a small section of the tip and hilt remained intact. He threw the hilt down and drew his own sword turning to face the statue once again. Tran’s sword had done its job, because he was of one mind he was able to weaken the flaw in the stone, but as the sword was of two minds it shattered from its indecision to destroy what it hit. One man made his sword, hilt, handle and sheath, the sword matched Ryu down to his bones it was an extension of his own arm and strength. He willed his force into his sword concentrating on his goal, his focus would not relent nor would his path deviate from his course. Finally when he had poured enough of his focus into his blade he lept up once again and struck. Bringing his sword down with such force that as the sword struck the stone the statue shattered in an explostion of dust and particles of rock. He landed and looked over his sword, only the smallest of nicks could be seen on the blade. It would have to be repaired or the next thing he struck with it might indeed break the sword. “A single man with a single sword and a single mind did this,” he motioned to the dust around him. “Think of what we will accomplish with all our minds as one.” His men roared in triumph their victory now complete.

Ryu fell to his knees and pulled out the comb he had given Namiko on the day they fell in love. She was truly avenged both his and her soul could rest easy knowing that they had won. As he looked at the delicate blossom its petals shinning in the sun, tears finally flowed down his face. Locked away for nearly a weak now they could not hold any longer.

His men knew that he had saved his tears for their sake, being strong for them during a time of great loss. They may have started this fight out of vengnece but now they have ended it with love for their Lord. An undying love that would span generations to come. They next day their banner would change from that of the dragon to that of the cherry blossom in forever rememberance and reverance of the lady who gave her life to that their lands could grow forever. A symbol of one mind and one soul, unity, as one they would never be defeated.

Diplomacy (OOC: these commands will be short and to the point as I have put a lot of energy into the Roleplay turn)

My brother is made governor of Tran’s village, charged with its restoration and rebuilding.

A meeting with all delegations shall occur in a few days to discuss future matters.

Ryu returns to Tetsuo leaving a few hundred volunteers in his brothers village to help protect it and rebuild it.
Czarina in Exhile.....and she is mad.


No sooner do you give your aproval to your sister does she return home happy with a large ring. She wakes you from your slumber with little Jan resting between pillows beside you in the middle of the night. You lite a candle and see the ring is a fine example of fine Viking jewelary work. It is gold banded with tiny silver pagan style crosses. You have learned over the last few months that Kalman belongs to a group of Viking Christians that still hold to some pagan beliefs and ceremonies as part of their way of worship. Leshuya has already begun reading the books about the sect and wants to join it. She has made it clear to you that religious freedom should be part of your rule. Right now your happy for your sister.

"He is so kind Kat and he asked me a month ago I told him that I had to think about it and talk to you he agreed and I have kept him waiting. Since then he has given me flowers, jewelary, toys for Jans. He is a good man even if he would not fit in at court. Oh and he wants to give Jan brothers." She talks to you for a bit longer before taking Jan back to here room with Jan over her shoulder warped in a blanket.

You are surprised and thrilled from what you here next though. In a small voice Jan says, "nite auntie." Your sister just smiles and keeps walking.

Later you find out that Kalman has bought a large hut and has his own small grain crop and cows. He has also setup space for a flower and vegetable garden Seems he has saved his gold for awhile. Also there is a large workshop under construction for him to setup business in the winter months. Leshuya tends it and makes dinner for Kalman and in the evening returns home to the house.

You ride about the farm often with your Cossack guards and can only help, but be impressed. There is more then enough grain for your own household and market place this years. The live stock are in good number and healthy. Also there are plenty of new colts running about the fences. They will make fine warhorses soon. Right now it is nice to watch them graze and play as the summer draws to a close. You have had a new stable and barn built just for them. Fruit trees are planted and though there is only alittle fruit this year next year promises to be a good one with many apple trees now growing.

Hadeon and the other Cossacks watch over you their patron constantly, but though there have been no attacks it is hard to feel safe. Peasants constantly partol for Vlad's spies. Some you think are driven way while others have died at the hands of mobs of loyal citizens. Some people move to the village to be close to you while others just want to be away from the tryanny. Reports arrive regularly of peasant bands and even armies fighting the troops of the Czar. The black Monks and Asian pikemen are particularlly hated because of their brutality and looting. The raid you sponsored agains the Black Monks though is revered as strong action against the wicked Vlad. Other reports from spies in the capital reveal that Vlads lieutenants have been bragging in the pubs around the city that they will have your head on a spike before the Kremlin before Christmas. The old palace is filled with whores and meceranries. Vlad's daughter cares little about the peasants and whips many of the servants that cared for you since you were a child. Something needs to be done terror cannot continue to reign.

Training...... The forming of a new army.

Laurenttij is the natural choice for a leader and soon you make him a captain. At age of 35 he has had an impressive life. At the age of 15 he left the village aboard a pirate hunting ship. After a few on sea clashes he joined a Roman legion and fought Iroquoian people, and Asians. He left with the rank of centurian (sargeant) and served as an elite palace guard to Saxon king. Later he fought with Scythians against invading Mongals. He came home to the village, and worked as a bow maker before you he took your commission. His wife is Elsa have a small farm and 8 children. Still despite your position you are invited for dinner one fall evening.

The lieutenants are selected with Laurenttij picking the best the village has to offer. The ten men are ALEKSANDER, ANDREI, GABRIEL, GAVRIIL, KIRIL, LEONTI, ARNLJOT, REIDAR, TELEK, and MARIUS. Some are from outside the village that were fighting in the resistance. Some were merely the toughest soldiers, but all have prior military experience. They are motely crew you think when you first meet them at your estate but they are tough and loyal.

From your own village and he whole country side men flock to your banner. Russian peasant boy to Viking adventurer, to foreign sailor is search of glory they come. The setup camp on the opposite side of the village from where the Cossacks call home. You soon get a final count of the men the first weeks of the fall and are shocked. You count some 1200 names of recruits. They have already needed to assign more sergreants for the task. Though many come with weapons they are make ship and range from good first line equipment to farm tools to simple wooden clubs. Arming all these men is the next massive task.

Most days you dress like a Cossack with your hair up and a silk shirt under your hide or armor. You always have to be armed with bow and sword close at hand even when you go for your swims with the women. If only your mother could see you now she would have a fit. Though the many Cossacks do look at you and smile even still.


Vanya of coarse is thrilled at the prospect of a place to teach young girls about God. With the money and you as the patron of the project you slowly see the convent take from over the months. Though only half complete The Convent dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene takes its first students. About a dozen girls for various reasons pledge to join the order with others interested. The chapel and dormitories are finishes as well as the classroom. Vanya walks back and forth every day to teach and oversee the project. A local artist has already begun to work on on a statue Saint Mary Magdalene out of white marble that was imported. The only complain Vanya has is of the cat calls from the Cossacks who ride in the field nearby. "Katarinya I know you do not think they are savages but even they make me blush. One girl has already run off with one. Though they have gotten married."

The merchants have gotten so used to regular meetings with you that they have built a meeting house just for the merchants thought they do rent it out to other grows for use. It is a large hall with a giant fireplace at one end a long table in the center. You sit on a fine chair at the end at a place of honor. You notice your families royal crest has been carved into the chair and painted. The project you bring up is discussed and most find it to be a good idea. The final hold outs agree with the provision that men and women have seperate areas for bathing. It is to late to begin construction, but money is budgetted, martials gathered and plans started. You come to the meeting hall which has a shingle saying Merchant's Guild now and find many plans displayed on the wall weeks after your meeting. It will be impressive and very relaxing. Most feel though it will take a long time to gather the resources necessary.

Father Acrisus takes your donation, but hopes you will have more to give once you retake the throne. Also he wants an appointment to higher rank once you take the throne. Perhaps even Bishop if things workout. He does talk about the need for a Crusade though and how this should be a high priorty. He is thrilled with the shield as well. He does see a new large church to be a good thing and with the increased population there has to be space for people to pray to God. He does ask if your sister and Tabia will be converting soon. Even so you do walk out and help him select possible sites for building.


Wagons are on the road and ships go to sea with holds filled with whatever your able to trade. Timber, Volka, and cotton thanks to a large population of sheep soon are in foreign marks. Your happy to see a herd of cattle being brought by riders into town one fall morning. Traded for gold and Asian silk the herd is large and will ensure food and milk for many. The Viking Ivan gladly trades with you and soon you receive a gift of a white polar bear rug. It feels so good to you that one night you even curl up on it infront of the fire book in hand.

Money is being made but the chief complain is now Vlad's tax collectors. Bandits can be dealt with or avoided, but they are at every market place with troops taking the Czar's healthy share of the profits. Many have begun smuggling and doing backroom deals to avoid these taxes, but the economy is suffering. Many merchants believe the island can be doing much better.

One merchant brings an interesting attraction to the village. He has a pair of trained walruses. He allows the pair of large tusked beasts to swim about the harbor and sun themselves on the beach. Old and young alike some to see these interesting creatures.

Research Results.....

The bankers talk among themselves and travel about the island. It seems gold and silver coins can make for easier trade. The problem is minting them and having them excepted. One is minted with your late father's face and the Kremlin castle on the back. People in the town have started to use them as well as your soldiers being payed with them as well as visiting merchants. The coins are of the value of the gold they are made out of which works for the time being. The royal coins being made now are worth the same so people are willing to except them for the time being. Many farmers still barter for things or perform services.

The textiles have put out a larger out put then ever before, and employ many with a good wage. Most like the option of working rather then farming. The cotton and wool have also increased and blankets and botls of cotton are beginning to be exported. You in fact have several sets of sheets and wool blankets made in the town for your bed. They are very soft and confortable, and many overseas think so as well. With all the building a small lumber mill has been setup and a slaughter house as well so there is more high quality meats. People are eating better at a cheaper price. Timber is better then logs now you have to make furniture or other items. You cousin has acknowledged that you have done much to improve his village into a town. Your sister-in-law says to you on a visit say he is even jealous of you, but glad to be on your side.


Since your meeting with the Cossacks more blood is drawn in your name. Arrows fly and scimitars behead the Black Monks. Those who once terrorised the the peole are now hiding more in their fortresses then anything else. When they do venture out on a mission they often bring many regular soldiers and knights with them when they are on assignment. Still though they are ambushed and lose many before the Cossacks ride back onto the steps in the center of the island. Your even brought the head of a leader of a high ranking Monk in a sack. The rowdy Cossack camp has grown since the winter time with many more warriors and their families. Some are even building boats for coastal raiding. Your often a guest at their camp where you sit at a place of honor. Many give you gifts and you have many admirers.

One Cossack YASHA a scared young man who drinks, fights, and rides hard brings you dinner one night. Actually it is a dead deer left for you by the kitchen as he waves to you seeing you in your sister in the window. He has long hair, eyepatch...smells like a bear and is in dirty leather armor.

Your sister laughs and smiles at you, " Oh he is so your type Katarinya. And so charming sharing what he caught with us....if he brings you jewelary though I think he is a keeper."

Your letter does have many positive effects and your families banner with yoru crest is soon scene all over the island and ships at sea as a symbol of defience. More volunteers are coming to your army every day and Vlad is having trouble recruiting troops or getting local corporation for projects. The nobles awarded land have trouble recruiting workers and you know the details of many of their lives. Outside the capital there is little support for the new Czar.


You often enjoy your visits to town and your daily swims with the Viking women. To many of the older women your treated as a daughter and invited to homes to share meals with their families. You chat with the women around the well that have started to notice you, but you insist on now bowing or kneeling. You fit in well with the commoners like no other Czarina. Your respected and loved. The Cossacks watch over you and you know the towns people are behind you in your cause to retake the throne.

Depressing news does come to you indirectly though one day. A number of your people from your village went to the capital to buy books to study and bring back to the school. Once it was discovered a number of thugs and henchmen of Vlad's were sent out to beat them and drive them from the city. Some were robbed and beaten while even some killed. The parents of one young wife come to your door banging away. It is Yurik and his wife Jadwiga there daughter Zanna was beaten so badly she lost the child she carried and her husband was killed.

He father gives you and your sister proper respect but then screams at you, ""you sit in exhile and do nothing.....this tryannt took your throne and our children and you do nothing?!!? You are no Czarina."

The Cossacks draw their weapons, but the old couple walks away crying. Your sister beckons the guards to back off and let them leave and grieve.
Katarinya Kerenin


Katarinya blinks groggily as her sister Leshuya shakes her awake. Pushing her auburn hair back from her eyes, Katarinya looks over the ring and makes the suitable noises of awe. "He's a fine man, Leshuya, and he will make Jan and your other children a good father."

Katarinya notes, impressed, that Kalman has shown a streak of remarkable industry and good sense and is a well respected man. He might not be suitable for life at court, but he could do well for House Kerenin as a border baron.

The next morning, Katarinya rises to find a gift from the Cossack Yasha. Leshuya smiles and teases her about the rough and unkempt man, and Katarinya shudders slightly. He's hardly what she had in mind for a suitor, though she notes to thank him politely.

Speaking to Vanya, Katarinya listens intently to the nun's concerns. "Dear Vanya, Mary Magdalene's lessons taught us that any man can be redeemed through Christ's love. I shall ask the Cossacks to give you free reign over the Convent, but I hope for the young women who attend to become emissaries for Christ, teaching and spreading Christianity by example."

Katarinya is amused in her next meeting with Father Acrisus. She politely implies that he will certainly be considered as the Bishop once she has reclaimed Moscovy, but secretly Katarinya wonders if he might be too anti-pagan for the position. The last thing Katarinya needs is a religious civil war.


With so many projects under way, between the Convent, Church Expansion and bathhouse, Katarinya decides to ask the Merchant Council to use the autumn and winter to avoid new construction projects till spring.

Instead, she asks that lumber, tile, marble and supplies be traded for to complete the projects underway.


Katarinya dresses and heads to meet with Captain Laurentijj. The man is an excellent and well respected soldier. As he reports to her on the efforts and trials of training the men, Katarinya listens attentively and nods.

"Captain, we have even more men than I would have imagined. It is time for us to raise a cavalry as well as a strong foot guard. Please select 200 of the men and visit with Akecheta, the horse breeder. Begin training those 200 men to ride and to use the lance from the saddle."

Katarinya looks at the new captain, then frowns contemplatively. "No one launches a campaign through a Russian winter, not even Vlad. But come spring, we'll have no choice but to go to war with him. We must use the end of autumn and the coming winter to finish training and equipping the troops so that when the spring comes we are ready."

Katarinya smiles at the Captain and nods to the lieutenants, then notes the rough condition of many of the soldiers with some disapproval.

Research - Weapons, Armor

Katarinya hurries back to her farmstead, looking for her two blacksmiths, the two Germans, Anton and Gerlach.

"Good fellows, we've recruited a large number of people, but it occurs to me that soldiers are only as strong as the smiths who arm them."

Katarinya smiles at the two sooty men who work the forge for the village. "I'd like to see every foot man have a long spear, a good sword and a dagger, and a suit of studded leather. Every horseman should have a good lance and sword and a shirt of strong chain. The armour is most important. We must make sure our brothers and sons come home alive from the fighting."


Katarinya then heads over to town, heading to the complex of wool and cloth makers. She politely speaks to the foreman. "I wish to place an order for twelve hundred surcoats, in the colors and blazoned in the arms of Kerenin. I wish for every man who bears arms for me to know that my House is with him always." She smiles as she meets with the merchants, sitting in the fine chair they have made her, pleased with their show of support and friendship.

Katarinya hopes that uniform surcoats and equipment will help speed the training and improve the unity and discipline of her troops.

On her way out of town, Katarinya sees a stir and heads to it, seeing for the first time the massive walruses. Katarinya laughs with delight as she is introduced to the walri, a stately fellow with impressive bristles and jowls. "Why, he reminds me of some of the nobles I have seen!" Katarinya pats the Walrus on the head than continues on.


As the fall begins, it becomes time to harvest. Katarinya goes amongst the farms around town, encouraging the villagers and noting the supplies. She even lends a hand with a few small chores, so the people can see that she too is contributing.

Meanwhile, Katarinya asks Vakhtang to oversee setting aside enough food to feed the troops on campaign next spring. She asks that barley be set aside for the horses, rye used to make bread the soldiers, as well as some flagons of vodka.


As the Harvest draws to a close, the Harvest festival commences. From each farm, a wreath of rye is made and each land owner selects the prettiest unmarried girl to wear the crown of rye. Katarinya grins, giving the wreath from her own farmstead to Tabia's eldest daughter, then blushes and laughs as Vakhtang settles a wreath from his farm around her own head, and then joins the procession of young women, walking about the farms, clapping and singing, then setting the wreathes in a place of honor in each homestead, before heading into town for a night of dancing and celebrating.

That evening, Katarinya dances with grace and confidence, spinning about the town square with her loose auburn hair fanning out behind her as the young men clap. Later, Tabia joins in the dance and Katarinya notes with some delight that she is able to keep up with her teacher for most of the night.

The next morning, Katarinya approachs her cousin, Vakhtang. "Vakhtang, dear cousin," she says, embracing him warmly. "You are my friend and mentor, but you are too shy. You have the love of the people. Do you not think you should claim the title of the Duke of Kiev?" Katarinya makes the suggestion. Vakhtang is a good man and loyal, and hopefully claiming a formal title will content him as well as insure someone competent is in charge of Kiev when Katarinya moves back to Moscovy.

Katarinya smiles as she visits the Cossacks camp, meeting with the Chief of the Cossacks and praising him and the bold steppe riders, saluting their raids against Vlad's troops. "Your courage has penned the devils into their black fortresses like bleating sheep running from the wolves! If you continue to press them so, come spring, Vlad will not have a single man left to fight with."

Katarinya continues to swim with Auda and the other Viking women, finding that swimming has become one of her favorite exercises, slimming and lengthening her limbs. As her confidence improves, Katarinya is pleased to join the younger Viking women in races across the pool and horse play, splashing each other wildly.

Katarinya is pleased as many of the older women around the town invite her to dinner and makes a point of accepting as many invitations as possible, to strengthen her ties with the people. She makes sure to always bring a gift of some sort, usually a carefully prepared dish or salad, so that she remains a gracious guest.


Katarinya is shocked and saddened by the loses suffered by Zanna. She makes sure to prevent her Cossacks from harassing the family of Yurik, and instead offers her sincere condolences and eulogizes Zanna's husband, asking Vanya and Father Acrisus to join in a humble prayer.

Then, Katarinya heads to town, standing on a platform and asks for the town bell to be rung, calling the guards, Cossacks, Vikings, and townspeople together for her to speak. She wears her finest clothes, her hair arranged artfully, looking every inch the Czarina, with Captain Laurentijj at her side.

"My comrades, today is a day of grief. You all know kind Yurik. You have all heard of the loss of Zanna's husband."

"And now, I ask you... Why?"

"We have offered our island trade and peace, but Black Vlad has thrown back banditry and oppression. We have built buildings, churchs, ships, places to be proud of. Black Vlad has destroyed all those things. We have tried to live free, but Black Vlad strives only to take our freedom."

"Therefore, I have no choice but to say that we may no longer suffer the tyranny of Black Vlad. I, Katarinya Kerenin, Czarina of all Russians, declare that Black Vlad is a bandit and a murderer, and all men who bear his colours are accomplices to his crimes. They will be hunted down, driven out, and hung for their crimes against our comrades and our families. Today is a day of grief, but soon will come a day of justice."

"On the return of spring, our soldiers will march to war."
Last edited:
A Roman Reply to our friend overseas.

"Alea Iacta Est"
("The Die is Cast")
Attributed to Julius Caesar when he was crossing the Rubicon in 49 B.C.,
an action which provoked the start of the first Civil War.


There has always been complains by your soldiers. The invasion had been a rough one with many casualties. The rains beat on them as the marched and secured the island in bloody battles with the screaming Celts. To day though there are vocal in their protest of you ending their games. They have had little of the conforts of home and now you take away their games. The Slave Soldiers as they are called are placed in their own cohort, but not assigned a legion. A wall is put up around their barracks are watched. They do do training as a group though but they keep their gladiator equipment though they are issued javalins as well.

Even Amonanus protests the ending of the gladiator games. " You may rule but are you sure ending the sport is wise? They are slaves and the men enjoy watching the battles. It keeps them eager and wanting to do battle. Besides is this not a time for celebration??"

Still though the slaves are strong and skilled in personal combat. Their training is primarly in fighting as a group. They have been taught to fight as an individual up to this point or die so the normal tough diciplane of the legion does not phase them in the least. Gugliemo the son of a nobleman and a slave takes the command that nobody wants and seems respected by the men he now comands. Most he tells you have prior military experience though several are common criminals.


Meridius takes his new post seriously concerning the running of Rusticus. He recruits a local police force, and begins setting up a bureaucracy. The streets are patrolled, and permitts are issued. Even Roman citizenship does not make someone above the law and many rowdy citizens find. The law is for Viking, Celt, and Roman alike. Meridius soon has what he calls the "city barracks" setup for police and fire fighting personel. Though there are smaller precincts to deal with different areas of the territory the main headquarters provides training and the less then popular city jail. With good farm land including very wet areas for growing rice a large number of Chinese immigrants arrive to farm and work. Soon along side Roman homes and workshops and Viking halls spring Asian homes, workshops and temples. Most citizens get along and trade goes on well. On a routine visit you see an old Asian man playing the Persian Chess game with a Viking at a table infront of the popular local tavern Flying Minotaur with a crowd watching the pair as they drink flagans of mead.

Simon takes on the task of running Homestead well enough though not with any great speed. He apoints a staff of others from Syracuse that are mostly family. Soon though the streets are clean and crops are filling the storehouses. More art is added and a flurry of work goes into town defenses especially a town wall though not much can be completed as colder weather comes to the island. Simon personally seems loyal enough and does make the effort to get along with all of those who live in the area. He even marries Fraoch the daughter of a local clan leader. Many of her clan serve in the militia, and were among those only captured after being wounded. Still though they seem a good match.


Parenting is not an easy duty by any means, but it is welcome releif to see your wife and play with your son. Christophorus goes strong with each passing day and Guennola makes sure he is well taken care of by her and her alone. You have brought Rosin a nanny into your home, but she merely tends Christophorus when your wife is unable to take him with her or is asleep and not always then either. Even during state dinners Guennola thinks of nothing of leaving to breast feed her son. Sometimes she even returns with him suckling. Still though she has time to spend with you and she is always there to talk with you at the end of the day no matter when that is.....the mistress seems to be a wonderful wife.

Armina can be seen working with Dido so she may become a bodyguard for you and your wife. One day you watch them fight with short swords. The fighting is very intense. Dido does take well to the training but wonders why you do not wish to sleep with her.....but is thankful for her place in your house.

Lartius talks mainly about trade issues of Syracuse with the typical concers for how much wheat is needed to have enough bread for all, and luxary items. He does tell you of the Visigoth problems they have had in the past, and how they once controlled the whole island. They wish to make a move to begin retaking some of this territory, and hope to have your support for a spring and summer offensive against enemies on and near the island. Any martial support that you can offer would be greatly appreciated as well as troops. For this they promise lands on the island as well as a small island between both islands.

Guennola caresses your shoulders after the meeting gently working out the tension. "They are your people and like family they are not always ones you want to have but they are yours. Whether you like it or not. Do you wish for our son to die on foreign shores. For this is how it begins. I cursed the day your sails came into view, but time has changed things and I could not see these days go past without you.......Do what you must but I can only understand protection home. But you want an empire do you not?"


Draga is the ususal charming host you find as you walk through the courtyard of his small fortress home. The head of a thief hangs on a pole there as a warning sign. Ancus squares off with Draga's personal bodyguard Hallbjorna 6ft monster of a man who picked up and broke the back of a Persian sailor and killed several others during the last battle. Both men are gruff, tough, and totally dedicated to protecting their lord. As ususal Draga treats you as a junior at his table. You eat and talk about general topics like crops and families before moving on to the more serious issues.

"Why must we be citizens. I am your navy Roman. We fight your enemies and your home is built on the gold I brought you.....We took this land we expect a share for what we have done for you....We are only paid for transport in gold by your father who made it clear to me that it would fine to leave you here regardless of the condition of the island. Instead I see that there is opportunity for greater profit so I help you in your war. You win because of us and you need us so here are my terms. I and my men will pay any taxes like we would to any noble lord which you are but we will not become citizens. We will go on being proud and free......You have my answer. I will not stop others from becoming citizens, but I will not do it for you. The old warriors talk of the empire you kinsmen once had. You were greed and as much glory you had you lost it quickly. During that time many Norse men died trying to help you keep it.....I will be watch and be wise this time."

Building and Development

Before the winter the sea wall is completed as well as the lighthouse which is a confort to all sailors that come to the harbor. The Lighthouse is very impressive to all harbor visitors and seldom a day goes by without someone drawing a picture of the impressive building. The Academy is partly finished though some final touches need to be made but they builders believe half way through spring they will have it suitable for teaching to go on within its halls. Toulouse is more of a spring project but the engineers, and builders spend the winter months planning for a better setup and improved buildings. With the large influx of new people they do recomend many smaller settlements rather then a few large ones.

Most people can only afford to build large huts which are good for most peasant because they produce some food, have their own workshops and shires. They do follow your mandate though the best they can though. New structures are made of brick and more care is put into keeping the cooking fires safe. The towns look better and are doing better. As the snow comes more sleep in warmth and confort then ever before thanks to these new structures.

Cadmus cleans up in the bath house and eats like a horse, but after a days rest he has a party forming up to relieve the expedition in the hills. The group has many to work on the project, but few are told exactly what is going on in the hills. Soon though there are plenty of labors as well as hunters, guides, minors, carpenters, loggers, cooks, and other worker. Within a week they head off into the hills with wagons and horses carrying supplies. After the first snow falls you do receive a package which contains a progress report and five bars of gold. Bonaventure thanks you for your kind words and continued support. He tells you production is slow in the cold but promises it will pickup in the warmer months. On the good side though they have permanent structures including a large building for smelting. Supply trains continue back and forth over the winter and with each trip some gold comes back hidden in boxes. It seems for a time at least the secret is being kept.

Davida meets with you and says the bath house is doing fine and many citizens you the facility. She only hopes to build more and larger ones to each part of the city has its own. So there is less crowding and distance to travel she explains. She always tells you that the Geishas are working out fine and many wish to meet such exotic women though more and more women like them are coming to the island. She tosses a large bag of gold on the table to you, "for not enforcing passed laws about brothels my lord. A donation for the improvement of the city. I like being able to call on guards to deal with problem clients."


The furs steadily come onto the market as well as the new Asian crafts. Some are sold on the island like the furs which in the winter there is a demand for, but other items make their way off the island on ships. Sita buys the camels gladly and soon they are bound for a warm island. She has taken up residence and says she will stay on until the spring. Over her silk garments is Celtic made furs and a long cloak. Seems she does miss her warm island home though.

None of the merchants have greek fire for sale. Now that you are interested though the weapons dealers will now keep a look out for this item to add to your aresenal.


With the winter passing farm work begins anew. The water supply is managed and the aqueducts have plenty for the current needs. The crops will soon have their own water system so there should be even more then ususal. In adittion to what is grown on general land almost all peasants who have large huts are growing their own small portions of food. Nobody will grow hungry this season to come.

Actaeon and the others heal over the winter resting and regaining strength lost. Some are simply unfit for duty in the end but all have survived their wounds. Since the horses used by farmers are already strong and large it is not hard to breed a good heavy cavalry horse. The medium size and light cavalry horses are starting to grow in numbers though not enough to put into service. The Mongals on the island have already started to import some of their own. Guennola even buys one and enjoys riding it on the trail by the coast.



Lartius speaks at length of the impressive city that has continued on despite the fall of the empire. He talks of building a coaltion of Roman cities and islands to have a strong trade and defense policy. Syracuse has many different sites including colosseum, smaller theaters, a water system, large buildings, and huge harbor. He does see alot of potential here and comends you on dealing with the Celtic problem. He hopes they will deal with the Visigoths in the same way soon.


Sita sighs not liking rejection, but promises you that she will return home and speak to her sister about a joint war against Perians. "Remember they have invaded our homeland before and are in striking distance. We are in this together and you cannot just say you are with us and send others to fight."

Celtic Islands

Guennola tearfully leaves behind your son and goes on the diplomatic mission for you and the Republic. After several weeks of travel on one of your Triremes to the three different islands. Represenatives from all three do return to the main island to see Valde Glorria and all are impressed. Once in the capital they do swear allegiance to you thought hey wish their small hamlets to remain the same and just pay taxes. Many are interested about all the potential trade. They are eager to trade the surplus of fish they always have for goods at the market.

Amazon Island

The women are eager to listen considering it is Flavia doing the talking. The are pleased that a woman holds rank and has a say in how she lives. Many eagerly board the trireme ready for battle. As usual the many exotic beauties tease the crew and enjoy their company from time to time. Still though some 30 fierce warrior women will be a welcome adittion to the force.


The second legion gets many applicants thanks to the influx of Asians, Romans, and other groups. Amonanus does want to know a configuration of the new legion and what you want its mission to be and type. Perhaps another straight infantry unit? Of coarse he assumes that the reorangization will be the standard from here on out. Advisors head to the Celtic islands to train the troops for miltia and are perpared to stay for a few months. All of them speak Celtic and have experience all of coarse are veterans.

With the shrines at each barracks weapons being blessed is easy as well as the new Aquilas. The new armored cohorts look impressive and the army looks to be in solid shape. Training of coarse continues as men learn to refine tactics and learn other jobs besides the ones they are assigned. Every man knows the job of the man above him and the buddy system carries over into off hours. Many drink with their battle buddy and friendships are built.


The bows and saddles work on through the winter and many impressive designs are thought up and built. Testing though will give you an idea of what is "best." It is a matter of perspective and what fills the need of your army which chiefly relies on the gladius, the pilum and the pugio. A more diverse arsenal and options will give you more chances to achieve victory. The Welish bow though is popular among the peasants for hunting and protection. The Mongols use their short bows, because of their swift fast mounted attacks. Your cavalry men though are unsure if that is a good tactic.


Most of the merchants you speak to are from Roman towns and villages controlled by other powers. Much has been lost since the empire fell, but many Romans still live on other islands. You do hear of a Greek controlled island which has two Roman towns that pay tribute to the Greeks of Athens.


Your internal intelligence network is formed slowly over the winter months thanks to Euphorbus. Soon theft is reduced on the docks as well as the country side. The bandits supported by the Persians were rogues before you arrival and even raided other Celts and Gauls. The Persians it seems gave them support simply to cause trouble on your island. They have no chance of overthrowing your regime but troops divered from the battle field is always benificial. Spends many months undercover and is pleased to finally be out from the cold and back in the uniform of Rome. During his undercover period he was attacked and beaten several times and had is life threated often.


Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt.
When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults

Head Hunters

The newly alfitted troops of the first and second cohorts land on the small island with savage force and diciplane. The head hunters charge the boats armed with spears, clubs and knives but are met with a wave of javalins. More then half their number is slain right there before they are crushed agains the shield walls of the cohorts. Both parties of Amazons attack savagely leaving nothing in their path. The stone throwers firing from the ship destroy huts and the wooden walls of the savage tribe's village. By the end of the day only women, children, and prisoners remain and a handful of Greek sailors just taken prisoner. Their small sailboat was taken just days before and many of their number are already dead. Weapons are collected and evil shrines destroyed. The Amazons lacking the large enough craft to lead such an attack are happy to take part and swear a oath of loyalty to you and Rome. Some Amazons even plan to relocated to this newly captured island. They say they will stay behind with a group of your marines until renforcements and supplies arrive. By all accounts the newly revamped units did well and this reflects well on you as an organizer and military leader. A well oiled attack machine only had recieved a few wounded men while some 100 enemy warriors lay dead.


When you deal with others you will always have to make compromises. In talking with Draga and Sita the best agreement you can secure is that they will prepare for raids in the Spring, but there is still more talking to do before that happens. The way things look as of now is late spring really summer. Your staff thinks your plan is solid though and they are taking the time to prepare and train the men as well. Soon all men will have the new armor and you will have many more men to bear arms for you once the second legion is completed. As the winter ends you see Sita sail off for home with the promise of securing the needed troops and ships for this next phase of the war. Draga says he will instruct his men not to raid and have all the ships in port by midspring. Operations will happen, but not as you planned.
"The weak enslave themselves and justice belongs to the strong"

The Visigoths.....


Florentina's love and caring she feels for you keeps you warm on the coldest of winter nights even if it is not hidden from view. You have to be content in this arrangement while the village which now seems to be growing into a town wonders why you have not taken a wife. Having a family and your own land is yet another way a man proves himself a man besides on the battlefield. So with that motivation as well as a wish to have a more open relationship you ride to speak with Florentina's father. He goes for a walk with you on a trail near the family home leading to a small, but well stocked stream. The good fishing is but one of the topics he discusses with you before finally getting to the topic of your visit. Florentina and her mother Stanislava watch from the house pretending to be working. Your frankly not sure if her father Horsa will spilt your skull, but the in the end he gives you his blessing because you are a kind and good man.

"She is to be treated well and loved. She is not a whore even to the son of a chief. She enjoys reading and writing. She will continue to as much as she likes. You will court her and in time you will marry her........I will meet. I will visit your father at his house we will talk on that topic some days soon. Now go spend time with my daughter."

OOC: The old chief deserves to spend those last 9 days better then dying in bed...Doesn't conflict with what you wrote just he didn't deal with the doctors as much as first implied.


The first weeks of winterare snow begins to covered the landscape of barren ground. Your father has refused to stay in the lodge even if you are improving it an enlarging the family home. He takes off on rides often until he exhausts himself returns home and eats then goes right to bed. He spends few hours every week dealing with government and leaves more and more of it to you under the guise of you need to learn how the village runs. In fact his newest project has been seeking out a large brown bear that has killed a large number of livestock owned by villagers that live outside the village boundries. Your father is determined to find him and has a spring in his step feeling useful again. He even has a new quiver of barbed arrows made up to deal with the beast. So each day he sets out looking for the giant bear and comes back later and later every time.......until one warm spring night he does not come back at all.

There is little worry since he probably stayed with old friends never mind he had plenty of supplies. The afternoon of the next day makes all worry and you and friends as well as several elders prepare to ride out and search for him along the old trails. Worries compound with the arrival of your father's horse on the main road. It looks tired and scared so you only ride out further and faster. On the edge of your families territory (or at least what you know you can claim) you find the large dead bear. It is bloody mess and looks to have died from from a flury of long knife blows (which your father does carry). You go about 50 paces back of bloody bear tracks and find a butchered deer corpes, and not far away the great chief. One of the elders named Bliant who is skilled as healer and many other things runs to help your father. He just looks up and nods no after examing him, and rolls him over and hands you the long knife with the long deer antler handle. He died fighting and he left the world honorably not in bed with the darkness closing in around him....

The following days are filled with the tears of your mother and siblings. Your father is buried in a place of honor near the temple with his own chapel to be built so warriors can draw strength and wisdom from it for many years to come. Other Chiefs do come to visit and pray in the days to come. Many visiters come to the house out of respect and every peasant even nonVisigoth subjects come to give praise. Your father is given all the honor he deserves. You are now chief like you wanted, but you never imagened how sad it would be to take the throne. Your Uncle does not wish to contest you claim and only wishes to continue on as an advisor. Your mother simply walks around lost and sad. Wulfa spends several days walking the lodge in search of your father before realising he will not be home again and howls.


Training is reduced greatly with the snows coming down, but the armory keeps getting fuller as work in the forge continues. More Visigoths decide to reside in the village and your informed the population is at least at the level of town and many feel they will be able to get more recruits in the spring. The blacksmith shot next to the stables keeps it warm so horses are better cared for this winter. The navy is in the planning stages, but plans are drawn up for at least a dozen fine warboats. They are like the Viking ships, but slightly larger and additional cargo space. The Romans in your community do offer up designs for powerful arrow launchers that can fire at enemy ships doing massive amounts of damage to enemy craft. You get a few working models which your younger brother enjoys firing at chess pieces. You do still train in the main hall and invite others for daily practice. Maintaining your edge and working up a sweat thanks to the large fireplaces there in the hall.

Defense: The plans are being prepared in detail and before fall ends much of the building materials are gathered up so building can start quickly. Recruits and their families are brought on bored so a full garrison will be in place once the defenses are completed. Many Romanized Visigoths that come just before the snows volunteer for the post. The bring their experience in organization and military service. Many had passed garrison assignments so this is confortable for them after leaving Roman territory.


Publius comes to you with the final counts of food for the winter. He assures you that if the people do not eat like gluttons and eat normal amounts of food there will be enough food for the winter. He has the plans ready for the water system and insists that it will be necessary next year. If the population continues to grow you won't have enough food and water to go around. With the Romans also come a number of small but vicious dogs. Many peasants find them to be very useful in patrolling the granaries and other food storehouses. They soon are killing many rats. To the children though the many new puppies are simply fun pets to have around.


Soon your desk looks like that of a master builder rather then a warrior chief. You have plenty of work to do in the spring, but your not sure if you have enough workers to do it. The shipyards alone could take several hundred men and that is not considering the mill. You do get a generic school design that can be built near the temple so the children can learn when they are not needed at the farms. Many educated individuals do volunteer to teach language and mathmatics as well as farming and crafts. The housing situation can be improved with the standard designs for Large huts and farm houses being the best improvement (see description in OOC thread.) Your family home is another matter which your mother gives you her blessing to improve however you see fit. She does give her council and suggest that you have many of your own crafts people and services so that you will be independant of the town. You would have your own mini village within your compound. Of coarse the people recruited should be the best and most loyal.


While visiting for your fathers funerals the chiefs nearest the road and seaport are interested and want to know what you need to make this happen. The see great potential to improve life for Visigoths. Besides it is good for the state to have more revenue. With a seaport they will have more potential for trade and deal with the Romans even less.

King Augustus camp replies with the typical diplomatic response. Or namely the polite way of telling you to go to hell and we don't need you...nothing else much is heard from the Romans after that....

The foreigners thankfully settle on the land they are given though many stay at the temple because it is to late to build proper housing for the winter. Some find employment in town and stay at the shops where they work. Being liberated has made them very motivated and loyal to the members of your tribe. They have a bond. email.


Arilias was about to comment back to Draga’s boasting, but something the viking said struck him harder than any taunt could have.

“Wait a moment, my father instructed you to abandon[i/] my legion and myself here with no support or relief?” He sat back and was silent for a moment. “Draga, tell me everything.”


“Do what you must but I can only understand protection at home. But you want an empire do you not?" Guennola asked.

Arilias looked back at Guennola with a partly annoyed look. “Have I offended mighty Jupiter in some way that all I encounter must prejudge and insult me? Has the rot which has infested so many Roman hearts, must also be my own fate by proxy?”

He stood, pacing about the floor or their bedroom chambers. “Do you believe in Destiny Guennola? In Fate?” He moved to the window and looked out over the city of Valde Glorra towards the sea. “My wife, my love, I would as soon be nothing more than a father and a husband. I could lay down my command, take a plot of land and be a simple farmer and none here would deny me, live my life in peace and here with you and Christophorus and ask nothing of the world, but I cannot.” He turned back to his wife with a somber expression. “If I do nothing to restore Rome, to make it right and good, then who will[i/]? Thousands upon thousands of Romans are at the mercy of those who seek retribution for long aged debts and slights. I know, I have fought to protect them. More still have fallen to the base corruption and perversion which Rome was founded against in the first place and abuse their citizens.”

“I do not want an empire Guennola, I want the dream restored. I want Rome back, not as it was, but as it should have been. I do not want to be a conqueror; I want to be a restorer. Were I just a conqueror or a butcher, there are already scores of people I would have had crucified, but I am not a cruel man, I’m just a man trying to achieve something greater than himself. Already so many have come, seeking my protection and aid, should I look away now?”


A decree had gone out to every city and township on the island, commanding every man who wore the sacred red tunic of the Legions of Rome, to assemble at the valley one day’s ride outside of Valde Glorria, regardless of rank or condition, by command of Arilias Tyrus, Consul of Rome and Governor of the land. So they came, all of them, cavalry and infantry, cadet, aquifer and engineer. Once there, their Centurions bade them make camp and finally, assemble before a small hill by cohort. The sound of a trumpet called them all to attention, and Arilias appeared on horseback from over the hill, splendid in his full armor and regalia. Now only one followed him, the one armed Aquifer, who now bore the holy standard of the Legion for his commander.

Arilias dismounted, removing his plumed helm and addressed his men.

“Brothers,” he called, his voice carrying over the crowd. “We gather today so that I might speak with you one and all, to put to an end some of the unrest which has stirred among the cohorts. Many have sounded their discontent about the long road we have traveled upon this island. I know the journey has not been easy, yet I have borne it along with you. Many have come seeking glory, and we have achieved it. We have reclaimed our lost settlement and built it into the heart of a new land. We have restored the lost Aquila and standards of our fallen brothers who came before us, we have avenged ourselves upon the loathsome Gauls who butchered Romans and pressed Celtic men to battle against us with lies and hate. Now Roman and Celts are allies to build a better future and our banners are known among all who pass this way, inspiring wonder, awe and to our enemies, fear. Mongol, Viking, Amazon, Egyptian and yes, even other Romans come and seek our council, every day Roman citizens’ flock to our standards seeking our protection and leadership.”

“Yet, some ask me, ‘why, why do we do this?’ Why does our commander impose his will upon us for what is our due? Why can we not reap the benefits we have earned? Why can we not abuse those that are inferior?’ So be it, I have come to answer you ‘why’, yet I would ask some questions of you and let you think on their answers.”

“As I look upon you all, I see Legionaries of Rome, the finest soldiers in the world, emissaries of a nation which ruled all the lands about them. I ask you now, what has happened to Rome? No army could defeat Rome, no nation could withstand her. Although she was beset by enemies on all sides, Rome endured. While her armies occasionally were defeated, her people were never beaten. Rome was all and Rome was unstoppable, she led the world in arts, science, literature, architecture and power and all bowed down before the awe that was Rome. So then my brothers, why has the Empire crumbled, to be led by fat and corrupt men who never saw a day upon the battlefield? Why are those who once begged to be a part of our Auxiliary now scoff and mock and laugh at the idea of facing a Legion in battle? Why do those who once trembled at the sound of our horns and our armored boots now run amok over what was once Roman territory? Why do those who once bore Roman titles and duty with honor and glory, now squabble and bicker and fight over the scraps of a rotten and decaying empire? My brothers, my legionaries, my fellow citizens, how did we fall so far?”

Arilias paused, letting the words sink to the hearts of every man, he watched and saw the expression on many faces, but none were as dark as those who had come with him from Rome itself.

“How many of you have served under another general, who saw only personal glory and lust for power? So many of you have stories or have seen the truth of what I speak of, others have never seen Rome and have only myths and dreams and have come to take part. I have always treated you as fairly and justly as I could. None have done what I would not do; none of you have been branded with the mark of the Legions but instead been treated as loyal and honorable men who took the Oath upon the Field of Mars. All who have suffered grievously in battle have all been offered public duties, so that one may continue to pursue Citizenship. Those who cannot or choose not to accept this duty have all been justly compensated from the treasury and given land as was their due. None of you are forgotten or abandoned. Always I have tried to do what was best for us all. I have tried to build a home for us all and escape the taint of Rome’s corruption, I have tried to uphold the ideology and the glory that Rome should be, not what Rome has become. I have tried to instill within each and every heart, not only pride, but the belief in an ideology that is greater than himself. It is my desire to restore the legacy and ideology that is Rome, to make her great and glorious again, but I cannot do this alone.”

“The time has come my brothers, to make a choice, each and every one of you, from Loyal Actaeon and Ancus, to those of you still in training, must choose which Rome you are willing to believe in and fight for. The Rome which had an Emperor fiddle while the Seven Hills burned, where a Caesar was butchered by his own Praetorian Guard and auctioned off his crown to the senate, that had human bloodsport and sacrifice in the coliseum, where petty tyrants plot and murder from the shadows or a new Rome, founded on the greatness of the republic, that created wondrous monuments and made great ideas to lead the world, not just rule over it?”

“Those of you who cannot accept my rule, who cannot fathom my words, do not care for this ideology or seek only personal wealth may take their possessions, family and may go, free and clear to seek whatever you wish elsewhere. Those of you, who would follow me and fight for the Restoration, rally behind my banner.”

“Now choose.”


"For not enforcing past laws about brothels my lord.” Davida said with a smile.

Arilias looked up and blinked in surprise. “You are quite mistaken Davida. Do you think I am allowing prostitutes free reign over my territories? I am not.”

Davida looked surprised as Arilias motioned her to a seat and then to a glass of wine. “It is logical to assume that prostitution will exist. Wherever there are sailors, merchants and soldiers, there are often prostitutes. By allowing your bordello to operate, I can control it, make it safer, cleaner and, if I may, more respectable.” Arilias explained. “But if your women are found soliciting outside of the bordello, then I shall have them arrested and fined. I trust you can keep them in line and respectable Davida. This way, everyone benefits.”

“In fact, I was wondering if you would be willing to expand your operation and open a second house in Toulouse.”


Arilias noted the reports from Rentino and Homestead. Meridius had organized a noteworthy bureaucracy. Some of his methods might even be applied to the other townships. The reports from Homestead caused him some concern however.

“This is not promising.” He said, handing the report to Euphorbus. “I smell treachery in this report. We must act, and quickly.” (See Spy and Diplomacy)


- Finish the construction of the Academy and the University. I have the staff, it’s about time I had a place for them to teach and learn in.

- A second construction team will be sent to the mining camp, there, on the highest peak on the mountain top, I will have a stone observation tower built. From that vantage, they can probably see all the way out to sea. An aviary will also be added housing carrier pigeons and a huge bonfire beacon, to be lit in case of a crisis. (like invasion) They will also build housing for the locals and barracks for the miners and quarriers.

- Work crews will be sent to Rentino, long under developed and ignored. First off, the township there is small and mainly meant to support the fort. Improvements will be made for the township, such as a smithy, a shrine and an inn and stable for those traveling between Toulouse and Valde Glorria. Most of all, I want Rentino to be built and upgraded into a proper fortress, to include a moat (or at least good earthworks) sentry towers and siege engines. Rentino guards the only pass between my two cities; it will be strong defense against invaders.

- Armories and smithies will be fired up to make leg grieves for all my soldiers.

- In Toulouse, now that the docks have been restored, see about building ships from this port as well. Preferably, troop transports. Meanwhile, triremes will still built at Valde Glorria.

City Development: (Build)

As March comes around, the island will prepare for the festival of Lupercalia, to celebrate the mythical founding of Rome and the Roman New Year. Games and feasting will be held in all towns and cities and at the height of the festival, there will be an honored ceremony, dedicating and naming the new Home Island as ‘Palatine’. The new Celtic and Amazon islands and tribes will be formally welcomed into the Republic. The 5 tiny islands will be divided into 2 districts, called the ‘Daughters of Palatine’. The 3 Celtic islands will make up ‘Guennola of Palatine’ while the 2 Amazon islands make up ‘Flavia of Palatine’. Also, the mountain camp will be declared a settlement under Bonaventure’s leadership and named; Montis Capitis. The new grain farmland area will also be declared a new settlement, dubbed; Ver Siligoinis. Finally, Flavia’s land, the lumberjack camp and hunting lodge will be the final settlement; Femme Fury. The leaders will all be given their Aquilas, to be set in the center of their villages.


Arilias again sat down with his Governors and advisors. “For too long, matters have kept us from properly discussing our trade situation.” He said. “I do not want to become a weapons dealer to the region. Although there is profit in this, it is inevitable that such weapons will be brought to bear against us or our allies in the future. Horses also, must be gelded if sold off island. I do not want out best stock being out bred and out manned by our own methods. So then, what are we to trade aside from our raw and natural resources, much of which we need ourselves?”

There was much discussion about what was and wasn’t made, what would sell and how much. There was a market for the many different types of arts and crafts, but these were deemed, supplementary. It was finally noted that there were a number of craftsmen skilled with both wood and stone. It was decided that a woodworking guild house would be opened in Rusticus, and another carpentry guild house opened in Valde Glorria. Furniture, cabinets and all sorts of wooden goods, many with a distinct Roman style, but also with a mixture of Asian, Celtic and Nordic designs would be offered in the markets. Some special stone works and statuary would also be offered.


Fishing and hunting for game will be increased around the island. Much if this meat and fish will be dried and preserved to make for travel provisions. Skins can be cured and sewn for water bags.



Arilias nodded with understanding about the situation. I will see what can be done, but currently my own territory is at war with the Persians, a mutual enemy of many nations. I have a proposition for you; your King has left an open invitation to visit Syracuse. Perhaps I shall do so. I would like to see this city as well as this center island you speak of. Perhaps even the borderlands where the Visigoths are.

The expedition will be organized ASAP. I will take 120 men from the 3rd cohort as my honor guard and travel over on 3 triremes. While there, explore the city and finally go to meet this king Augustus, presenting him with several wolf pelts and 5 gold bars as gifts. I would also like to see the troubles, island and territory they are referring to and get a good feel for the city and its people. (Also, see Explore)

Simon’s People:

Guennola will invite Frachoa’s Father and some of the other Celtic tribe leaders to a reception at Valde Glorria. Once there, they will discuss how things are among the people and the island. Secretly, see if there is any lasting resentment among the father’s tribe and why did Frachoa marry a foreign Roman so quickly? Try to soothe any possible ruffled feathers or at least try to ward off dissentient. Grievances can be worked out if they have any.


Before Sita leaves, Ask if her sister can host 2 full legions of troops as a staging base for an invasion of the Persian territory. Also, how many troops does Kaveh have?

There will also be a feast before she leaves in honor of her visit.

Roman towns:

Some of the sailors and merchants will be sent back, asking if these townships would want to become a part of my newly restored Republic. I should be able to meet with them once I return from Syracuse. How do the Greeks treat them?


Tell Amonanus that the Second Legion will be the same as the First and the reorganization will be standard, although it is not too different from what Rome had.

Speak to Guglimo, and inform him that if he and his men wish to be Legionares, then they must conform to the standard. Although they are masters of one on one combat, the strength of Rome was in the uniformity, structure and discipline that makes up the Legions. Conformity will also help them gain acceptance among the others. The Gladiators will be merged into the new Legion being formed, where there is not such a prejudice against them.

All the newest members of the Legions will continue to practice and drill, the gladiators will also continue to train in formation fighting and the like. They will be a part of the second Legion, 3rd Cohort being formed. Drill hard and well. War is on the horizon.

Some of the new engineers, infantry and centurions will go back to the Celtic islands and build a fort on the island. This will be for engineering practice as well as to give the locals a place to live besides their hamlets. Also if they are attacked, they have a place to fight from.

My Roman cavalry will also practice some combat maneuvers, using the horse as a weapon. The horses will be trained to kick, bite and charge/ram. This will ONLY be for my heavy cavalry units. The cavalry units will also replace the Gladius with the Spatha, a longer, lighter sword to use from horseback.

I myself will meet with Arminia and Dido. I would like to practice a bit with them, (for morale) and also learn Arminia’s skill at throwing knives and hatchets.

Research: (Train):

Blacksmiths will begin forging horseshoes with metal studs on the front. These shoes are for the forelegs only, giving them some extra *pow* when kicking. Also, the heavy cavalry horses will have a head guard, as well as a chest plate for protection. This is only for the heavy cavalry.


Some of my explorers, cartographers and sailors will be given a mission. We need a source of independent ore. Not just iron, but copper, tin, coal, as well as precious metals or gems. Start searching nearby islands and see if we can find some.

Out by Toulouse, search along the reefs and shallows to see if we can find shellfish, such as clams, mussels or maybe even oysters and abalone beds.

While I am at Syracuse, my Triremes will circle around Augustus’s island, mapping the coastline and seeing what there is to see.


Ephuborus’s 5th column will infiltrate Homestead, moving in and out with the crowds and being assigned to various low level govt. jobs or town positions. They are there to see what’s really going on with Simon and his sudden consolidation of power. To aid in this, Actaeon will have an ‘inspection’ of the township’s civic administrations and militia readiness. (Along with about 300 of his cavalry) That should slow down anything Simon might be planning, while he deals with Actaeon and his troops. Meanwhile, my spies can snoop around and report. I will also keep an eye out on loyal members in the township as well as the few Viking families that settled in Homestead. Simon might have some difficulty ‘converting’ them all and so he’ll have to move to hold them as well if he tries to seize power.


The aftermath:

The head hunter’s sickening culture will be destroyed and buried. Any women or female children will be given to the Amazons to deal with as they see fit. The young male children will come back and be properly raised as Romans. Perhaps even to take their places within the Legions. The Greek captives will be invited to come and live with us or be returned to their homes. If possible, recover their sailing ship as well.

Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. War is coming, I just don’t quite know in which direction I’ll be going.
Tales of Pirate Queen

"Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valor, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar."- Prime Minister Winston Churchill


Your trip to the Sea Dog is not the typical one though your speech is well recieved by the masses that have come to your small town for seafaring. Once you make your speach clear you are able to weed out some of those only interested in plunder and slavery. More recruits do come on in the following weeks though and are diverse bunch. Some are just sailors and this is another assignment while others are peasants and farmers in search of adventure. Others are veterans of recent wars the Queen has fought to secure the island. Right now most of the recruits are English, but a number of Vikings have arrived insearch of adventure. English adventurer/pirates ususally arrive with backpacks, the clothes on their backs, some sort of hand weapon. Others from the ranks of wealthy gentry come with cart loads of supplies and fine horses and well made arms and armor. You have many to chose from and the hope is you will gain more ships in your adventures and need more crews and captains.


You do receive a secret letter from court. The Minister of the Admiralty, Nicholaus of Marlboro. His family is well known for its service in the last wars and he himself was among the first to complete the first complete sea chart of the island and surrounding lands. He advises you Briton has few ships to lose and he does not expect to field a fleet for at least a year if all goes well. He warns you of the Phoenician threat to trade whether it through direct trade or piracy. He always says there is a large bounty out for Bo Wu a Chinese pirate who has at least three black ships. His Junks have many cutthroats on board and seldom take prisoners. His brother Blood Spear was killed in combat while trying to take the city of Ryu the Samurai King..... Wu is known to be much more violent then his younger brother, and a seasoned warrior. The Minister says he wants you to try and locate this criminal but to be caughtious when you do encounter his small fleet. The letter though is found on the inside of barrel of fine red wine in a secret compartment so no one suspects a thing. The wine itself is rather tasty.

Though your home is a fine place to spend time and read you escape for a few hours to have a meal at the Sea Dog which is serving freshly hunted turkey and a good apple pie. That and a large mug of ale are making your night until a man enters the tavern in full battle dress and a lion's main drapped over one side of his body. If you had to guess he is the largest Roman you have ever seen. He walks in right up to your table pushing the tavern keeper Branduff when he tries to get in his way before your table. Sensing danger it gives you time to push the table aside and pull your blades. Soon the Roman has his ax from off his back slips the table in half as show of brute power.

He yells out, "die pirate bitch......" he swings at you and ou dodge taking a roll on the ground and standing at his left side and swing both blades around into his side hitting his leather armor. It does not seem these blades will penetrate you think as you curse. The large ax swings again narrowly missing you and catching your leg armor.

Bar patrons and friends step foward to help pulling out their weapons quickly surrounding the brute. You wave them way and defiantly yell, "back he is mine!" And with that another swing but it hits a low hanging beam. While the brute tries to pull it out you seize the opportunity and with your razor sharp blades you bring them together on his neck cutting off his head. You hear cheers as you take a breath seeing the head roll across the floor. It is not the first time you have seen this, but it still has an effect.

The guards soon arrrive and take away and search the body. A Roman traveller newly arrived to day walking about the town is what your men find out. He had his bladed sharppened at the blade smiths and even paid extra in gold to have it done right away. It was your kill so you are given the best items. You soon have a large lion cloak and a large battle ax not to mention a mystery of why this brute came to kill you this pasted night.......


With an idea of permanent how many residence are to settle in your small village work begins on long time residence. A handful of farmers and craftsmen also settle down into your village since pirates are a ready market for goods and services. In only weeks you begin to see large huts (see OOC thread for decription) for families and crews alike. The more inland section is taken by the more regular peasants while the rowdy pirate crews live together near the cove.

Several arms merchants have setup workshops and business fronts to sell their wears and for those with money to pay the best of weapons are just a brief stroll away. Not surprising though three brothels are up and running. The Maiden of the Sea located right near the cove is the most impressive. It offers fine food and drink, hot baths, and beautiful women. Many can be seen standing half dressed in the windows waving to passing sailors. Izabeli the daughter of a Portuguese maid and a courtier is the madam. You and she grew up as young girls together and often hid your practice sword from your mother for you....She often greets you the street. She has even hired Amazon warrior women to guard her property. Since she has moved in there has been no theft on her block.

Building wise most agree that you have enough space and food for now. The empty huts especially those near the sea are being used for storage. With the men gone for months at a time and unsaviory men walking the streets many women have bought a large breed of dogs. One of the breeders even makes a gift of one of these Mastiffs to you....a large black dog Hercules takes a liking to you right away though he scares Attewater. He hangs around the kitchen always wants to eat whatever the servant is making.

"Madam that beast is either overly friendly or hungry. And And......he thinks nothing of of sleeping on your bed during the day!"

Off to Sea.........

Once you have recruited a hardy crew you sail for adventure. The weather is good and the first days at sea the crew learns to work with each other and the impressive vessel. You and the select other limit your practice with the deadly and expensive weapon, but soon there are no problems deploying it. The crew respect you because you are from good fighting stock, but also from your battle at the tavern. There are of coarse rumors that you are a mermaid brought home by your father and that you practice witch craft but for you the rumors are fairy tales that men makeup with they drink. Still the wind is good and you have a solid supply of rum.

After two weeks of sailing you have only seen flags of your countrymen. You are about ready to head back to the coast for the coast until you hear a cry from the crowsnest. You rush forward with others and spot the three ship convoy bearing a frightening flag comes into sight.......It is Goddess of India. The blood Goddess Kali that is worshipped by theives and assassins among Hindus. They strange kill and amass alot of loot. Always killing those they encounter. You grit your teeth three to one is not the contest you want, but you can't run in fear of these animals. As the come closer you can tell the third ship is a large Egyptian grain ship. It must have been captured and with a prize crew that means the two smaller vessels have less of a crew. This could be to your advantage...

The two smaller vessels come towards you as your crew stands ready. They try to maneuver about having, but they are heading directly for your bow. Your crew and theirs exchange arrows as you grow closer and closer......almost withing range. Your about to to see these killers with black cloth wrapped around their wastes screaming at you...raising their scimitars while their comrades fire arrows.

Your move madam............

OOC: Take the turn as far as you like.....I just wanted to see your style in a fight. I handle how much loot and victory is decided. Good luck pirate Queen. Rule Britannia!
Tales of the Dragon....


The path back to Tetsuo seems longer then before....It took several weeks to organize things in Tran's battered town of Tani before you could leave your brother incharge. Many peasants made offerings of gifts to show respect for their new lord. What noble houses that were left after the brutal battle come to your temporary court setup in Tran's main meeting hall. Your brother has made sure to proudly to display the new cherry blossom banners there and that your rule is law now. Your brother still keeps the main battle banner as your family banner a symbol of your strong household. Many of these warrior families only have only the oldest and youngest male family members to send to pledge their loyalty to you, but your position is secure with the nobles. The peasants seem to just fine going about their business. Long as you are not as bad as Tran the cruel you will be fine.

Toshiro takes over as much of the operations as he can but there are still times when a leader must take the helm. Troops need to be inspected, wounded visited, and ceremonies to be attended. Your brother does well enough though and in time. He decides to keeps most of the captured weaponary to arm what he calls the "Loyalist Militia" which are settlers wanting land, and arrive in the wake of battle. They are soon armed and trained by your soldiers and are patrollinng the streets and taking over abandon farms. They allow your troops to handle more important tasks and recover from combat. Monks loyal to you take possession of the large temple complex in Tani and kill the remaining loyalists to Tran held up at the temple. Wary of your wrath shown in the case of their brother monks they bring 8 chests of gold and silver to your headquaters. They had been horded by the priests at the temple.

The two warrior women of your group Hôjô Masako the older female samurai and Tamako one of your late wifes students were both wounded in the fighting and decide to remain and heal and return home soon. Kenji returns to aid his brother on the Eastern coast with what remains of his troops after burying their dead. He promises you that Kim your friend will hear all of the great victory. Mingan and some of his warrior brothers setup their teepees near the town hall and say they will remain and enjoy the good hunting for a time. They will let you know the situation here and you know like your samurai these men cannot be intimidated.

Finally after a monument has been completed to the heroes and a grave yard completed you head home after over two months in the field away from your castle. Your men left incharge though send you regular updates on an almost weekly bases. They also include reports on Skikibu Tran's youngest sister who gave over the family sword to you as a way of surrendering. She has been put in a small guest apartment in your new castle with everything she needs and is guarded and given three meals. She reads, meditates, and tends the small garden next to the apartment. She is quite but has expressed interest and talking with you about the people she was once guardian over and to express her sorrow. She is not a prisoner in the traditional sense, but fully expects never to leave the walls of your castle. She is but a girl who's whole world has fallen apart.

The trip home is long rainy and seems held up by everything from washed out bridges to supply problems. You revolve that you will have to think about logistics more in your next campaign. Once you enter the city though the rain stops and the crowds cheer their Lord and hero as he rides to his castle. You stop briefly at the chapel dedicated to your late wife Namiko, and give a silent prayer. Vengeance has been rained down on your enemy and you can have peace once again. There are main stories of battle being told at the Happy Dragon while others just fall back into routine while still others meditate on what has happen. Endo your first samurai and hero of the battle with the sea pirates does not stay long. Only long enough to resupply and armor and take a few young samurai with him on quest to the unexplored reaches of the island.

At least for alittle while there are no enemies to fight. As you lay in your bed with a cold in the castle your wife built for you you can only miss her though you feel you are getting better. Yuri enters with food and drink on a tray, but realizes quickly it is not what you want and walks to your bedside. She climbs in with you and gently snuggles you and gently rocks you....


You look out at what was once a small village, and you see a bustling city. The harbor has ships from many nations and boats from all over the island. Few of your citizens live in huts any longer. Most have farm houses and raise their own crops and livestock. Even your Norse subjects do well and have built much. On Eastern side of the city where the majority of them reside you can see temples to Thor and Odin and other Norse dieties. Near the harbor road is a small Arab community mostly of merchants and they too have built a temple called a Mosque with impressive towers. Still though the religion you helped found is busy training Monks and Priests and has built more temples for worshippers. The new castle is impressive and you spend days walking through the main rooms and meeting the many peasants who staff the castle. It is like a small city within the wall and you will beable to withstand any seige.


After the last campaign it is clear that you will need to not only produce more food, but figure how to get to the army while int the field.


Your brother takes well to his roll as govenor and is soon rebuilding and improving. He has the peasants constructing a small wall around the entire village with towers to protect against invaders. Also and perhaps more importantly he is rebuilding the food store houses destroyed in the fighting. There is enough food right now, but not as much as he feels he needs to take care of the village. He has taken up residence in Tran's old home and reports to you regularly.

Tolenka sent by Czarina Katarinya (Other player) who gave you the gifts of Volka and the bear skin rug arrives at your your court with some of Ivan the Reds diplomats and warriors. Your Norse ally salutes your victory and is happy to help you in anyway. They do urge you to make a trade agreement with the Czarina. It could very beneficial to you both and expand the trade network of the island while hurting enemies. He will remain in town until he has an answer from you about trade and other matters. He stays in the Norse quarter with his people primarly staying in the temples.

The Noble Kim....your long term ally sends you a letter with his brother Kenji who just fought with you against Tran arrives at court with the ambassador and others from his clan. The letter you read after lunch basically says that Kim has aided you twice and wants you and your army to help deal with this latest wave of pirates. They have raided and killed in the smaller coastal settlements that are part of his realm. He feels more men and ships will give him the edge in defeating these pirates. Also he would like a small portion of the captured land from Tran as compensation from loses in the last campaign. He ask for these things in true friendship and knows you will keep your word....
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If you can't stand the heat....

After the fact:
Sitting on her bed Lyandria, guarded by Hercules, panned over several nautical maps eating an apple planning the next month as sea. He attention was broken by her new best friend shifting, which pulled and shifted the bedding. Rubbing his stomach Lyandria looked out her window and on to the cove and beyond that an ocean just waiting for her, calling to her.

Setting sail:
The Wave Runner was first out to sea followed by the Little Aegir, and lastly The Dragon herself. Lyandria leaned over the port, “Captain Drake, please take the Runner north and scout ahead will be several nautical miles bend. And Captain Faulst please keep anchor till we are out of sight and than follow us. I want to keep the Aegir out of all combat.” Both Captains saluted and plotted their courses north away from the coast.
The crew on the Flying Dragon was busy readying testing the pump, opening both sails, and pulling the roped tight. The thrill of adventure had set in on Lyandria and she found herself smiling as she noticed her nipple her hard from excitement. To pass the empty time Lyandria made the crew dance to music and sing both to keep the men strong and in shape. But after only a day empty time was quickly interrupted. From the crows nest a crew member shouted, “Captain starboard, three ships moving in fast.” Lyandria and Gaeth McConmage, her first mate, rushed over to the starboard to see three ships. “Captain Lyandria, it’s the Goddess of India,”Gaeth said. “Yes it is, but the last ship doesn’t look like theirs. Hum, it’s a galley ship, much to large to be one of theirs. They must have just captured it and I’m sure its rip for the picking.”Lyandria leaned over the a lot, “Men ready yourselves we’ll take their animals head on. Ready the dragon’s breath, draw your bows, well run head on with the galley and bank hard to starboard. This should make the galley crash into its own ship. When they do be ready to torch the sails to stop her where she swims. Then we’ll swing back around and finish the dogs.” Looking up to the crewmember in the crow’s nest. You up there fire a firework and signal the wave runner to aid us.” “You heard the captain ready to turn. Pour some oil into a cast iron pot and light your arrows. Aim for the center ship.” The crew moved with excitement and the rain of night arrows and fire arrows flew from both directions. Lyandria drew her cutlass and pointed to the foreign pigs. “Lay them to slaughter men. We’ll keep up the heat until the crew of two of the ships hit the water in fear. Than we’ll board the last remaining vessel and kill anyone who opposes us.”

Back at the home front:
Over a drink and some fish Ardwolf, Izabeli, and Lyandria speak, before being interrupted by the smelly Roman, about the way the town should progress. “I do see money coming in quit quickly once the men return with spoils,” Izabeli said while drinking some wine. “However good lady the more blood thirsty men start walking the street the more problems we’ll have.” The women nodded to Ardwolf’s point. “What we’ll have to do is to work on a private groups to patrol the streets. Maybe some military men who are loyal.” Lyandria finish what she had to say and finishes her meal with friends.

This story brought to you by the Lovely Lyandria Brisbain
The Red Dragon, Pirate Queen, Death from the Isles, The Deadly Mermaid. :rose:
Czarina of Russia


Your sister is thrilled of the prospect of getting married and Kalman is very kind to her and her son. He gives Jan a roll model and though they do take romantic time alone leaving you to watch Jan they often include him as well. Before the fall turns the water to cold to swim you find Kalman teaching little Jan how to swim in the pond on your estate. Leshuya becomes the pain in the neck sister you remember from your youth again as she is always talking about the spring wedding she wishes to have, and the lovely ring she now has and how Yasha would make a wonderful lover.

"Sister he is very sweet. He has killed something for you and he said he would kill Ivan for you at the tavern. What more could you ask of a man. Granted he doesn't bath often, but he thinks so well of you...Katarinya."

You simply look out the window and look at the peasants heading off to the fields to harvest the crops as the leaves change, and fall fromt he trees. You enjoy a mug of hot "coffee" something being sold by Turkish and Arabian trades. They say it will warm you better then tea on a cold night. You have bought a few bags of the beans you use to make the beverage though and you find it gives you a jolt of energy during your busy days.

With so much to do you have little time for yourself other then to train, and take care of the estate. You excercise, work with your weapons, dance, and help organize your army. Walking outside you watch your sister-in-law play with the children in the leaves near the garden. Little Jan looks at you and smiles.

He points to you, "Auntie Kat."
Your sister smiles at you walking out on the porch. "Well we are working on Katarinya. I am happy that he is able to handle mommy."

Vanya says the Cossacks have stopped riding across church grounds though they sometimes water their horses at the fountain infront of the convent. They do trade though for cloth in exchange for game from the forest. She says things have improved and now over 100 girls are now brides of Christ. With rough times though she has included weapons training along with prayer and study. You visit one day and find many of the sisters working in the courtyard with short swords and round shields.

Vanya sighs and walks over to you with her staff and smiles at you and embraces you as always. She has since moved to the convent full time. She has a large farm house there where she plans to grow additional crops and livestock to sell at the market for extra money. The most impressive feature is that has its own small library of books Vanya has been gathering for some time. She walks with you on the outside of the courtyard he staff banging against the stone.

"I have hired some guards for the grounds, but the sisters should learn to protect themselves and the earthly treasures within these walls. They will learn in time though and I enjoy teaching all the children. Oh and don't tell Father Acrisus, but the pagan children learn to read and write as well, and will continue to do so as long as I am here." She smiles and walks to a bench and sits down a pats the space next to her for you to join her on the bench."

"I worry about Father Acrisus thugh princess. He has been encouraged by word of Crusades on other islands. I think they are nothing more then seizing power under the banner of religion. Not many leagues away is an island where a Crusade is going on right now. The Germanic Christians there used it as an excuse to slaughter all the Muslims and Jews in the city walls and then to rally and army to slaughter the Celts in the interior of the island. I know you must take up arms to restore your throne, but be careful. I want the church to be an ally to you but you should not be their tool Czarina." She kneels and kisses your hand.

You find a new way to build strength though it may not be the most lady like. Splitting wood so you have a good stock of firewood for winter. You wipe the sweat from your brow and dream of what was just a year ago....Lavish balls, fine meals served in the palace. It will be yours again. It has to you think as you break another log apart.


Most projects grind to a halt before the first snows begin with one exception. The bathhouse and the water supply to make it necessary are setup. Pipes bring water from a nearby spring and fill the large pools inside the beautifully designed marble bathhouse. The water can even be heated and is a marvel to all in the area. One side for the women and one side for the men despite some objects. Now your people can regularlly bath in the winter time so they are cleaner and healthier. Your often able to go in the mornings for swims before the people are allowed access and enjoy long naked swims in the warm water. Often though your able to join your friends for a dip and conversation.

The rest of your supplies though are stock piled and storage area is step, and records are kept of what is in the storage yard and where it will go in the spring. Some workshops are also setup so tools and other needed items can be made. Now with all the work being done peasants can come in from the fields and hills and have their tools repaired easily.


You meet often with Captain Laurentijj about matter of defense. It is not an easy task keeping an army together over the winter, but he and his staff are managing at least for the time being. They have build large huts and been dividing up camps according to units and soon many different flags are flying. Slavs make up the bulk of the fighting force, but many foreigners also fill the ranks. In addtion to the hut building the troops begin to patrol the area and guard key locations like the food supply and bridges as well as support the town guards.

Akecheta provides enough horses for your first 200 recruits to your new cavalry unit though he says he cannot provide many more at least for a time. Still though they train with lance, sword, shield, and bows from horse back. They need work but they are getting closer to readiness. They patrol to the edge of the steps and have spotted members of Vlad's forces several time but only exchanged glances and a few arrows.

Vlad has quartered the main part of his army a mere 20 miles from your village for the winter. They are building a large wooden walled camp with towers. Deserters tired of the drill and their cruel Czar desert to your side and it is often you will see tired looking soldiers walking into your village searching for food and wishing to join your cause.

Research (Weapons Development)

Anton and Gerlach look at you a bit surprised. Equiping a household or a clan is a massive project in of itself, but a whole army is a massive undertaking. They put out a call to other smiths and soon a variety of weapons makers and armorers arrive in the village. Workshops begin to be setup and their is not an anvil or forge not working as the winter comes to your small town.

Slowly though armories begin to fill up with arms and equipment for war. They are then issued to your troops so they do not have to practice with wooden weapons any longer. Spears are the first item to be made in great number. Simple to use and keeping they enemy back they are perfect for this stage in your army development.

One night at the Screaming Lance you hear some old Cossacks talk about war and battle. As you eat and drink you listen and hear something that makes you think. With so few soldiers under your flad you must do something to make every soldier worth two on the field of battle. Having a good army is not good enough to win the throne......


The town normally a quite place but this fall it is busy with sounds coming out of almost every workshop. Soon though uniform surcoats and equipment are going out to the military camp in wagon loads. Many more jobs are available for farmers that normally have less income during the colder months. The local mine has needed to be expanded and there is not a household where the women of the house are not producing cloth so they can sell it at the market place. The town for the first time has an industrial area as workshops and storehouses begin to be built to meet the demands of equiping your new army. The pace of the work slows though as the winter begins to come into the picture and it takes longer to get supplies to town.

The walruses do not mind in the least that the weather has grown colder and continue to swim playfully in the bay to the delight of the children. When they don't swim or fish they enjoy laying out on the docks sunning themselves. Dorothea believes her children even wish to have one of their own she tells you one day as you both walk through the market.

She does turn to more serious matter though. "My husband and I love you very much but do you really wish us to be nobles. We are poor nobles at best. We work are own lands and we are not much better of then our peasants." She says as she nurses her little one.

"We do wish to hear your advice though and you know we will help you regain your throne at all costs. We never want to pay that traitor taxes. We don't like the idea of paying you either for that matter..." she smiles and laughs.


The Harvest festival is wonderful and a high point of the year. Old and young alike enjoy the events and all enjoy the food and drink passed around. The girls love to see Tabia dance and many of the Gypsy women even dance with her in a similar fashion. Some girls even find suitors that night as the young men of the village get to see all the lovely young women there that evening.

A great party that means the passing of the seasons and sadly another marking point of your time in exhile. You have had many happy times here but you have to aspire to more and take your rightful place. Yasha even ask you to dance which you warily except. He does not dance well which not surprising, but he is strong as a bear easily lifting you back onto your horse at the end of the night.

Vakhtang walks about pondering what you have said to him about becoming the Duke of Kiev. He looks at you but takes his time before answering.

"I will declare myself Duke in the spring just before we go to war against the Czar. I will command my forces and lands I seize I wish to keep so that I can have other estates to profit from besides my own lands. My village is now a town thanks to you and you have helped me prosper. That being the case I fell I shall do well to follow your advice yet again cousin. I think I will have a cermony in church and have a special banner designed for the new rank and house. We must win or it will a be meaningless."

He hugs you close as when you were young children and kisses you on the forehead. "You will make a fine leader for our people one day very soon. I wonder how Dorothea will take to being called duchess." he says with a smile.

The Cossacks continue to raid and fight with Vlad's forces, but soon there is little profit in these raids. Because of earlier succcesses the Black Monks camp among Vlad's regular troops hoping for strength in numbers to protect them from the fury of the Cossacks.

Your a regular guest at Auda's home though you have eaten with many other Viking households. They are always rowdy with poor table manners and eating at long tables. Still though you always enjoy the food and fill welcome. You have added several well made drinking horns to you pocessions. All the women love the new baths and many go daily after the chores are done and children are taken care of for alittle while. In Auda's house her husband Holger proudly displays his clan's prize weapon displayed along side their banner. It is a impressive looking spear that was said to be touched by Thor and has great power. As the months pass in the fall you know you have solid Norse support for your cause.


Your speach is considered moving by all that hear it in the town. Many rally behind you on the spot and more recruits join the army hoping to be part of the spring offensive. Confident that you are serious about retaking the throne and punishign Vlad that people have a new found respect for you after you speak. Hopefully moral will still be high when you attack in the spring. There will be no exhile for you enemy, and you will take back what is rightfully yours. This the people can support. On to Moscovy is the cry heard through the town....
Katarinya - Winter in Kiev


With permission to marry secured, Leshuya becomes as silly as a school girl, much to Katarinya's consternation. Still, a marriage is an important moment in a girl's life, so Katarinya primarily overlooks her sister's giddiness with little more than the occassional sigh. The only time Katarinya gets annoyed is when Leshuya brings up the Cossack Yasha. "I'd like to think that there is more to romance than how many animals a man has killed for you."

During one afternoon visit to the Convent, Katarinya listens carefully to Vanya's advice about Father Acrisus, then sighs. "It's no more than I've already feared, dear Vanya," Katarinya replies, "But who else would be suitable for a bishop?"

Still, the convent is growing at a surprising pace and the women there in seem to be doing quite well.

The Harvest festival goes off with no particular problems, which pleases Katarinya quite a bit. The presence of the gypsies gives her somewhat of an idea.

Her meal with Auda makes Katarinya laugh to herself. The Vikings are boisterous and wild, even in the privacy of their abbreviated long halls, really, little more than a long table and a few benches. Katarinya is pleased though, as Holger shows her his prized spear and then invites her to sit at the bench. Of all the women, only Katarinya occupies a seat at the table, normally reserved for warriors. The other girls either serve mead or occupy the laps of their men. Giving her a seat is a gesture of respect, however rough.

As winter begins to descend, the workers race to finish the bathhouse, which quickly becomes an important landmark in town. People from all over Kiev gather there, waiting their turns in the baths, and it quickly becomes an important hub of gossip and politics.


Katarinya meets the Captain Laurentijj at the military base, watching the soldiers drill. With the captain at her side, she walks through the ranks, complimenting the soldiers on their readiness and speaking quietly to the captain.

"I'm disturbed by how close Vlad has his army. They are only two or three days away. We can hardly move on Moscovy with them sitting their waiting to pounce on Kiev."

Laurentijj mutters his affirmation, nodding, then Katarinya continues. "Over the winter you need to discipline the men in forming spear walls and marching together, as well as how to storm a small fortifaction. We will need the men to be able to fight like heros if we are forced to come to grips with Vlad's troops this spring."


As soon as she is finished talking to Laurentijj, Katarinya heads to the Cossack camp to speak with their chief.

"Chieftan, Vlad's army is too close and too numerous, but a winter of exposure is nothing to scoff at. The cossacks must take the supply roads and choke them, so that Vlad can send no wagons of goods to relieve his men."

Katarinya speaks with low urgency, using a stick to sketch and point to a hash map in the cold ground, then heads out.

Research - Weapons, Armour

Katarinya meets quickly with Anton and Gerlach. The two sooty Germans have suddenly become key to her success. Katarinya speaks with them, urging them to coordinate with the smiths of the town and accelerate the process of making spears and light lances, swords and armour.

"We must have more than enough, good men, so that ever soldier has two swords in case the first breaks off in the foeman's heart."

Katarinya smiles grimly. It's a dim prospect, but she hopes with the spring levies will come and she means to see they have at least spears to fight with.


Katarinya heads into town to meet with the merchants and tradesmen of the town. She sits in the carved chair and tries to look her regal best.

"You all know where Vlad's army rests. What you do not know is that they are under siege."

Katarinya waits for the astonished murmur of the merchants to subside. "They are under siege by you. We must make sure our hunters take game from around their camp, that our woodcutters cut their lumber. A cold and hungry winter will weaken them for spring. Use your influence and wealth to make sure no one trades with them, that no succor comes to them over the winter. I mean to strangle them with winter as my fist."

Katarinya sweeps out, hoping these strong words will encourage her people to give their best effort.


Katarinya calls for Frekki, the Viking Captain who has served her so well.

"Frekki, my friend. The Vikings no more about raiding than anyone and I need your expertise. I've taken steps to see that Vlad's army can't live off the land near us, but something must be done about what they already have. I don't have the numbers to assault them through the heart of winter... But one dagger at night can be more fearsome than many swords at dawn. I need a small group, three, four men, the stealthiest and most cunning you can find, to slip into the camp of Vlad's army... and burn his supply tents. Sabotage his food supply, and starvation will kill his soldiers with no risk to mine."


With her plans set in motion, there is little to do but wait. Winter soon begins to set in, frost riming over the harbour and freezing it up and early snows signalling the end to travel. Once the true snow fall begins, people all over the island will have no choice but to ride out the winter season and wait for thaw.

Katarinya, however, cannot sit idle. She needs to have her family's special banner for the first thaw of spring when the armies march. The banner is secreted away in a Church in Moscovy, hidden right under Vlad's nose in a small coffer known only to herself, Father Acrisus and the Father of the church in Moscovy.

Using some herbs Tabia taught her, Katarinya lightens her hair to a soft blonde and slips out to the town square, where a few gypsy wagons are being loaded, the last travellers still intending to leave Kiev and risk being caught in a snow.

A quick conversation with the chief of the gypsy tribe and a small display of her skills later, Katarinya is hired on as a dancing girl. The wagon rattles out of the town with Katarinya safely stowed in the back, wrapped in a gypsy blanket, heading to Moscovy to retrieve her birthright for the coming campaign.
We come from the land of ice and snow. When we'll stop no one knows!

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland

The harsh winter winds moaned and continuously pounded on Tufa’s window shutters. THUD CLAP THUD RATTLE over and over to the point of madness. While sitting up and his bed Tufa looked around his still new room. The smoldering fire threw shadow images onto the wall. They danced on the walls like savages praying to a blood god. Wrapping himself in a blanket he shuffled down the hall to the great room. The fire still burned, low but warm. Tufa sat down in from of the fireplace and looked up at his father’s sword and ax that were mounted on the wall. The reflection of the fire off of the steel gave an eerie sight and struck a deep nerve in our hero. From around the corner Wulfa and a couple of the dogs came. They must have been sleeping in the kitchen. The pack circled than layed next to Tufa’s chair and looked up. Together they sat for most of the night asleep.

Tufa found himself walking threw the woods north of his property. The dense shrubs, fallen trees, and branches made walking slow in tedious. Deeper and deeper into the forest he walked till he made is way out of the woods and into a dirt path. Up against a tree layed Harjareks injured due to a huge gash across the chest from a black bear that was moving in closely. The massive bear stood on his two back legs and let out a fearsome roar than brought all its weight down on his defenseless father. Blood spewed out of Harjareks mouth as the bear roared again in his face. As his father’s life came to an end in front of Tufa, our hero’s rage became uncontrollable. While yelling at the top of his lungs at the bear, Tufa charged into the side of the bear knocking it off his father’s corpse. Fist and claws flew back and forth for what seemed like hours till finally Tufa’s closed fist pulled his father’s bloody knife from the belly of the beast. Blood poured from the bear’s stomach as it fell to the ground. Tufa looked down at the knife covered in blood and guts. “I hate you, Tufa yelled at the injured bear. You took him from me.” Tufa lunged on the injured bear and continually stabbed it. Over and over again, blood gushed as the knife was pulled out of the belly of the beast. After the killing was over Tufa stood over the lifeless carcass. The blood dripped down his black bear leather armor. His heavy breathing caused the blood dripping from and around his mouth to bubble.
Slowly Tufa turned to go back to his father’s body but where the body once lay was nothing but a small burning fire. With his head held low Tufa walked over and looked into the burning fire. “Rise son,” a voice emanated from behind him. “Father? Father where are you?” Tufa said while turning and starting into the empty woods. “Please father don’t leave me here.” A hand layed gently on his shoulder and in a calm voice a spirit spoke. “Son I’ll never leave you. For every breath you take in and for this village I’ll be there with you. Every time you fight and every time you win I’ll be there. When our people look at you for help, guidance, and strength I’ll be there. A part of me is with in you, your brothers, your sisters, your mother, and everyone in the village. But when you wake you’ll be sitting in my chair looking still at my weapons that you put on the wall above the fireplace.”
With a jolt Tufa woke still sitting in the chair in front of the fireplace. Sweat dripped from this pours and his heart raced like a swift winter rabbit. Wulfa was already awake and had planted his head on Tufa’s left asking for attention. Tufa scratched behind Wulfa’s ear, “Yes boy; you’re a good watch dog.” While wiping his sweaty face Tufa walked into the kitchen to acquire some drinking water to quench his thirst and to help clean up. The sun was beginning to rise over the trees and the snow atop of the trees reflected a rainbow.
Barolra was starting his early morning prayer when he discovered Tufa on his knees in prayer. “Young Tufa what brings you to the temple?” “I have a lot of things on my mind and I was hoping to gain some clarity.” Barolra smiled as he looked onto the young chief. “The Gods are some of the best people to ask, for they are all seeing and all knowing.” “Do they know what show I do next?” “Well of course they do, but sometimes they like to keep secrets. But if you where asking me I would tell you to move forward.” “What do you mean move forward?” Barolra held his staff tightly and leaned over towards Tufa. “That means the past is the past and you should move forward. A good leader is always looking and thinking ahead. The wise Barolra turned and walk away to continue his chores.
The rest of the week continued as normal. Tufa and Florentina spent as much time together as possible. After speaking with Horsa about marring his daughter Tufa has tried to have dinner with Florentina’s family once of twice a week. The two men have sat and spoken of designs as well as classes that should be taught in the new school. Florentina’s mother, Istha, has join her daughter in working to teach Tufa Latin, Visigoth, Ostrogoth, and Danish. Istha has also taken up the task of showing some basic accounting skills to her future son-in-law.
While at home Tufa and his family have sat down and worked with Urich Dracondoner, one of the best stonemasons on the eastside of the island. He was completing construction of Captain Saphrax’s compound when Tufa first approached him. Over dinner Urich, and the Munthas family discussed what their interested in getting accomplished, cost, and time for completion.
Winter continued to barrel on and a couple people had to see some of the healers due to trouble breathing. But in the Munthas house Tufa readied his report for the Council of Elders. This time Tufa insisted that Magnus, the next oldest son, come with him to learn. The two boys mushed through the snow and up to the town hall. Inside through the double doors the fires were blazing hot to keep the inside warm.
The Elders rose and Tufa held his hand out to signal to Magnus to wait where he was. One of the elders turned and faced the Tufa and said, “Tufa Der Munthas, War Chief of the Village of Bain, we the village Elders would like to welcome you. The passing of your father was a great lost to us as a community and an even great loss to your family.” Another gentleman stepped forward into the circle, “But like the phoenix rising from the ashes we are confidant that from this tragedy will emerge a leader who will lead our people to greatness. However to move forward we still need to respect the past. So till next winter your father’s chair on the council will remain empty in remembrance.” “All of you honor me and my family with your praise and actions. When my father told me that one day I would be chief I was scared. And even now I still get scared, scared that I’m not doing what is best for our people. But in my heart I’m always doing what I feel is best for our people. And I will continue to do what I feel is best for our villages and all Visigoths.”

Harvest: Once the snow melts construction of the irrigation system will begin under the supervision of Publius Acilius Attianus.

Diplomacy: I am to wed this summer, with that I plan to use my wedding as a chance to pull the support of the surrounding villages in construction of the seaport. In addition with our current naval force growing I would like to encourage both foreigners and Mahak man of the employment opportunities either in construction or as a crewmember.

Build: This year should be the busiest we’ve ever had. My projects are ambitious but beneficial. To cut down the cost we should collaborate with the surrounding villages to split the cost. For example those who contribute to the cost of the mill will have free use, where villages that didn’t will have to pay a small fee.
The seaport must be a collaborated endeavor but those villages that don’t contribute their ships will have to pay more for docking fees and services. Also local merchants should be asked in contribute money for preplanned space for their shops.
Our village will need to pay out of pocket to increase the size of our walls and for any ships that are built under our flag.
My family will be paying out of pocket to increase out estate. Three new bedrooms need to be constructed. A great room will be added for meetings, planning, and storage. A small granary will be built as well as my own personal armory and training facility. A Medium size wall will be constructed along with a signal / observation tower.

Training: With the snow melting and soldiers biting at the bite training must commence as normal. Our three captains will need to divide the units between foot soldiers, naval forces, and calvary. The newly appointed men at arms will need to step up training of their troops. Ship to ship battle tactics will need to be trained along with beach battles.
The new school will be offered to children of Bain first, than to children of our two settlement. If the graduation rate shows great prospect than further education will be seeked out. This could also be a good money making opportunity. We could later provide school and boarding to children from other villages.

Personal: During the first of spring plans for Tufa and Florentina wedding will be layed out. This allows for 3 months to ready for a summer wedding.
Hail Caesar.....return of he armchair general and real soldier

(Welcome back from the desert my friend)


Draga simply laughs at you and gestures he will tell you as he beckons for the servant to leave the jug of wine then leave the room. He does not refill his empty glass though and simply begins drinking from the jug of red wine as it drips down his beard. The crass table manners do not put you off though as you press him to speak more about this betrayal.

" You speak well Roman but you are at times such a full. Your brother has no wish to share his lands with you and the marriage to your cousin Alvita he will be the greatest land holder on your island...competition for your father's lands is not wanted. And let's face it you were not always the favorite son. You found no suspicion in that you were sent to relieve a colonial garrison that no one had heard from in seven years? To take on an enemy with no relief....all of this time no ships with reinforcements never mind check on you and praise your victory? Why but one legion when your brother fielded so many? I stayed with you because I saw profit in it siding with you despite your position. Leaving you would not have been a gesture Thor would have looked well on...So my people remade with you in your struggle... Keep that in mind when you think ill of me young Roman."

Draga goes on more about local politics, trade, and family life. He mentions perhaps of raising a legion just of Norsemen and that he has encouraged many to come settle on the island. He brags that the new axes made in her personal forge can break a Roman shield with one blow and the beer they brew on his estate is nectar of the Gods. After listening to bragging and other tales of adventure you finally head for home. It is painful to think that your own family would plot against you...the Viking does ask interesting questions though. How long have you been without word from home? Not even a ship with mail or to inquire about tribute. Guennola and Christophorus are your family now you think and arrive home. Your wife shares your pain and does her best to comforts you as you realize there is no going back and you will never Christophorus play in woods and climb the trees you once did down by the river.

Guennola always brings Christophorus to see you not matter what your doing. Whether is be looking over the fields or seeing new weapons made in the forge. She is not happy about the thoughts of empire building whether you call it restoring Rome. She does not like the idea of them young men of the island now serving in the army going off and dying on foreign shores. Though you both can be happy in many other things politics is not one of them...She does run the estate well and it actually is profitable from the crops and livestock raised on the lands. On the far end of the estate on the other side of a stream Guennola has bought property and has built a home for herself (farmhouse) where she keeps a shire to Epona the goddess of horses, a crafts workshop to make saddles, and has bought several horses from an Arabian trader and started breeding the them with local farm horses so the next ones will be strong and fast. She kids you that she will soon have more then you and that you can come visit her any time you want. She goes there a few days a week to rest, pray, meditate, and consult with the women she has working the land. Only when you’re away does she stay over at the farm. She has also planned flowers on her side of the stream and built a small bridge. While you walk with her one-day she calls special note to it saying it is like your love you share. Your son already loves to sit by the fence and watch the horses graze. She also does hope that you can have another little on so Christophorus will not be lonely. Things are not perfect at home but they are at least happy.

The Speech is well received by past and current heroes of the legion........ for many years since the fall of the empire many have talked of rebuilding and restoring the map to the proud days when it was mostly Roman red. More then a few of the new arrivals remember when they came as close as boarding ships to retake lands but found they were needed to deal with domestic matters. While others fought and abandon colony and colony after to a combination of enemies. Others view the speech as rally call to deal with current enemies and take more lands. While others just see it as another chance to kill and gather booty. At any rate it seems at least for a time you have popular support...fighting and dying in foreign lands will take a lot of support....and continuous.

Davida smiles and nods and takes a sip of wine before speaking. "Your clever I will give you that...not corrupt either which I don't trust. Just keep in mind if you ever need a matter handled quietly please call on me my dear." She smiles and drinks more wine.

"Confining things to the compound itself are easy enough. Not every girl that sells herself works for me though so these 'independents' are for you to deal with my dear. As to expanding I am very interested. I have some capital to do so but tell me are there any government fees I need to concern myself with? Oh and I have something for your son."

She hands you a small sailboat of wood with cloth sails. "A small galley for the future leader's bath. I hope he enjoys it. I have six children of my own."


The Academy and the University soon are completed and dedicated so that learning can be advanced for all those who are able. Both complexes are impressive to all those in the island and students and soldiers are soon filling the halls as the staff settles in and begin teaching. Guennola even takes time out to sit and listen to the lectures. She also begins to pester you about while women cannot attend university as well.

The building that goes on at the mining camp and now some satellite camps (one to gather wood, another for growing food, another still for making tools) isn't difficult in the sense of traditional building. Getting the supplies and men into the hills isn't easy at all though. The road needs to be improved, new hauling equipment needs to be built and extra oxen brought in to the area to complete the task. The project takes longer and costs more, but the improvements are complete.

Rentino soon gets the attention it needs as workers try to improve the settlement that many simply pass through. Many workshops are built first followed by fortifications. Plans are drawn up for a moat and taller stonewall and gates. The military engineers through up wood towers you have seen as part of Roman fortifications in the field.

Armories organize and after weeks of teaching and lectures forges begin to produce grieve in great enough number that they begin to be issued to the troops. Soon the smiths assign to each cohort learn how to make and repair the armor. Officers at their own expense have them made custom for themselves with impressive designs.

Toulouse with its large docks and good shipyards starts to begin manufacturing ships. Workers are gathered and wood is cut from around the city. The design for troop ships is easy as a well-known grain ship design is easily modified. Triremes built at Valde Glorria continue to be built and at the end of the season you see three more built and begin to be crewed.

City Development

The festival of Lupercalia goes well with the naming of new settlements and territory. Many she wolf pups play in a garden blocked off so there is a tribute to the creatures who helped the first Romans that wondered their dirty and tired from the ruined Troy. Guennola is flattered that the small islands off of Palatine will bear her name and plans to visit them soon on a diplomatic mission. Your long time ally Flavia promises you many good warrior women to fight for you from Femme Fury (already you have seen Amazons combine their arms with Roman, for example using a Rome shield with a Amazonian spear). This move is an important unifing the diverse people of your island. Palatine is growing stronger through trials, crisis, and diplomacy.


The guild houses are a sound idea that soon bear fruit. The many different craftsmen and carpenters from all over the island have a place to gather and talk. No scraps are left at workshops because they are passed on to another craftsmen who needs exactly what the other has put aside. Peasant boys who do not have opportunity on the family farm have a place to go and find possible employment. A visiting craftsmen who has no place to stay when journeying to market can now stay in one of the rooms above the main hall and store his stock in a secure warehouse. Masons, smiths, and other skilled workers are also requesting to form guilds. The bottomline is that the increased organization means increased output.


The hunting is increased with new hunting lodges put deeper in the woods with trails cut to the main road so wagons can return with the game. More fishing boats are added to the fleet as well as more graineries to store all the fish, meat, and grain. Merchants are working on improving how well food is transported aand how long it will ask. Barrels of fresh apples arrive on your docks as well as tons of rice from the Mongals so there is a market for food everywhere.


Lartius travels with back to Syracuse with you and you are able to present your gift to King Augustus who is over joyed and wants to know if you liked the gladiators he sent as a gift. You and your men are taken to the palace and impressive complex that is a city on to itself and has huge walls surrounding its great halls. The main hall itself could hold perhaps thousands and boasts heat and running water. The city you travel through is not nearly as well kept. It still has all the splendor of what Rome once was but is tarished. Many of the citizens are a a mix of Roman and Goth blood though most key positions are held by true Romans. In the palace your offered food, wine women. Exotic Asian Geisha women with white faces serve food from trays as Spartan legionaries walk the halls armed to the teeth.

Over a game of late night chess after a lavish meal you and the King play your game discussing your current situations.

"These Goths do not field great armies, but fierce ones and they will be a problem. Why do you wish to go to the frontier. My 'border princes' deal with these barbarians as best they can. You propose alot and I was like you once. Carry the banner of Rome all over the earth. Take my advice....take what you can keep and kill all your enemies. The most dangerous enemies are the ones you have at home. These Persians are troublesome needless to say, but building a navy is not something I am capable of at this time. Now perhaps hosting an ally would be helpful. Food, timber, intelligence, and maybe some 'independant' knights and mercanaries from time to time. You need not go home right way but I understand stand about affairs of states. Ministers can handle only so much my friend. I will make a gift to you of 2 dozen pairs of wardogs (German sheppards) so you can bread. Good for hunting, dealing with wools...and hunting down and eating barbarians." He smiles at you and laughs. "The world is meant for the civilized not these animals. We do our best to preserve what we have and perhaps our sons and grandsons will take back what was once the glory of Rome."

While your gone Guennola sends you letters sent with trading vessels between the two Roman cities. She misses you and wishes you well and wants you home. She worries for you while your away and for all that you have built......

Simon’s People:

The dinner goes well or at least as well as it can. These warriors are proud and don't exactly like being ruled by a nonCelt that has changed so much of their island. The do listen and are open to your ideas. You wife feels things went positive but you are sure more is in the air. A animal trainer you once knew used to tell you about his tiger he performed with and had for many years. He said he thought the tiger did think of him as a friend. He never let his guard down because he also knew there was not a day that went by that the big cat did not think about killing him.........your their lord but not because they like it even if they like you personally.

The Egyptians

Sita enjoys the feast the night before her departure and gives you and your wife a pair of fine stone Eagles that is the symbol of their house. She takes back with her of domesticated wolves and many trade goods. She promises to take up the matter of troop quartering with her sister and her ministers.

Soon a letter written personally written by Queen Kaveh arrives at your home along with some packages. For your wife fine jewelary from the Queen's own jewelar and Egyptian toys for your son which he loves. As to the matter of state she makes things clear sending you a short sword with a ivory hilt and fine leather scabbard. She says she has commissioned "reserve barracks" to be built near the foreign quarter. She says though space is not the problem provisions are and you will need to strenghten and expand your supply lines. As to troops she can promise some perhaps some 4,000 veteran light infantry and other troops for the cause if rebels on her own island can be dealt with in the coming months.

Roman Towns

No word comes from the other Roman settlements before you leave for Syracuse. Once there many Romans are happy to meet you and are pleased by your efforts. You have some popular support at least.


Before you leave on your diplomatic missions you see the beginnings of your reforms and projects. New units are formed while others are reformed. The gladiators begin to reform and new recruits also fall in line. War is in the air and many are eager to prove their skill while others just prepare for yet another campaign. More prayers at the shrines along with blessed weapons. Drilling is also made more intense as good weather allows for more activity. Repairs and improvements are made to existing facilities while other troops travel to the newly taken islands to recruit, train and build. The military runs on its own without your orders which is a good sigh but it cannot be denied that you make the different in war and piece.

While in Syracuse your warrior women never leave you and often sleep near you while another stays up and watches you through the night. On ship board your knife and ax throwing skill improves though more then a few blades end up in the deck of the ship or the bottom of the sea. Your sure though you could take on an kill an attacker with one though.


The horses seem to be better off with the horse shoes and barding for the heavy cavalry is slowly made. Many smiths are already busy working on the armor for your troops so the animals are secondary. The smith on your estate makes barding for your personal horses, but he tells you it is a long process even to make simple designs.


The searching for metals has turned up nothing solid for right now. Mongols who love their weapons guard their closely. Your men sound hopeful though and they will keep looking for a partical source for minerals.

The searching around Toulouse yeilds results that though are not as profitable minerals are none the less very tasty. All kinds of shell fish are found including crabs which the locals have enjoy for some time. Soon seafood is often on the tables of the troops garrisoned their at the city.

Syracuse you have your ships map the island and they are compared to those made by the map makers of the king. They are similar but yours reveals a large shipbuilding and dock complex at the north end of the island deep in Visigoth territory..... the savages can build it seems.


Homestead is searched by your spies and little is found out. Many homes though are fortified farms and many a Celtic citizen and a few Romans boast much larger personal arsenals then necessary. Celtic symbols are about the city and perhaps are a code but little can be found out about it and it is merely speculation. Two of your spies are killed though by unknown assassins. The constable there says he will find the killers but has little to go on because little is know about the men to begin with because they hide themselves so well. Another fact turned up is that the clan system is alive and well and many Celts believe that their system is the true law.


As ususal the Amazons are more then happy to take the aggressive and strong women. They soon are part of the tribe though not full members. One exotic warrior culture over taking another. Customs are shared and soon you hear the female warriors sing around the campfires.

The young boys are tough and often fight and fashion their own weapons. It is clear that it will take time to make them Romans. So near the barracks a walled school house and barracks building is built for them. Centurians and Priests teach them and slowly over the months they at least begin to conform, but are determined to hold to their roots as long as they can. One of the older boys though does in time show promise and begins to work in one of the legion's workshops. He is an expert spear maker......though he walks around naked and with black body paint and only eats what he kills your Centurians say he is coming around....
Thanks, Glad to be back.


Arilias pondered the chess board in front of him, finally moving a knight forward, removing one of Augustus’s pawns in the process.
“Your status with the Visigoths is not overly clear to me.” he said. “Although not all the tribes seem notably friendly towards you, I see no real alignment of force against your city either. The Goths have been willing allies and subjects to Rome in the past. Can you not make allies of them now? Nearly half your city seems composed of Gothic persons or their decedents. Are you certain that you truly wish to strike against their neighbors?”

They spoke for a time as the game continued before Arilias finally asked. “What is it that you wish from me?”

One of my Triremes will be sent down the coast towards the Visigoth port under a white flag of truce, they will not dock, but see if there are any willing to come out to meet and speak with them. An invitation will be made to whatever chieftain would be willing to meet with Arilias Tyrus, Governor of Palatine.

Meanwhile back in Valde Glorria...

Ammonanus nodded with approval as he signed the order to have 100 new graduates from the training school attend the Academy. Most of them were to be enrolled in the engineering classes, to go on to serve in the Legions. A handful of others were being given training in navigation and the like, but three were going onto learn tactics and leadership skills. Among them was Auxis, the eldest son of Mecurio. Auxis was set to become an Centurion upon his graduation and if he worked out as well as so many hoped, he very well might be in line to be a future Tribune. It was no secret that Actaeon, skilled though he was, wished to command the planned 1st Cavalry Legion as soon as members could be recruited and trained to man it. That would make Auxis, as son of a Citizen, the most likely choice to become the 2nd Legion commander. Assuming he was fit to lead of course. Consol Tyrus was not known to suffer fools, regardless of their bloodlines.
Time would tell.


- Work crews will begin laying a proper road network, connecting Ver Siglionis, Femme Fury and Montis Capitis with the rest of the cities and towns. Likewise, a good road will be laid between Torulose and Rentino.
- In both Valde Glorria and Torulose, I would like to have a theater built to add to the culture and entertainment of the populace.
- In all towns and cities, there will also be a basic school system set up. All children of the Republic will be required to attend school, starting at 12 years old. At school, children will be required to learn reading, writing, numbers, public speaking, Roman culture and religion and Roman history. Boys will also learn physical fitness and military ideology. Girls will learn sewing, cooking and weaving.
At 16 years, children will ‘come of age’ and may choose to go onto higher education at the University/Academy, go onto civic duty or be apprenticed to one of the many guilds and crafts. Public schooling is free and mandatory, but a tenure at the University costs a nominal fee for classes.

Contrary to Guennola’s observations, women are welcome at the University.

Economic Development

I am impressed with Meridius’s organization and civic improvements in Rusticus. Some of these systems and ideas will be implemented in the other townships around Palatine.

I will also give my blessing to the formation of the guilds for better organizing and production of trade goods. These guilds are still required to provide tribute to the republic and pay taxes, but they should still make much more than they have to pay. Each guild will have an elected Guild Master as a representative and head of the craft.

Some clarification about civic positions about Palatine:
It is inevitable that some of my soldiers will be injured and unable to continue to serve in the Legions. Those that are still able will be offered positions as constables, scribes, instructors, tax collectors, dock supervisors, inspectors, census counters, messengers and the like, depending on their preferences and the extent of injuries. Service in the Legions grants Citizenship after 20 years service, but Citizenship can also be gained for 30 years of civic service. Those who become civic servants due to injuries add their military time to their civic time and still only need to serve 20 years to gain their Citizenship.
This system offers two purposes. First and most important, it makes it clear that those who serve and sacrifice for the Republic are not forgotten or abandoned. This way, they can still serve an important and useful service to the Republic and gain their Citizenship. Secondly, it provides a number of well trained and loyal public servants all across the Republic who are notably difficult to bully, intimidate or corrupt. Some might also become members of my 5th Column to keep an eye on things. (like Simon)


Shipping and trade routs will be laid out and set between Valde Glorria, the Mongol Khan’s island and Syracuse as well as Toulouse and Baghdad. Some of my Triremes will be set to patrol and protect these seagoing convoys. In addition to the trade goods going to Sita and Batar, supplies, food and water will also be shipped to our camp in their lands and stored.

I also have a new addition to our trade goods and markets. My island makes Roman wines, Asian saki (rice wine) Nordic mead, hard apple cider and blackberry brandy. Hence, we will start selling and exporting liquor. Vineyards, breweries and distilleries will be built up to start providing these commodities.


I would like a new hamlet built down by Toulouse. These will be fishermen, taking advantage of the seafood and shellfish bounties recently discovered. In addition, they will start ‘farms’ for the oyster and abalone beds there, caring for them and regulating the numbers of shellfish taken so as not to deplete them. In addition, the shells and any pearls can be used in jewelry production.

Some of the Viking beekeepers will be asked to relocate to Ver Siligoinis. In addition to providing wax and honey, the bees will be very useful in pollinating when wheat is planted and growing in the farms as well as the many orchards in the area

In some of the towns, I would also like to start hemp farms, (Not for smoking, ya silly!) For making rope, twine and thatch.

The dogs will be sent back to Valde Glorria, kenneled and bred for use by the Republic. As a twist, interbreed some of them with local wolves to create a larger, stronger stock. The first of these dogs will be given to the local constabulary in my cities.


To help strengthen the clan ties to the Republic and unity, Guennola will begin hosting clan elders and tribal leaders at the estate, one clan at a time. Once there, see what their ideas and positions on the Republic are. Hopefully, we can start getting them to swear loyalty to the Republic and ease any tensions among the clans.

Back in Syracuse, Arilias will move among the populace and cultivate his support among the people. What do the people think about what’s going on around their city and island?

In the meantime, representatives will be sent to all my trade allies. I would like to arrange a joint naval patrol between Palatine, Syracuse, the Mongol island and Queen Batale’s island. Each force offering ships and organizing a similar patrol schedule. This way, we can cover more sea territory and make raids by Prince Kahveh and piracy much more difficult to accomplish. It will also make the seas between us much safer. (See also War)


Clarification of the militia:

The local militias fall under the command of their local governors, but this control is second to the Consol (Me) as commander of the military. Militia are primarily designed as long bowmen and support troops for the Legions. When ‘called to duty’, militia fall under command of the Legion Centurions and Tribunes and are paid as light auxiliary troops.
One third of the militia is active at all times and the active portion is drawn and rotated from all townships and given their duties for the next month. Duties include island patrol, police and fire watch, training and other ‘civic duties’ as needed.

I will also organize another militia group called Regulars. The Regulars are militiamen, but they will be volunteers willing to go ‘active’ and follow the Legions off island on military campaigns. Regulars receive higher pay and are leaders of militia units. Time in the Regulars also adds towards civic duty for Citizenship.


Finding no real satisfactory results, my explorers will have to range further out to outlying islands. Perhaps finding empty islands to colonize.


I do have a matter for Davida’s attention. My agents will continue to snoop in Homestead, but a couple of Davida’s women will be secreted into the town also. These women will also act as spies, seducing or coupling up with Simon’s people in order to find out if there is any sedition being planned.


With the formation of the Second Legion, Actaeon will take command with Guglimo as the head Centurion Principal. The whole Legion will be sent to the reserve barracks offered by Sita and Batale. Once there, they will prepare for the remaining forces, organize supplies and assist Queen Batale in dealing with these ‘rebels’. This should cement our alliance as well as give the Second Legion much needed battle experience and experience at working together.

Although the First Legion has some construction work to do, and there is always training, let them go home for a time to rest. A well earned break.

With the new sea patrolling alliance in effect, my ships, leading any multi national groups, will engage in open warfare against Prince Kahveh in the shipping lanes between our lands. Any Persian ships, from warships to local fishing boats will be seized or sunk. Send a clear message to the Persians; ‘Your ships are not welcome here and we unite against your piracy.’
Over due.....and crashed once but I will get this posted.

Tales of the Young Pirate Queen.....

Where we left off..... Hercules your new pet rolls on your bed as you sracth his tummy. Attewater can't stand the beast which he thinks it dirty, hairy, and overly friendly... ( You just think he is cute...Your sure he will change the linens at the first opportunity, but at least he feeds your pet well. Some of the crew from your flagship have been detached to guard your house. Several Vikings walk you back and forth to the Cove and the Sea Dog where you get your favorite apple pie and hear all the gossip. Little is known about your assassin and though all travelers are investigated and even some strangers driven out of town. As you pack your seachests to head out on your expedition you instruct Attewater to hire some guards for the estate while your out at sea. You should be able to sleep safely at least.

Off to Sea...the little fleet heads out

Once leaving Widow's Cove looking back at the brothel girls waving and the crowd at the Sea Dog raising mugs to in your honor. Soon the land slips away and the ships sail their seperate ways. While you meet the Indian Secret Society of Theives at sea the other ships and Captians have their own adventures.

From Captian Drake's log on the Wave Runner... moving past the normal known shipping lanes in the North of Britian after resupplying at the small fishing village of Concord we sail into the unknown. The maps often refer to this patch of ocean as a place where monsters be......we have seen a few great sites. A large school of black and white 'whales' swam by the other day eating many fish. Another day we did battle with a true monster of the deep. A huge monster with tentacles attacked the ship grabbing the ship's boy from off the deck. We did battle with this fierce strange beast with pike and ax. We fired dozens upon dozens at it with little results. It would clutch two more sailors before we finally drove it off.....Banan who was a peasant lumberjack not long ago was credited with this ax. He took of one of the beast's tentacles with a brutal strike off his large battle ax. The beast lost alot of blood from the wound and we believe it attracted a school of sharks we saw earlier in the day. This however did not replace the loss of three good men.

In the following days we saw a Greek galley and met with the crew and exchanged items and information. They told us that we were in an active trade area of the Mongols. These fierce warriors themselves are more often are the ship owners and only go to sea in battle or to watch over their cargo. Mostly the Chinese serfs they keep do all the sailing. They are much further North though but will buy most anything and weapons are always a sure to find a buyer with the Mongols. The warriors often fight in many clan wars and are often at some kind of civil war between different island villages. Many other tiny islands in the region have brutal head hunting tribes who the Mongols often battle as well. The Romans who hale from another island do trade with them as well and many Vikings are known to sail the Seas as well as Persians.

What our Greek friends told us soon became true as we did battle with a Chinese crewed Junk flying the flag of a Mongol state. The Chinese were poor fighters with the handful of Mongol warriors doing most of the fierce fighting. First with bows, then spears, then swords. They were not easily beaten and I would saw numbers was one of the few advantages in the situation. Young Banan once again distinguished himself by cutting down three rows in row swiftly. Mahault a blond haired foreign girl who signed on as cooks assistant killed two enemy sailors with throwing knives and another with a meat clever. No one has hit on her since and criticized her cooking. When all was said and done though we had no less then 5 died and 20 wounded ranging from scars to lost limps. The ships doctor is very busy but there are still enough sailors to form a prize crew to sail the junk named Snap Dragon along with some 60 Chinese prisoners. Also taken was large cargo of tea, bear skins, and clay pots. More occured then planned on this mission so we are heading home the opposite direction and hope to record some less dangerous sites.

After 2 months at sea we find our way back to the cove with stories and a prize ship......sadly though with the news of 10 dead and several badly wounded. We await the mistress's return and store the loot in the warehouse.

From the log book of Captain Faulst...ordered to keep the Little Aegir out of combat I have done my best to simply partol the shipping lanes and keep notes on the various harbor stops, and facts about the sea. It was only on our return home that we had dangerous problems. The ship was tossed about the ocean in a storm. One sail was taken right off the mast and so much water came in that the ship nearly sunk. It was a hard night of bailing out ship and doing repairs in the dark. Still though we emerged without a loss of life and head home to do better repairs. The only regrett is we were at sea for but six weeks.

Your battle..... Captian Lyandria and Gaeth McConmage look out over the starboard side and see the three ships and ready for battle. The arrows are first to fly as your longbows out range the short bows the Indian warriors carry. As you close they begin to fire and your men on the Dragon begin to get hit as well. Soon though they will be in wait as the arrows fly and soon you can see the whites of their eyes and then and only then you release the brutal blast of flame. The sails are hit and soon burning rigging and wood rains down on the Indians. They scream as the Dragon mercilessly assaults them as you see men covered in flames jump into the sea to find some relief only to drown being so badly wounded. Some veinly try to fight the fire, but it is all for not and soon the ship is sinking as your helms men makes his way around the fire ship. The other enemy ship while trying to move around their own ship while pursuing your vessl get too close and are soon on fire as well. The fire is not as bad, but it is a bad situation to be as they are divided between firefighting and returning arrow shots with your man who still have the advantage. Braen one of the few Welshmen in your ranks is very skilled with the longbow fires down from the crowsnest killing the vessel's captian and in the second arrow shot of a quick three hits a priest and the third hits the man on the tiller. You avoid the second ship as well watching it burn as your men pick off the enemy crew that swim to close to your ship. Druce a childhood friend who is a sailor and tatoo artist killed an Indian who climbing on board the ship with a spear. These men are fanatics as you saw when he pulled a long knife and tried to kill one of your sailors once he got onboard.

You have no problem watching these fanatics go to the bottom. Even faced with no chance for victory the few Indians left on the large Egyptian grain ship fight like trapped animals with brutal efficiency. They are very good with daggers and scimiters, but wear no armor so they are cut down easily when overwelmed. You infact take down two attackers in a row and soon both of your blades are covered in these murders blood. You are slightly wounded by a dagger to your side, but the killer in hiding payed with his life. You soon find they slaughtered the whole crew and sacrificed many to their evil Goddess.....many have a symbol of her made from gold hangin on their necks. These become trophies to the men and you gain respect having two now though your sure you killed others with your bow and blade.

Though you did not take much plunder beside the grain you feel that you have improved your standing by taking on a fierce enemy. You have tons of grain and many exotic weapons, and of coarse the galley itself. Sadly among the few dead you have.....5 men and well and the cabin boy Jimmy. Strangled by one of the Indians to swim to the ship and sneak up as you boarded the grain ship. With many wounded and limited supplies you head for home and soon have the shores of Briton in your sites. Not the most profitable voyage but it will pay for itself once the grain is sold. Perhaps the other vessels will have tales to tell.....Hercules barks at you from the dock as you come in at night. Your bandaged side aches abit but you will least to the next adventure you think.

Back at home at last

Coming in at night seems like a good idea. No celebration no meeting with merchants and investors. You do notice another vessel tied up at dock though and the Sea Dog is rowdy as ever. You instead walk with Hercules to Izabeli's house which is just behind her brothel with a stone wall and a large garden. She welcomes you with open arms and sees that you have a lavish meal and your bagge and message sent home so it can be readied for you return. She also treats you to a lavish hot bath in a marble tub. She soon plops in across from you as you both chat of the events of the past months. It is very relaxing with scented oils and flowers floating by on the water. After not really getting a good bath in months this is heaven.

Izabeli does mention what you talked about before you left. "There is interest in raising a militia to protect the community, but with out your presents little gets done. You need a respected leader for when your not hear. Few like the idea of order in a pirate town but the women and children need protection. Not to mention us honest merchants." she says with a laugh.

"You have been greatly missed my friend. Have the surgeon look at that wound again now that it has been cleaned out good."
Spring returns to Kiev.....with the Princess

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.-Sun Tzu


The long road home....

You hike home slowly down the old farm road towards Kiev. An older farmer and his wife gave you a ride as far as they’re home and for a few silver a warm bed and all the borscht, bread, and vodka you can eat and drink as well as a soft bed for the night. The next day they wish well as you head out on the road to Kiev. It has stopped snowing but still very cold despite this is the beginning of spring. You have on your gray cloak, a heavy backpack with snowshoes on the back. Also not to be forgotten Andy your black and white sled dog given to you as a gift by a buckskin clad warrior who was in the fur trade. You watched his children when he went into town so he was free to trade and the children were not alone at camp. He had just became a widow but needed to do business before returning to his tribe. Besides the dog he gave you plenty off food and the warm deer skin fur lined thigh boots you are wearing now. You dressed simply in pants and a white shirt under your fur clothing with a sword at your side. You left the gypsies after spending the last few months kicking up your heels in the many taverns while gather information for your cause. Besides information you come home with some jewels given by admirers, two belly dancer sets, and several peasant girl dresses and gypsy clothes for dancing. Along with many other small gifts, and a few books and maps of the area. Your favorite item though is a black silk nightgown, which was an envy of all the gypsy women in camp. Your a bit bustier now and though still not going all the way with a man you have kissed many and feel more experienced in life after your time in the city. Your admirers include a night and a knife throwing gypsy boy.

You had sent word to your sister in secret to let her know when you were arriving home and to send someone to meet you near the road. It was hard being away for the holidays and you know it was not easy for Leshuya pretending you were simply unavailable when your were really not around. She came up with a variety of excuses including saying sometimes you were traveling to foreign courts to get support or at the convent praying or simply down with the flu. Since your younger days when you both had tutors she was able to duplicate your writing including your signature. So no one realizes your deception since business goes on as usual.

As you walk down the road you find Leshuya is nothing if not your crazy sister with a strange sense of humor. It is no surprise that she sent Yasha to meet you near the road to town. He is cooking a pot of something over the fire sitting on a log not far from the roadside. He has his bow nearby with several arrows stuck in the ground ready for use along with a scimitar.

He stands up quickly with bow in hand and an arrow in the other before you get closer and he recognizes with his one good eye and begins to have a hardy laugh.

"Hello are looking well. MMM like peasant woman. That is much smarter to travel. I miss you very much.....I would write you but.....well I do not know to write and well ah only princes get to write Czarina. Come sit and eat. I know way to your estate that no one will see you enter. Like you were never gone your sister said. Come sit eat."

There really is not much to say and putting your heavy pack down and sitting by a warm fire is welcoming. Yasha fills up two bowls with stew for you and little Andy. It mostly meat but very tasty and warms you to the corp. You chat about normal every day things before you break camp and head back through the woods, which are at the rear of the estate. He takes your pack and still moves swiftly through the woods almost at a run. You’re amazed at his strength and speed. Soon your at a shed on the far end of the property where you find his horse and yours so you can ride to the main house to make it appear that you only went for a ride. Yasha and you ride across the property passing many servants who cheer and clap as you make it back to the main house.

There Leshuya and Kalman are waiting for you when you arrive and are overjoyed to see you as well as little Jan who runs out to hug his aunty ones you dismount. Yasha does not get down and simply nods smiles at you and rides past tossing you a red rose. Perhaps the first of spring you think as you catch it in your hands and smell it. Still rough around the edges but at least it is not a dead animal this time. You hug little Jan and walk into the house happy to be home. Tabia... is of coarse happy to see you and wants to share new dances with you she has been teaching her daughter. Your cat Ivana leaves her ball of yarn in the kitchen to come see you and cuddles up against your leg. You’re exhausted but after a cup of tea Leshuya persuades you to join her for a private secession at the baths so you both can go and talk in private.

A chat with your sister....

The bath house seems like a even more wonderful idea then you orginally thought as you slide into the hot scented water of the pool. You feel wonderful as your body relaxes from months of dancing and sleeping on the ground. As Leshuya slides into the stone tub and she sheds her towel you notice she is bustier and plumper. You soon realize what is going on and she knows what your thinking from the look you give her in the eye.

Leshuya smiles and begins to speak slowly. "Kalman and I shared a nights pleasure. I thought it was only for a night. But he kept coming back each day and bringing me flowers and toys for Jan. He is over joyed and I hope it will be a girl this time though. I am about four months now. You will be an aunt again soon Katarinya. Oh and Vanya wants to see you once your able to visit and have a meal at the convent. Oh can we build a cottage on the estate with a nursery?"

Your only response for the moment is to slide beneath the warm water and try to relax.

A trip to see your old teacher...

The next day you head to the convent on horse back wearing a dress that is a mixture of state uniform and long dress that covers your riding boots. A breast plate with your family crest tops it off the look. As you dismount at the front door your greeded by several Roman Legionaries clad in red with church symbols on their shields. You look at them oddly as Vanya comes out with her large staff clad in white......

"Oh Katarinya....." She comes over and gives you a warm hug. "I missed you my child. Now come with me my dear we will have some food in the new study. A wood worker did it for me as a donation to the church now come......"

She stops in the doorway looking back at you and realizes you are looking over the Roman soldiers.

She walks back to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. "A there was a whole cohort (120) of Roman soldiers. They were part of a village militia serving on a smaller island dealing with pirates. They returned home to find their village destroyed. With what few friends and family they could muster they came to Kiev. I have given them church land to setup a small settlement and in return they provide protection. Also they are all converts to the church and they are raising their children Christian."

She continues to talk as you walk through the main corridor of the convent. The convent has some 200 young women dedicated to the service of the church. In addition there are some 30 other workers who work for pay that live in the village. The soldiers reside in a seperate part of the convent for now, but Vanya plans to build barracks, watch houses, and cottages for the troops now that it spring.

" All this does not sit well with Father Acrisus though. He hates the idea that these men are in my charge. During the colder months let some of the poor sleep in the main chapel. But because they were pagans the good father said I should have let them freeze." She sighs....and squeezes your hand. "He worries me Katarinya. Since you have been away....."She stops and whispers, "your sister confided in me so I said you were hear studying."

"Perhaps even before you have been gone Father Acrisus has formed a secret Christian cult of special helpers. Also he has been recruiting monks and has his own soldiers as converts. Some 75 Spartans I believe have joined his cause. They pray, train, sleep, and eat so they are like a holy military order now. Some this knowledge came my way from an Amazon woman. She has her own goddess, but I allow her to pray at the chapel when she visits the village. She said this new order bought some 20 baby boys from the Amazons. They do not allow men in their tribe, but still wish the children to go to good homes."

You sit down in her beautiful office with her behind a large wooden desk and shelves filled with books. You sit down in a confortable chair as a young nun brings you both tea.

After she leaves she begins talking again. "Now I have put some thought into your question of a suitable priest to fill the role of Bishop when you retake your throne. Which I hope is soon my dear. Father Augustine is a good man of Roman stock. He was a soldier, sailor, and even statesmen before hearing the call from the heavans. He lives in a small hamlet now and raises horses and cuts timber. He does though still perform services though and is a friend to every man he knows. When bandits plagued the roads he organized patrols and built a shrine so their weapons could be blessed. He believes that your family are rightful heirs and that priests should marry. Also he believes in the peaceful conversion of Pagans. 'If they wish to be Christians let them, and if they don't do not force them,' he has said many times. He is a good man Katarinya and a true man of god. Not one who claims power and simply wears the robes."

As your riding back through town you see Auda & Holger outside their house with their kinsmen cleaning and preparing weapons and armor. The younger children battle with woodens swords and shields within the Viking compound.

Auda calls to you as she polishes a battle axes. She gets up and walks to your horse and kneels ecknowledging you as a noble. As you get down she takes your hand and whispers, "just for appearance my dear. You are like a daughter to me it is so good to see you again." She hugs you close to her and takes your hand.

"Come bring your horse you eat with us tonight. My husband's smith wishes to make you a new suit of armor with Christian and your family symbols on it. Though girl I will never understand how you can pray but to one god. So many dangers in this world. But you do not mind good Norse iron to protect you do you??"

You stay for that night's meal without much choice given to you by Auda. She says in a few more weeks there will be swimming again soon. That night you receive alot of military advice and more then a few toasts are raised to you and to victory. You eat more food then you think you have in the last three months and drink more ale then you thought possible. You wake the next morning with the mother of all hang overs warped in furs by the fire. You stubble out to your horse in the barn and ride home slowly.

It is good to be home again..........

Military Training

Captain Laurentijj is pleased to see you again. At least you think he is pleased to see you since he always keeps such a stone face. The snow is melting away from the earth and wood palisades. The soldiers are drilling so that they can quickly move into a square and raise their spears to form a defensive barrier.

Captain Laurentijj looks out at the field as you both walk pasted the rows of tents. "They will be ready for the battle that will be soon be apon us before we know it. My informants tell me they will be attacking within weeks. They have conscripts, mercenaries, henchmen, monks, and nobles. Still a good size army that cannot just be brushed aside. I will advice you but you need to show what kind of leader you are on the field of battle. I would say that we should move first so there is no chance that damage is done to Kiev and the surrounding area. As we advance though and I think we will we will need to secure solid supply lines. If you have allies or friends that can call up more troops now is the time. The first battle will set the tone. Vlad can not rally support when he is defeated."


Vakhtang and Dorothea are busy planning a ceremony in that he will be made Duke of Kiev. When you visit you see drawing for plans that depict an impressive ceremony in the church. Also they plan to build a castle for their new home. The children though are oblivous to these important political and social events. Dorothea has hired a skilled dress maker who onces worked in your father's court. She insists that you get a new dress for the ceremony and have an important role in the days events. Soren your godson has also grown and as you craddle him and look at the window you know how much you have to protect. Losing is not an option.

As usual the Cossacks are thrilled to see their Princess returned to them.....the speaks out in the main tent.

"You maybe the Czarina to the Russians but you are Princess always to Cossacks. The raids have gone well. We talk food and arms from the main camp of Vlad's until the snows got too severe. So now I ask do you wish for us to continue these raids which I enjoy or do you want us to help your army."

Yasha does pipe in, "oh Czarina's army is pretty and maybe they can fight too..." You shoot him a look that makes him simply boy his head. Esaulov your Cossack weapons master drags the boy away playfully and gives him a mug.

Hadeon your long time protector and probably one of the most grizzled men you know introduces you to his new wife. Your shock she is a beautiful Arab woman who is a dancer, but also skilled with a scimitar. She is drinking a bottle of wine when you come to the tent. She warmly greats you and hugs you when you come into the tent.

Jokingly she says, "here is the other woman he loves. I am so happy to meet you Czarina. Cossacks are the best of men are they not?"

Research & Development

Anton and Gerlach have spent the winter organizing all the smiths in the village that can spare time to work on the weapons. They agreed that those best at making hand tools, and farm implements would continue to do so so that the farmers would not be hampered the warmer months. All others begin to work on swords and spears. Many taking on more apprentices then traditionally so that work can be completed on time.

As spring arrives you find the armories have just enough equipment to arm every soldier, and the work still needs to continue. Spears which are key to your tactics are in good enough supply, but swords are taking much longer so officers find the best canidates who can use the swords and issue them to those men only. The rest receive a dagger and club and advice to take weapons off the enemy dead. Of coarse you can always use more arrows, but as the campaign goes on you can retreive enemey arrows and fire them back at them in battle.

All the work though has called attention to itself. Smiths from other islands and towns have arrived in your village looking for work which is a positive result. The negative side though is that all know where your arms are coming from and the Cossacks and the Smiths themselves have caught or chased of more then a few saboteurs. Gerlach himself caught one of Vlad's spies in the early morning hours sneaking around the estate. He quickly brought him down with a sledge hammer to the back of the head.


The merchants take your words to heart and take action. Few in the area sell to Vlad's forces and your troops have a steady supply off food and other materials. The problem your scribes point out is that your building up a large debt that the profits from the estate will simply not cover. Vakhtang and Dorothea have given you some funding, but have their own village run. The nobles have given some gold, but keeping an army for many months or years is not cheap. You need more resources, namely land to provide for your army. The tax base for the island would easily support serveral armies. You need victories to generate more support.


Frekki sends out several bands of Vikings to raid Vlads supplies through the Winter into the Spring. Unlike the Cossack raids though are not without casusalties. Several Vikings die as Vlad puts more and more guards on to prevent these raids. As Spring rolls around Vlad's troops are even lanching counter raids against outlying farms and troop positions. They will not stand still as you raid their camps. Frekki also let's you know that unless you can give him reason he will be heading to sea this spring to trade and generate income.


Your family standard is proudly displayed in the small armory in the main house. It is the most secure spot and you feel proud to see it hanging on the wall once again. Soon it will be cared at the head of your army.

As you drift off to sleep one night on top of your normal bed covers warped in your gypsy blanket remembering the wild nights as you danced before the fire. You are a noble woman yes, but you know your so much more.
Last edited:

Katarinya returns to Kiev at the end of winter, just as the first thaws are beginning. Yasha, the one-eyed Cossack, meets her and escorts her to her estate.

After a quick return visit to her estate, Katarinya and her sister Leshuya retire to the bathhouse where Katarinya gets brought up to date and proffers her congratulations to her sister on her future child. "I hope it will be a daughter as well, Leshuya," Katarinya murmurs as she washes the dye out of her hair, returning it to her normal auburn and russet tones.

Another visit with Vanya reveals some disturbing news about Father Acrisus but some possible alternatives as well. Katarinya absorbs the news discretely for now to consider how to handle the situation.

Returning to the village, Katarinya meets with Auda and embraces the older Norsewoman warmly. "I shall visit you tonight," Katarinya tells the woman, "and with your smith. I could use some armour."


Katarinya meets with Frekki to hear the tale of the winter raids. She is properly sorrowful to learn of the Vikings slain in her cause and offers a quick prayer for them, then nods to Frekki. "You and your Vikings have already done so much for my cause. Return to the sea with my blessing and thanks. Hopefully, the spring's reopening of the sea trade will help bring in some income to pay for the campaing."

Research & Development

Katarinya is surprised but pleased to see how many smiths have begun working in Kiev, the ring of their hammers going day and night as they bustle about and craft tools and weapons and armour.

Katarinya dips lightly into the supply of gold to reward Anton and Gerlach and the three smiths who have contributed the most, hoping to encourage the smiths to continue their good work at arming her soldiers.


Katarinya meets with the merchant council to hear their reports and to thank them in person for their valiant work in withholding supplies and trade from Vlad's troops.

"Thank you, good sirs. I know the weight of our army has weighed down on trade here. But it will burden you for only a short while longer."

"I ask you, gentlemen, to send out my proclamation that I am the rightful Czarina and that I ask all true and loyal men to every city of our island. I need every man willing to bear arms for me, and I need you to muster the support of all the outlying cities to declare in support of me."


After completing her meetings, Katarinya returns to her estate and quickly changes into one of her form fitting belly dancer outfits to exercise with Tabia. Tabia, however, grins at her wickedly as she enters their private studio and murmurs, "You won't be needing those."

Katarinya is a bit shocked but mostly amused to learn that the dances Tabia has created over the winter are titillating and exotic ranging to erotic. Many were designed to be danced while undressing or in the nude.

After their work out, Katarinya wipes the light sheen of sweat off her flat, toned navel and notes to her surprise that over the winter she's grown more full breasted than Tabia. The Egyptian woman winks and tells her, "Those are some of the dances that Egyptian and Arab girls learn in the harem."

Katarinya blushes slightly. She'd heard of girls performing dances like those in some of the wilder taverns in Moscovy, but never learned them herself. Then she laughed softly, enjoying adding another surprise to her repetoire.


Katarinya pays a visit to Vanya past midnight, to discretely speak to her old tutor.

"Vanya, I need you to write to Father Augustine. Tell him you are concerned that Acrisus is taking the Church to war against the Pagans and that the result could be a slaughter. Tell him you want him to begin solidifying the support of the rest of the Faith to curb Acrisus's influence. Offer him the support of the monastery. Above all, say nothing of my interest or involvement. The state must not be seen to interfere in the Church."

Katarinya hopes she can build Augustine to oppose Acrisus without causing instability in her realm at this critical juncture.


Katarinya convenes a meeting of all her military staff, the Cossacks, and Father Acrisus at her estate to discuss with them her plans.

She wears the armor made for her by Holger's smith. It's little more than a light breastplate and a high helm with a tall white plume and a long white cape embroidered with her family crest. Still, it's light enough that she can stand the weight and will provide protection for her vitals, while still appearing regal enough to inspire the men. At her side, she wears the long katana gifted to her by Frekki from his trade to the north.

"Gentlemen, spring is upon us and Black Vlad's army will soon launch an assault on Kiev. I mean to prevent that by taking our army north and assaulting his winter camp by surprise."

Katarinya pauses to unroll a map of this portion of her island and points to the Vlad's camps.

"Vlad's men have been harried by a long winter on short rations. In addition, their finest leaders are still in Muscovy with Black Vlad. We must attack before their generals return with fresh supplies. Catch them in their camps and crush them, which will leave the road to Volgorad open. If we can break Vlad's army and seize Volgorad, we will be in position to assault Moscovy by summer or autumn."

"Our army will consist of mine own troops, 1000 infantry and 200 cavalry. I also invite the Cossacks to ride with us to this battle. I wish the Cossacks to divide their force into two parts.. The first to act as scouts and a screen, the second to harry and harass Vlad's troops should they attempt to withdraw. I will take personal command of my 200 cavalry, holding them in reserve to exploit any breach in Vlad's army with a final charge. Captain Laurentijj will command the center of our army, the infantry, and lead the assault on Vlad's camp. Any auxulliaries, last minute volunteers, irregulars and conscripts will be added to that force as well."

With that, Katarinya turns to Father Acrisus. "Father, it is my wish that you accompany us to bless our troops before battle and sanctify their weapons. In addition, we will need your wisdom to tend to the wounded and dying. You may, of course, bring with you your own escort to act as hospitallers and guard you."

Katarinya hopes that Father Acrisus will bring his Spartans along, thus preventing them and him from making mischief while she's on campaign.

"Lastly, if he will accept the honor, it is my wish that Hadeon, my loyal guardian, ride with me into this battle and carry my family's banner as my standard bearer."

With that, Katarinya looks over the assembly and hopes that this will be enough.

"Gentlemen, we ride at once. To horse and forward!"
Umm the sweet soft ground never felt so good.

Home again.
After the weeks at sea, a nice night in a warm bed is just the thing Lyandria though to herself. The balcony doors were opened letting the sweet salt air come in and entice her. She brushed off her covers waking a very sleepy Hercules. The wind blew her untamed hair as easily as it did the lace through out her room. “Isn’t it lovely Hercules? The blues and whites of the waves crashing into the cove. Beyond that rough front is the endless ocean and all her mysteries. God if only I could sail every inch of it.” She continued to stare off into the rising sun for a moment before the sounds of Hercules shifting in her bed brought her back. She walked back to her room and jumped on the bed. “You would travel with me wouldn’t you boy?” She said to Hercules while rubbing his exposed belly. “Your a good boy and mommy loves you, yes she does.” A knock brought the playful scene to an end as Hercules stood up in bed and started barking loudly. The noise of a startled Attewater could be heard from the other side. “My lady must that beast bark at me every time I knock on the door?” “Come in Attewater, you just scared Hercules.” “I scare him. Humph, I surely doubt anything would scare him.” Attewater opened the door slowly to make sure that no dog was running towards the door. “My lady, a letter arrived today from Lady Izabeli requesting that you meet her and Mr. Ardwolf today for dinner. She wished to discuss further the options for a patrol force to protect the locals. Also there is the matter of repairing your three ships, deciding what is to be done with the three new ships you have and lastly the cargo.” “Attewater please send a letter to Captain Drake, Captain Faulst, and to Gaeth to meet me in 2 days time for dinner and to discuss their situations, repair & crew needs.” Attewater nods his head, “It will be done.” She turned her head back to the observant Hercules. “You and me baby are going into town.” His ears perked up while his head turned.

Into town Lyandria & Hercules went greeting all as she passed. A group of Amazons armed with daggers and spears stood around one of the drinking wells. Their leader Uzerel approached Lyandria and they discussed the events that unfurled in her absence. Down through town she rode. The town only begin I street wide made watching out for trouble makers easy. She dismounted in front of the Sea Dog. “Hercules watch Mage for me.” The tired dog sat and but his head down.

During the day most of the people in the bar are travelers and a few local merchants. “I see you got some bags of grain in Ms Brisbain.” A voice from a local merchant sitting in the corner cried out. “If you give me a fair price I’ll be willing by the lot from you.” “We’re taking inventory as we speak. The auction will begin in 3 days time. You can place you bid than.” Branduff greets you with a smile and sends his niece, Lillian, over with some mead. “Mistress Brisbain will you be in town for long,” Lillian asks softly? “We should be in for repairs for this month why?” “It’s just that things are calmer when you and your crew are back. Sometime things get a little rowdy at time.” “Don’t worry Lill, that’s one of the things I’m trying to fix. By the way is Ardwolf here?” “No maim he’s down fishing with a couple of his fellow friends. He mostly works nights when the biggest crowd is in.”

After scarfing down her food and drink Lyandria proceeded down to the Widow’s Cove to take a good hard gander at her two new ships. The 15 men dead between the three ships had already been bound up and given a proper sea burial. All the supplies were being counted and plunder given to the men as pay. Standing on her horse behind her crew, “Men as you all know we lost some of our own this last trip at sea. We need new men to fill out ranks. Spread the word in your travels and find us some new crew members. You have 4 days leave a shore, than we must go about the business of rebuilding our fleet.” Nods & Arrrs could be heard coming from the crew. To her cabin Lyandria spend most of her day looking over her Captain’s logs and charting possible encounter routes with the Indians & Chinese. The day passed on and Captain Drake, Captain Faulst, and to Gaeth showed up at her door. “Please men sit down. I’m just going over your reports. The charts you brought me were excellent. With the addition of the Indian’s & the Chinese’s maps I’ll be able to figure a point that we can lay a trap to intercept. In two days I want each of you and your first mates to come to my house for dinner and discuss your plans for your ships, what needs to be repairs as well as the time need for these repairs, and nominations for crew member to be promoted to sail the other two ships. On the third day we’ll have our auctions to sell what we pulled in. That will be all.” The men nodded and left.

That night Lyandria and Izabeli shared dinner and wine. Izabeli was slightly distracted with all the new men in town her fine women were busy pulling in the money. The barmaid also had her fill keeping the happy men happily drunk. “I’m so sorry Lyandria I wanted to hear all about what you plans are while you’re in port, she said slightly our of breath but will her normal good graceful tone.” “Please don’t mind me you’re busy keeping my men happy and for that I’m grateful. Please tell me have you noticed any patrons or any men who look like they could be trusted to form a brute squad?” Izabeli stood and reached into the back of her memory for a bit. “Yes I do theses a group of Vikings that come in about three times a week. Most of them are fishers but have well came we say well built sons.” A devilish smile came across her face when speaking of the boys. “And how old are these boys?” Lyandria asked. “17,18, and some 20. Young strong boys with plenty of energy and looking for a cause. Their leader is Horvac, they live about a mile north. Lyandria after working all day took the liberty of sleeping alone at the brothel. The beds were warmer and more shall we say broken in.

The next night Attewater prepared a fine English 6 course meal for Captain Drake & his wife Isabella, Captain Faulst & his bride to be Fiona, and to Gaeth who come alone. They discussed the state of repairs on all 5 vessels along with how much addition crew they will need to take on for the 2 additional ships. Everyone present agreed that the new ships could cause trouble if their native shipmates see a fallen ship leader by a pirate crew. So for now the Chinese Junk and the Egyptian galley will stay close to port to be supported by the Little Aegir or the Wind runner. Both ships will need to be armed which will take money and time. Any distinctive flags, markings, or wood work that will give its origin away will be removed. Also we’ll need 2 new additional captains for the Snap Dragon & Nile Serpent. The last bit of business is selling what ever we don’t need either for credit for supplies or gold. If a great offer comes up for the Snap Dragon sell it but the Nile Serpent is ours.

*Sell all plunder & the Snap Dragon if the price is right.
*Offer a job to several of the Viking boys to protect the town.
*To help pay each business will have to pay a small tax. This money will be set by me and paid to be to be give to the men.
*Money from the auction will be used to repair the ships remaining and rearms the crews.
*Each of the ships will be given a copy of the new maps with possible hot points.
*Next voyage all the ships will travel where the Wave Runner ran into the Chinese. There is still a bounty out for Bo Wu.

Signed and deliveried will love and a bloody blade
by your temptress from the sea
The Red Dragon :rose:
Visigothsan Empire in the forging.....


Your house hold bustling as your bride Florentina plans for your summer wedding, and your estate is rebuilt around you and your family. Your father is dead and you settle into the role of chief. It is not easy and despite being the leader you still must deal with the council and other tribal leaders not to mention priests, merchants, warriors, and even some Romans. You are amazed that your father was able to do so much in the coarse of day and still keep his sanity.

Still though you manage and even your mother seems better with each passing warm day in the village. Your brother spends much time alone in the woods hunting and fishing often camping out over several days. He finds interest in some translated scrolls sold to him by an Asian Priest travelling through the area buying, selling, and trading for items. The scrolls tell about the warrior way of Bushido brought from one of the Asian islands. The priest finds interesting your warrior faiths on the island and buys many scrolls and books about both Roman and tribal war gods. Your younger sister takes a greater interest in the farm and spents more time caring for the horses and breeding sheep dogs to better control and protect the flocks from wolves. Not surprising there are many puppies running around the barn and she requests you build a kennel.

Wulfa is slightly put off by the influx of new puppies and often escapes to get peace and quite. More then once Florentina sends word for you to come back and get your dog out from under her familie's table. Eoin one of the wolf hounds annoys you to no end when he amazingly breaks the top of one of the ale barrels and takes many hardy drinks. Still home is home.....Your days are filled with duty, training, and prayer not to mention your future bride fighting for what free time you do have. Your friends that hunt and drink after tending to their farms begin to miss you at the tavern.


Publius Acilius Attianus begins work on the irrigation system to bring more water to the crops. Picks and shovels go to work as a small damn is built up to divert water to the ditches which will soon be lined with bricks. This could improve the quality and quantity of crops as much as 40% almost guarantees a surplus of food.


The wedding is to be the largest event of the summer barring any religious celebrations so all wish to attend. Leaders from all neighboring tribes, and clans are planning to attend the wedding. Even the Roman garrison commander on the frontier will be coming to the wedding. Many merchants who have come to your shores will also attend. There shall be plenty of leaders and people of influence will be among your tribe for at least three days.

Mahak are few in number still but most reside around the growing port. Those who do work among your tribe either work on fishing boats or as woodworkers. Many Visigoth farms in the area now sport totems in the front near the entrance. Foreigners though seem to be coming to fill the new jobs. Two new groups seem to settle around the port. First the Chinese who fill many wood worker jobs and many have a working knowledge of seamanship. They arrive with their families in junks fleeing the Mongol controlled islands which are constantly at war. The other group are Zulus who are very skilled at metal work and bring exotic shields and spears to your island. Normally they wear just loin clothes, but as the snow melts they wear hides made from strange animals you have never seen. The dark skinned men tell many tales around the camp fire about fantastic animals and foreign adventures.


The work on the mill and the seaport begins anew once the snow is gone and the warm weather is more common. The policy of free use of these facilities if they contribute to the financing of the project. Soon gold and trade items come flowing in from the other tribes and merchants. Many give extra money so warehouses and granaries can be built for their use near the port. Other contribute so that they can secure the best spots in the new market place and near the well. Also many request a road be built between the mill and the new port. These will be major improvements and make you rivals of the Romans on the island.

The estate is added onto with impressive new large rooms with fine wood carvings. The new mainhall will have large stainglass windows and impressive banners hanging from the rafters with trophies mounted on the wall. Extra storage space gives plenty more room and the new hall can sleep close to 50 in a pinch on the floor. Your mother likes the new large impressive fireplace. With the new hall being built on to the front of the house the old hall can be used for smaller family meals and allow for more room to prep large meals. The new bedrooms are also larger then any of the others and each has their own fireplace with beautiful wood workings. The Armory and training area is built close to the barn and allows plenty of space for private training and workspace. Weighed stones are put in for weight lifting and many practice weapons cover the walls of the armory. The granary is built so there will be plenty of room for food so the estate will be well stocked. Lastly work on the wall begins with the wall being marked off and tall trees are cut down for the wall and the tower. For now the guards just patrol the boundry markers.


Military training begins with classes being taught for all the different fighting styles, while others just do strength and conditioning excercises to get back in shape after the long cold winter. Formations are drawn up so each "battle" will have foot soldiers, archers, and cavalry. The army looks in fine shape but isn't a standing army like the Romans. It still takes days to form up a full army and hours to just get a party to repel raiders. It is how the tribes have always been though. You still mostly rely your own clan and guards to be first to respond in crisis.

The school in Bain begins taking the children in the Spring before their help is needed in the fields. Most parents are happy to see their children learn and be more capable. No graduates yet but the teachers feel the students are making progress.


Life is good and quite for the moment....which is good. You know much is going in the world. For right now you have to be satisfied with that your part of it is going good and is safe at least for the time being.
It's a new day. Time to make the most of it.

"We grow neither better nor worse as we get old, but more like ourselves", May Lamberton Becker.

There is much to do with the snow melting, birds returning to the sky, and children back to playing in the streets. Much to do for our hero Tufa says as he sits in his halls looking over the drawings of the new port, the mill, the wall to be constructed outside this growing city. “So much to do there is.” He lifts his head up and in front of his on the wall is a picture of his father. Like old times they stop and stare at each other. “I hope I still make you proud father.” “Your father will always be proud of you”, said Andaswintha as she came in with Tufa’s bride to be Florentina. “You’re going to make a fine ruler, said Florentina, and a fine husband.” “Thank you both, how do the plans go for the wedding?” The two women looked at each other. Florentina opted to speak first. “Its going great just is turning out to be a little bigger than we expected.” Tufa stared a little puzzled. “How much bigger?” “Well we got word that all the neighboring chiefs will be attending, as well as the local Roman garrison commander. A few religious figures and the local merchants. Not including family, friends, and most of the three villages.” Tufa walked over and kissed his soon to be bride on the head. “I love you very much and this will be a day either of us will forget. And thank you for trying to forget all the people who are going to be coming from your side of the family.” “Ow yea I didn’t figure in yet all the people coming from Syracuse or my father’s friends.” “And that’s why I love you” said Tufa as he smiled and watched Florentina and his mother head back out. He took another big sigh turned to his father and smiled.
While walking out side on to this deck he saw Magnus & Svend practicing moves from a scroll that was laid out on a rock. He passed for a moment and wondered about the moves. They weren’t your typical one-handed sword strikes. The side way stances and two handed overhead strikes were not anything Tufa had seen before. “Mother”, Tufa yelled into the kitchen. Andaswintha came out of the kitchen with a rag drying off her wet hands. “Yes son.” “What is Magnus & Svend doing?” She paused for a moment. “Well I think you would call that sword practice.” She giggled as Tufa rolled his eyes. “Yes I know that but who taught them to fight like that.” “Well while you were out being chief your Magnus bought some scrolls from a Asian priest that was traveling through town. He said it’s called the way of the warrior or Bushido. But to me it sounds like Magnus trying not to be Tufa’s little brother. And Svend does what ever his older brother is doing. After making their rooms larger I think all your siblings grew closer together. And it gave them something else to think about other than.” She paused and started to get a little chocked up. She sniffled a little bit than regained her composer. “It gave them something else to think about other than their father not being here.” She turned to Tufa and fixed the buttons on his vest. “But we now have you to stand behind and support. And with every breath I take I will make sure you know that we are behind you every step of the way.” “I know mom.”

Several days had passed and Tufa arrived at Publius & Brunhilda hut. The three sat around and looked over some plans for the up coming season. Publius made it abundantly clear that for a good harvest all things must be given complete attention. Everything from the granary to be cleaned and patched up, the crops needed to be rotated, new land need to be cleared away for more farm land, another 2 wells needed to be constructed, the mill needed to be finished, and the aqueducts need to be build. Publius also showed Tufa some new plants he acquired over the winter. Squash, potatoes, and corn there vegetables that he purchased from an Arikara tribe that was passing through Syracuse. It was agreed upon that a section of land would be cleared for the planting of these crops to see how they grew in their soil. Also eight five men and women would be assembled to be Publius’s work force. Publius was only really wanted to help advised the construction of the aqueducts but Tufa played dumb to knowing how to grow crops properly. This ensured that Publius’s need to have everything done to a certain standard would volunteer to handle this project personally. And he would have it done in less time that it would take anyone else.

Education / Religion
During a stop in one of the temples to find Barolra Tufa ran in to Ildefonsus and two young children. “Lord Tufa, I’m sorry I did not hear you come in. Children bow properly.” “Borvo be onto you Lord Tufa,” the boys said in unison. “And may Borvo watch over you too.” “Ildefonsus have you seen Barolra?” “No sir. He has traveled town to Visen where one of Korin’s children have come down with a fever.” “Do you know how many children will be enrolled in teaching this season?” “Why yes my lord I do. Barolra has deemed that I be head master of the schooling this year. I have learned two new languages and acquired several new scrolls over the winter. Faurth’s and Rauthers’s wives will also be helping me this season. I feel that my learning of the text and vigilant studies have impressed Master Barolra that I am a wise choice for this position.” By this time Ildefonsus’s lack of breathing between words has caused him to be a little light headed. “Wow, I feel a little light headed now, sorry Lord Tufa.” “No need to apologies please continue with what you were going and tell Barolra to come see me when he gets a chance.” “Surely my lord. Good day and well be seeing you at prayer in two days? I’ll a sure you it will be a good one. I’ll be reading from the text of Sirona & Taranis and how one much call upon.” Before Ildefonsus could make himself unbalanced again Tufa cut him off. “Yes Ildefonsus I will be there in two days passing. Be well”, and he closed the temple doors behind him.

Captain Roderick, Recared, & Saphrax where called in for a meeting and lunch. The new meeting hall filled with trophies from Harjarek’s earlier days and Tufa’s recent adventures. Tufa raised his glass to his men, “Brave leaders I raise my glass in toast to another season of grow and advancement of our village.” The men cheered and clanged their glasses. The mead was sharp this time and catching while catching his breath Tufa cleared his throat. “Men I feel with our recent win over the Persians at sea, our refusal of the Romans, and our port quickly growing I fear we will start drawing the attention of unwanted visitors. With that being said I feel we need to step up our military actions. So men, here is my plan. First we need to determine and assembly our standing army. We have mostly local reserves but after looking at documents of other cultures a quick forming standing army is key incase of invasion. If we need to hire troops from outside the village than so be it. I will trust your dissection. Second our reserves must be recorded and given proper training. So once a week I wish to create mock battles of our reserves verses our standing army. This will keep their battle senses sharp. The standing army will serve our outpost, town guards, and patrols. With the weather getting nicer I wish for our troops be more active both training, marching, and recruitment. Those who excel well be promoted to calvary.”
“Changing directions from land to sea, Captain Recared I have given you the task of developing out naval force. I know we are taking baby steps in his area but with the new seaport just around the corner we will need to protect the shore of pirates, franks, or Vikings. I would suggest that you pull from the Mahak people and any of the new arrivals that may have naval experience.” For the next couple of hours the men discussed some options and plans for the upcoming season. Hopes were that all their effort would prove to be successful.

One night while sitting in the great hall Tufa drafted up a letter to be sent to the new Zulu & Chinese leaders. This letter is a formal document to welcome the visitors to our island and his expectations of peace and good union. In this letter always was written Tufa’s expectation of support in time of war. All able bodies men will be requested to fill the ranks of the reserves if they are unable to service in the military than help with treating the injured will be requested. Our priest will give training in treating the injured in time of war or during time of peace.
A second letter was drafted to be sent to all neighboring Visigoth villages. This was a formal letter of intent. Informing the tribes that the village of Bain, Visen, & Tirana will be forming a stating army. This in no means is an act of aggression towards any other tribe but merely a reaction to threats of aggression from outside sources. However any Visigoth male is more than welcome to serve either in the standing army or reserves.

*Standing outside Tufa was able to sit with Ulrich, the mason. They discussed the constructions of the wall and agreed that wood logs imbedded in the ground should support it. In addition a walkway needs to wrap around the inside of the wall and four new watchtowers are to be built in each corner. The two original towers can be taken down for lumber.
*With the in flux of new foreigners more opportunities have arises to pull people to continue building the water mill and granary in Tirana and a well constructed road from the mill to the port. This road must be made two and one half carts wide, So that merchants can travel both direction and have room for walking.
*With all this construction going on outside Tufa makes plans with the Council of Elders to speak about encouraging our local population to improve their living conditions. Encourage clans who live apart to gather together to form a house and build a lodge.
*Lastly with concerns to the seaport and merchants trying to get the best lot. A conversation needs to be had with the other Visigoth villages as to any location they wish since they are the main contributors. After they have selected their plots the merchant who has donated the most money will get to contract his lot first. The lands will be sold in square lots and merchants can purchase multiple lots to build on. This allows for the most money to be pulled in and merchants will have to bid to get first pick and can purchase several lots. Each lot must be the same size to make things uniform.

With spring coming around the corner four set of five trackers and hunters need to be assembled to travel five days outside the village mostly to the south and to the west. Their main focus is to gather information of new tribes, animal migration, new trail development, bring back any new plants, rocks, or metal. Also return with more detailed maps showing rock formation, rivers, or lakes.
"We make war that we may live in peace."

The Romans


King Augustus calls for more wine while he ponders his next move and answering your question it would seem. Before the wine can be poured though his Bishop moves forward as almost rally the pawns after one of their numbers fell on the field. He leans back excepting a glass of wine from a long haired slave girl and smirks.

"The ones that walk among us have learned to be good Romans. Those on the frontier are nothing but savages. I have a grant plan drawn up for the development of this island. Cities where their villages stand great buildings and works of art all around. There is plenty of land for estates with much stone and timber available. What we need to win back this world and put it under a Roman flag quite simply is more Romans. We need more breeding space for true Romans or at least citizens."

He gets up and walks to a map of the island on the wall. It clearly depicts all Roman territory and the frontier and gives a rough idea of the Visigoth settlements. It hangs on a cord and he turns it around. The new map reveals Roman cities some named after the King and Roman Gods. The whole island is covered in Roman red.

"We need breeding spaces and but perhaps two generations we will have the men we need. What I need from you is to begin this plan. The opening steps. I....Ah you and I will be remembered as the saviors of the Empire. I know you have to think this over, but this is your duty to Roman. I will give you one of the few books I have had written on the great plan."

The King wishes you well though and once again gives you exotic gifts. A pair of black stallions male and female, a Druid sickle ( he took off a dead enemy as young man, and Asian woman, a Geisha to care for you on the voyage home. Takara takes a liking to you and is willing to do just about everything for you from carrying your baggage to cleaning your cabin. She even thinks nothing of stripping nearly nude and laying next to you to keep you warm. In your cabin on the way home to your island you take time to read the works dictated by the Roman King. With Takara holding the lamp for you as you read. You read steps that include genocide and resettlement. Roman women are encouraged to have as many children as possible and each city to have its own absolute ruler answering only to an emperor. You have to look to Takara who nods shly as you read the part about ridding the city of foreigners. Your not positive but you think she is reading the latin text.

The trireme is sent to the frontier port which little is know about except it is being rebuilt since a attack by the Franks. Even the locals hired on to navigate along the coast know little about their own island.

The Academy class begins for the spring with 100 eager minds to learn many useful things. The future leaders need to know of how Roman works. Guennola walks on the campus and is amazed to see the boys build bridges and even small boats so they may practice navigation. They fight mock battles and go to lectures and debate. The school is a very active learning place. Your friends and peers children do well and it looks like you will have a good future if they find success on the battlefield and halls of government as easy they do in the classroom.


Old paths and trails begin to give way to straight brick roads that drain off water. It is slow going but the plans are clear so each foremen knows what his task needs to be for the project to be successful. Tempory bridges are setup next to where the more permanent bridges will be when the road will be complete. The school system is taking a bit more work to setup and though they lack buildings children are taught in everything from empty warehouses to barns. Guennola rides on her horse observing most of the work around the country side and does her best to encourage parents who live in the woods to send there children to school in town.

Economic Development

The guilds begin to organize and elect guild masters and other officers. Many are interested in joining the guilds so that their voices are heard through a representative. Even those who are already civil servants are forming guilds. From carpenters to blacksmiths begin to form guilds and even the charter of the guild for pleasure girls arrives at the local government offices.

Many veterans are pleased to have jobs available to them after their service to the Republic has ended. Though there is some business options open to them there are not nearly enough that paid as well as what they made with the legion. So in stead of streets filled with angry unemployed veterans the streets are filled with loyal citizens and veterans pleased with the government.


Sita and Batar are pleased to see that military supplies arriving and that you are being a true ally. In fact Guennola receives the gift of 8 camels, several barrels of Egyptian beer, a beautiful purple silk dress along with letters and maps regarding the Persians. Ships now regularly sail from Valde Glorria and Toulouse to Baghdad where timber for siliver is a popular trade. Syracuse has many wonderful Roman goods that your subjects enjoy buying. Your goods are sold there as well and merchants are happy to sell things other then just raw materials. Kashgar the Mongol island is an open market for spirits which you sell many and arms. Horses are always in vast supply with the Mongols so with steady trade it is even easier to form cavalry forces. Though your captains say little has calmed down on the Mongol island. Though the main factions have stopped fighting many clans continue to battle settling scores and taking as much territory possible before peace is officially declared.


With the warm weather arriving farms all over the island begin to come to life. There is plenty of work to do causing a drain on the labor of the Republic. The new Hamlet is layed out near Toulouse and settlars are organized. The new fishing village will have one of the best docks, a new boat yard, and plenty of room for growth. It is a fine example of Roman organization and from the coast the new arrivals can see their large huts being built.

With all the the improvements to the farms you will soon have the best rope and plenty of honey to sweeten things. There are now many puppies running about and once again your wife will not be left out of having well run estate. She has had a large kennel built with falconary next to it with room for some 20 falcons. Also she has had another granary built for more food storage. Also she had had the blacksmith's shop almost trippled in size and recruits an expert smith who specializes in farm tools. She feels that you can begin farming even more land this year.


Christophorus plays with his new wolf puppies as Guennola hosts party after party at your estate to strengthen existing ties and build new relationships. Many natives feel that their voices have been heard by at least Gunennola who makes many lists. The problems range from complains about city planning to wages to possible wars. One thing that comes up again again is the need for Celts to put their own language and symbols on legion unit standards. The island sons are increasing in numbers in the legion so they feel they need representation. So sick of these parties you find Guennola eating in the kitchen with servants and her son on her lap. You do notice that here belly has grown some since you have been gone.

Arilias walks cloaked with body guards through the streets of Syracuse. You drink among workers and farmers. You do day labor building a warehouse for little pay and even kill robbers when they break into your room at a small inn near the gate to the city. Many think the king is corrupt and cares little for the city which he neglects and was once great. They pine for the glory that once was Rome. The Visigoths you do meet physically look different to be sure, but behave as civilized as Romans though you do meet wild traders from the frontier dressed in bear skins bragging of their defeat of the Franks near the road to their village. You return to your ship after a few days of learning and exploring the city.

The Navy begins to perform joint operations with your trade partner's Navies though sometimes it is nothing more then a single ship sailing with yours or your ships being resupplied for no cost at the foreign ports.


With your regulations spelled out clearly soldiers and commanders all over the island begin to put them into action. Some militias changes while others upgrade to meet the standards you set for them in peace time. All understand their roles in the military and things slowly begin to run more efficiantly around the island. The Regulars are formed and surprisingly at least two thirds of their number are Chinese immigrants who have come from Mongol held territories. Almost all have prior military experience as conscripts to local warlords on their home islands. The unit begins to form quickly as recruits are eager to make a good wage and earn citizenship.


Nothing has been heard from your exploring ships since they are pushing the boundries of the known world. You sadly do hear of one ship sailing South of your Egyptian allies is lost during a large storm. The friendly Greek trader who tells you the story was only able to save 6 men of the ships crew and the ship's cat.


Davida agrees to send women to work with Simon who will be their spymaster in Homestead. She agrees to this with the condition that she will be allowed to serve as guild master for the pleasure girls. The only reports though from Homestead reveal a stock piling of weapons by many local citizens. One messager brings back a well made arrow that when fired is able to pierce a legionaire shield.

War.......or getting ready to start one anyway.

The new legion commanded by Actaeon marches through the streets to the ships proudly. Egyptian transports wait to take them to their new home overseas. Guglimo went ahead with a small party already to recruit labors and oversee supplies and security as well as observe the fight against the rebels. Many have already taken to calling the new legion "Egypt II" or "Sons of Anty" the Egyptian hawk god. Sobek the Egyptian God of swift action and violence depicted with a crocodile head even becomes part of a unit's standard.

....Just weeks after the legion's arrival they are fighting Persian supported rebels in the sands and jungle's of Queen Batale's realm. The legion is partnered with her guard unit which numbers 3,000 composed of Nubians and Libyans that normal guard her palace. They use swords, small iron shields, and spears and fight well. Many other militia units aid in the fighting as well which is all over the large island. All are impressed by your new legion which is performing well in the field.

The First legion gladly excepts leave and many return to their homes around the island. Others it is the simple pleasure of a local inn where they can eat, drink, and sleep in peace. You hear that there are may toasts to the prince from the old guard honoring you and what you have done.
The Spring Offensive begins for the young Czarina


Katarinya Kerenin prepares herself like no other time in her life. She is going to war. Past summers in the Moscovy castle would be filled with riding, hunting and pinics. Now she walks about in her body suit ready to dawn her new armor. Anton's young daughter Aloisua sits on the chest infront of your bed polishing your sword and daggers. She is actually very strong and in these pasted busy months you saw he shovel all most a whole ton of coal for her father. She is still very sweet though and likes playing with your cat Ivana on your soft bed. Vakhtang now Duke of Kiev has been going through similar preparations and promises some 300 soldiers to help in the cause. Dorothea busy enough with their 5 children is turning their home into a fortress for their protection.

The estate goes through similar preparations as much as possible moved to the buildings nearest the main house. Supplies are stocked and all peasants not going with your cousin's force continue to patrol looking for spies and raiders. Leshuya worried for Jan walks the house carrying her own shortsword rubbing her belly saying over and over, "I'll protect you baby and Jan too." Kalman wants to stay with her and take care of her but does not wish to be thought of as a coward among his kinsmen. Your answer is a simple one though and you ask Yasha to do the very important job of protecting your sister and your home in Kiev. He is not happy to miss the fight, but because it is you doing the asking he does not refuse your request.

Esaulov your long time weapon's instructor gives your equipment a final check and advices you to command from a distance, but not be afraid to step forward and rally the troops with your example. Your martial prowess has improved in the last year so be strong is his advice. You have good Viking armor, a Crusader shield, and fine blades. Akecheta and his wife Petunia see that all your horses are ready and you will have a string of 6 horses to use on this campaign. The horses are all strong and beautiful and it is difficult to chose which to ride each day. Ziven the horse you used to escape from the fight at that night at the inn while you were spying on the enemy is strong and healthy and is your ususal choice. Hadeon takes it as a great honor to carry your family banner, and promises it shall never fall in battle.

Auda does have you over for dinner like normal though in the days before the march and simply acts if she is having a nice young woman over for dinner rather then a Czarina heading off to war. You have been wearing the armor lately and gotten used to the weight of it and move fairly easy in it as you walk around. The Vikings are happy that you like armor and many toasts are drunk in your honor. So many that you feel as if imp has taken up residence in your head and is hammering away with a sledge hammer. Leshuya takes care of you and brings you coffee until you feel better.

Tabia is happy that her husband's ship is in port to refit and buy supplies. This means her boys are home. A woman you often think is soft and senusal, and femine gladly rolls and plays in the mud with her boys. She also takes a long bath with her husband who is seldom home. For your kindness to his and giving her a good paying work he gives you three Persian carpets for your house. They are beautiful and soft and Jan loves to crawl on them.

The war is now ready to go to the next level.....


With the war much overland travel has been slowed making the merchants angry and they want a victory before the summer so business can go back to normal. Frekki replaces those who have died fighting and takes the spring to complete another ship and has his brother-in-law Yngar captain it for their next trade mission. They will return to the island where it is mostly Asians, but has a Viking colony on it that has a good harbor and market.

New arrivals come to the village looking for work. A small unit of some 200 Spartans arrive with their families. Each soldier has a wife and many children. They are veteran fighters working as mercenaries, and are armed with spears, round shields, and swords. One farmer who has yet to plan a crop is made an offer in silver her can't refuse. His new "renters" setup their large tents along the roadside near on his field. Most of these warriors keep to themselves and mostly drill and do physical exercise. The children are taught by the women or do military drill. Though in their spare time they are happy to play with the children of Kiev.

Augeias a senior member of their group sends you a letter in Greek offering their services for a price. You hear rumors that they have also sent letters to other nobles, Czar Vlad, and even Father Acrisus. Still the older man seems friendly and many talk and drink with him at The Screaming Lance where enjoys Volka and local foods. He is well travelled and has many trophies including a Yari (Japanese longspear), a shield displaying eagle feathers (Aztec shield), A Vikinglong sword, and a number of Apache tomahawks (throwing axes). He is very muscular and is able to use all of these exotic weapons.

Research & Development....

The gold reward given to Anton and Gerlach and the top three smiths three smiths is graciously excepted. Every metal worker, and apprentice is exhausted. The guild declares a Spring holiday and a few days pass without the sound of hammers even in your own forge. They do promise that you will have enough arms for the campaign. Also through all the work being done and time put into developing the process making swords, spears, and basic armor is now 30% fast then previous.

Diplomacy.....things you say before you shove a sword in someones face.

Your proclamation goes out among all the merchants and soon they bring back stories of what they have heard from the people. You have a large amount of popular support from the people and many support you in retaking the throne. They hope you will continue many of your father's policies towards the people and lower the taxes. Rumors from overseas are very unsettling though. Since you are not on the throne and Vlad's claim is very weak there maybe foreigner armies invading to take advantage of the situation or worse install their own leader. You know both your parents have family that does not reside on the island and even a weak claim is one that could gather support especially if it came with an army.

In the days before meeting Black Vlad you take stock of your alliances and how it will effect your current military standing. You do know you have alot of support and volunteer will flock to your banner in time though a good number of nobles have thrown in their lot with Vlad.

The Cossacks who have flurished under your limited reign have some 800 horsemen to pledge to your cause. They are the finest light cavalry on the island. Your cousin the Duke of Kiev brings with him some 300 infantry and a few riders mostly for nobles and knights. They are mostly of good Russian peasant and Viking stock. Father Acrisus does bring the troops promised and even arrives in full armor surrouned by his Spartan guards. With a holy banner before them some 1000 march and another 300 ride. Mother Vanya not to be out done sends you some 50 of her Roman soldiers with another 25 of her sisters to take care of you and tend to your spiritual needs. Surprizingly the sisters are all armed with small round shields, daggers, and short swords.

Vanya sends you an important note in regards to the Father Acrisus and the army. Included in the packet your given secretly is a letter from Father Augustine announcing he will proudly take your apointment when you reclaim control of Moscovy, and his has no intention of attacking the Pagans. Converts come willingly on their own not at the point of a sword. Also he has sent letters to every priest and even some Pagan holy men declaring the army is not Father Acrisus's own doing and that your taking back the throne that is rightfully yours is supported by the church. Of coarse he would like it done through negotiations he understands this is not possible with one who would permitt the attacks on the Church by his black monks. He gives you a blessing and looks forward to seeing you when you retake the palace.

Laurenttij and his lieutenants ALEKSANDER, ANDREI, GABRIEL, GAVRIIL, KIRIL, LEONTI, ARNLJOT, REIDAR, TELEK, and MARIUS rally the troops for the march. Some 1200 infantry soldiers mostly armed with spears, swords, and shields march to meet your enemy. They lack experience but are well motivated and all of Kiev waves to them as they march along the road.

Because of your kindness and friendship to Pagans that would make your mother proud some 400 peasant infantry from the Pagan tribes in the area join forces with your troops. They present you with 4 heads of cavalry soldiers that were scouting for Vlad.

The days leading up to the battle you count some 3,000 foot soldiers (majority loyal to you) and some 1,100 cavalry troops (mostly Cossacks and some church knights). This is impressive considering it is three times the population of Moscovy, but Black Vlad commands up to some 10,000 soldiers. Nobody is sure exactly the number by the force includes allied Chinese troops from "Czarina Kita" family, Russ mercenaries, conscripts, nobles loyal to Vlad and his own loyal troops and family forces.

War.......We Are Russian!!!

The day is warm midspring as the armies march within view of each other. It is farm country with large now empty fields with hills on both sides. You take one of the farm houses in the area to establish a headquaters. You are saddened to find that the family murdered in their own home by Vlad's scouts. Your army is in three divisions with the Church forces on the far left. Laurenttij with the majority of your troops hold the center. You are on the right with the majority of the cavalry. You yourself are in the rear with the reserves. The nuns have already started to setup some hospital tents in a abandon farm house.

Across the fields is Vlad's army coming over the hills. They are formed in three divisions as well. Facing you directly is the nobles with their knights loyal to Vlad. Most are mounted but many have their own footsoldiers rallied around their own standards. The center is made up of the conscripts and Vlad's most loyal household troops and guards. Your scouts spot him and bring back news. They say he has gained weight and has on an impressive crown and is there with his wife. They are surrounded by the infamous black monks. On Vlad's right side is the majority of the Asian mercenaries. Mostly Chinese pikemen and swordmen with a reputation for behing savage veteran fighters. You see their many colorful unit standards.

The fight begins with the Cossacks and knights slamming into Vlad's left with with brutal results. The well trained nobles are a good march for a light horsemen, but nobody is prepared to deal with a Cossack. Scream and the clashing of blades is heard from across the field as hundred smash into thousands. If the Cossacks lose ground they pull back some and seem to run. Once the nobles and their footsoldiers follow the Cossack turn and cut them down. Many of the footsoldiers die this way and the field is covered with heads. Vlad's archers in in the center set forward and fire on the Cossacks with deadly effect and the Chinese scream for the Cossacks to attack them abd taste their blades......

The savage fighting continues with no clear results. What is your next move?

OOC: Since this battle is so large consider the next turn to remain with in the spring. Feel free to ask questions and make moves. You give orders I give you the results even if your personally involved in the attack.
War with Vlad


Katarinya reviews the field. It is quickly obvious that the troops on Vlad's right flank are his elite mercenaries, while those in his center are mostly inexperienced conscripts combined with the bulk of his loyal nobles and his own household.

Katarinya calls to Captain Laurentijj. "We must split Vlad's force so we can attack his conscripts with impunity. If we break his conscripts and kill Vlad, the war is won!"

Katarinya summons her runners to relay her orders. "Tell the Cossacks to attack Vlad's right wing with hit and run attacks... Make them enraged, make them chase you... Draw them out of position so they cannot reinforce his center."

She then turns to a second runner. "Go to Father Acrisus... I want him to take half his foot and all his horse and drive a wedge between Vlad's left and center. Cut them off and attack the left flank to drive them apart, to expose Vlad's center."

Katarinya then turns to Laurentijj. "Take the remaining troops, our foot and horse, our conscripts, and half the Church's foot. Slip in between Acrisus' assault on the left flank and hit Vlad's center. Send volleys of arrows into his conscripts before our infantry engage them, then switch to his nobles. 1000 gold rupals to the man who slays Black Vlad, and 500 to the man who slays or captures his Czarina."

Katarinya decides that all her hopes ride on this battle. She spurs her troops forward into an assault, relying on morale, ferocity and momentum to stun Vlad's troops and permit her to kill Vlad as soon as possible.

Loosening her sword in its scabbard, Katarinya rides close to Laurentijj's assault on Vlad's center, to inspire her troops into the crux of the fighting.


Arilias pondered Agustus’s words. My lands are at war with the Persians, so I cannot send many troops to you at this time, but I see no reason why it should affect our trade agreements. In the meantime, I would be willing to have a sort of troop exchange. “
“ You mentioned this island between our lands. It is small and not overly important, but I can send some garrison troops there. We can joint patrol the island, half and half, thusly freeing up a couple of cohorts for your land forces. I also invite you to send some cavalry cohorts to join me on my island, to assist in the formation and training of my First Calvary Legion. In the meantime, I might also be able to send some of my cohorts here on leave to, er, assist your harems in ‘troop production’. In addition, I am willing to send some of my engineers and wok crews here, along with supplies of stone and wood, to work on some of your civil projects to help your city. In exchange, I would wish for some of your skilled blacksmiths and weapon smiths, along with metal ore, back to Palatine. Roman armor and those skilled in making it are in short supply n my lands.“
“Would this be agreeable?”

Arilias had sent Takara to draw bathwater when he called his other two women, Arminia and Dido to him.
“Ladies,” he began. ”Search Takara’s room and baggage secretly. Question her discretely. I suspect she is either a spy, or more educated than she is letting on. I must know where her loyalties lie, with Augustus, the Visigoths or with me.”

“Arminia, I have a second mission for you of great importance. Go to this Visigoth port town, in secret. Tell no one and do not be seen. I need you to make contact with them and bring their leader or a worthy representative, to Valde Glorria. There is another Trireme there, use it to return home.”

Late hat night, Arilias gave the book to one of his scribes. “Copy this.” he said. “And keep your teeth together.”

Arilias returned to Valde Glorria and went straight to his home, immediately snatching up his wife Guennola and carrying her to their private bath house. After some much desired ‘reacquainting’ they talked for hours on the matters at hand as well as private matters and affairs of state.
For the next three days, neither of them entertained any visitors nor saw any guests while the couple and their son simply pretended they were nothing more than a humble family….for a time anyway.

It was a month after Arilias had returned and taken back the mantle of Governor of Rome when he called a grand meeting about the forum in Valde Glorria. Many dignitaries had been invited, to include many of the clan chiefs and the high priestess of the Celtic Druids.

“Friends and Citizens.” Arilias spoke to the crown, wearing his robes of office. “ As so many of you have known, I have been across the seas, visiting allies, forming trade agreements and seeing to the nature of the world. I have been to Syracuse, a once-great city of Rome and it is good that I have done so. The people of that city and island are proud and strong, but it is clear that communication, trade and mutual cooperation shall benefit both lands. I call forward the High Priestess of the Celts. To her, I give this holy sickle, given to me by Governor Augustus of Syracuse. I am proud to offer it to our Celtic brethren as a sign of unity and cooperation. It is good that such a proud relic be returned. “

“Also, I have spoken with many of our friends abroad about our common enemies, the Persians. Already, their ships have attacked our harbors here in Valde Glorria, harassed merchant shipping and sponsored bandits and rogues on our home island. Even now, the proud warriors of the Second Legion do battle with renegades harassing our ally, Queen Batar. Renegades who are paid with Persian coin. No, the Persians are an enemy and a threat to all. To this end, I have ordered preparations in case of attack. We, as a united people must be ready, yet today I wish to recognize one among us who has taken the initiative and responsibility to ready our people for war. Simon of Homestead, step forward.”
“Governor Simon has taken upon himself to begin a grass root campaign within the township of Homestead. With his loyal friends and community leaders, weapons, ammunition and equipment has been produced to ensure that the Legion solders of the Republic are ready and able to defend themselves and respond in kind to any Persian hostility. Citizen Simon, I offer you this scroll of Commendation for your leadership and this bag of gold Talons, in recognition for your service to the Republic. Hail Simon! (see Diplomacy)


If Augustus is willing to trade work crews, then my men will head to Syracuse and begin assessing and working on civic works which are in need of repair. First priorities will be the water aqueducts and sewer lines.

Note: Minor correction needed. The new shipyards are to be built in Toulouse, not the new hamlet nearby, but fishing docks can be built in the hamlet as well.

With so many of my projects coming to fruition, I will use this turn to finish any incomplete projects as well as general maintenance on my own cities and towns. Complete the new shipyards in Toulouse and finish the expansion to my smithies and granaries.


Queen Batar: Selling lumber for silver seems like a great trade to me. We can also buy Egyptian beer and resell it as part of our liquor market. In order to strengthen our alliance, see if we can get permission to build a forum (a Roman marketplace and commerce center) in their trade port city. However, we still have no lands suitable for camels so they will not be a part of any agreement.

Syracuse: See Roleplay for the current deals if they are agreed to, but I think tourism and luxury items are likely the biggest trade we have with them thus far.

Kashgar: I will continue to see liquor and small armaments for gold, iron, leather and horses to the Mongols as well as accept any who are departing the islands. However, we will NOT sell them Roman armor or siege machines. (their Khan has the only ones)


With the land to be cultivated in new settlements, the hamlets on the Daughters of Palatine, seafood from Toulouse, Chinese rice fields, vineyards and breweries, new farm tools and the beehives, we should have an astounding amount of new croplands planted as well as the largest variety yet.

Arilias himself will see to the falconry, training birds and assistants as well as gifting some of the birds to those he favors.

The wolf-dog breeds should be coming along well. The oldest of these dogs should be ready for training as guard dogs and protectors.

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Syracuse: My work crews and soldiers will assist whoever needs assisting, be they Roman, Visigoth or whatever. Stay visible and respectable. The idea is to continue to cultivate popular support and just let them know that there are other Romans out there still.

Simon: I just put the spotlight on Simon, but by crediting him with a reward. Now, I will have some of my troops and supply guys go into Homestead and collect these stockpiles of weapons that I know are there. Some of the better arrow and weapon makers, will be tasked to produce supplies for the army and Republic. Basically, what I did is create a good reason to go and remove these stockpiles in the eyes of the people. Simon has to support my actions or he will look like the biggest ass on the island. Same goes with some of his ‘loyal supporters’ if they suddenly refuse. Best of all, it looks like they were sold out by Simon for rewards from me. That ought to dent his ‘popularity’ with my possible opposition.

In the meantime, the points brought up by the Celtic leaders will be addressed as they can. The Celtic language, culture and arts was never discouraged against contrary to their ideas, so this issue is moot. As to pay, those who work and serve the Republic are paid the same and are taxed the same as all members of the Republic, be they Celt, Roman or whatever.


With so many horses and new equipment coming in, I will begin to re-work the cavalry units into 10 cohorts of 120 heavy cavalry each. This will be the foundation of the 1st Cavalry Legion. The Mongol horse archers will be formed into a separate cavalry force as Auxiliary cavalry.

Auxis and some of the new Centurions will be sent to join the second Legion in Batair’s lands. I do not mind if some of the Egyptian symbols are absorbed into the standards, but calling the Legion ‘Egypt II or Sons of Anty’ is not appropriate. They are neither. How about ‘Sons of Palatine’ to show support of their homeland?

There is another Legion which needs attention. It is the Legion that acts as my ‘home guards’ and are scattered about my towns and headquartered at Rentino. It shall be named; The Tuatha Guard and commanded by Primpilus. It is currently under strength, about 1600 strong by my estimate, and are considered lighter troops than the main Legions, but they are still Legionaries as opposed to the militia or regular units.


The Greek trader will be given 10 gold talons for the rescue of our sailors as a thanks and words of prayer for the loss of the remaining sailors. In the meantime, I have many captured and copied maps from many different ships. All of these were to have been used to form some sort of idea about the seas about Palatine. Use these as a starting guide and keep the ships out searching.


While my work crews are in Syracuse, they will secretly make maps of the city and the lands around the city.


The 2nd Legion will continue to pound these rebels and insurgents. I claim all equipment and supplies captured by my forces to help offset the costs of my army, however, I have no problems selling the captured arms to Sita and Batair if they want them. In the meantime, see if we can wring any information about the Persian battle plans or plots from any captives.