Village Warriors....the War Gods call you forward.

Welcoming a new African Warlord

Danjuma Angana finds he takes the reigns of power after the disappearance of his father who many was believed lost in maddess around the time of his leaving. So it is the cast out son who the villagers call on to take charge and lead the people. Though the young man is a skilled warrior and hunter some in the village question his ablitities to lead. The critics in include no less his sister Limbe who herself thinks she should be queen of all she sees. She has taken up residence as of late in a large house of an Egyptian trader. She has even formed a small personal guard of Persian mercenaries skilled with bows, spears, and swords and shields. The Muslim and Arab trades who trade in both gold and goods with the people of the Ghosa village are eager to please the new ruler and do not wish for trade to end. Also the military does seem pleased that a new young warrior sits on the throne so for now they lend their support. The rest of the factions as well as the people seem to think the transition from father to son though mysterious and uncommon is still justified and legal.

A survery of the village tells you much of what is going on in this small, but thriving community on the tropical island. Two other villages of your people are to the East along the coast. Though they are of different tribes they are friendly enough and have been so on the past. The remaining three located on the the island are controlled by the sixth and strongest city controlled by the Zulus. The Zulus have mighty armies and have villages from the rockey mountains at the center of the island to the plains and to the coast. They rule with an iron hand keep their empire going by conquest. It is know they they often taken part in mercenary operations of the island and even encourage interclan warfare to keep their warriors busy and experienced. The Muslims are the group that dominates the merchant class and often deal with the traders who come to the island like the Egyptians, Asians, and formly the Gauls. News has already spread that the Gauls have lost control of their island completely to the Roman invaders. The positive news is that they don't plan cut of trade and have even built a new harbor to accommodate more ships in the future.

You on the other hand have only witnessed progress on a slow level and only when directly needed. There have been few if any improvements to defenses even though there has been reports of bandits and rebels in the area. The army stands at a 100 strong with a 100 militia in reserve who are the ones who tend to handle police and fire fighting duties. All warriors are veterans who have dipped their spear in blood whether by enemy or by wild animal. Food production is soldier but seldom with a surplus in rescent years. Your village is in good shape, but is not as wealthy as it could be many think. As you walk into the palace (very large hut and compound) and sit on the throne you know there is much to do for you to do to prove you are worthy of being called king.


You find yourself with the standard starting package, but for two facts have changed. Neither you nor your captains have horses to ride not because they can't be found on the island but they were never part of your culture. The other factor is your sister. She has resources of her own and will not share them at least unless she is not asked to share them with you...

The two gifts you find yourself having to start your rule are......

A crop of 150 Carthaginian heavy infantry soldiers who primarly use the long spear. They wish to settle in your village with their families (some 300 more peasants) and serve in your military and farm.

Left by your father a Maritime house. Its function is to take measurements and create maps. Also it is a school captains and sailors as well as doing research into ship and boat designs. It is really a small campus with its own docks, workshops, and mainhall for teaching. A pity your father did not utilize this more before taking his journey.
The Exiled Princess of Russia


Your day ends liked many others with an exhausting day being spent with Esaulov. He has taught you not just the sword and the shield, but also the war ax and the bow. You are even impressing the Cossacks that guard you daily. Hadeon is a brute and one of the men who guards you and has a long black beard, shaved head and very muscular. He often smiles at you and walks about with his large ax and drinks vodka straight from a bottle. Vanya says he smells but is very polite to you and the other women of the house. Though the others switch every few days he is a constant day and night.

The Cossacks also train you in horsemanship with some of their beautiful and strong mounts. Your riding improves and soon you are taking long rides through the woods, fields, and down the coast. You even are able to save a little girl's cat that falls into the river. You ride up and with out stopping dip in the saddle and pickup the floating kitten and ride back the grateful child. The Cossacks riding with you cheer.

When you arrive home you find little Jan playing with Lenusya. "Thank you so for letting us stay here with you sis...Jan is doing so much better. He is strong and called me mommy. Word from the capital is not good. Vladimir his building a grand army. He is taking every militiaman, soldier, knight and noble loyal to him and is building a large army. Some say this grand army under his new Bull banner. His stink fills the capital. He ugly slut daughter now uses our chambers......well yours since father through me out." She hugs little Jan close. "I regret nothing though. Just when he smiles at me......" She tickles him and he smiles then looks at you and says, "aaauntiiieee" It makes all smile and the evening goes on uneventfully.

You settle down for bed and undress. You have been dressing more like a man as of late with all your training. First you remove the chain mail shirt and then tunic. Peasant clothes and only under your blouse do you wear silk undergarments. Keeping some of your felinity no matter what the situation. You soon fall on the large bed that could hold you and three other women and pulls the cotton sheets and fur over you and quickly fall asleep hearing the Cossacks speak and talk outside.

In the early morning hours you are awoken to the sound of your locked bedroom door being broken down by Hadeon. He smashes through it with his ax. You think he must be attacking you and you look to your weapons hanging on the side of the chair in front of the dressing table. You move to roll out of bed to get them as he charges forward jumping on your bed and running past you and swings with his ax into the shadows. A cloaked figure in black soon battles with him as sword bashes into his hand. He swings with the handle end hitting the intruder on the side of the head then moves in and takes the attackers head of with another fast blow. His head rolls across the floor. Another darts for the open window. Hadeon pulls from his belt a long knife and flips it up hitting the man in the back and he goes down.

Hadeon nods and smiles at you, "my apologies for not knocking princess. But we found a few cloaked gentlemen in hoods. Three to be exact. We have heard they work in groups of five. They would not let them take them alive, but it seems these agents of the devil are with their master." He smirks and looks at you..."You think Hadeon come to kill you? no little one."

The house is soon resecured with heavier doors, more guards, and improved patrols around the village. For days they search the surrounding area and region, but with no luck. It seems the assassins left or were driven off by fear. Either way you will be ready for them next time.

Once your life is more back to normal you have an exotic visitor. A beautiful Egyptian woman named Tabia. She is a belly dancer and has a beautiful body with very long dark hair. She smiles and performs for you and your sister in the living room with the fire behind her as a small band plays. He hips sway with the music and her movements flow seemlessly as she dances. Her silky clothing is purple and covers her sexy voluptuous frame as she dances barefoot on your fur carpet. When she is done you both are impressed. Later when the band leaves she goes to you to your small studio and works out with you teaching you how to dance. She explains that her style allows you to be healthy and strong. He body is rock hard and she smiles saying she is over 30 and a mother of 4 girls. For a meal and a nights lodging she is more then happy to teach you and works out times that are good for you to learn.


Reports come back from your trade expeditions and the news is intersting if not promising. All know that your the rightful heir to the throng, but the local leaders feel they can do nothing. All only have small armies to defend their own villages. They wish to rally to your cause, but are afraid of being crushed and losing everything. You are welcome to visit the towns though in secret. Not the support you wanted but the trade does impress your cousin as gold slowly begins to fill your and his coffers. Your cousin is still willing to listen to you, but all moves still need to come through him and not directly from you...


Father Acrisus is not pleased but feels he can be patient with you since you are the only champion he has to work with right now. He knows not to bring up the offer in the company of others. Vladimir seems not to be a friend of the church but rather tolerates it to keep his power. Priests living in Moscovy confirm reports that barracks and warlodges are being built near the capital. It is also said that these black monks are drawn from the ranks of thieves, murders, and mercenaries. Those in the army before the take over are not pleased by them even if they support the new Czar.

Leshuya and you make a tour the camps. The Vikings are the first to build their own halls and workshops and a few even hope to have a crop this season of wheat. The Cossacks the constant nomads are in and out of the area all the time, but still you meet many that listen to you when you talk. You have a cult following and many say even if you do not regain your throne you are a princess to them.....this is spite of Vladimir's persecution of them since taking power.

Little Jan is very happy specially now that he has a stuffed horse and a wooden craved Viking ship to use in the bath. Leshuya also has found many men that do not mind if she has a little one. She smiles and says one day, "you think father would be happy if I was married to a nonRussian?"


The Sioux woman Petunia wears the silver crucifix necklace you sent her though you don't know if it because she has any interest in the religion you lover or it is just pretty. At any rate she and her people are very helpful in organizing the horse farm and soon you see many little horses running about or nursing from their mothers. The foreigners are also crossbreeding their mounts with Cossack mounts so they are strong and fast.

The shopkeepers and merchants agree with you and soon an idea takes form from the discussions over drinks at the Savage Lance Tavern. They propose and begin to build a small complex of buildings. Combining resources of many will allow a high out put of textiles. It is an impressive project which includes many buildings like a warehouse, workshops, and a water wheel. Many in the village are impressed. The construction of the buildings alone will provide many jobs, but in the long term as well which is very important. It is always good to have jobs besides the military and farming. Already large herds of sheep are being formed for use in the wool production.


After months of sailing and map work soon your Viking allies return with some charts. The largest is hung in your library. It shows a complete map of your island. Of the other remaining villages 3 of the 5 are on the coast somewhere on the island. Also it is noted the location off the two Northern islands where the Asians hail from and one even further North where you are told the Romans and Vikings have conquested. Many stories of the Romans include tales of Amazon and Viking mercanries and vast Persian trade routes. To the South is a Viking controlled island but in between a smaller chain of tiny islands used by Roman pirates. Hardly the proud rulers they once were....

Frekki brings back a neckless of shells and Asian made harpoon both for you they he picked up during his travels.


Your day is filled with riding practice, sword practice, studies, dance, and that is not to say you don't help with your clan's children and run the village. Still though you find time to teach and read to the children. Though your not sure that the Christian lessons are learned the children are better behaved and many of the shop keepers say they know the signs that hang above the shops. Many famrers are amazed to find that their daughters can read and write. Many of the villagers talk about the need for a school house now rather then the crowded chapel. It will need a full time teacher though. You and Vanya are needed elsewhere.

Vanya in fact speaks to you one night about building another chapel and nunnery. She says you would be the patron and it would be good for many young women. She also mentions she was at one such place that also had the sisters make arrows. She promises that she can use a holy order to not just spread the word of God but help you as well.

One day while riding you find a quite pond and think it would be a good place to read. To your surpise though you find many Viking women skinny dipping in the private spot. You have never seen women swim before.....some gesture for you to join the fun.
Katarinya smiles to Leshuya warmly, nodding her head. "I think Father would be pleased if you are pleased. Have you found a man you wish to spend your life with?" Katarinya is pleased that Leshuya will have a husband and Jan a father. She is also secretly pleased that this will shore up a kinship by marriage with one of the tribes.

Katarinya is secretly a bit nervous about Hadeon and keeps a close eye on him, but his devotion appears to be legitimate and his skills are notable. She welcomes him politely and graciously if a bit cautiously at first.

The russian princess watches the Egyptian woman dance and is quite impressed. She is even more impressed when the woman tells her she's the mother of four and nearly a dozen years older than Katarinya herself. Katarinya gladly agrees for Tabia to have a room in the House, and arranges to work out with the older woman every evening before she goes to bed. Katarinya also takes the opportunity of their lessons to ask Tabia about her travels and her culture, eager to learn about the world around the island.

On one of her daily rides, Katarinya runs across a group of Viking girls about her age swimming nude in a small pond. She looks about nervously, making sure the location is truly private, then doffs her clothes, slipping into the pond. She isn't a very good swimmer at first, but she is pleased to frolick like a young woman instead of being totally bogged down in her rank.


Katarinya asks for the merchants of the town to meet with her once more in The Screaming Lance.

"My friends, you've all heard the horror stories about Black Vlad and his hatred for the common folk, his brutal taxes and his cruel seizures of properties belonging to the people to enrich his own house. The other Russians have heard these tales as well and all live in fear of Black Vlad and his devil monks."

Katarinya takes care to always refer to Vladimir as Black Vlad, making sure to reinforce his negative image with the people.

"The Cossacks told me a tale once of a great bear. It was a massive beast driven mad and rabid. Yet, a half a dozen wolves leaped on the beast and pulled it down. None of our villages can stand up to Moscovy alone, but all of us together can pull him down."

Katarinya smiles and nods reassuringly to the merchants, gesturing to the first bolts of cloth produced in the village. "I turn to you to trade with the other villages, building trade routes.. I also ask you to speak to the merchants of their towns, stiffen their backbones, convince them that it is their interest to support my just claim, rather than wait for Black Vlad to come and seize their shops and goods for his own."

Katarinya nods firmly, sending the merchants on their way to take shipments of fine cloth to the other villages on our island.


Katarinya then visits the viking shops near the docks of the village, looking for Frekki, the bold Viking Captain.

"Frekki, Black Vlad's ally, Trang the Cruel, must have enemies of his own. I would like you to take your ship north and investigate. Find if there is any chance of starting a revolution in his own lands to keep his troops there rather than here. Or if he enemies who might ally with me against him and Vlad."


Visiting with a group of local farmers and townspeople, asking them to air their thoughts and decisions in an informal audience, Katarinya hears about their desire to build a school house.

"It is a wonderful plan," she smiles and claps her hands together enthuiastically. "I think we should build a school house with two rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys. I will also ask Vanya and Father Acrisus to take two of the more intelligent elders and teach them to teach."

Katarinya promises Vanya that she will take the idea of a nunnery under consideration and that it will likely be her next project, but that for now, the school must take priority.


Katarinya arranges for the bodies of the assassins to be transported to the town square.

"My friends, look at this men who came to try to kill me in my slip last night.. If not for Hadeon, they would have succeeded. Black Vlad's reach has found us, even here. We need volunteers to form an elite guard to defend our town from Black Vlad's spies and murderers."

Katarinya calls for volunteers, the younger sons of the townspeople. She asks for the smiths to equip them with long swords and breastplates and for the Vikings to train them in swordsmanship and the tactics of a heavy infantry unit.


Katarinya is rather taken with the idea of visiting the other Russian towns in secret and decides to do so.

She waits till late fall, when the harvest is almost complete and there's little work to be done around her own village. She uses some herbs to dye her auburn hair to a plain, soft brunette that is fairly unremarkable. She buys a dancer's outfit much like Tabia's and slips out of the village just before dawn, riding to the closest of the other Russian villages, leaving a note behind that she's going on a pilgrimage and will be back in 5 weeks.

Posing as a travelling dancing girl, she slips into the village and makes her way to the tavern, so she can hear what the people of the village are saying. She discretely talks to a few of the people who seem most upset with Black Vlad, trying to persuade them to pressure their town leadership into supporting Princess Katarinya against Vlad.

She spends a week in that village and moves on to the next, intending to visit each of the other russian towns in secret for a week, learning as much as she can and rallying support before returning.
The furture of the Pride

To some, war will make a man of you. To others, war makes you a bitter man.

Our hero Tufa stood with his family as the 220 men and women who died defending the village where laid to their final rest half a mile outside the town. No one was expecting such carnage as to what was seen over the past three days. The look of emptiness on everyone’s face after the battle was over and the land before town was soaked in blood and bodies, some even still moving. As Tufa stood listening to Barolra and his words he could do nothing to ease the pain he felt. The same pain he’s had since looking into the eyes of Dyani as she brought the body of Hunananths over to him. Some of the blood had already dried on his hands and face. But the wound to his side, the fatal shot still ran like a spring from the mouth of the river. Years of memories flooded Tufa’s mind. His friendly hunts with Hunananths and how they would play by the ocean while their mothers did the wash. Most importantly how was he to tell Valdamerca who was the perfect age for motherhood not for being a widow. Still standing by his mother and father’s side Tufa could not hold back the tears. He knew death understood that all things die in time but the loss, the feeling that something important to you was ripped from your soul and nothing could fill that void ever was too much. His brothers and sister huddled around the weakened warrior trying to give him strength to stand again. As a show of love and respect every weapon and armor was give back to the family that was left behind. Roderick, Recared, and Saphrax proceeded over the ceremony. The Mahak people too were given back their fallen soldiers with arms and armor. “Its time son; your up, Harjareks whispers to his son. Tufa stand straight taking the deepest breath he could to force the tears away. Down between the lines of graves Tufa walked each step seem to take minutes until he arrived in front of captain Roderick who handed him a cleaned leather banded mail and longsword. Tufa turned to face the crowd and proceeded to walk towards the Wolfram family. “In bravery on battle we return the arms of Hunananths Wolfram to his family with heavy hearts we can only say he will be missed but his spirit lives on end each and everyone of us.” Captain Roderick than bowed his head in a moment of silence as Tufa walked towards the weeping family. Valdamerca already 3 months pregnant kluged to Mrs. Wolfram for support as the two women wept and Athalaric looked on still with disbelief that his only son was dead. Tufa bowed before Athalaric and stretched his arms presenting the armor and sword. Choking on his own words and trying to force the tears back Tufa looked to Mrs. Wolfram. “I’m so very worry Mrs. Wolfram for not being there with Hunananths needed me the most. He was my best friend and like a brother to me. I may have failed to protect him from harm on the battle field but I can promise you that when ever your family needs anything simply ask.” She nodded and tried to smile for Tufa’s sake as he turned to return to his family. That night dinner was quite. No one really had anything to say. It was time to rebuild and move on. No matter how painful it was.

The next morning the entire village was awoke to the sounds of a messenger from the coastal settlement of the Mahak people. One large ship slowly moved its way down the coast. Their destination was surely Bain. Quickly to their horses Tufa and Harjareks ran and down to the waters edge. A large wood ship painted with images of dragons from stem to stern. This was one of the ships captured during the battle with the Franks. The ship set anchor and the small crew stated to un-board. A 6 man crew led by one of the tribal councilmen, Warmek, from Oweina, the village north of Bain. Harjareks waves to the men to dock at their small shipyard. Warmek extends his hand to Harjareks and Tufa. “Great day brothers we have defeated the invaders and we have these fine ships to show for it.” “Yes friend, a great day it is,” Tufa replied. Harjareks turns to Warmek and his men, “please allow us to get horses for you so we return to Bain so we may eat. I’m sure even during your brief travel you have worked up a hunger.” “That we have Lord Harjareks.” The men returned and spend the rest of the after noon drinking and discussing current events.
Three large ships were captured during the attacks. Each of the other Visigoth village took position of one of the ships but wanted to hand deliver the largest of the three to Harjareks as a thank you for helping to defeat the invaders. With the battle over each of the villages have given serious thought to Tufa’s notion, of building a road between them and the main road. “Many of our people will want to be left alone after the Romans left but than many feel as I do that we need to help each other and we can’t do so if we keep ourselves hidden in the trees,” Warmek said while raising his mug for a toast. Tufa raised his mug, “To brothers in battle.” Harjareks also raised his,” May no invader feel that the Visigoth can be over taken.” The men clanked their mugs together and reveled in the mead. By the next morning the visitors from Oweina hard mounted up their horses and were leaving for their homes north. The villagers were still cleaning up the wreckage from the battle. All armor and weapons had moved their way to the armory to be melted down or reused. The invaders bodies were burned and the loved were buried. Tufa worked around the kitchen cleaning for his mother. The wood floor was starting to show its age and use. Harjareks came walking in from the side, “Tufa are you here?” “In the back father. Mom has asked if I would clean the tar from the floor. Also the bindings are coming loose.” “Good son, when you get done, I too have some chores for you.” Tufa took a depth breath to help ingest the new wonderful news. “Sure father once I get done here I’ll come and find you.” “One more thing boy the elders have set a date for the next meeting. You need to have your presentation ready for eight days from tomorrow.” Harjareks stood on his toes to see his son working away at the back breaking and time consuming work that he himself had to do for years and snickered. That night for dinner our hero shared dinner with Valdamerca and her family. The pain of Hunananths passing was still evident on her face. But the family did all they could to heal her pain and remind her that his soul lives on inside her and is growing. Her belly seems to grow a little bit every day. By the end of summer she would be due. The two friends walked that night talking about the past and future for the village. Valdamerca voice her concerns of future invasion. “Don’t get me wrong Tufa, I’m not thinking all the other tribes are going to attack us. But since you’ve taken charge of things around the village we’ve become much larger and attract more attention. We didn’t have this problem when we were just a little village under Roman rule.” Tufa smiled and brushed Valdamerca hair to the side. “Valdamerca, those times of Roman rule are long gone. We wouldn’t have Roman centurions coming to are aid if we’re attacked. It is our time. We’re Visigoth, proud and strong. My dreams are for this whole island to be ruled by a Visigoth council. So we’re all united as one. One pride, one goal, to strengthen our people and our island.” A smile came across Valdamerca face. “I see now my late husband was willing to follow you anywhere you went. Tufa face was blank, unable to think of a response. You do know that don’t you? His head tilted much like a confused dog. Tufa, Hunananths looked up to you. He would talk about the grand visions you had and wanted to share in your dreams. My husband’s future plans were for his family. But your dreams are for an entire race of people. You have made all Visigoth your children and you yourself have none of your own. Your soul is much older and your body and I can see why people are willing to follow you.” “Thank you, Valdamerca it’s nice to hear positive things.” The two friends hug before Valdamerca house before Tufa returns to his father’s farm to ponder what upcoming events.
Several days had passed and Tufa spent his free time working with Captain Nuhak and the mix of Mahak and Visigoth men cleaning and reinforcing the new ship. Paint needed to be stripped from the sides. The boat was weather worn and needed to be re-tarred. New ropes where commissioned along with metal fittings though out the boat. On the 89th day of the new spring Dyani met up with Tufa as he was working under deck. “Greetings Sir smelly.” Tufa quickly turned to see if that was address to him. While turning and standing in the somewhat dark underbelly of the ship, Tufa forgot to gauge the height of the closest support beam. “Hello are you talk to; THUD; ow wow son of a sea serpent.” A quickly has Tufa rose he was just a quickly bent over holding his now throbbing head. “Tufa are you ok?” Dyani moved her way to our injured hero. “Here now let me see I want to make sure your not bleeding.” She pealed away Tufa hands to see a little trickle of blood for a cut on his head. “Well I’ve seen worse but I think we need to get that cleaned out. Here come with me I have fresh water.” Dyani led Tufa to the top deck. Most of the men had left to go home for lunch. “Ouch, Dyani can you not push so hard.” Dyani continued to squeeze the puss out of the wound cleaning it with water from her flask. “Your such a baby at times love.” Several seconds passed by before what she said clicked in his and her mind. Dyani tried to stutter and laugh off her last statement. “Love, you called me love.” Tufa smiled and pulled Dyani down to his lap. They looked at each other quite for a second. “Love, I did hear you right?” Tufa waited for Dyani response. The pressure weighted heavy on Dyani. “My Tufa, yes I love you but I didn’t want to tell you. “Why, did you not think I feel the same?” “No, I know how you feel, but I can no longer love you back.” “Ok, I don’t understand. You just said you love me but you can’t anymore why?” Dyani lowered her head and layed it on Tufa chest. The sound of his heart was calming for her. “My family that’s left has arranged me to marry a man in my village.” Tufa with no understand laughed. “Do you want to marry this guy? Please tell me you know who he is!” “Yes, I know who he is. His name is Mokena; his is a warrior in our settlement. His family was well known in our village. This was prearranged right after you left but I wanted to tell you but with the invaders I didn’t get a chance to tell you.” Tufa rested his head back on the steps and sighed. Dyani started to stroke Tufa’s crest. “I’m sorry to lead you on but I wanted to let you know before you got an invite from my people. The wedding will be at the end of summer before the red sun raise. My family feels he will make a great husband and maybe chief some day. And when I’m queen of my people I hope our people could become stronger together.” “And how you do feel about this man do you think he will make a good husband and possibly a good chief?” A tone of anger would be heard on his voice. “Yes, I think maybe some day he will, he just does not have the ability to see the big picture. He’s a warrior and he think of just the here and now.” “So you came here today to say good bye I take it.” “No, I came to have lunch much like you and I have done before I didn’t know when I was going to tell you. But now that I have I think it would be best for me to leave.” Dyani stated to stand but Tufa grabbed her waist and pulled her back down. “Right now are you married? Please answer me this question before you leave.” “No I’m not married just I will be by the end of this summer.” “Fine, I’ll respect your culture and your traditions the best I can. But right now you are not married and you love me.” Tufa pulled Dyani to him and placed his lips against hers. Their lips and tongues intertwined. Tufa lips explored every inch of her neck, face, and shoulders while Dyani threw her head back to allow him. In the mix of deep breaths and even deeper kisses the two lovers moved to the back of the hull. Her hands outlined his muscular chest while he rolled her dress up and pushed between her thighs. Above the Captain waved his crew to start working on the outside of the boat. He decided to leave the hull for another time. Captain Nuhak stood off the bow of the boat eating a bread and fruit that was left on the deck. “The salt air my boy, it does it for the ladies all the time.”
The sun peeked through Tufa’s wooden shutters bring to the full a new day. A knock on his door seals the fact that its time for our hero to wake. “Tufa can I come in?” Andaswintha’s voice is muffled by the heavy wooden door. “Yes, mother please come in.” Andaswintha opened the door as her son positioned himself in a seated position in his bed. “Your father and Uncle received a formal message today from the capital city of Syracuse asking for the leader of this village to come to the capital.” “Why, what do they want? It was our business why are they butting in?” Andaswintha rubbed her son’s leg. “I don’t know son. The Romans are always nosey after everything is said and done. They feel we still have to answer to them. However you know how your father feels about the Romans and is refusing to go. I think it would be good for you if you and your uncle go as delegates.” “Me go to Syracuse. I think that’s a little out of my area. I think father will be best for that.” “Your father has made that trip long before you were born and even when you were a very small child. But it’s your time now. Soon you will be in charge and you father will retire to the council of Elders. Dress and go to your father. Your father and uncle will tell you all need to know about the Romans and what to expect. “I will mother and thank you.” The loving son and mother share a hug and a brief moment that all mothers and sons should be granted. Moments after Andaswintha left you son’s room Tufa steps out and makes his way towards the family room. The mixed tone Harjareks and Wala speak about the Roman message reinforces in Tufa’s mind the mixed feeling Visigoth have about the previous Roman rulers. Harjareks’s voices from afar show is growing agitation with Wala’s comfort when dealing with the Romans. Harjareks lashes out, “Listen to me little brother there is nothing good that could be had when dealing with those good for nothing, lazy, hypocrites. All they do they do is drink wine, screw each other while talking about how things should be done.” Wala fires back, “Your narrow mindedness must have come with too may blow to the head as a child Jareks. Not all Romans are lazy nor do they all partake in orgies. Some of the greatest minds have come together to make life easier for all mankind. Their armies are trained and hardened through battle and mock battles. They are forced on marches every day. Yes some of the aristocrats are lazy and drunks. And yes some do love other men but to say that all Romans are like that is an insult to me. Cause I was a Roman citizen for most of my life and so was part of your family.” “You were living in a dream world. The fairy land that you had never seen before. Ow, Rome the great minds,” Harjareks said while waving his hands around in a flighty manner. Tufa forces a loud cough that catches the two arguing men off guard. “Father, Uncle I hope was intruding.” The two brothers look at each other and with out saying a word decide to but the argument to rest for now. “Good morning son, I hope we didn’t wake you with our yelling.” “No father, mother woke me and let me know what to expect when I opened my door.” Harjareks turns his head to see his wife standing at the kitchen door looking back at him. “Very well. As your mother as informed you the battle we had with the Franks must have reached back to Syracuse. They now want someone to explain everything to them so their not left out of the loop.” Tufa nods to his father. “Ok I’ll go.” Harjareks eyes blink a couple of times in response to his surprise. “Just like that.” “Yes, I have nothing to fear of the Romans. They have done nothing to or for me so I can go there with a clean slate. But Uncle Wala I would ask that you travel with me. I need someone I can trust to show me around and who can help me decipher what the Romans are saying and what their meaning. I don’t want to be taken off guard.” Wala smiled. “Yes, Tufa myself and Captain Saphrax will travel with you. If one former Roman is good two is better.” “Then, it is settled after my meeting with the council of Elders the three of us will travel to Syracuse to meet with the Romans.” The three men agreed and sat down for breakfast prepared by Andaswintha during their conversations.
Tufa sat on the grassy knoll over looking the empty training ground. Has he has done may times before, this time missing more than ever his best friend. This time Wulfa sat beside our Hero as he reflected. On what all has been accomplished and what all still needed to be done. Like the hawk in the sky so much Tufa never stop looking for ways to better his people. To better all that knows and loves. As he stood up Tufa retighten his belt and walked down to the Great Hall. Up the stone steps he walked to the mighty wooden double doors. The metal knockers seemed heavier than normal. THUD, THUD, THUD. Each knock echoed through out the Great Hall. The doors slowly pushed open and the smell of smoke and timber wafted up each of Tufa’s nostrils. Ahead of him sat each of the Elders. “Enter Tufa; please give us your report, “a voice emanated from within the inner circle. Tufa closed the doors behind him and walked forward to the center of the room. Tufa lowered himself to one knee. “Greetings, great elders. I do have my plans for the rest of this summer and early fall.”

Continue work on developing better crop rotations schedules and seek information about better irrigation.

Gather a 20 man team to sail on the newly acquired ship, Alaric. This crew will sail around the island gathering information on other settlements, any open trading routes, and geographical information to be added to our maps. The two ship already planned to ship south will cease and be used to man the new Alaric. In addition five new teams of 8 men will be formed this time to travel 20 miles in each direction from Bain to gather information.

A research and reconnaissance party will be made of Visigoth and volunteers from the Mahak settlement to travel north by boat to the remains of the Mahak Hamlet. By the middle of fall and outpost will be erected with plans to build a fortified farm and another settlement much like Visen. I want to take full advantage of the river there for use to mill grain. This new settlement will be names Tirana. With all hope if the two Visigoth tribes to the north wish to build a path to our main road that wood could be used to build our out post.

I messenger needs to be sent to Visen to inform the people there of our triumph over the Franks. Also we need a report of their progress in the mines. Some spare weapons that were taken from the Franks should be moved to our out post on the road to Visen and to Visen itself. They too need to be mindful of possible Frank scouts that have worked their way south.
Myself, Wala, and Captain Saphrax will be traveling to Syracuse to speak with Roman delegates about the battle with the Franks. A full report will be written and submitted to the council upon our return.

Since we know invasion is possible we will continue training of the troops immediately. But since we were unaware of a threat from over seas steps need to be taken to insure this never happens again. Efforts at our ship yard need to be increased to make ships that can act both as fishing boats and scout ships. For help I request we keep assistance from the Mahak people and the Visigoth villages to the north. Together we can make a larger port for all of us to use along with a market for trade. This could bring other imports in from other Visigoths we find in our travels.
The crew of the Alaric during their voyage will take measurement of the boat to help with making designs changes to incorporate the Frank designed ships to ours to make larger sea voyaging vessels for our use.

In memory:
So that we never forget what we went on here last we I ask that Korin our stonemason built a small shire at the battle field in remembrances of those who gave their lives. Also I wish that the temple doors be open in 6 months for those who lost a love one during the attack so that they have pray to the Gods that their loved ones have made it safely to the other side and are living happily in greener fields.

In addition to the outpost to the north and a sea port, I would like to make plans to build a war lodge on the opposite side of the Training field next to the armory for Captain Roderick, Recared, and Saphrax as well as their families.
As discussed in training I plan to open talks with the Mahak people, as well as the other two Visigoth tribes to work together to make a larger seaport and market.
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Hail the mighty Romans.....The first player controlled group to dominate an island by force of arms.

The Romans in the wake of victory.

The fighting is most fierce around holy shrines and secure buildings as those left that are able to fight make their stand. Fighting beyond exhaustion until death. Despite offers to surrender those held up in the Warlodge across from the barracks fight on no matter how futile it is nature. Ammonanus eventually has the troops rotating in and out of battle so that there will be less dead and more wounded. The log warlodge was covered with mud keeping it wet and had arrow slits and two sets of heavy oak doors. Numbers do win the day against screaming tattooed Cetlic fanatics. In the end though your tired but strong warriors of the Third Cohort of the first legion stand in the mainhall of the warlodge. Many impressive Celtic weapons are captured though just as many are taken as trophies. A civilian body guard to one of your lieutenants is even seen wearing exotic gladiator armor. Among the most prominent items displayed are a huge huge black silk Asian pirate flag, a number of Greek pikes, and a statue of the Cult of Kali the blood drinking Goddess. Also found is the the torn and bloody standard of the understrengthed legion sent to the old settlement. That respectfully is taken down and in a ceremony done in the square of the old settlement it is burnt to honor those who fell trying to protect the first settlement.

The other key target is the town hall. More a rally point for refusgees if falls despite determinded defenders who are out numbered and lacking any real defenses. The wolf banner at the top of the city comes down of the top of the town hall slowly. It symbollically at least shows the defeat of the city.

The days go by though as the troops police the city and organize the people. Partly for their protection, but also to better distribute food. Needless to say they are not pleased though that you are the victor. Stones are thrown, women scream and children cry. One would image nothing worse say it happening to their own people.

The celebrations in the following days are enjoyed by all and it seems they trump those at home you remember as a youth that were thrown for your father and uncles when they would capture a small island or expand territory on the main island. The ceremony impresses all and the accolades are appreciated as well and the healthy gold payments. The new holy banner in celebration of the victory declaring the principals of strength and honor is well received. The standard being a holy item soon has its own chapel near the barracks tended by a chaplin of the legion.

Guennola is happy to have you back and you see many more of her touches to your home. Also she has bought a large bed for you both to share with purchased silk sheets and warm bear skins. He personal items have been moved into the main bedroom from the guest room and you find now you have a garden growing with many Celtic pieces of art in it. The servants for the most part are Celtic along wiht much of the furnishings. Just the same Guennola knows how to be an effective Roman wife. From the entrance way hangs your banner proudly proclaiming Roman rule of the island.


The new defensive project takes alot of manpower so the first phase will have the moat being built to defend the city. The quarry is also another busy place as more stone is cut and hauled to the coastline. This takes time and is quickly consuming manpower. Troops need to be dettached so that they may guard the workers against wolves who sometimes strike along the road. Most of the Celts say they do not attack people often, but one hungry or crazy one can kill many.

Many sea captains lobby that the lighthouse be the first prioty so midsummer with the first stone brought to the shore line the work begins. It impressive and tall and the top of the tower will hold two dozen torches so the light can be seen from far distances. The next level down of the tower is a wider and is able to hold the ballista and still have room for soldiers to walk around and take shots with their bows. On the ground level is a small dock for boats to moor and resupply as well as fish and crab from. There is a small barracks building with store room, workshop, and cooking space. Many think it will prevent wrecks and enhance encourage shipping.

The troops left behind at the city begin to work on repairing what was lost. The farms are handled mostly by the Roman troops while the Vikings work to repair the docks. Many wish to settle there since it looks like it has great potential for trade and new housing basically what one can seize and hold onto for the time being.

Triremes building project doesn't look like much, but a number of smaller projects are being done to enlarge your navy. The road towards the many lumber camp is building improved, as well as more trees being planted. For everyone that falls another two are planted. More workshops and tools are being set aside so that the pace can be increased. What you do see though is four new Triremes under construction. An influx of new Chinese labor has helped with the wood working. Many come with their own tools eager to build. Though they are peasants and not craftsmen they do have lumbering and wood working experience. Your foremen report that they are eager to liner though and the work is up to standards.

City Development (Build)

Aside from the new coins being minted by Cachamwri's people much of the city development has to remain in the planning stages. Hundreds of drawings are submitted for improvements to the city. The site for the new University is selected and rituals are performed so that the construction and the learning to go on there in the future goes well. The Academy is setup on a site opposite the training grounds so that all military learning shall be centralized. The news of the plans do go out across the island and on ships with an unexpected result. Many are impressed but so many Greeks and Romans skilled at teaching and philosophy begin to fill the inns. When you have your University built you will have is staffed.

Trade and Economics

Romulus a childhood friend is incharge of the occuping forces and takes great care to follow your orders as best he can. He is rough around the edges for a noble and will often wear wolf skins rather then the traditional toga, and his wife is an Amazon named Antiope who loves gold and good bows. The have setup a compound in the city which has warehouses and secure buildings. The took down a number of buildings and built a wall so a small Roman fortress stands in the city.

The 5% duty of cargo seems far so there is little trouble. Many simply sail back to the port to find buyers in Valde Glorria while some seek foreign markets like with the Mongals. Maps are copies and stored in a secure building as nagivational notes and charts give a clearer and clearer picture of the island and hazzards like shallow water and reefs. For now though they are only copies, but it is a start for real navigational training.

The Persian and Greek ships and crews are held though Romulus keeps them busy rebuilding the docks. He also reports that few of the Vikings remain in the city wishing to trade and raid few patrol the harbor. He is worried that he does not have a navy to provide defense, and few seize engines to defend the city with against attackers. Some Romans remain among the the Gauls and are happy to be liberated after such a long period as slaves. The warehouses are soon being filled with timber, furs, trade goods, and some metals much mostly imports. Most mines thay are found are small providing enough materials for each clan.

The Mongols who are not great sailors soon arrive with a large Chinese crewed and built junk to collect the seige engines. That in itself is a project though your engineers impress all with a new large dock side crane. The Mongols true to their word deliver all that was asked for as part of the trade. Though they don't like the idea of anyone settling in their territory they promise iron ore as an option of payment. Also with them comes a letter from the great Khan who rules one town , three villages, and eighteen hamlets. He wishes to discuss a treaty in the fall. Now he is busy battling enemies that you have heard range from his clansmen like his brother to other Mongal tribes, Chinese, and Persian sea raiders.


Rice wine is the latest thing to come to your market place. It isn't bad and the Chinese buyers alone keep it in stock with merchants. Toulouse can offer little since most of the food is necessary for the people and the troops Romulus reports to you in a letter. Though he does include a large shipment of very large size crabs. The storehouses begin to fill and everyone thinks they will have plenty to make it through the winter.


King Augustus of Syracuse writes you back apologing for not being able to visit you this summer. He is meeting with one of his Visigoth nobles who has recently won a few victories so he must deal with the domestic matter first. He does wish to disuss a united front and alliances and will visit in time. He does leave an open invitation for you to visit the great city of Syracuse. He does send good tidings and gifts though. Guennola is amazed to find arrive at the house two large leopards with jewelled collars, solid oak throne with your crest craved in it, several barrels of good Roman wine, and female Goth woman named Armina. She is a body guard bound to you and your wife. She is very impressive with throwing knives and the lite ax.

The Greeks who are not without interest when it comes to your offer,and those who can be spared do volunteer for your new unit. Their loyalty is questionable but veteran troops are hard to find.

Sita arrives with 6 Arabian Galleys and a whole entourage including camels and one large elephant. It impresses many as she enters through the harbor. Her honor guard is of at least 100 Arabian warriors. It is clear she is there to impress. Not having a real palace you arrange to have her stay at Actaeon's horse farm near your home. It is a fine house with many rolling fields filled with grazing animals. Her first meeting makes it clear that they wish to avoid maritime problems and conflict in the future. She is pleasant though serious when it comes to business. She enjoys wine and your surprised to find out that her late husband was a Roman noble who died fighting pirates.


Benches are built and rowing is practiced as well as ship frames to proactice boarding. In the hot summer weeks the drill soon is taken to sea as the 6 ships battle each other in teams. Diplomats and commer alike watch in interest. A new invention which will improve your odds in a sea battle is added to the Triremes. It is a bridge to the enemy. It is a short bride from you ship with a spike mounted on the bottom of it that drops down holding the two ships together. Then your troops can rush cross the bridge and directly engage the enemy.

Actaeon and his cavalry are reassigned to relieve Primpilus at Rentino. There the wounded are given time to heal and replacements recruited. This works out well considering the guest at Actaeon's house. The partols deal with every thing from bandits to reporting problems with the roads.

The new militia's begin to form into units after harvest work often training on days off. The equipment is often captures gear which works well and the militia often work to prevent thieves and relieve your troops from guarding government buildings, policing the towns, and firefighting. Many veterans complain and refuse to give up the gear that have served them for so many years.


Bonaventure is noble with title but little wealth. Education refinement but little to speak of since coming to the colony. He has made profits on other ventures like timber, paper making, and even fishing, but her is often supervising for others. This project to find minerals will bring him up in the world. He assures you that after scouting a mountainiss section of the island and talking to some of the older Celts he assures you that he will be able to find gold and or iron if you only finance his project. He is to proud to beg but needs this project very badly. He agrees to all your conditions. He tells you that you can take whatever % you want as long as he can have a future in the project.

Aristotle and his students search the island completely with no success. They are sure it could be grown here but they can't find it. They have searched the shops as well. In the end it looks like it is an import meant just to kill you.....Aristolte is busy working on a cure though with what little he does have to work with.


Prince Kaveh is a source of fear among many. He has an island with no less then three cities and a large martime fleet of merchant and war ships. He is a brute and a tryannt but and excellant soldier and leader of men. He has mostly family at key postions and has often battled with Sita's sister Batale Queen of Arabian and Egyptian territories for control of a small island chain in the middle of a key trade route. He is used to getting his own way.
Danjuma frowned as he waited for the council of his vassals to gather in his large hut. He knew that it would be difficult to do as well as his father. And even then, his father wasn't perfect himself. In a way, he despised his father for having left him such a hard task.

He had too many problems. The Zulu would probably be the most obvious threat for his village in the years to come. But he could obviously not send his people against them. He'd have to hunt them subtly... And build a stronger power base. But he could only think about the problems he had... He had to find ways to get stronger. Right now. "Thank you for bearing the news to me, my friends." Danjuma's smile to his vassals was cordial but not overly enthusiastic. After having helped his vassals with their day-to-day problems, Danjuma went for a walk through the village.


Danjuma then stood up and walked to his father's old maritime house, to meet several influencial Arabian merchants. He spoke to them directly : "I wish you wealth, traders. I have a request that might benefit us all. I have heard that there are foreign traders on the nearby islands. I would need a precise report on their activities and what they can trade with us. Perhaps we shall be able to draw a map out of your report ? This report will make trade work better, both for you and for my kingdom. Especially these Gauls and Romans with their new harbour ; it can only mean more contacts with us. This is a market you will have to control as early as possible, or the Romans will beat you to it with their larger harbour."


After his interview with the Arabs, Danjuma went alone to see the leaders of the Carthaginians. He needed somebody to hunt for the rogues that plagued his land trade routes, but the Carthaginian heavy infantry was probably too slow for that. That was too bad, because he would have prefered to have these foreigners as far from power as he could keep them. He would have to keep them busy with something else.

"I hear that there are many robbers and cutthroats threatening our land trading roads. We must put an end to their attacks. You are all fine warriors and brave men. I shall grant land near Ghosa to your families and the noncombattants that came with you, if you go and protect the caravanes that will cross the island to trade with the other villages as well as the Zulu. Be weary of these ones, too. If they try to threaten you or raise tolls from the merchants, protest and threaten back. You are warriors and shall not allow a foreign land to raise tolls from you. But I beg you, do not cause a war with them. Do not pick fights. I am sure you all want your families to live in peace here."

Danjuma didn't know if the Carthaginians were trustworthy, but this simple task would allow them to prove their valour. Moreover, they would show themselves to the other villages he traded with, showing the power of his army ; strong and heavy foreign soldiers would be very impressive. For an even more important task, Danjuma went to see his warriors. These ones were much more mobile. "Warriors, I need you to take a dangerous mission. I am asking you to hunt down the bandits of this island. I know you know the island like the palm of your hand. I know that some of you can hunt the lion himself single-handedly. Show it."

Danjuma greeted the cheering warriors, secretly hoping that the remaining militiamen would be enough to protect himself from his sister...


Speaking of his sister, Danjuma Angana realized that he had to know what she was up to in her fortified house with her foreign mercenaries. Her position looked well defended, but she needed to bring food from the outside. So he arranged a meeting with one of the women who carried the food, a peasant girl called Kamania, and promised to grant her a small tract of land if she kept him aware of what was going on inside. He also offered her a golden coin to close the deal.

Then Danjuma went behind his hut, to be sure he wasn't losing his skills with a bow, and to eliminate the stress of this working day.
(Sent from short order)


The baby is due this turn if I have the timeline figured out. When the baby is born, Arilias will give the child his first Bulla and name him Christophorus, after my cousin who followed me from Rome and perished on the beaches of this land.

After the baby is born, prepare for a wedding between Arilias and Guennola in a large public ceremony in the temple of Jupiter, but will also include some Celtic traditions and customs, such as hand fasting. It may have the added benefit of easing some of the tension in Toulouse and around the island.


Finish the projects that were set out earlier. The University has the lowest priority, but is still an important one. The completion of ships is first and sea wall comes second. Recall the work crews from Homestead and Rusticus and all legionaries and militiamen not on garrison duty, patrol, training or recovering from battle will be given their parts to play in the construction or in the quarries. Visitors and immigrants will be offered pay if they choose to become a part of the labor pool. (As I did before.) I will even offer some levy and toll reductions to visiting sailors who agree to help out here and there for a few days extra work.

I will also see if there are skilled siege engineers who are willing to move to Toulouse and open a new siege workshop there. In any case, I want new stone throwers built for the legions on the battlefield.

Out at the lighthouse, I will discourage fishermen from using the lighthouse dock. The lighthouse is a guard post and protects the harbor. There will be no opportunity for saboteurs or spies to sneak in, disguised as fishermen.

In Toulouse, Romulus will be given the title of Governor and it will be his responsibility to manage the city and all shipping from there. All wreckage and rubble will be dumped into the port to make a breakwater, much like what was done at Valde Glorria. Bricks and the like which can be reused will be used to help rebuild damage to the city or shipped to Valde Glorria.

All mines, poor though they may be will be claimed by the State. Smelters and workshops will be built in Toulouse (if they don’t already exist) to smelt bricks of iron, steel, bronze and the like for use by blacksmiths and weaponsmiths.

City Development; (Build):

The only addition to the above I wish to make this turn is to solicit capable people who are willing to take up the duties of Governor. I need a governor of Homestead and Rusticus. Rentino is more of a fortress than a town, so whoever is in command of the garrison shall be governor and I am of course, governor of Valde Gorria. Remember, only a citizen can hold public office.


Using the many maps and charts I have captured, send representatives out to some of these other ports and town to see about expanding trade routs. Avoid the Persians.


This is not the first time that wolves have bothered my road workers, but it may be the last. I will organize my first hunting lodge in the area of the lumberjack camp. These hunters will trap and skin game for food and hides, but primarily are commissioned to eliminate or drive away these pesky wolves. The best pelts will be purchased by me for wear by the legion Aquifers and standard bearers.

In the meantime, as winter nears, harvest the crops for winter. Also, with so many of my legionaries out of action or dead, I should be able to gather up a good store of food.

Stones will continue to be cut from the quarry as well as adobe bricks be made for the massive building projects.


Sita and her sister, The Khan of the Mongols and King Augustus will all be invited to Valde Glorria for my wedding and I will offer them all gifts suitable to their positions. Later, in council, I will present the idea that a united force of our four groups can rout our mutual enemy, Prince Kaveh.

It will be explained to Sita that her ships attempted to run a Roman blockade to supply a city we were at war with and did battle with them. That was the only reason they were attacked. I will even offer to return everything but the wheat and half the gold if they agree to the mentioned alliance. For the Mongol Khan, as a sign of goodwill, I will accept the iron ore as payment from the Mongols and retract my request to take possession of a mine on their island. If they are interested, then what forces and materials are they willing to commit to battle?

In agreement with the deal struck with Flavia and her cousin, I will section off a plot of land that the Amazons may make into a base camp/township in the woodlands. They will be near the lumberjack camp and they will be charged with its protection. In addition, as a part of their tribute, I will ask them to craft war bows and arrows for the militia. Other than that, they will enjoy their freedom.


Once again, the scourge of war has depleted my ranks of able forces. Once more, I must recruit and train. Amonanus is to select those he finds suitable to be trainers and instructors to aid him in preparing new recruits; he will still be the headmaster of the school and academy.

In addition, Actaeon is to begin recruiting and training new members for the Roman Calvary.

Once more, I will also need to begin looking for potential officers to lead these troops besides Primpilus. This includes the navy. Speaking of the navy, people are no longer permitted just sit and watch training maneuvers or formation fighting. The enemy will learn of them soon enough.

Research; (Training):

Traditionally and historically, the Roman Legions wore a pleated, armored kilt with bare legs for mobility. I would also like to research and have crafted a set of greaves, or leg plates that strap to the lower and upper leg. It will help offer some protection to the leg, but keep freedom of movement.


Bonaventure is permitted to move into the mountains to set up for a base camp, but remind him that winter is coming and unless he finds a perfect place, he might have to wait until spring to build his base of operations. In the meantime, he may continue to search and explore.

I would like to send out some explorers to some of the neighboring islands, preferably AWAY from Prince Kaveh or any other known group. Basically, I am just looking for whatever is out there that might be targets of opportunity or marked for possible future use. Remind them, these are exploration missions and recon work, not raids or combat missions.


Euphorbus along with some of the willing Asians settling on my island will be given a special, covert mission. They will secretly sail around to the far side of the island that the Mongols are fighting on. I strongly suspect that the fighting will turn against the locals once the Mongols start using the siege weapons. I will secretly offer escape and resettlement to any craftsmen or skilled workers and their families who will agree to swear allegiance to Rome (No ‘nobles’ or ‘special people’ that the Khan might take a particular interest in seeing dead, and no other Mongols). Begin the evacuations and keep this in the strictest secrecy.


On the first point, Primpilus and his forces that were released from Rentino will be given the duty of hunting down and eliminating these bandits on my island. Make sure that there are no Persian infiltrators among them, but if they are just common raiders, then they shall be dealt with harshly. Make it known that this is NOT the weak and dysfunctional Rome that so many are thinking of.

Again, Draga and his Vikings are free to go out and raid and plunder. The rules still apply, no Roman colonies or Roman allies are to be touched, but the trade routs and shipping lanes of the Persians are pointed out. These are rich and prime targets, but if he chooses other targets, so be it. Most of all, Draga is to keep Prince Kaveh off balance and do not lead his forces back to me. Prince Kaveh has enough enemies that he will not know who is picking off his shipping if Draga plays it smart.

As well as plundering and getting rich, Draga has a mission. First, scout as much of the outlying Persian coast as he can, making maps, second, raid and plunder any villages, hamlets or towns he can, destroying any economy there. Farms, merchant camps, ranches and fishing villages are prime, soft targets and their loss before harvesting will help hurt the Persian forces through winter. Third, sink or plunder as many Persian ships as he can to disrupt shipping and trade. To aid him in this, I will give him all the captured Persian merchant ships and flags to add to his fleet. He may use Toulouse as a base and home port.

Let Draga know that if he accomplishes this mission successfully, he will be well rewarded.

It had only been three days since Namiko had passed on but it seemed as if monthes had passed. As a leader he knew that he must remain vigilant and strong in the eye of his people but few knew that his heart was divided. He wanted to shut himself away from it all to lock himself in his room and abandon all of the world outside his walls. This was impossible however, his friends and followers would not give him a moments peace, it had been discovered that Tran had purchased the spies to kill him and Namiko had saved it, such an act--to die with such honor as to save anothers life could not be ignored. His own heart cried but at the same time his resolve in this matter his desire to see the threat to his people destroyed strengthend until this day. His heart hardened to stone and all compassion for his enemy left his body, his soul was set on its course this would be the true test of not only his peoples' loyalty to him but his own test of his loyalty to his people.
Moments before he had ordered his spies rather drastic. The were to infiltrate and locate the Mongol camp and kill as many of the leaders as possible. Mercaneries only work for their captian and for the gold, especially since these are proud Mongol's they would never follow a forigne general. The plan would hopefully leave them mostly leaderless, this was only one part however of his plan. Others of his spies would coax the main body of the Mongols to revolt and destory Tran for allowing their leaders to die. To do this they would wear the uniforms of Tran's soldiers and use that disquise to kill the leaders, thus planting the seed of mistrust. Next they would have to completely exhaust the food supply reserves for not only the Mongol army but Tran's standing army as well. The whold effect should be nothing short of chaos. The the Mongol army on the verge of a revolt against Tran, or at the least they leave his service, it would be the perfect time to strike. A small group of four spies would watch to make sure the plan worked and report back to the capitol once it had.

Shortly after the complete removeal of all spies in his lands Ryu ordered his Samurai to arms keeping the militia in the capitol to defend the land and keep the peace while the main force was away. They would march as soon as they were able. Many of his Samurai seemed even more deteremind when the news reached them of Namiko's death, she had become such a welcome sight standing next to their Lord, her gentle smile and strong eyes as seen more than one warriors true heart. They had loved her as much as he did if not more so. She had been a warrior among the people before joining his side, with her death it was quite often to her name shouted among the Samurai. She would be with them, leading them with him into battle.

(Player's note)

This is going to be good. Tran is doomed.
I hope this is enough for now


Váli Oakenhorse is commended by Olaf for his bravery and rewarded with an exquisitely made sword that he had made by the blacksmith. Frithiof is seen sharing a jug of ale with Váli later on, the two talking and laughing loudly as if they had been friends for many years. Lars too is rewarded for his efforts in keeping the village running smoothly in Olaf's absence. He is presented with a small wooden sword, no longer than the length of his forearm. Lars accepts this with a questioning look. Olaf smiles and says, "for your son" to which Lars bursts out in laughter. "Oh there was one more thing for you too Lars" Olaf adds and points to the back of the room. Turning, Lars watches a group of men bringing in a collection of furs, deer, wolf and even a bear skin. "On the way back we bumped into a few unfortunate animals and our new friends were more than happy to help out. I asked for these for you my friend. I hope they will be sufficient to help decorate your rooms at the lodge.
Speaking before the other chieftains, Olaf made clear that the villages would remain primarily as they were, being goverened by each individual chieftain, however, each would also rule their villages as equally as each others. No one village would have rules that the others didn't. Everyone on the island would live under an equal and fair law, no matter who they were. The bezerkers would be allowed their freedon to live where they were, with noone moving to their area. Their hunting grounds were also to be left alone. The chieftains would let their villages know that these people are not to be feared, but trusted as allies, however, anyone trespassing without proper authority would run the risk of being 'accidentally' mistaken for prey.
The terms for their alliance was also discussed with the other leaders, all agreeing unanimously to the terms. Olaf also talks to the chieftains of the case of the woman who has been accused of murder by some and of defending herself by others. Olaf puts forth his idea to Hakon as it was a man from his village who was killed. Hakon listens carefully to Olaf's course of action and agrees that it seems a sound plan. They agree that it will take place in front of all in the village, including the visitors tomorrow. She will be allowed to speak for herself and then judgement will be passed.
Haklang is brought before them to show Olaf the maps of the surrounding areas that he has and any information that he may have regarding the Roman threat as well as information regarding the persians, were they too a threat or could they possibly be a nation to trade with. The island inhabited by asians were also of interest to them as these people are totally new to them all.

The Trial

The whole village and the visitors were too great a number to be all gathered inside the main hall so the trial was held outside in the village square. Kaðlín, the woman whose fate is to be determined by this council, is seated at the front. He demeanour suggesting that while she is unsure as to her fate, she is still a determined individual.
Olaf glances at her as he walks out from the main hall where he spent the night, away from his wife so as not to be accused that any decision he may make was not a truly impartial decision. Once seated, the whole assembly previously a hubbub of conversation is now a hushed silence. The leaders of the other villages watching Olaf intensly as to how he will treat this matter, will he be fair? Will he be able to appease both parties? Will he be merciful or harsh? How will this affect how he treats them and their people?
Olaf beaks the silence, " Kaðlín, will you please stand up." He pauses. "You know the severity of the punishment for what you have been accused of doing." Kaðlín nods in acknowledgement. "Since all here have heard varying stories of what happened, I am giving you a time here to tell us what really happened to you. If you have proof of your account, I ask that you present this too."
Kaðlín nods again to show that she has understood what Olaf has just told her to do. She takes a deep breath and begins her story....
"My Lord, I was working in the tavern as I normally do when I was approached by this visiting man. He asked me if I have anything other than ale to offer him. I said, that depends on what you have to offer me in return. He showed me the money he had so I accepted his offer. I told him to meet me back here after I finished work and he did. We walked back to my house and I led him into my bedroom. After pleasuring him I asked for the money he owed me but he got angry and started hitting me about the face. I tried to fend him off but he was too strong. I managed to reach over and grab the knife he had in his belt and I stabbed him in the side with it. He fell off the bed, got up and pulled the knife out. it wasn't in very deep so I had just made him even more angry and he started coming at me again so I looked around for something else and saw his sword. I pulled it out from the scabbard and as I swung around to face him again, it hit him in the neck. I didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted him to leave me alone. After I dropped the sword, I saw his money purse so I took the small amount that I normally receive and put the rest back. That is what happened."
Olaf, silent for a moment, his hand thoughtfully stroking his beard, stared intently at her, considering her arguement. "Did anyone else see this happen?", he asked after a while. "No my Lord. It was only after I had taken the money from his purse that Heidrek, my landlord who lives next door walked in."
Olaf, raising his eyes from Kaðlín, calls out, "Heidrek! Come forward." A moment of shuffling and then the crowd parts, emerging and walking forward was the owner of the tavern, The Boar's Tusk. "Heidrek, also known as Silk Beard, what did you see or hear?"
Heidrek, a middle-aged man with a fiery-red beard spoke in a loud voice," My Lord, it is as she said. I walked in to see the man lying on the floor in a pool of blood and Kaðlín shaking and tears running down her face. I went to her to see if she was alright and when I saw her face, she already had bruises starting to show from the beating the man gave her. I grabbed her hand to lead her out into the front room so I could see her more clearly when I noticed she had a few coins in her hand."
"Why were you there in her house?" Olaf enquired. "My Lord, as Kaðlín stated before, I live next to her and our houses are close together so when I heard her screaming and crying out in distress, I ran over to see what the problem was." Heidrek replied.
Olaf, considered this for a moment, then asked Kaðlín if there was anyone else who saw what happened. She simply shook her head, no. Then a small voice from the crowd spoke up and said, "I did. I saw what happened". The crowd buzzing in curiosity moved about and parted to reveal a boy of about 11 years of age. Kaðlín, turning around to see who it was exclaimed "Fjori!!"
"Step forward boy", Olaf commanded. Moving forward, looking at Kaðlín, Fjori approaced Olaf. Bending down Olaf asks in a non-threating voice, "Who are you boy and why do you say that you saw what happened?"
"I am Fjori, Kaðlín is my mother. She doesn't know, but I saw how that man was beating her and then how she stabbed him to make him stop hitting her. I was sleeping in my room when I woke up when I heard yelling, so I went to her room to see if she was alright and I saw the man hitting her but then he suddenly stopped and fell back holding his side. I couldn't see what it was but he pulled something out and got up and was really angry. He went towards mother again but she had grabbed a sword and as he came toward her she turned and the sword hit him in the neck. Then mother dropped the sword and bent down a did something with that I couldn't see. When she got up I heard someone at the front door. I knew it was Heidrek and I didn't want to get into trouble so I ran back to my room, knowing that he would look after my mother."
Olaf leaned back in his chair his hands clasped together, his eyes scrutinizing the three assembled before him. All were silent. Olaf simply sat there thinking quietly, unmoving. Then abruptly breaking the silence he said," I have made a judgement. Kaðlín, I do believe your story and the account that your son makes certainly backs it up, so I do not believe you are a murderer nor a threat to our society..." sounds from those assembled were mixed with surprise, relief and anger. " did kill this man even if it was in self defense and that must be accounted for and so, Kaðlín, starting today for the period of three years, you will continue to work as you have been in the tavern as well as any other jobs you perform but half of any money that you earn will go to the family of the man whom you killed as a restitution to them. Neither you nor your children will go hungry or be in need, I promise you that. Secondly, from this day forth, you are no longer to work as a prostitute in this village or any of the others on the island. Any breach of this order and you will be banished from this island, never to return. Is this understood?" Kaðlín nods her head in acknowledgment.
Turning his attention to the leader of the village of the deceased man and the family members present, Olaf continues."Anyone who even attempts to disturb the peace between our villages by harming this woman or any of her family, will be very wise to consider the consequences that such a rash act would bring upon himself." As he says this, Olaf taps the handle of his sword, Ragnarok, to indicate what such a penalty could be."This court has made judgement and it is final." After saying this, Olaf rose and dissappeared back inside the main hall. The crowd slowly dispersing, talking amongst themselves about what had just happened. The village leaders discussing the outcome as to whether it was a just and worthy one. Kaðlín slumping down in her chair, her son wrapping his arms around her in joy and comfort.
Astrid, seated at the back of the crowd now smiling to herself, arose and slowly walked back to her home.
Russian Princess in Exile


Leshuya points out her new love to you one day while you take all the children and your sister-in-law Dorothea down by the water to play. She has little Jan wrapped in a wolf skin blanket and smiles with a blond haired blue eyed man of around 25 comes up the trail carrying the front of a stack of lumber for the shipyard. She leans over to you and whispers, "that is Kalman he is a carpenter, navigator and warrior. He plans to build a house here on the island. He writes me poetry and he is so kind to little Jan. He is the one who made him the craddle in the nursery with the rising sun on it. He is not like the others. He is strong but kind and sweet too. Sis can we please have him over for dinner. If you don't like him I will not see him, but these last few years all I have done is take care of Jan. His father is a powerful clan chief and his older brother will get the bulk of the land. He has influence but wants to make life here....please Kat please just meet him and talk."

Once he puts down he load he smiles up at you three women and the children. You actually see Dorothea blush and giggle. She looks back at you and smiles. "I was thinking of my husband thank you...

Hadeon is in the small workshop one day sharping his ax and nods to you politely as you enter to sharpen your own blade. He smiles and does it for you and asks you stop before you leave. You turn around as he opens a small cage and a fluffy white cat with a little pink nose wanders out and rubs against your leg. "Her name is Ivana. She likes milk and and kitchen scraps you can spare. She is also she loves to hunt mice." He leaves with a smile as ususal. You find Ivana to be an interesting creature. She is playful and will sleep on your bed and even let Jan play with her and pull on her tale with out a hiss or meow. She is a vicious hunter though and has caughty many mice in your food store room, and even chased away a fox in the field behind the house.

Tabia trains you nightly and you are amazed to see her stretch and workout every morning. She is very flexable and two of her children are daughters who also dance. They are young and dance as well. She confides in you the father of her children is a Arab merchant that sails in every season and stays for a month or so in the town. She does not complain though she has a small house and he gives plenty of gold for the children and she has many nice furniture because of her relationship with her lover. The two boys are with him at sea and learning are learning to be sailors. She is often lonely so the chance to teach and be around others besides her daughters is welcome. After a month of practice you find your body getting hard. Less fat and more muscule. Between the dancing and the weapons training and the riding your getting in great shape. You have no trouble falling asleep in your large bed every night even if alone....

You find out the Viking women regularly swim nude in the secret spot and invite you to join them. They explain two other girls watch the road in and that they let you pass. They signal with a bird call. That first day though you learn how to swim much better. You love the cool water and the simple relaxation with other women. Your not a noble woman there, just one of the girls.

Just before fall Dorothea gives birth to her fifth child. Soren is a beautiful little boy and has a set of lungs. He screams loudly and you swear it is hours before he falls asleep in his little crib. Dorothea makes you the babie's godmother and is happy to have family around. Your cousin is more then thrilled and tells the whole village he is a father again.


After your meeting at the The Screaming Lance trade continues with merchants spreading the message as the do business. For some weeks nothing, but profit rolls in as your goods and those that arrive in port travel about the island. This does not stay the case unforunetly. Soon caravans are being raided by the black cloaked monks of your mortal enemy. Peasants and the escorts with them are killed. Goods are burned and horses stolen. Families are horrified to find heads of their loved ones thrown outside their homes. The merchants live in fear and those who do head out banned together in huge caravans with many soldiers hired to protect them. It cuts into profits and they demand that you and your cousin deal with the problem!?!


After about two months away Frekki returns with new of the Northeast Sea. He tells you of Princess Kita's family. Her father Warlord Shing is in a rough spot. He has an impressive city state on island just North of your home island. Though his city is strong with high walls, good, navy, large fields in the walls and a sea full of fish the situation is never good. He is always at war with the 5 other warlords on the island. They are all Mongols and he is lucky that they are often at war with each other and pirates to deal with his city state. The Mongols have a huge clan system with little control from their chiefs. Frekki then brings out a chest filled with gold coins with unknown symbols on them. "For you Princess. We hit one of Shing's treasure ships. We damaged his ship to badly to take back and the crew is in hell. I thought you deserved a share since we use your port."

He continues on and more interesting and important news comes to you over a mug of mead. He tells your that Tran who is uncle to the princess and "new Czarina" has a village inland on the large Northeast island. He has a small fishing village on the coast and keeps his own ship there a large junk there for official uses that include collecting duties on cargo which amounts to piracy. He has a powerful enemy to the North of his village named Ryu who has elite cavalry and an impressive army. While sailing Frekki did take damage to his ship and thought it would sink, but nurseying the damaged ship around the coast he soon found on the lower Eastern Coast Norse village. It is ruled by a Norsemen named Ivan the Red who is a friend to Ryu and he himself has an army of over 1000 Norse. Most of the time there was spent rebuilding the ship. Ivan was more then happy to help and in the end was left with improved timber harvesting and shipyard. He promises to send you his one long range junk to you with trade goods. The ship was captured from pirates and has an Asian crew with Norse warriors as Marines. It can carry alot and should arrive in the fall. They promise to have animal skins, mead, weapons, and other exotic items to trade with you when they arrive. Ivan does pledge support to you if an alliance can be made.

The allies of you enemies do not seem to be on as firm footing as once thought.


The school house campus goes up in a nice spot near all the homes in town, and the road leading to most of the farms. It has two buildings one for boys one for girls and a large field behind for the children to play. Most are surprised that girls will go to school some even say it is a bad thing, but when school begins in the fall more then a few determined mothers are scene walking their girls and boys to school. Also Cossack children ride to school and Viking children free of chores come to learn to read and write. Most parents like the idea that their children will have a chance that they did not.


With the display of the bodies of the assassins no less then 100 volunteers show up at the table a man-at-arms sets up to take enlistments. Though few have experience in combat many are strong and have some hunting skill. They are naturals when it comes to training and soon the Vikings make them a force on the battle field. One day as you ride you watch them scream running across the field banging swords and shields together. They are not totally ready yet, but they are getting there on schedule. For now you will have to continue to rely on the Cossacks for protection.


Your trip around the island meets with mixed results. You spend many days walking or riding on a wagons of polite merchants and farmers from town to town. While your nights are spent dancing for money in taverans to keep up your cover. Nobody seems to reckonize that your the princess, but Vladimir's soldiers seem to be in every town questioning people. It seems they are looking for a spy of the exhiled royal family. You tragically find out your older brothers are dead killed in battle. The bit of good news is that most villages few that not only Vladimir's an cruel and evil ruler, but your family is the rightful heirs. The problem is few know your still alive. Your sister had been missing for years before the coup and your brother's heads are on pikes outside Moscovy.

Your last night before heading home with a travelling fair which has given you work you do feel support of your people. One road side tavern near Minsk. That night as you serve drinks for extra money many knights and farmers are drinking with Vladimir's soldiers in the corner who are drinking with a local merhcant loyal too the new Czar. It starts with angry looks then words, drinks are thrown and soon it is a brawl. Knights cut into the soldiers and peasants gang up on those trying to escape and beat them to death in the street. One soldier pushes pasted you to run out the kitchen. You hit the floor hard grabbing for the table. It falls over next to you along with a long kitchen knife. You catch the man at the doorway and jam the knife up and into his side. He turns around with blood gushing and goes to for his sword only to fall dead. You see more soldiers coming from the local garrison and scream out an alarm.

The fighting spreads into the streets that night with the knights loyal to your father battling with the soldiers while the peasants hurl rocks at the traitors. Many cheers praising your family can be heard. Though back at the tavern your action did not go unnoticed and soon soldiers are after you as you run barefoot to the stables. You debate for a moment able whether to make a stand with pitch fork in hand or run for the forest. You then see out of the corner of you eye two mounts with the merchant's crest on their barding. Well he is dead you think and take both of them and ride hard down to the main road knocking down soldiers as you go you feel a sting, but continue to ride hard down the road. Some time later you look down and find your leg covered in blood and an arrow hanging from the wound. You dress the wound ripping your beautiful costume and ride on for few more days. You collasps and fall from your horse infront of your cousins house three days later early in the morning.
The Visigoths

Be loyal to your king.
Be obedient to your parents.
Be honorable to your friends.
Never retreat in battle.
Make a just kill.

In the wake of Victory

Barolra does his best to balance ceremony with council of those who have lost so much in the last great victory. The graveyard near the temple fills more then half from the battle alone and the young men who dig the graves are busy for days without rest. Dyani is away for a time seeing to the dead of her people and rituals are performed as the dead are remembered and praised for their courage. Despite the rebuilding already beginning at her village and her plans for the wedding she does visit Bain and witnesses the burials of those of her tribe that have immigrated to your village. You meet her husband to be who is a good man and excellant warrior. To see them together leaves little question in your mind of their feelings. Hunananths is remembered well and is praised by many of mugs of mead in my weeks to come. Valdamerca speaks little after the funeral and goes about keeping herself busy with her job and building a small farm. You do see her regularly though as he new female wolf howd attaches Wulfa who often runs of to visit her at the butcher shop. Your family goes back to the normal daily routine if some what taken aback by the loss. Your father often includes a stop at the battle field during his rides and stares out wondering what could have been done better. The Standard of the Franks and the leader's sword hangs in the main hall of your family home. Florentina the daughter of a new Visigoth family to move to your town has interesting you....she is a poet and tattoo artist who is often seen reading. She is sweet but is also seen practicing with a long sword and wearing armor. While many bow to you as you go through town she smiles at you as well....

Many looted the battlefield the day of victory. Some out of necessity pickup axes and shields during the battle to keep fighting while other simply take trophies later. Still some 50% of the equipment including weapons, shields, armor, and horses are gathered up at the main hall and are recorded by the scribes. After that it is all distributed to the proper places and items begin to arrive at the armory, stables and other store rooms. Little other loot was found which makes you think your home was the first target of their raiding. This victory should serve as a warning to others or a reason to seek revenge. The inspection of the Frank's equipment reveals a well travelled group. Among the items you find Welsh longbows, Saxon shields, and Asian made spears. Veteran raiders but no matter for well motivated warriors defending their homeland. Your captains Roderick, Recared, and Saphrax all begin looking for replacements selecting among the young veterans of the battle and new Romized Goth arrivals.

Warmek is more then happy to make terms with you after the battle and wants to forge an alliance. He begins working on a connecting road to your village and soon some 20 families arrive with merchants, diplomats, warriors, and scribes in your village and begin building an embassy compound. It has only a knee high wall around it but has its own crops and store houses. It is within walking distance of your town hall.


The species of crops you have growing right now are among the best seen in many years and the elders are impressed. Publius Acilius Attianus and his Visigoth wife Brunhilda arrive in town. She is skilled at many different arts and is soon selling many beautiful works of art at the market. Her husband though makes impressive drawings of an irrigation system that will work even without an aquiduct. He had experience managing one of the emperor's estates. He waits in the town hall with his drawings waiting for an audiance.


The shipyard and docks take a long time to restore to working order. Many people formally employed there have died in the past fighting or are homeless so it takes while before they report to work. In time though ships are refitted, repaired, restocked, and crews recruited. Among the recruits are Mahaks, Visigoths, and Romans. Heading west The Alaric makes it all the way around to the Eastern capital and reports no other settlements on the island's coast except for the 6 villages near the capital. They are primally their for the fishing and farming while the shipping goes to the capital city of Syracuse. Before making it back though the crew encounters a large Persian galley. There is a fierce sea battle with no less then half your crew dying in the fight. Heroics like those of Theudis who killed 8 Persian sailors and 5 soldiers himself, and Julian chapel and navigator who's bow killed the first mate helped turn the tide. Egica a friend to you since child who also showed his metal by throwing 3 Persian sailors to waiting sharks. Of the cargo taken it included 40 bolts of Egyptian cotton, 100 barrels of wine, and lumber. Not to be dismissed is the some 100 slaves that were rowing the vessel. They are mostly Egyptians and Romans taken in sea combat and kept as slaves then given to the navy. Prince Kaveh is their master and they tell of his brutality and many slaves and great cities. They return in high spirits despite their losses. The other ships are sent out and find out little other then to map and patrol. One does encounter a smaller Frank ship and gives chase before losing it in the sun.


Tirana seems like a good idea to many and it planned to be built between the river and the shipyards that are being rebuilt. Work begins slowly but as the harvest is slowly completed and wounded healed work begins a steadier pace. Soon a fortified farm and outpost are complete along with a signal tower. The first settlers begin to arrive and think a road will only serve to prove things. Designs for a mill are submitted and hang on the wall of town hall. A very advanced project that will take alot of lumber and skilled labor.


Visen soon has wagons arriving with arms and news of the victory. They highten their alert and patrols search for scouts, but can find nothing. The do report that the mines have only grown in size and out put, but demand a large amount of wood to keep safe. Many Visigoths from the surrounding area have decided to settle there so the population has grown since the first settlers. Korin reports to you the completion of the shrine with tablets with all the names of the dead on them sitting nearby. Many come to visit the spot and remember the fallen. It is well liked by all in the village.


Bulgar who has taken over the ship yard arrives at your mainhall and angrly reports that your demands for more ships is unrealistic. Getting ahold of himself he respectfully explains how that he cannot rebuild the workshops, storerooms, and lumber mill and commission new ships at the same time. He promises improvements on the next group to be built but insists he needs more time.

The army trains taking on its new recruits and forming. Visigoth tribesmen learn to work with their Roman cousins and gradually they improve. Skill dicilane are slowly combine. Also more work is put into the miltia troops so that they will be even more effective. A scribe at the main hall is assigned the task to monthly keep track of how many warriors visit Bain so that in the in the case of another emergency they can be called on for help even quicker.


The seaport is a fine idea but most agree it will take time and effort. The important thing is that it has good support by most people. When the time comes there will be no agruement about constructing the port. Some have even begun scouting proper locations for it to be built.

The military soon has a warlodge contrusted with your captains and some of your esteemed veterans moving into the compound. Ildefonsus a priest soon tends their own chapel while Chindasuinth take son the role of mastersmith. Among those to take up residence is Amalaric who is a great warrior and adventurer. He has sailed to the frozen North, fought in 6 major wars and 100's of skirmishes and personal combats and has killed a lion with his bear hands. Another is the Roman mercenary Germanicus who fought the Greeks in a rescent conflict and has even seen elephants.

Diplomatic Actions

Soon you Wala, and Captain Saphrax head to Syracuse. You take your best horses and a small supply train and cavalry troops at your father's insistance. You soon make your way to the Roman road system making the going easy. Soon the high towers and strong walls of the capital are within site. They are not is in good repair as they should be, but they are still impressive. The guards at the gate question you about your mission and soon realize who you are and direct you to the palace. The troops are a all in Roman uniforms and armor but you see many Norse and Goth faces among them. Once in the city you cannot help but be impressed by the stone work, fountains, art and people. All the roads are of stone and the city has running water. Once again in slight disrepair but a high level of living none the less.

Once at the palace your mounts are taken and you find yourself in the thrown room of King Augustus of Syracuse. You walk down the long red carpet with two lines of purple clad armored Roman elite guardsmen stand perfectly still as you walk up to the thrown. Once the son of the territorial govenor he made himself king to help preserve order and take direct control. He is in his 30's and heavy with a long beard and impressive looking crown. He stands walks down to greet you which is not normal court procedure. He is in a thick red robe and has a long sword at his side. "Greetings great warriors. Congratulations on your victory or the Franks and even the Persian I hear. What would it take for us to make a formal treaty. I don't wish you to join the empire understand but to be a friend. We always need more of those. Our strength grows though as I hear from many Roman leaders. We are good friends to have." He returns to his thrown and picks up a glass of red wine and sips it...."You live in wooden halls and huts of mud. You have only the land you live on and little gold. Would you not like to change that?"
Katarinya - In Exile


Katarinya's trip around the island incognito starts out with a heady rush of excitement as the young woman slips out from the mantle of the princess for one of the first times in her life.

In her disguise, she dances in a number of taverns, her lithe body and graceful steps winning her more than one admiring stare. Katarinya felt a new wave of confidence with each coin, and the tavernkeepers who subtlely hinted she might stay on.

But her duty to the people kept her moving and not all the news was pleasant. The majority of her family was confirmed as slain and Vladimir's tyrants were everywhere. Several times a merchant wagon she rode with was stopped, but none of the thugs placed the young dancing girl as the princess they hunted.

Her trip was disrupted when the tavernkeeper of the last town seized her by the arm as she thought to leave. The fellow pleaded with her, half bullying and half begging, telling her his regular girl was sick and asking her to remain on for one last night to serve drinks in her place. Katarinya felt a reluctant twinge in her belly as she agreed.

That night the tavern was full. Knights and merchants mostly, but a troop of Vlad's thugs arrived and rounded out the tavern. Ordinary soldiers, not Black Monks, but bad enough for all that. As Katarinya moved from table to table, each coin she weedled out of a customer was a victory. The merchants were mostly shy and the knights polite, but the soldiers were neither. More than one man reached to try to cup her behind as she walked by, and a few pinched at her lewdly. She glared murderously at the merchant with them, but the man laughed and seized her roughly by her slender waist, pulling her into his lap. She immediately bounced to her feet, but he paid her outrage no mind, instead ordering a drink and chivvying her off towards the kitchens with a firm slap on her rump. And, in her disguise, she had no choice but to blush furiously and scoot off.

From the kitchen, she heard a few comments exchanged between the knights and the merchants, accusations about his coarse behavior. Then, the comments became shouts, and the shouts blows. With shrieks, the other serving girls ran into the kitchen, ducking for cover. Katarinya could hear the riot breaking out in the common room and began to move for the back door to escape. At that moment, a soldier barged into the kitchen, seizing at her arm. Katarinya didn't stop to think. Almost reflexively, she grabbed a kitchen knife to ward him off.

In a haze, she ran out, still barefoot. She ran to the stables, seizing the first horse she could find. The riot had spread to the streets. I caused this, Katarinya thought hysterically, still in shock that she had killed a man.

Then her instincts bade her to flee. She rode the fine merchant's riding horse away, scarely noting the arrow that hit her calf. She didn't even know if it was aimed at her or stray. Katarinya didn't stop till she had returned to her own village.


Katarinya spent a few days in bed, recovering and resting her leg, till the merchants of the town demanded her attention. They informed her that over the winter, Black Vlad's troops had begun assaulting her trade routes and they demanded her protection.

Katarinya nodded solemnly. "Good men, I shall do all in my power to end this raiding. In the mean time, our goods must reach their markets. The troops we have begun to train are not quite ready for the battlefield, but escorting caravans will give them practical experience. Take a patrol of our guardsmen with your caravans, to guarantee you will be defended."

Katarinya bids the men to continue their trading, knowing that coin will win her many friends amongst the people and stiffen backs against Vlad's oppression.


After being rousted from her bed by the merchants, Katarinya leaves her house to visit the Cossacks. She meets with the chief, taking with her a tribute of the gold, a portion of the revenues of the trade.

"Good brothers of the Cossacks, this gold is a tribute of our friendship. Trade has benefitted us, and it is only just that we benefit you, our friends."

Katarinya smiles as she distributes coins amongst the fierce Cossacks, then begins to explain the problems of the Caravans.

"The Black Monks devil us at every turn. If possible, I would like the Cossacks to counter raid. Please, strike the Black Monks only, as they are hated by the people and ending their tyranny will win the favour of the people. The Black Monks have stolen so much they must be fat with plunder that is ripe for the taking."

After speaking with the Cossacks, Katarinya heads to the Church. There she prays for the man she slew and asks forgiveness. Once she's atoned, she speaks to Father Acrisus.

"The Black Monks are Satanic, of this I have no doubt. It seems to me that it is for the Church to cleanse the world of Satan. Therefore, any of the Black Monks Monasteries seized by the Church shall be surrendered to the church's administration and be considered tax free. However, this will only apply to Satanists like Black Vlad and his devil monks, not to pagans."

Katarinya hopes this offer, a more limited acceptance of the Church's previous terms will bring the Church in firmly on her side while keeping them away from her own Pagan followers.


After meeting with Father Acrisus, Katarinya heads down to the docks to meet Frekki and hear his news of the north. Katarinya listens attentively, then nods.

"Frekki, it seems a trade alliance with Ivan would be a good idea and I would like to conclude one. I also wish a ship to begin trading with this Ryu, in the hopes that we can convince him to pressure Trang with problems at home."

Katarinya considers this for a moment, then continues. "Also, with the Black Monks deviling our caravans, it seems ship trade is the wisest thing. This means I have three tasks, but only 2 ships. I would like you to oversea improving the dock yards and building at least 2 ships, and training men to crew them, so that we can have trade by sea as well as by land."


On the streets of the town, Katarinya meets her sister and Dorothea. The pair point out the carpenter, Kalman. Katarinya looked the man over carefully. Her sister seemed quite taken with the fellow, and Dorothea obviously approved. "Leshuya, please invite Comrade Kalman to join us for dinner. I would be pleased to meet with him."

Katarinya is pleased with the gift of the fierce hunting cat. Ivana gets along well with Jan and manages to eliminate rodents that Katarinya wasn't even aware were there. Katarinya sends Hadeon a fine new blade as a thank you.

The Russian Princess rides out every afternoon to bathe with the Viking girls. The water soothes her wounded calf and idle female chatter soothes her nerves and tensions. She asks the Viking women about Kalman, if he's a suitable match for Leshuya, and asks for gossip from amongst the Vikings. After swimming around the pool, Katarinya heads back to town feeling refreshed.

Back in her house, Katarinya considers what to do next. She privately vows to discontinue weapon training for a while, still feeling a sense of guilt and remorse over the man she killed. She is able to defend herself and wants nothing more than that. She decides to devote the time she saves evenly between Tabia's lessons and Vanya's lessons, keeping her body fit and her mind sharp.

Meeting with Tabia, Katarinya discusses her calf injury and a discretely talks about a few of her experiences in her previous adventure. Having decided that her disguise was effective, Katarinya asks Tabia to begin teaching her a wider variety of moves and tricks and cosmetic tips she could use in a tavern to improve her disguise.

After meeting with Tabia, Katarinya heads back to her room. As she undresses for bed, Katarinya pauses to look at herself in her bedroom mirror. Her long legs are more shapely then ever, her rump firmer, her waist slimmer. Some of the Viking women have more impressive busts, but even there she is no slouch, with a pert fullness even Tabia might envy. Katarinya is pleased with that and decides on the morrow to visit the seamstress to buy dresses that flatter her feminine shape and emphasize her elegance and poise.

After placing those orders, Katarinya heads to the town square to make an announcement. "Comrades, we've all worked hard throughout the winter and suffered much. But now it is spring. I know you are all tired from the planting, but next week, I wish you to join me in an Easter Festival. On Friday we will feast, and Saturday, pray, and Sunday, we will celebrate with a small tournament of archers and horsemanship and a dance here in the tavern square."

Katarinya smiles at the whoops of joy, hoping this Festival might lighten her people's spirits as well as encouraging the spirit of Christianity.
So Whats Behind Door Number 2

Tufa, Wala, and Captain Saphrax all stood before King Augustus self appointed king of Syracuse. "Greetings great warriors. Congratulations on your victory over the Franks and even the Persian I hear. What would it take for us to make a formal treaty? I don't wish you to join the empire understand but to be a friend. We always need more of those. Your strength grows though as I hear from many Roman leaders. We are good friends to have." He returns to his thrown and picks up a glass of red wine and sips it...."You live in wooden halls and huts of mud. You have only the land you live on and little gold. Would you not like to change that?" Tufa took a step forward, “Good King Augustus you are correct. Having Rome as a friend would be good to have. And yes all we have is our land, wooden halls, and our pride. Your offer is well appreciated however your request for a formal treaty is not anything I can agree to at this time. My job is to direct our people towards a better future.” The King interjected, “And what better way to better your peoples future than to work with us. Together we can turn your people’s lives around for the better.” Tufa closes his eyes and lays his right hand out. “King Augustus I do hear all that you are saying however I can not speak for my people on his matter. I will take your offer back to our elders and have them decide. I will support their choice.” “Like the great senate of Rome,” King Augustus chuckled. He than stood up and walked down and stood on the step above Tufa. He leaned over, “Remember it is your duty to do what is best for your people. So please be my guest and view my great city and you ask yourself, what I can offer is that best for your people.” The King put his right hand on Tufa’s shoulder and smiles for a second than returned pulling his red robe aside of him. Wala from behind but his hand on Tufa’s shoulder and whispered in this ear. “I think we should bow and make our exit.” Tufa nodded in agreement. So the three men bowed and took five steps back and turned to exit the thrown room.

Outside the sun shined brightly off the marble steps and metal pot planters. “You handled yourself well there my boy,” Wala said. “I agree with Wala, said Saphrax, speaking before the King is not always easy. However you should feel pleased that the King feels that your position on this island is notable enough that he feels he needs to address a treaty with you and to be so personal with you. It is a great honor and you should be proud.” “Thank you both for your praise however I can not except a treaty from King Augustus with so many of our people still angry at the Roman for taking our land and than just leaving. This will have to be approved by the elders, however I would not want to be against Augustus. A great ally he would be but an even worse enemy.” Wala but his arm around both Saphrax and Tufa, “Men let us not worry so much on this day we are in the greatest city on this island. I still have friends who we can spend the night with and enjoy our stay.” “True Wala, I think tonight we should show Tufa how Romans let loose.”

The rest of the day they toured the city and smiled at their young friend’s wonder lust. Fountains for shows, public baths, public bathing pools, his first library, and market place half the size of Bain itself. Everything seemed granted and beautiful. Almost every building was made of polished wood, stone, or marble. The streets were clean with planned groves with fountains. That night the three men drank with friends of Wala and Saphrax. Some old war buddies and family friends came in to make the men feel at home. The night escalated to a level of debauchery as Saphrax took a drunk Tufa for a house of ill repute for a personal bath with several trained women. The shapely and exotic women feel in love with the shy and but grateful hero. The rest of the night was a mixed blur and the morning was a mixed blessing. Are worn hero woke to the sounds of Wala yelling a Saphrax behind an unknown door. Slowly Tufa tried to rise but was held back by 2 sleeping women. Their arms crossed over his chest and waist. The more Tufa moved his head throbbed with a pain never felt before. As he sat up in bed he noticed the room he was in was covered in both male and female clothes, empty bottles of wine, and a pipe made of wood. It looked as if it was used most recently. One of the women woke and stated to move. She rubber he finger up and down his crest and smiled. “Did you sleep well my lord?” “Never better thank you.” Tufa leaned over and kissed his bed partner. The two shared each other’s lips while Tufa ran his fingers through her long black hair. She must have been Egyptian or Persian, while the other woman was defiantly Visigoth. This happy moment was brought to an end when Wala came barding in to the room. “Tufa De Munthas, I think its time we head back.” Followed behind him was Saphrax who looked as if he was the cat who ate the canary. “Good job Sir I only planned for you to get a bath not the full treatment. Wala turned to Saphrax, “Thank you for this. I was hoping to exclude this part of the trip to Syracuse.” “Tufa please say your good byes we have to head back to Bain shortly.” “Yes uncle I’ll be there shortly.” Wala and Saphrax turn and left the room closing the door behind them. Both girls curled up next to Tufa and started to groan. “Do you have to leave so soon my Lord,” one said while starting to move her hands down below the sheets. “Yes Tufa we were hoping we going to have fun again tonight.” She stated to kiss and bite at his lower lip. Blushing and smiling from ear to ear Tufa tried to move him self but quickly and repeatedly gave up. “I would love to stay but I have to return to my village.” The young Visigoth girl straddled our hero and started to rub on his chest again. The other foreign girl disappeared behind the other girl and was down below the sheet performing services. The girl on top looked into Tufa’s eyes, “We know how to please and we know right no you don’t want to leave. We can keep this up all day. We can keep you wanting more all day long. In your sleep at time you’ll think of us and how we make you feel.” Fiercely she threw herself a Tufa kissing him and pushing her luscious white breast against his body. Pulling him forward she arched back and began to push down on the other girls head. Tufa tried to keeps focus on kissing and holding the girl in front of her. But while the other girl’s head was pushed up and down faster and faster the feeling was too in tense. Just before our hero was about to loose control with foreign girl threw the covers back gasping for air. The cold air blowing on his body caused his whole body to twitch. The foreign girl on her knees moved herself up the bed and behind the Visigoth girls. The two starred at Tufa as all the blood had been forced to his groin but would not stop. They smiled and as one licked her fingers and gently slid her fingers around his yearning body. “Thank you good sir for playing with us we hope you will return,” said the Visigoth woman as she kissed him one final time and stood up and walked to the front door. “We do hope you will return to us,” said the foreign girl as she slithered herself between his tights rubbing against him on purpose. She finished face to face with our hero and than licked the outside of his lips slowly. She stood up and she kissed her two middle fingers and touched it on Tufa’s “head”. “Ow and thank you two for the ride.” The two women left taking his money pouch behind them. As they opened the door still unclothed Tufa could see Wala and Saphrax still sitting outside playing a table game. “He’s done sirs”, they said. “He’s all yours again,” one giggled. Thank you again Saphrax for the business.” Tufa grabbed the closest blanket and stood up, the silk sheet still bulging in the front. “Hum, let me find my clothes and I’ll be right out,” muttered Tufa as he tried to pick through all the clothes to find his own. After several minutes Tufa opened the door and was greeted by a waiting Wala. “Are we done here nephew?” Tufa held his head up and nodded. “I know I don’t have to tell you this behavior is not respectable and should not be encouraged.” Tufa puffed his chest up and slightly deepened his voice. “You’re correct, however I don’t see the harm this one time.” The three men walked down to the main city gate where several troops had their horses packed and ready. One guard stepped to Tufa with a wooden box in his hand. “Sir King Augustus wishes you to take this with you.” The guard bowed his head and extended his arms out to Tufa. “Thank you.” Tufa took the box and placed it on his lap. They whipped the reigns and their horses started their slow trip back to Bain. “You know, Wala said, before I was in the military and before I was married there was this one Roman woman I used to visit all the time.” He chucked, “I think if I didn’t get married I would never have had any money.” “Mine was a set of twin Greeks there were there for several years, ”Saphrax said with a smile on his face. “I think the one girl with the black hair and gem in her naval much have been Egyptian,” Wala said while looking around. Tufa quickly turned with a look of confusion. “She had a gem in her naval?” Suddenly the surrounding area was deafened by the sounds of Wala and Saphrax hard laughter. Tufa face turned red with anger and embarrassment. “Its not all that funny.” The laughter incused. “I just didn’t pay all that much attention to her naval.” Wala started chocking on his own laughter. “I’m sure you didn’t,” Saphrax said under his laughter.

Six days pass while Tufa and his party traveled back to Bain. The met up with the northern trail at the old Mahak hamlet. Some posts and marks had been left behind from the exploration after the battle. “By spring men we should have an outpost.” While pointing over to the stream they crossed, “And there about 39 paces up we should set up the outlines of the mill.” The three men continue to talk before several scouts who had appeared from the trees interrupted their discussion. With bows drawn one scout called out, “ Who are you?” Tufa, Wala, and Saphrax looked at each other before Tufa turned to the scouts. “Tufa De Munthas, future war chief of Bain.” The lead scout lowered his bow, “Sorry good Lord. We are from the village to the south. We have seen strangers around this area about seven or nine days ago. They left these markings. I fear someone may have plans to land on this area.” Tufa got off his horse and walked over to the scouts. “Fear not my friends. I send some of out people to his area to lay out plans for an outpost. Since we had invaders we felt that having an outpost here for security sake out be advisable.” The scouts relax with relief. “We are all a bit on edge after the invasion of the Franks.” Tufa walked to the head scout and but his hand on his shoulder. “As I live and breathe I promise that we will not be overrun, taken over, or ran out of our homes by foreign invaders.” The men smiled and all shook Tufa’s hand. “But please until our out post is built please keep an eye on this land. If you see anyone in this area and I don’t come from Bain by order of me or my father please send warning to be and I will have this addressed. If need be by force.” “We thank you Tufa and your men for your help.” “My wife and I will pray for you next time at temple,” one man said before Tufa remounted his horse. “Take care my friends. Keep an eye our for my people in the next couple of weeks.” The men waved goodbye as Tufa and his men continued on the trail to Bain.

The rest of the trip was normal and the party made it backs by dusk. The active patrol met up with the weary travels and offered to assist them. The party dismounted their horses and unpacked their saddles. “Fuhaga, please return these horses to the stable and have them fed and watered,” Saphrax instructed. The patrol gathered the horses and galloped off to the stables while the men said their goodbyes for the night. Tufa than made a stop at the battlefield. He waved to the post in the tower to acknowledge him being there. While lowering his bags to the ground Tufa closed his eyes and could picture riding his horse and looking into the face of the Franks. The sounds of screams and metal clashing came flooding into his mind. The look on the Frank foot solider face the moment Tufa thrusted his sword into his throat. Tufa’s first kill. The blood splatter covered his armor and hands. The limb body slid off the sword like butter off a hot knife. Those dying eyes still stared at Tufa from time to time. “So do you come here often good Tufa Munthas?” A voice said from behind him. Tufa turned to see Florentina walking up over the hill. “Not enough I think sometimes” “Living in the past is not healthy for any person.” “One must acknowledge the past and learn from it so that those mistakes can be prevented in the future.” “Well said good sir. Spoken like a true leader.” “Leader in training at best please.” “How can I help you this day Florentina?” “No need to help me I’m quite capable. I come here from time to time clear my mind, read, or write poetry.” “Must be nice to just stop and write songs.” Florentina’s face showed her how unsure she was to that comment. “Not to be rude but when do you stop and write letters or notes?” Tufa paused and looked at Florentina for a second. “I write notes at my desk when I make plans for new projects or ideas I want to cover when I meet with the elders. But other than that I don’t write letters. I don’t have time.” Florentina’s eyes widened. “But what if you were to find a woman for example, Florentina stated to walk around a little bit, that you wanted to write a letter express how beautiful she was. Would you write letter than?” “Um… Um I would find it best to confront this woman myself with my feelings. So there is no confusion or misinterpretation.” “Confront, this woman. Good lords above, is everything so serious with you?” “Ok confront maybe not the best word to use but you get my drift.” “Have you written a letter before?” The look across Tufa face was red.” “I’m sure I have before however there are members in the elders who are better at writing formal letters than I. So I allow them to do so.” “If I’m not being to intrusive do you know how to read and write?” Tufa’s face turns hot coal red. “Yes I can read and write well enough for what I need to do my lady.” Tufa bent down to pick up his bags, as he stood Florentina stood in front of him. “If you don’t mind I do need to get back to my family.” Florentina’s voice changed from questioning to pure concern. “ Tufa you’ve never been given an education have you?” “Look around my Florentina. I’m not sure where your family came from but there is no library here. We’re all farmers and smiths here. Because I can not educated in Syracuse please don’t mistake me for a fool or a buffoon.” Tufa started to stomp up the hill. Florentina lowered her head and with a quite tone she apologized. “I have offended you Tufa and I’m sorry.” Tufa turned back still red in the face. “Yes I am offended. I’ve only known you by face alone. It is the first time you and I have actually had a conversation and you call me an uneducated fool. So yes I am offended. I think you think to highly of your education. Yes you can write a poem but can you lead a village to battle? Can you ease a grieving mother? I’ve learned that from being with common people not philosophers.” “Your correct I do think highly of my education. There are many things outside the life of a farmer or a smith. I was narrow minded to think because you were a future leader that you would be formally educated in Syracuse.” Tufa took in a deep breath and sighed. “I would love to have been trained by a scholar but the god choose for me to learn life my people before me.” For a second time Tufa turned to walk away but was stopped by Florentina soft voice. “Would you be opposed to learning to read and write more formally?” “Would you be opposed to learn how to throw a correct thrust?” Florentina face turned red. “You’ve watched me practice?” “Yes, you have a good back shot but your thrust is all wrong.” “I’ll come to your house in a couple of days, said Tufa, and we’ll talk about setting time a side for me to learn to read and write and for you to learn how to fight. Deal?” Florentina nodded her head in agreement. “Good than I’ll see you in a couple of days.” Tufa again turned to walk away and got over the hill to the flat before Florentina again chimed in. “Tufa one more thing did you get a chance to take a bath while you were in Syracuse?” Tufa was caught dead in his tracks. “Umm… umm what bath?” Florentina laughed out loud. “Fear not I have two brother who serves the Romans in the military. I heard all about the exotic baths and how common it is for new members to go and let their self go. Since you traveled with Captain Saphrax whom I know was a roman solider so I figured I would take a chance. But by the look on your face and your stuttering I’m going to say Captain Saphrax brought you there already.” “I did get to see the sites while I was in Syracuse. I hope one day to visit again. But I’m in no rush. Good night Florentina I’ll see you again soon.” “Good night Tufa welcome back”
Up the stairs to his father’s house he walked into the arms of his loving family. That night they ate and talked about Tufa’s travels to Syracuse and what the King wanted.

Most of the next morning Tufa sleep in, his body still worn from traveling. When he rose to the sounds of people being ushered around to the living room. He could hear his father and uncle most clearly with the sounds of 5 other men and 2 women. Quickly Tufa washed his arms and face and dried off with his bed cover. Down the hall he marched till he reaches the chaos that was the living room. A man by the name of Theudis, Julian a chapel and navigator for The Alaric, Egica, a friend of Tufa’s since childhood. Also included in this group was Bulgar, Wala, Tufa’s mother and father, and another two men who’s body seemed worn and torn with abuse and hard labor. The two ragged men rested in the corner has his mother ran in and out of the kitchen with the help of your two sisters fetching water and fruit for the two men. A crowd had gathered out side of about 100 Egyptians and Romans. Tufa observed the chaos inside his house and decided he would be best outside. Out the front door he stepped and raised his right hand to the crowd. “Greetings my name is Tufa. Please raise your hand if you understand me.” The crowd muttered and looked at each other. About thirteen hand raised from the crowd. “Good I will need your help so that I can help you. Please help me direct your people over to our well so than you can get something to drink.” Tufa started to direct the crowd away from the front of the house and over to the food storage shed and well while the thirteen other crew members helped to keep the line moving. Upward they marched, soon local villagers came from the field to see what was going on. Florentina was one of the first to join the crowd. “Tufa who are these people?” “To be honest I don’t know however the crew from The Alaric have returned and 2 of their crew is in with my father and these men look beaten and worn.” After a brief march they made it to the well and food storage shed. Tufa again turned to the crowd. “Need you to divide into two groups. Tufa directed a group to the left using his hands, “this group will follow this lady here. She will help you get fresh water to drink. This half over here, pointing to the right, will come with me and I’ll get you some fresh fruit to eat.” Several bushels were grabbed from the shed. Apples, peaches, dates, and figs were the most common. Some one had stored some bread, which was passed over to the crowd receiving water. The crew kept and ordered frenzy, as many have not had a good meal in several weeks. The village became to a stop as people came out of their homes with food, drink, and spare cloth to give to the crew. A couple families offered to take the crew down to the river or up to the lake so that they can take a bath and clean up. Harjareks and the group with in his house have just recently showed up when Tufa appeared from the shed. “Tufa, Harjareks said, how much food did you take from the shed?” “I took six bushels in total. Enough to help these men but still leave enough if we need it.” Userian, one of the village elders and seamstress called out, “fear not Harjareks the villagers have donated food from our homes to give to these men.” Harjareks stood next to Tufa and drew the attention of the crowd. “People of Bain let me explain what is going on. The crew from The Alaric engaged a Persian galley while at sea. These men and women fought bravely and defeated their crew. In addition to the galley and it content these men were forces slaves to a their captain and to a foreign prince. We are grateful to our crew for fighting so bravely and for saving these men from their captivity.” Harjareks turned to the crew of the galley, “Men from abroad we welcome you to Bain. With in our boundaries you are free men. We ask only that you obey our laws and be peaceful. Tonight we can offer you shelter at our temple. Tomorrow we can offer you three possibilities. One if you wish to stay with here we can offer you a spot with in our growing military. If you are unable to fight we can help set a side land for you to build a home of your own. We only as that you help gather food for the winter. Or if you have a home you wish to return to. A party can be assembled to take you to Syracuse so that you can board a ship to take you home. These are your options if you don’t understand we can get someone to help you.” Harjareks turned his attention to his son. Please finish this up and get these men over to the temple. I’ll talk with the shaman and get all things squared away. Than please return to the house there will be a meeting tonight.” Soon after Harjareks departure Bulgar step forward in a huff. “Lord Tufa I need to speak to you about your ship port and repair plans. You want to enlarge the port we have, make a larger one up north, and start to make larger boats. To top things off you ask me to repair the Viking ship and now there is this huge galley in my port. I don’t have the man power to do this all. I need more resources, more time, and more everything.” The blood was quickly rising to Bulgar’s face. “Relax Bulgar I know we have asked a lot of you. There is a lot to be done. The new port will be hopefully a combined effort with the villages to the north. Yes our small port needs to be enlarged so that we can make larger more sea worthy vessels. These two new ships are a blessing two us. We can learn from their design. No one on the island is going to bother us. Any invader will come from the sea. So we need scouts and ships that we can attack them before they reach our homes. We are all counting on you to do what you can and nothing more. I hope than within these men here are some men who can help you with your task we have given you.” “Your asking too much of this village young Tufa. We were better off as a small nobody village. The larger you make us more lives will be lost.” Bulgar turned and to started walk away from the well and back to his house. “What was all that about,” Florentina inquired. “Bulgar is blowing steam cause I’ve asked the world of him.”

That night a meeting was held in the Harjareks house. Elders, the three captains, village shamans, and family were all present for this meeting. Harjareks brought the meeting to an order. “Greetings all, I know things today have been a little hectic but please let us get through this meeting in an orderly fashion. First order of business is a welcome to Publius Acilius Attianus and his wife Brunhilda. Publius comes to us from Syracuse and has brought with him a wealth of knowledge about agriculture and irrigation.” All the members applaud while Publius stands to address the crowd. “Thank you all for the warm welcome. Unlike the typical Roman I will keep my speech brief. I have done some observations of your current farming system and have with me some drawings of an irrigation system which will work even with out an aqueduct.” Publius holds up a wooden box and walks over and hands it to Harjareks. As Publius sits back down Harjareks stands up. “I will now turn thinks over to the brave crew of the Alaric. Egica Woick stood up from the back. “Most of you know are trip was mostly uneventful until the very end. We did run into a skirmish with a foreign galley. In addition to the men we brought back with us and a new ship we captured 100 barrels of wine, 40 bolts of exotic Egyptian cotton and cut lumber. Our scouting ships also trailed a Frank scout ship that we lost in the sun. In total our scouts have found six other small villages near the capital these are smaller cells mostly for fishing and farming only.” Currently all the crew is sleeping in the temple. They’re a mix of Egyptians and Romans. All slaves to a Prince Kaveh, who they speak of his brutality towards slaves.” “Thank you Egica we hope to have more good new from our navel fleet. Harjareks turns to the crowd, “We still have not heard back from our ground scouts who are out mapping the rest of the island. I hope with both our navel branch and ground units we can get a good map of our island. This will prevent us from being surprised again by invaders.” The next order of business is our expansions to the north and south. We have received a letter from Korin down in Visen. Their population has almost doubled in size. This has benefited both the mine and construction of additional defenses. We have doubled our patrols however we have not seen any signs of foreign invaders. Our next wagon up should have some gold bars and jewelry that were made. If you have any additional supplies please send a cart. Sign Korin. To keep up the good news a group of settlers are going to be moving north to Tirana to build a fortified farm and signal tower. The markings have already been layed out and the group should be leaving within the next four days. We now come local with a big HAZA to our war veterans who have helped in completing out Warlodge. I know our three find captains, Harjareks turns to Roderick, Recared, and Saphrax, have moved in along with their families. I hope you find this more enjoyable living for you and your men.” A round of applause again fill the room. “Now will turn things over to my son and future chief, Tufa.” Tufa stands and walks to the fireplace next to his father. “Greetings all and thank you for assembling tonight. As you all know King Augustus has asked me to speak with him. He wished to offer us a treaty. I believe he feels we could pose a threat if we get too powerful. Included within this wooden box is a letter copy of the treaty he proposes. I told him I speak for the people so you all will decide what we should do. I know many of you still hold a grudge towards the Romans, and with all reasons. However after seeing the city with my own eyes I feel that there could be advantages to working with the Romans.” A low rumble could be heard across the court. “However as I stated I speak for you so you tell me what do you want me to tell King Augustus.” Tufa lays the wooden box in the center of the circle and returns to the fireplace. “I do have one more matter to discuss for tonight. I would like to take 10 barrels of wine and offer it to Bulgar and his crew for all the work we have put onto them. If there is any disagreement please speak up.” The crowd remained quite, “Thank you for your support. I know we have a lot going on but I promise you if we pull together we can make a better life for each other and our families.”

Work with Publius to design and construct a new irrigation system.

The new men that came from the Persian galley what wish to work will be either but into the military or given to the navel to construct, maintain, and man the ships.
Tufa will continue to work with Florentina to learn reading and writing both Visigoth and Roman. With the new threat of ocean battles each crew needs to be trained in navel warfare. So a trainer and new captain needs to be found and a crew trained.

Have the men who are mapping out the surrounding 20 miles report to Tufa directly so their finds can be added to the existing maps what have been drawn up.

One the council has come to an agreement and a messenger back to Syracuse to give our message to the King. If some of the crew that wish to return to their home an escort will be made to take them to Syracuse so that they may board a vessel home.

Continue work on Tirana, repairing both new ships that were damaged, increasing the size of our seaport. The lumber that was taken from the Persian ship must be added to our supplies. And continue construction of larger sea vessels. Any crew that wishes to stay land aside by the fishing outpost near the lake will be set-aside for them. With conditions that they obey our laws and contribute to our food supply.

****I know this is a pain but since I have now almost explored my entire island is it possible to get a visual map. I know I’ve asked for this before but I’m loosing track of what all I know and have. Just a formal request. Long live the God’s chosen.
Africa visited.....sorry for delays.

Danjuma you find yourself the unopposed leader of your tribe at least for right now. Your vassals don't know what kind of leader you will be but for right now you are the rightful heir to the thrown of power. They wonder if the maddness will grip you but they have nothing that could justice removing you from power. It may be a house of cards, but it is steady for the time being.

You do have time for your bow practice and even some improvement. Also you receive a sword and shield from a Libyan merchant that works in your area. Others give smaller token gifts but your house fills up with fine items none the less.


With charts, maps, and even instruments created in your maritime house which your merchants purchase for their captains. This makes a small profit but the information about trade routes is even more valuable to all parties. Between the docks and the maritime house several speak with you after being gone for several months. They report that they know the location of the Roman port which has a large population of Gauls and Cetlic peoples as well. It is even further North then where they have sailed. The island North of you has a large Asian and Mongal population. The Mongals seem to be always at a warring state and are always in the market for weapons that will give them the advantage. They also buy or take alot of items they need rather then make themselves. There is always a market for grain and horses with them as well as timber. To the West is a collection of Russian towns ruled by a new Czar a powerful cheif. There sailors told them that to the Northeast of another island dominated by Asians but with some Vikings. All have trade potential depending what your willing to sell to the merchants. They are pleased about the reopening of the maritime house though.


The Carthaginians take your offer and soon settle in land provided. They are impressive soldiers and you see them drilling often after working on their new small farms. Skilled with spears and shield many of your best warriors view them curiously. They have seen such weapons before, but still it is impressive. the long strong lines look like they would be solid against attacking waves of troops.

Your militia is called up and keeps steady guard over you and your sitter day and night. They are at the main hall and your home with you and keep people back as you walk the streets. So far there have been no problems. When they are not assigned to guarding you they drill and improve their skills as well as workout.

Your best warriors go out and guard the merchants travelling overland to and from your village. The merchants are pleased and soon the bandits are being dealt with in many small skirmishes. Many of the bandits killed fighting with your men are Zulus or renagades thrown out of their clans. Mostly though the troops simply deter attacks by marching along with the caravans. The fights are fierce, but often hit and run. Your warriors are pleased though with captured weapons and more and more dead enemies with little loses on your side.

The Zulus are still a threat no matter what. They have a huge army numbering in the thousands with fierce warriors. You do receive a report though that they are soon busy dealing with an outside threat. The Eastern most village of their Empire has been attacked by what is described as a large coalition of Greek invaders. They are well armed and armored with both horses and elepants. Their arsenal is diverse and both sides have had several brutal engagements over the coarse of the season. Long spears versuses short deadly spears. The engagements are costly to both sides.


Kamania agrees with what is proposed and soon is feeding you information. Your sister's compound is very secure guarded by Arab soldiers with battle experience. They perhaps number 100 soldiers. She says that your sister has plans to build more storehouses and workshops on her land and that she wears many Perian items like gold jewelary and dresses. She takes in a good crop and also has fruit trees. As far as young Kamania can tell she is not plotting against you or the village.
The Samurai Empire..... Loss and war drums are heard.

You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive. - Sun Tzu


The military readies for the campaign ahead with vigor and purpose. They will avenge the death of your concubine, and the attackon you which is their state. You are guarded day and night with some of the best of your warriors. The militia goes through the city with dogs searching for any of Tran's spies. Soon from the sea to the temple to the half completed palace are under lock down. No trade, no visitors goes on in the city without the knowledge of the authories. The samurai including all your family friends raise and impressive army of some 1,700 samurai, infantry, warrior monks, and Asian mercenaries. The main temple pledges another 300 guards, mercenaries, and monks. Kaede who your lady love began diplomatic negoations with soon shows her friendship and sends some 250 heavy infantry and 300 archers along with her cousin Keitaro he rides a large warhorse and has impressive armor. His standard bear is actually cared by a former Roman gladiator named Honorato who is a middle age man. Scared and said to be a winner of over 100 combats in the areas of Roman city states he is an impressive choice.

Your brother Toshiro has gathered the forces of your clan and main army and can report some 500 troops and Samurai ready for battle. If you go to war soon you will have some 3050 warriors and troops. This impressive considering how small your army was just a few years before when you defeated the pirates. Your allies The Noble Kim and Ivan the Red also send letters of sport and want to know what you want them to do to eliminate Tran who has been troublesome in the past. Militarly your in good shape for the moment. Your samurai scream out wanting to go to war.......

The spies you wish to send to deal with Tran spent at least a week preparing for your assignment in secret. Throwing knives and bows with barbed arrows are readies and the best of your men who can kill silently are selected for the mission. In a series of bloody surprises at night the Mongols find themselves fighting ghosts. Their captains are found in the dawn with throats cut and sentries brought down by arrows. Men riding to town to drink are ambushed on the way back to camp. Within days Mongols are deserting in droves. Another blow is scored when flaming arrows hit the main storehouses containing 40% of the village's rice. It burns intensely and by morning it is destroyed with Trans forces performing an exhaustive search for your men that makes for Ivan's territory. They take trails in the woods and soon are lost in the great forest. The raids have produced much with few casaulties.

If you move now you could hit Tran why he is week......march and take him down. It is not far and your troops are motivated. The time is to move foward!!!
The Vikings........ A united island force under a new king.

The Ultimate Warrior leaves no openings - Except in his mind.


Your return to the villages cheer by all and the gifts our welcome. Astrid now come close to the end of her pregnancy does not come out to join you in town, but waits for you at home. He belly is so swollen and round she is positive that she will have twins in the next season if not sooner. She is over joyed to have you back though and makes sure you do not say out drink and home with her that evening. She has been busy readying since you have been gone in addition to helping to run the village. She has actually collected a large number of books in Latin and Russian. A trader from an island ruled by a Czar is now a regular visitor. Another group of visitors come from an Asian city, and come to trade. They have much art work to sell as well other crafts. They also sell erotic barrels of rice wine and mead and Viking weapons. When asked they tell you their lord Ryu has Viking subjects in their city.

In other domestic matters your village now persued rightly to be the capital has received many more residence. Some say the number of peasants have double. New farms are built and every tavern is filled with Viking warriors with impressive resumes as both warriors and sailors. All are impressed though to meet the legendary bezerkers who's prowess is well know. Many prove their strength in lifting and wrestling matches. Two bezerkers even manage to push over a tree. Another lifts his horse up on a simple bar bet.

Because you have done what you have said you will do many leaders meet in your town hall to discuss making you the first Viking King. There is much debate about taxes and how much power the king will have. In the end though it is agreed you will be the absolute ruler but they still wish to hear your plans for the future.

Your map maker lays out charts giving you much information about the seas around the island. Dangerous spots like shalow waters are marked as well as the location of all the villages. The largest map meant for display on the wall of the main town hall the battle site is marked off your moment of glory. These maps are are both sold and given to the other Vikings. Many have already begun to build ships for raiding. To the north you do find out there is a large formally Roman controlled island. Then Northeast a long distance away past smaller islands is a Roman island which is largely run by the Visigoths who are native to the island last heard. Persian Prince Kaveh's forces are know only to come from the East, but many believe they have more then one home port. To the south the three largest islands our a Roman conquested after many battles with Celtic people there the Romans seem to be the victors. The other islands that sit further south are a pair of Asian controlled islands which little is know about. Even less is know about the Slavic people known as Russians to the far South.

Though much more is know your men demand that more work be put into research and ship building. Though you have taken this island the Viking demand to expand and have farm land is unquenchable. Never mind the need to raid and gather plunder. A new era has begun and how you will be remembered hangs in the balance.

The Trail and Judgement....

Astrid and all those who observe the judgement except the victims family think it was fair. The compensation is paid though and Kaðlín moves on starting fresh working at the temple doing kitchen work and tending the gardens there under the watch of temple guards and the priests. She seems much happier now that you have passed on your wise decision. Many think that this is only the beginning of your wise judgements in your rule. This will not be the last trail but for now this judgement is sound. Many of the women in the village feel safer, and it know that order must be kept. Violence is part of the culture, but cannot be allowed to destroy it. Warriors fight with honor and protects his own people.
As soon as the successful reports reached Ryu's hands he ordered his Army to march on Tran's villiage. Vengence would be thiers. It was almost assured. The second part of his plan could now take place. His army would march as quickly and stealthly as possible while his spies would search for Tran's scouts and eliminate them at all costs. Ryu knows that Tran suspects him to come sometime soon but he does not know from which direction or how many warriors he has. Stealth was essential to surpirse and if he could get his army undetected and surround Tran's village it would be over quickly and without needless loss of life. To accomplish this he ordered all of his calvery dismounted and walk their horses with the other foot soldiers, he himself walked at the front of his army boldly defiant his horse as well as the horses for the other commanding staff and his personal gaurd were lead by the rear gaurds. He also ordered complete scilence and since it was still summer time there would be no fires in his main encampment when they stopped for the night on the southern end of Tran's woods.

That night came shortly and the lights of Tran's village could be seen by all in the darkness, perfect scilence in his army had been obtained since his men understood the corse of action he had decided to take. Still a bigger subterfuge would be needed he ordered a small detachment of men to run to the eastern edge of the woods and light as many small camp fires they could spaced as if it were an army camped there. While his army still waited on the southern end, concealed in the forest. When the men returend they join back with the army and all would sleep in formation, in their armor, ready to attack at dawn. Once again his spy network would make sure that the advanced scouts for Tran would not see the village again after checking out the fires but should they search to the south they would perish with the knowledge of their location. He hoped that Tran would not have the forsight to see this plan as he laid his head down upon his pillow. Sending scouts to their position and not having them return would rise sucspicion as to what is going on in this area. Discovered or not, at dawn they attack.
Visigoths........returned from Rome


You return from Syracuse after witnessing all the glory that is of Rome. Perhaps tarnished some from its once great past. The city is impressive in all ways. From its tall buildings to its running water. The legions you do see training are a fine example of military discipline and percision. The dark side is crowded slums, constant fighting with the Persians, and political system where assassination is as common as the daily vote. The King seems to have parted from the traditional system, but ensures his positon with the elite Praetorian guard. They are dressedin the royal purple and seem to be willing to do anything to ensure the power of the thrown. You even see them hanging Persian sailors by the harbor for piracy.

Once home all are happy to see you including Florentina who likes hearing of all you have seen and heard. She comes by often to teach you how to read and write. You make some progress and are at least able to read what the merchants write when they come to the house with deliveries.

As the winter progresses you find that Florentina has finished building her own shop in the center of town. It is has store front with living space in back. Many of your warriors are tattooed now with everything from holy symbols to depictions of animals. She keeps her long hair in braids and always has a smile for you when you ride by the shop. Captain Saphrax since his return has built a fortified farmer. Its primary a horse farm as he has purchased several fine Roman warhorses he wishes to breed. Julian has small chapel built near the new shipyard site so that sailors can pry, and ships can be blessed. Many of your regular sailors and Captains go to have their blades and spears blessed for sea combat.. The new seaport looks impressive on the drawing on the wall of the councils hall. It has Mahak built long houses for storage and boat building over the winter. A lumber yard for turning logs into timber and a number of workshops for making tools and parts of the ships. Also a forge that rivals the one in your village will be built. Plans for the mill also look impressive and promise more and cheaper food for your people. You have plans but with most of the labor going to the forest little can be done other then plan and draw as the first snows approach early.

Though one other building phase has occured while you were away in Roman territory. Many of your warriors showed great valor in battle and some 200 have been "promoted to knights and men-at arms" (check OOC thread). Some 50 are nights and find they have the resources after the battle and various other adventures to start building small strongholds around the country side. These attract mercenaries, priests, peasants in need of work, and clanless warriors. These begin to form clans and many promise you more troops to fight for the tribe in the months to come. You know some just need shelter for the winter, but the vast majority come to serve. Roderick on of your father's captain who has built an impressive home with a stone watch tower and its own warlodge. You have heard that he and some of his clans men battled another group of pirates. The ship was to badly damaged to bring back, but the treasure on board financed his building. He did give a share to your father and a lovely pearl neckless to your mother.

Dealing with the council of elders could have went better you think that night in the tavern as you drink and eat at your own private table with bodyguards. Vowesha perhaps was the most vocal taking up her spear screaming and swearing that they should sent the Roman dogs to hell. She lost a childhood love in battle some say. Others are equally angry and remember how it started the last time. Alliance then occupation. They won't let it happen again and you think it would be easier to get them agree to open war. You go through other reports as you eat and drink from newly mugs.


Publius and Brunhilda become regulars for dinner in your father's home and soon good plans for solid improvements of your fields. He says he can start in the spring, but for now he works on improving the store houses for the winter that keep vermin in and food fresher. They are solid and peasants believe they are in good shape for the winter to come.


Your lessons continue and as the days grow short you find yourself reading more by the fire side. You learn not of your own language but also Latin which is very useful. As to the men rescued from the Persians they are a diverse group mostly passangers taken on the high seas. You soon see them doing jobs all over town. Some are craftsmen eager to work find themselves in the houses of the many new "knights" as part of their households. The military largely downsizes for the winter as warriors find other labors as the snows come down. A large number continue to patrol the village and surrounding lands as well as all military facilities. For now many talk of adventures over the fire. Tales of fighting wild beasts, foreign invaders, and the treasure they took in battle. Many excited by the great battle went of on their own. It seems many land on your island unopposed and wondering warriors are all there are there to stop them from advancing in from the coast.

Mapping and Exploration

You have a complete local map which includes, farms, roads, villages, and terrian features that are important. These are being reproduced for those on patrols, and those who wish to settle outside them many village.


The council's answer is clear, but you clean it up and make it clear that a treay would not be proper at this time. The elders think genocide might be, but you feel that won't go over so well. Your ship brings some of the former slaves to the large port, and does some trading but has little report other then fighting with Persians have continued. Also tales of a series of Roman victories on another island. The Romans are hoping for an Embassey of sorts in your village though so that trade at least can go on properly.


The ships are soon repaired with plenty of extra timber. The rebuilt docks and the beginings of the seaport provide a good home for your ships over the winter months. Sailing is more dangerous in the cold times but possible if necessary. For now though except for a bunkhouse, storehouse, docks, and larger hut for cooking the seaport is little more the then boundry markers. The fishing is brought back is stocked up and the law is followed by all as far as you know. The boats do bring many great catches back including tales of a battle with a fierce creature with huge giant tentacles. The creature nearly ripped the boat in half until a might ax blow took off one of the tentacles. The story is told many times by the crew.
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Romans.......warriors, builders, statemen conquers


Little Christophorus comes into the world on one long rainy night. The midwife has to tell you that even a king must wait for a child to come to the world. Soon though the young strong Roman is born to the Celtic woman know as Guennola. She is thrilled and the babie's room is filled with Celtic art and signs of protection. He never cries and you are happy to have an heir to your family name. It makes you wonder about your father and brother and the home you left.

Guennola converts to your faith as you are married at the temple to Jupiter in a beautiful fall ceremony. This is more powerful then a treaty and the feeling of bond between Celt and Roman is only strengthened. Your wife makes sure your home is ready for winter and the supplies are at maxium in the storehouses. It is not long into the cold months that little dark haired Christophorus begins to crawl around on the marble and carpetted floors.


Work slows once winter comes and nothing practically done because stone work will only crack before the morter dries. Though with the addition labor plenty of work is completed and tons of materials are brought in so that the university can be started in the spring. Many of your people have built large huts if not farm houses. Many have taken your advice and doors are made more secure and stone walls are becoming the norm.

City Development

Guennola comes to your study one evening after eating and dumps a pile of scrolls on your desk. Before you can look up she puts on another pile. "All the Roman applicants for the Govenor positions. They list military service, government service and skills. Most are new to the island though some of the men you came with have applied as well. You have to sort through these dear." She sighs....and rubs your shoulders. "I hope this means if you do select people you will stay with me and Chris more." She kisses your cheek and goes off to the bedroom"


Your men brave the seas and soon dozens more traders come to you port. Asians, Russians, and of coarse other Romans are willing to trade. Though sailing slows down in the winter the warehouses and market place are busy until the first snow. You need to increase your natural resources to trade as well as finished goods to compete. Guennola is happy to find markets for the Celtic art and soon many of her people are making gold for their crafts.


The food is stocked in the communual stores and privately owned storehouses. Everything from grain and grapes to venison and fish. Your private stores are very impressive. Also soon you and the legion have plenty of wolve pelts to use and display. A fine pelt is infront of your desk killed by a local boy with a sling. The hunters only kill until the attacks stop so that the wolves remain if only to control the deer population. Elk which are found in the northern most part of the island soon are celebrated dish on Roman tables.


Valde Glorria is a place of great celebration and some diplomatic discussion. Sita's sister cannot get away from her leadership duties, but she sends orders that Sita negotiate for her Egyptian people. They gladly except your gift and in return give you a golden chalice and a barrel of fine wine. The sisters seem to understand it is war and promise not to deal with other powers your in conflict with. They do hope for more trade though and aid in their matters. They have dangerous Viking neighbors that are a constant threat. Perhaps a join campaign can be benificial to you both a the region. Sita does inquire if Romans keep more then one wife with a smile on her face.

The Khan of the Mongols regrets that he is not able to attend your wedding, but wishes you to know that he regards you as a friend. He is at war and feels he cannot leave his island at this time (they seem always to be at war). He does send you a gift of 30 Mongol horses divided evenly between males a females. He wishes to continue trade and hopes that there will be more seige engines to buy as well as grain in the future. King Augustus also is unable to attend but sends Lartius a cousin and scared and decorated veteran. It is said that he broke the back of a bear in an area fight. he also comes with another of scribes, diplomats, and politicians. Much is discussed about a treaty benificial to you both. Mostly trade, but they do disguss the Visigoth domination of their island and other hostile neighbors. The King's gift is interesting if not strange. He gives you 100 gladiators from many exotic cultures. They are to dual to the death in the celebrations in the days following your wedding. Your soldiers who are assigned to watch them men are among the first to have matches at the parade field. You find out while them men had mess they watched two men kill each other with tridents.

Regardless of who was able to make your wedding your are begining to be reckonized as a power in the region. You are the master of your island and few can say that they have such power.


Amonanus takes the best recruits he can find among the many Roman immigrants to the island. Soon every cohort is at the maxium 300 men. Not all are of Roman stock though as Celts, and Chinese are small in number but still a solid minority in your army. Amonanus says that he does not want to deplete all the Romans and wants to see how these forgeiners fight. Actaeon finds many Mongols willing to fill the ranks though he marks them down as irregular cavalry on the official army lists. Many have wild riding contests and are among the most rowdy in the barracks. Their short bows are impressive and your men are amazed to see that they carry 200 arrows as standard. Still once they begin to learn Latin over the winter months all begin to get along. Primpilus takes on the boring, but necessary task of going through applicants for military positions. He reports back to you at one cold winter night that there are plenty that are eager to serve, but are youn lacking experience. As to a navy only merchant captains are available for recruitment. Patrols are put on boundries for all the facilities, and nobody is allowed to watch any kind of training or enter without a pass.


The hammers of the forge are heard often then some of the best drill with the new leg armor. They are strong but nobody is sure if they will be better. They will take come getting used to as well. Primipilus suggests armoring one cohort with the new armor and monitor results from training and combat. The greaves are liked though for the most part by the soldiers involved with the early tests.


One night a week after Bonaventure reported he setup base camps as well as main campsite one of his son's arrives. Cadmus arrives dirty and tired in your main hall, but with a wooden chest he drops on the floor. It is filled with large chunks of gold. He smiles and looks at you,"there is much is a vein in those high rocks."

Main sail around the island and make a good map of the whole island and many small tiny ones around it. Most are tiny Celtic hamlets with only 100 people who live of the fishing. There of these tiny hamlets are found and all are willing to pledge loyalty to you to receive your protection. A fourth interesting island is found and it has Amazons living there who were very hostile to the all male crew. They wish for a few Amazons from your settlement to come negotiate on the next trip to the island. The reason for the hostility is soon found when they find another small island filled with savage head hunters. They kill several crew members, but a your trained men soon inflict massive casualties. Soon charts and notes are shared with you along with the accounts from many soldiers and sailors.


Euphorbus as ususal manages to out do himself. He has learned their language and customs and even some of their weapons. He soon has good size Asian junk to take him to the Mongol fortress city that will soon be underseige in the spring. The city has some skilled crafts people and many wish not to stay knowing the tide will turn. Apparently the Khan has taken time to rebuild his army and has reorganized his cavalry and taken on thousand of Asian fort soldiers. The seige engines were the death nail. Soon Euphorbus comes back with some 75 craftsmen including their families. They include bow makers, navigators, boat builders, saddle makers, and artisans. Many pleasure women called Geisha's also desert the city fearing they will be raped or made slaves. As the snow falls the slip out of the city quitely. Though the captian and crew need to be paid in gold the operation was a profitable one.


The winter months bring a close to the raids. Many of the members of the bands are killed out right while some are brought back to the capital in chains. Your Celtic recruits tell you that many of them were wild even when Gauls ruled the island. They are not liked by anyone, and finding volunteers to join your troops is easy. Some bands of citizens and militia out number the cohorts assigned. With dogs, torches, and hunting bows they aid your troops. Members of the last of large bands are killed on the beach one cold night while trying to board a Persian ship. Your men are only able to exchange arrrows with the Persians before they sail off to the safety of the ocean.

At sea the Vikings are continue the war with the Persians. They take a commerce ship and soon are fighting warships. The fights are brutal and before things end with the first snow no less then 10 ships are sunk or badly damaged. Some 100 lives are lost at sea or sorties on land while many more or wounded. Persian losses are hard to tell but 8 Persian ships are confirmed damaged or sunk. Outside of Draga's house are two skulls of Persian captains on pikes. Among the best items taken are camels, gold bars, silk, spices, and charts and navigational notes of the Perians. The winter brings time to rebuild, repair, and recruit. It seems the Vikings are making it personal with the Prince.

The Persians even have the gaul to attack your light house and harbor in the winter months. Flaming arrows fly and destroy much before the fire can be extinguished. They also do damage to Sita's royal ship. She is completely enraged and wishes only for revenge now.
Exhiled Russian Princess.....


With the arrival of spring you feel much better about yourself and the state of the village. You have survived and feel better about your position. Another season free and alive all part of the struggle. A you dance and exercise with Tabia one morning and you realize that you are not limiting. Your friend and teach smiles at you as you leap across the room easily with a giggle. Tabia smiles, "I told you over the winter with hard work it would be strong again my dear. Next time remember to ride faster she laughs."

The merchant's horse you took that night Ziven receives much better treatment in your stables and is often happy to see you and even friendly with Ivana who keeps the stable free of rats. The manor was well stocked when you took it over, but it has even more potential in the spring your servants tell you to produce even more crops and there is good grazing land for horses and cattle.

You meet Leshuya love Kalman over dinner one winter night and you are shocked. He is polite well spoken and kind to your sister. Despite being a Viking he had an interesting up bringing. His parents were killed in a raid and he was raised by nuns many years before relatives could track him down. He learned to read and write in Latin as well as his own language and learned a craft. Though he would rejoin the Vikings later in life he would keep the Christian God the kind women who took him in prayed too...He still goes on raids but does not kill without reason and slaughter for the enjoyment of it. Your sister loves him deeply and they kiss so often Vanya chases him off with a stick. He does stay at the house some nights living above the workshop. He helps mend the fences, and took care of many jobs around the house. When Jan was ill over the holidays it was hime who brave the snow to fetch the surgeon. As you watch him help little Jan ride a sheep with Leshuya tending the flowers and giggling. Perhaps she has found the one you think as you go back to your book.

With the advent spring you are able to go back to your swims with the Viking women. It is a simple pleasure but it always you to escape the duties of being a princess if only for a few hours. A few comment even that you look in better shape. Auda one of the older women comes over to you one day and talks to about how she once got to swim in the Roman baths. She wished that they had them here but the pond is nice and warm. The conversation does change though, "we came in over this winter my husband and I that is and I was hoping to meet you Princess. My nephew talks about your sister very often. He loves her very much and want to marry her...he worries that you will say no to marriage. I know we are of working stock, but he is a good boy and a kind one. He has already bought land..will you at least think about it? He has had a hard life."

With the nicer months back your Cossack weapon's master Esaulov does not take no for an answer. He insists that you at least train defensively with your fighting. So your sword thursts are continued, but with blocks that will give you a chance to escape. Also your riding improves to the point you are taking the high fences around the farm. Your heart is not in it but you think you can wound and not kill if you must fight. Of coarse though the black monks will not back down no matter what happens.

Vanya and Tabia also seek to find whatever extra time you have in your days. The whole winter is spent with a book in your hands by the fire or in the studio with Tabia. She also teaches you how to do your makeup. You look varies very much and you have walked through the village several times unreckonized. Mentally and physically your in great shape though not as voluptous as the other women you are very pretty. Finding suitable male companionship has not been a high priority though. Your bed is at least is the best in the village with Egyptian cotton sheets and bear skins as well as goose down pillows.

The specter that is Vladimir is still out there though and you must be ever watchful. Even for something is simple as tending the flower beds you must have Cossacks nearby.


Though the cold winter prevents trade, but bandits do not as you setup escorts and patrols. Your young soldiers clash often with bandits and the black monks. It is soon a village policy wagons can travel in only groups of 5 or more with soldiers or mercenaries escorting them along the trade routes. Soldiers die, bandits are killed but soon it is more common to hear of a trade convoy making it through then getting attacked. Moved by your words bands of villagers with dogs, axes, and torches patrol the streets and trails around the village. A spy from Ivan is spotted and chased down and is beaten to death. The young boys of the village that signed on are now scared veterans. One night at the The Screaming Lance you eat and watch Tabia dance with her eldest daughter (for experience and extra gold) you here the table of battles and chases through the woods. You have to giggle thinking how they were just boys a few seasons ago before they joined the military. Many merchants buy you volka and thank you for improving the trade situation.


One day you ride with Hadeon and his other cohorts to the Cossack camp. I always a wild and fun place. Drinking and horse racing as well strength contests are the order of the days as well as watching gypsy women dance. As ususal they are happy to see Princess Katarinya lover of Cossacks. They listen to you and talk with your and drink half the night coming up with a plan to deal with the devils in black. Many cries for vengence are heard but soon real plans take over and you know they will deal with your problem.

One dark snowy night in the down you barely escaped with your life the black monks lay in their beds. Some drunk some exhausted, but all asleep. Even those on guard duty can see nothing through the blinding snow. They have taken over a church complex and have done nothing, but offend and violate. They killed monks and priests raped and killed nuns. Destroyed the cemetary and stabled their horse in the main hall. Out of the darkness something comes........a sound???

Screams of charging Cossacks come from the darkness. Throats are cut before alarm can be sounded and scimitar kick down doors. The unholy monks die droves most before they can even pickup a blade to defend themselves. Sledge hammers crush skulls as hands are cut off by swords. None of the dark order are left alive and some 40 corpes are staked out along the road before dawn. When regular soldiers try to follow the wilkd band they are only find arrows. The whole way back to your village corpes of Ivan's soldiers can be found.

A few days later after the raid the Cossack leader sends Hadeon to your with a message. He walks in to your manor house and throws two huge bags down on the floor. Out spills more jewels then even you the Czarina has ever seen. He smiles and turns to you and recounts the story adding that he killed no less then 8 black monks three by beheading and one thrown from a window. He looks back down at jewels including many Christian items from churchs including a red cross crusade shield. He speak up, " this your share Princess. We pay merchants for supplies and arms already. We send the monks back to hell and will do it again. Becareful we post more guards. This will not be taken lightly." He smiles at Vanya who simply sighs and picks up little Jan and leaves saying something under her breath.


Father Acrisus bothers you more then a few times about increasing the size of the church over the summer and adding class rooms. He also bothers your sister about getting married and how her having little Jan is sinful. Needless to say she does not go to church with you on Sunday. The one ship was built over the winter months since indoor work space was limited, but it is a stout trade and exploration vessel completed and work on the other is beginning. They ask what you think the name should be of the vessel. The other two vessels laden with goods head to the Viking town Ivan's family founded with the purpose of trade and treaty discussion. Also Tolenka one of your agents travels with the small fleet the foreign island. He is to ride to meet with Ryu and brings two letters one written and signed by you and another in Japanese. Frekki promises the mission will be a successful not matter what the results.

In the Spring one vessel does return to your home port. Ivor who commanded the second ship says Frekki and the others stayed on to explore and for diplomatic reasons. The hold of their ship is filled with many exotic Asian goods that the Vikings on Ryu's island can get easily. There are many goods for trade including exotic kites the children love, tea many enjoy drinking, and impressive lite longswords (a Katana made in one of Ryu's forges). Ivor does inform you that Ryu is on campaign against Tran with his whole army so they may have to wait for an answer. Ivan is willing to trade as well and is also interested in buying timber, horses, cattle, and volka. He sends you a Katana, an Japanese sword which is razor sharp but very light weight. It is for protection of the home and keeping evil spirits away.

You think how nice the summer palace is when you family goes there midspring. One day soon you will again. You look at a report from one of your spies as you sip a glass of wine by the fire. Vladimir's army is now nearly 10,000 strong made up of peasant levies, mercenaries, and Russ Vikings. The army under your father was ususally no more then 5,000 at any given time and that included the palace guards.
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Katarinya is pleased to find out her small estate is blossoming. She meets with her chatelaine and discusses what crops to plant on her own lands, and agrees to planting a wide mixture of crops, particularly fruits. She also speaks to Akecheta, the Sioux horse breeder who settled in the village, asking him if he has any horses he would like to graze on the fallow regions of her estate.

Over the winter and early spring, Katarinya comes to meet Kalman, Leshuya's love. He is a courteous fellow, well educated and Christian. Katarinya assures herself that Kalman is interested in Leshuya for more than her position and will be a good husband and father. "Leshuya, Kalman seems a suitable man. If he truly makes you happy, you should wed him." Katarinya discretely asks her Cousin Vahktang if he approves of Leshuya's viking suitor as well, then gives her permission for the two to marry.


Katarinya soon hears tales of her soldiers clashing with the bandits over the winter and early spring, setting them to their heels more often than not. Katarinya meets with the soldiers to get a good feel for who they are.

After she meets with them, she picks out the most experienced and wisest of the men, making sure he has the respect of all the men beneath him. "I would like you to become the Captain of a company of a guardsman. Pick out the ten most cunning men you have to become your lieutenants and have each of them pick out a pair of good men to be sergeants."

Once she has the framework down, Katarinya asks the Captain to have each of his lieutenants bring his section of troops up to 100 men, recruiting from the village and from the towns they trade with. A company of 1,000 guardsmen will form a good basis for the coming campaigns against Vlad.


The summer months are an excellent time for building projects, with the ground unfrozen. There are three in particular that Katarinya has in mind now that trade has begun to flow again.

First, she meets with her teacher, Vanya. "I've given some thought to your advice about building a small convent for women here. I would like you to pick out some suitable ground. I shall sponsor a Convent dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene with a portion of the jewels the Cossacks have gifted me." Katarinya smiles as Vanya rushes off to begin the project.

Secondly, Katarinya heads into town to meet with the merchants of the village. She confers with them and then comments, "As our village grows into a city, hygiene becomes important for reducing disease and improving the health of the people. I wish to have a large Bathing House constructed near the town square, were our people can bath even in the winter months." Katarinya approves the use of the trade income to improving the town by building the bath houses and improving the roads in the town itself.

Lastly, Katarinya meets with Father Acrisus. "Father, I agree that the Church must become larger to meet the needs of the people. I will gladly approve of an expansion to the Church building and building more classrooms, if you can find funds and volunteers to work on the project." With that, Katarinya donates one of the jewels the Cossacks gifted her, and the Crusader shield, asking that the shield be hung in a place of honor in the Church to inspire the faithful.


The flow of goods from Ivan proves to be quite a boon to the spirits of the people and Katarinya gladly embraces the change.

She meets with the ship captains and merchants in the Screaming Lance to discuss trade. "Horses and cattle we need, but timber and vodka I believe we can gladly trade to Ivan for tea and silks from the Asians."

Katarinya turns to the merchants. "Let us not forget trade overland, no be greedy with our wealth. A portion of what comes by sea we should trade to the other Russian cities by land, to strengthen the economy of our entire island."

Research - Currency, Arts and Crafts

As trade resumes for the village, Katarinya is amused the amount and diversity of the coins she has in her coffers, and the difficulties of the barter system. She meets with the town's bankers and discuss with them. "If we are to trade with other islands and villages, we must have a standard currency with a fiat value. Please, bend your minds into ways we can stabilize our trade economy and improve the ease of our merchants trading abroad."

After that meeting, Katarinya heads to the complex of textile shops she ordered built nearly a year ago. She is a bit disappointed that the trade of the village continues to rely on raw resources like timber, and a few amenities like vodka. She meets with the foremen of the textile shops and asks them what they need to do to produce fine linens and velvets that people will trade for. "We cannot rely on selling our cattle and buying back meat. We must have finished goods of our own to sell, or we shall always lose in trade."


Katarinya is delighted when she hears about the Cossacks successes against the black monks. She meets with Hadeon and the leader of the Cossacks. "Your triumphs are great. The black monks are the heart of Black Vlad's wicked tyranny. Each defeat they suffer is a blow to Black Vlad's heart." She is particularly pleased that this band of Black Monks will no longer be terrorizing the countryside and despoiling the people. She encourages the Cossacks to continue raiding the Black Monks. "It is my feeling that the common people in Black Vlad's army are there out of fear.. If we remove the source of their fear, they shall leave."

After that, Katarinya pens a missive to the other five Russians towns. She writes that she is alive and claiming the title of Czarina and that she asks all loyal Russian citizens to support her over the tyrant Vlad Hopefully, the announcement of her opposition to Vlad will stir discontent against the usurper and possibly raise the other villages to her cause.


Katarinya continues to bath with the Viking women, enjoying her conversations with the older women like Auda. Katarinya blushes slightly as the Viking women comment on her body, but is quite flattered by their approval.

After she is finished her swims, she heads back to her estates, to join Tabia in the study, working on her steps. She practices her stretches and exercises, till she can feel her body becoming more flexible and limber.

As she walks through the town, relatively unnoticed, Katarinya notices the town square is alive with a bustle of people, a mixture of Russians, Cossacks, Vikings and gypsies going about their business. In the evenings, when trade has closed, the town square becomes a place for young people to meet each.

Young women gather around the well, and suitably disguised in a plain dress, Katarinya slips out one night to join them, sighing over the young men who gather nearer to the walls. Katarinya is careful never to flirt with anyone from her own village who might recognize her, but is pleased to meet the gentlemen from other villages who come to trade, even though she never permits a flirtation to go beyond a cup of wine in a tavern, a few dances, or a quiet stroll in the moonlight.

Katarinya decides to organize a summer fair for the next season, to include contests of swordsmanship and horsemanship as well as dances and a feast.
An impressive reply sent to me email from overseas.

“Rome is an eternal thought in the mind of God.” – from the movie, ‘Spartacus’


Arilias made a beeline straight to the Field of Mars upon hearing of the Gladiators. The Circus Maximus had been all the rage of Rome, but only in its darkest days did human bloodsport have a place in the great Coliseum. Arilias had no desire to see those dark omens here on his own island. The crowd was rowdy, cheering, jeering and shouting, but seeing the appearance of their commander on the field, followed by their head trainer, Ammonanus, quickly caused the silence of all.

“Lower your weapons!” he called to the two gladiators as they circled one another. Already blood had been spilled on the sandy ground of the sacred field. Not that blood was an uncommon sight here, nor would there never be blood spilled here in the future, but this time it was wrong, slaughter for the purpose of pleasure was not the way of Rome, not HIS Rome anyway.

“Brothers,” he called to the assembled Legionaries. “Why do you cheer? Are you so anxious to see someone die? Are you so willing to watch men butcher one another for sport? What will be next when they have no more blood to offer? Will we ask the man next to you to entertain the rest?”

We are Romans, true Romans. We fight for ideals that have been forgotten and discarded; we fight for the Rome that led the world, not just ruled over it. We serve the Republic and Rome, it does not serve us. Too many of our kin have forgotten this. Do not shame yourselves, your calling or your commander by forgetting this.”

He turned next to the gladiators who were crowding together.

“You are all slaves, brought together and given to me as a wedding gift to die for my entertainment. As you might have guessed, I have no desire to watch you die in this manor. If it is your destiny to die for me, then I offer you position within the Legions. Be free men and come with me, fight for the Rome that should be, not the Rome that has come to pass.”


Arilias had been pouring through the scrolls of application for hours, many had already been discarded and now he thought he had suitable choices. The first was Meridius, a loyal man who had earned his citizenship in the Legions. He had an excellent reputation for being a die hard Roman and an idealist, much as Arilias himself was. He was also known to be very no-nonsense and not afraid of a fight, even in light of his 50 odd years. With more than a third of Draga’s Vikings settled in Rusticus, as well as Draga himself, he would be an excellent choice for the position there. The second choice was a bit more of a chance. Simon was a minor Roman noble by birth, and had only served for a brief time in the army as an advisor, but had also come over from Syracuse. It seemed that there was little to no room for his advancement under ‘king’ Augustus, so he had sought appointment under Arilias’s banner. Arilias hoped that Simon, once sworn to loyalty, would also bring over any of his own men and possession to the Republic as well as curry favor with the people of Syracuse. If nothing else, Homestead was close enough under the shadow of Valde Glorria to serve as a constant reminder of who the real lord was, just in case Simon’s loyalties were…divided. Arilias sighed and penned the order as well as their confirmation as commander of the local militias. As Governors, they commanded no legionaries, but the militias still fell under their command, second only to himself or in time of invasion. Two others, likewise chosen for loyalty and ability, would be appointed as LT governors, but Meridius and Simon would be his choices to lead. Time would tell about their true quality however.


Arilias walked along the garden paths beside Guennola, who was carrying little Christophorus. It was a fairly rare moment, when Arilias left the details of his lands and spent time with his new family. Duty was neverending and although he very much wished to be a good father and husband, he feared that his duty would take him away more and more often. On the up side, Guennola had proven to be a good council, especially in the arena of foreign affairs. There were a lot of ‘foreign affairs’ as of late and Arilias enjoyed hearing her take and advice, not to mention her company.

“I do not like this ‘king’ of Syracuse.” He said. He was not concerned about any stray ears, he had ensured that the gardens were protected by his most trusted legionaries, many of which had come with him from Rome and had followed him through the conquest of this island. The woman bodyguard, Armina, had been dismissed to train Dido in similar duties.

“I am not sure why I distrust him, but I do, and I have learned well to trust my instincts. First he declares himself ‘king’ when he should be proud and honored at the title of governor of Rome, then he snubs us by not attending our wedding. He fights men to the death for the joy of watching men die and even here, I have word of their so-called ‘bath houses’ and other vices. I am concerned that he embodies why Rome had degenerated, not what Rome should be held to do.”

He sighed, “Still, he is a Roman noble, so I shall hear his emissary, Lartius. I have prepared a banquet tonight for him; I would wish you to attend as well my dear.”

** A week later, in Rusticus **

Arilias Tyrus Rode forward along with his honor guard as the gates of Draga’s fortified farm opened to accommodate him. He dismounted, handing the reigns off to his second, none other than the Centurion, Ancus. Draga had agreed to meet with Arilias in private, but the loyal warrior would not be far away if something unfortunate were to happen.

They met and talked in length about the expeditions and skirmishes with the Persians. Thus far, the Viking chieftain had gotten the worst of it, but the Persians were paying in blood as well. Still, Rome could ill afford the loss of many of his transport ships.

“I will see if Sita and her sister will be willing to assist you with Egyptian warships. The Triremes are still too few to take the offensive so far away, but they shall take over patrolling the island. Still, that is not all I wished to discuss with you Draga.”

“You and your people have done good things for Rome, for this land and for me, of that there is no doubt. Your kinsmen farm, fish and partake just as any of the settlers do, some have even chosen to serve in the Roman military, yet they are hindered and held back from reaching their full potential. Your status as mercenaries is holding them back Draga, and you as well. As long as you remain a mercenary, your people are held to the ranks of the Plebeians, with little chance of rising.”

“Mercenaries may not own land nor hold office. You could very well have been considered for Governor of Rusticus, if you were a citizen. Perhaps it is time to lay down the title of mercenary and join me Draga. Flavia and her Amazons have become auxiliaries; you could easily take the mantle as well for the Roman Navy. I would even allow our deal about splitting plunder to stand… include letting you keep the extra you have hidden in your basement.” Draga gave Arilias a surprised look. “Yes Draga, I know. I have known for some time now, but tell me why do you send gold back to your home island?”


Between finishing the ships in the yard, the sea wall, the Academy and University, rebuilding Toulouse and now, repairing the lighthouse, I have more than enough. I have no more city projects to add this turn.

For those building huts, make it known that I dislike huts. They look crude, they provide little shelter and they burn or are crushed easily. Huts are fine so long as they are temporary, but they must be upgraded eventually.

Back in Toulouse, since the city was noted as not being well laid out, now is a good time to remedy that with all the damage and reconstruction. If facilities have to be torn down and rebuilt, so be it. The one exception will be family housing or other critical structures. These will be left alone or the occupants given advance warning to move and a place to go. I want to rebuild the city and make it better, to include building a Roman bath house, not traumatize the populace further.

City Development: (Build):

As spring arrives, I have a special project planned. When we first reclaimed the colony, there was a road that went nowhere, basically, a site for future use which never occurred. Now I will open that site to start a new settlement. Using the bulk of the wheat germ, I will commission large farm tracts to settlers to plant wheat fields for the Republic. I will also start orchards for apples as well as blackberry and grapes vineyards. The first farms will also be set up to care for these fields.

Cadmus will be sent to the bath house to freshen up and relax for a job well done. In the meantime, I will organize a supply shipment for his father’s camp along with several experienced stone cutters from the quarry. I will also secretly arrange for a few of Cachamwri’s goldsmiths to join the caravan. When the caravan leaves, Bonaventure’s son will present a letter for his eyes only, congratulating him for his success and instructing him to start a stone quarry in the area. They will provide new materials to build with as well as assist the miners. The goldsmiths will start a smelter for gold and the gold bars will be secretly stashed in with the stone shipments. This way, the gold mine and operation will have some secrecy and added security to it. Bonaventure is in charge of the whole operation.

Meet with Davida, since she has proven to be a talented business woman, I will assign her to manage the Roman bath houses in Valde Glorria. (NOT to be confused with a brothel) The Geisha women that were rescued will also be turned over to her for employment.


With the hunting lodge dealing with the wolf problem so well, I will allow them to expand into trapping and gaming. Hopefully, furs and pelts will become a new, if small marketable commodity. In addition, the new Asian crafts will start making their way into the trade markets as well as Nordic, Celtic and Roman goods. The camels we have taken from Persians will all be sold to Sita, as they are not suited for use on my island.

I will also start looking to purchase Greek Fire from any of the merchants.


With the winter snow melting and the spring rains, the wells, springs and aqueducts will be flooded with fresh water. Now is the best time to refill the huge cisterns and baths for the city and towns. Fresh water is always a precious commodity. See about setting up an irrigation system for the farms as well. Planting will begin for all the farms and vineyards.

The 30 horses from the Mongol Khan will be taken to Rentino and Actaeon’s Ranch. First, how are Actaeon and the other wounded doing in their recovery? Second, I want the horse breeders to start working on 3 types of mounts, a steady, hearty and strong type for the Roman cavalry (heavy cavalry) a sleek, fast horse with strong running endurance for the scouts (light cavalry) and a mix in between for the Mongol archers. (Med. cavalry)



The banquet hall was filled with the representatives from Syracuse. Lartius and his diplomats were all in attendance, as was Arilias and his own lieutenants. Ancus, Actaeon, Ammonanus, Guennola, as well as his governors all were seated, enjoying a fine meal. Finally, the trays were carried away by servants and wine was poured.

“Now friends, “Arilias said holding his cup aloft. “Let us speak of things Roman. Tell me about Syracuse, good Lartius, and what is going on about your island.”


Arilias smiled back, taking Sita’s hand and kissing it. “Princess, although most Legionaries do not marry, and mistresses are not unheard of, a Roman couple is just that, a couple. Tradition binds them as surely as the law. You should not tempt the ruling Governor, who must set an example for his citizens.” He released her hand with a flourish and sat back down at the table. “Now let us return to the matter of Prince Kahveh. I think a joint venture would be very good, but I regret that many of our neighbors are not so quick to unite. I have here, copies of the maps, charts and notes taken from our last raids and forays. I give them to you as a sign of our unity. Would you be willing to share information about the Persian army with us?”

“In any case, I do not think we can launch a successful invasion at this time. We are too few and our resources are limited. Still, I have some ideas which might help sting this enemy or ours, but it will take both our forces. “(See war)

Celtic islands:

Guennola will be sent to represent Rome; the locals will likely be more inclined towards her than anyone else. Each of the 3 hamlet elders, or whatever they have as leaders, will be invited back to Valde Glorria to swear fealty to Rome. It will be explained that it will be difficult to station legionaries on small islands for any length of time, but I will offer to help train and equip their people as militia in return for their support. Each leader will return to their island with a small supply of weapons, additional supplies, seed crops and a special aquila. Once there, the aquila will be set in the ground in the center of their hamlet, thus marking them as a part of Rome. They will be asked to plant small gardens as well as fish and a tiny portion of what they grow and catch will be given as tribute.

Amazon island:

Flavia will be sent to negotiate and represent Rome and see what might be learned from them. In a show of support (and might) Rome will deal with these head hunters. The Amazons will be invited to participate in the attack.

Head hunter island:

Mindless, savage barbarians. The gladius, the pilum and the pugio will negotiate for us. (See war)


Praise Amonanus for his excellent work in getting the legion up to fighting status so quickly, but more are always needed, so the recruiting will continue. I would like to begin the formation of a second legion. The new Celtic hamlets will also need organization for militia duty. Some of the academy trainers will go to the islands and work with the locals into forming and fighting if the need arises. Also, the gladiators will be given over to Amonanus. I trust they will make very willing and excellent legionaries, train them hard. I have something special planned for them.

The new grieves will be given to the first and second cohorts for testing. In addition, all officers will wear them, both as a sign of position and also to lead by example. Also, many of the men will go to the temple and shrines to have their weapons blessed. All of the Aquifiers, with their new wolf head helms, will have their Aquilas blessed for victory in battle.

I would also like to reorganize the Legion, moving men into different or forming new cohorts as ‘promotions’ of skill or to fill in for fallen comrades. 100 men make up a century, led by a centurion. Of these 100, 20 are engineers, 80 are standard infantry. 3 centuries make up a cohort; each cohort is led by a centurion. (Making 4 to a cohort) They will be ranked as 2 centurion optio, (Junior centurions) a full centurion, (the second in command) and a centurion principal. (The leader) 10 cohorts make up a Legion of 3000 men and a Legion will be led by a Tribune. Multiple Legions will be commanded by a Consol. (That’s me) Each even numbered cohort will be the less experienced men, while the odd numbered cohorts represent the better trained and seasoned. The Third Cohort, (commanded by Ancus) is my best, most honored and most elite cohort. (Usually the center of the lead formation) This way, the lesser trained men are flanked by veterans, both for support and to keep the Jr men in line or to keep them from breaking. The vets hold the flanks and center, the most vulnerable places in formation.

Research: (Training):

Recently, we have gained several different types of equipment, specifically bows and saddles. I would like to have a competition of sorts; between the Welsh, Mongols and Amazons, who makes the better bow? Among the Chinese, the Mongols and the Romans, who makes the better saddle? If there are qualities liked in different types, perhaps we can make and use a hybrid type in order to get the best style.


I wish to start talking to these Roman traders, where are they from and what news is there from abroad about the Empire? Surely there are other Roman cities and colonies. Syracuse can’t be the only city left out there!


Euphorbus has done well, but now I have some other missions. First, send him to interrogate the captured bandits. They were caught working with the Persians so find out what they were doing and if there are any more spies, bandits or meetings set up. Secondly, go among the city’s criminals and sneaks. Euphorbus is to start recruiting for a 5th column and form an intelligence group willing to work for Rome. (They may be crooks, but they’re Roman crooks!) Needless to say, he must be very careful in whom he recruits and let them know that disloyalty and treachery against Rome is punishable by crucifixion. Serve and be forgiven, betray and only agony awaits. Their first duty is to root out any Persian (or any other) spies and influence.


Head hunters:

Send the 1st and 2nd Cohorts to the island along with 200 of the Amazon axillaries and 6 of the stone throwing siege engines. They will have the honor of being the first to use the stone throwers, leg grieves and our Legion’s holy Aquila in actual battle. The force will be led by seasoned Centurions, but some of the jr centurions will be the newly chosen to gain battle experience. The foreign Amazons will be invited to partake in the battle, but it is important to make a good showing to them. They have been having trouble with these hunters for some time by their attitudes, but if the Roman Army can wipe them out in short order with little trouble, it will likely make a huge impression on them.

The Persians:

Arilias met with Sita and Draga in the planning room. “I have a couple of ideas to strike back at Kahveh and cost him a few troops.” He said, bringing out a map. “First, Draga, I have marked a target from your map of Kahveh’s border region, this fat and soft cattle ranch. You and some of your Viking raiders will land here, attack the ranch, steal as much livestock as we can stuff into your ship, kill the rest and then burn the houses. Kahveh undoubtedly has ships on patrol by now, including warships. Flee as soon as your pickets see them coming, do not engage them. They will surely pursue. Lead them here, around the tip of the island, where I will have all twelve of my triremes waiting for his force and we shall ambush them. Even a patrol of three or four warships will be hard pressed to defeat them and we will send them all to the underworld.”

“Next will be a joint effort by Sita’s forces and ours. Sita, you mentioned that your forces and the Persians have fought over this island chain here. This will be part two of our trap. I ask you to invade some of these larger islands and occupy them. Once there, block up every well and spring, take every crumb of food and evacuate the bulk of your forces. Prince Kahveh will likely send an attack force to unseat your army and retake the islands. Warships do not carry large numbers of troops and supplies, so he must bring supply ships and troop transports; these are slow and vulnerable, as Draga can attest to after skirmishing with Persian warships.”

“Once the troops have landed and engaged the Egyptians, my triremes, supported by Egyptian warships, can sweep down and drive off the Persian fleet. The Persian land forces will be marooned on the islands with little supplies and we can bombard them with the ship mounted siege engines. With no fresh water, they cannot hold out for long. Hopefully, they will surrender or starve. With their forward patrols sunk, the Persians will not know about the warship fleet waiting for their invasion, but the plan is not without peril. The Egyptian forces in the island will be in jeopardy, not only because of the Persians, but also because we cannot give them much food or water, lest it be captured by the Persians and thwart the trap. If they cannot escape to the ships, then they are in for a rough time.”

“Also, it is unlikely that we will destroy the entire fleet when it comes and some will escape, Kahveh will send even more ships and troops in a second wave, but that will take time for him to organize and sail. I estimate that we will have no more than three or four days to wait out the Persians in safety, and then we must either invade or withdraw. If we must invade, then the Persians will likely be weak from lack of water and food, but we must fight anyway. If we withdraw, then the Persian force escapes and we will have only caused Kahveh the loss of some of his navy, I want a part of his army to surrender in humiliation or be lost. If it works, we might cost Kahveh the loss of a legion or more of front line troops.”

Details: If we can capture any ships, fine, but sinking them is just as good. The goal is to cause losses, not claim prizes. The rams on the triremes will be most effective, especially if we can take them by surprise. On the island battle, pound the Persians trapped on the island with the ship weapons where we will be out of range and we can soften them up. If they surrender, great, have them throw down their armor and weapons in a pile on the beach, then have them gathered up into ships at another location to be taken prisoner. (Just in case they want to pretend to surrender or make a last minute escape attempt) We will sail away with everything and that’s that. If we must attack, I can spare 5, cohorts and the Greek Auxiliary troops, supported with 20 stone throwers, the Egyptians and the warships. If the battle with the headhunters was short, then they will also have the holy banner as well as having blessed weapons. (See Training) Hopefully the Persians will surrender or be too weak to make much of a fight, but if we must fight, then there will be no mercy and the Persians will die to a man.

The entire force will then retreat, taking all the equipment and plunder with them. Roman and Egyptian dead will be taken back; the Persians dead will be left in the sun to rot until their fellows come to claim them.

Extra stuff: While we are waiting out the Persians on the island, my cohorts can raid the upper edge of Kahveh’s land, using the maps we have to pick out soft targets. This is for simple raids to sting his lands, even if it’s smashing up fishing villages or marching over freshly planted farms. Save the real fighting for the island attack if it comes.

A perfect execution will be the loss of a Persian navy patrol, the sinking of an invasion fleet, the surrender of an invasion force and the successful raiding of Kahveh’s coastline. Let’s see how much of that we can accomplish. J
Give me strenght

Give me strength
This is my prayer to thee, my lord---strike,
strike at the root of penury in my heart.
Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.
Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service.
Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might.
Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.
And give me the strength to surrender my strength to thy will with love.

Another cold day arises for the village of Bain. The cold wet winds make waking and moving hard and unenjoyable. Yet for many people laying in bed is not an option. The winter winds have moved in early this year and snow has already fallen twice. Shamans at both temples and each of the smaller chapel have lead groups in prayer for a forgiving winter. They pray that no one dies or suffers during this cold long winter. However our hero’s thoughts are only on Florentina whom he lies with under her fur blanket. The two lay naked, entwined in each other’s arms. Their clothes, parchments, and quills are still scattered across the floor. Constansa, Florentina’s servant, creeps slowly into the room and to her lady’s side. She whispers in her ear, “My lady your parents have just returned to the village. Lord Tufa should leave before they return.” Florentina slides out of bed and makes her way over to her window; Constansa who drapes her in a fine Asian silk robe follows her quickly. She slides the window aside just slightly not to draw attention by her parents who are riding up the path. She turns her head to a still half asleep Tufa. “ Lover, you need to rise or my father will find you and have you dragged back to your father’s house by your ankles.” “You would like that wouldn’t you,” Tufa said while scooting up in her bed. She smiled and walked over to him opening up her robe and straddled him. She pressed her lips against his and said, “No harm will come to you while I’m around, unless I’m the one dishing out the pain.” The than slid her teeth around his bottom lip and nibbled lightly. “Hum, my lady times a wasting.” “So when are you coming over again to work on your penmanship?” Tufa smiled, “ I thought you were showing me how to roll my tongue when I speak.” A look of disparity came across Constansa’s face, “My lady I will not be able to get him out if you don’t hurry.” “Constansa please show our guest the back door and I’ll greet my father and mother.” “Yes my lady. Please Tufa get dress quickly and I’ll walk you out through the servant’s exit.” Florentina whispered to Tufa, “I’ll see you for dinner at your house.” She gives him a passionate kiss and left to greet her family. Constansa started to clean up Florentina’s room while diverting her eyes from the naked man rambling around the room looking for his closes. Down the steps and out the back door he was push and just in time too, cause as soon as Constansa closed the door the lady of the house walked in to start breakfast for her family.

After his early morning walk home, Tufa made his way back to his father’s farm to the good graces of his mother. “Well, good morning son of mine.” Her bright smile was a clear cover for something. “Good morning mother, I’m sorry for tracking mud in. I couldn’t sleep well so I went out walking early this morning.” His mother still continued to smile and nod. “Ow son I’m sorry you didn’t sleep well. You must have been studying hard with young Florentina. You came home well after your father and I went to bed, and when your father woke he was concerned cause your bed did not looked slept in.” “Umm, umm” the look of fear came over his face. “But than I told him how much I’ve been riding you about making your bed when you wake. So I’m sure you made it before you left for your morning walk.” A huge weight had been lifted off Tufa’s shoulders but he still stood listen. “Son how about inviting Florentina, I think that’s her name, over for dinner so we can thank her for all the hard work she’s done teaching you. Also many be tonight you can read a poem to me. It would make your mother proud.” Tufa smiled back at his mother and kissed her on the cheek. “For you mother anything you wish for.” As Tufa started to walk down the hall to his room his mother stopped him once more. “Please stop in to see your father. This sickness he has contracted is keeping him mostly bed ridden and sometime delusional. One of the healers will be by this afternoon with more herbs for your father.

Knock, knock, knock, “Father,” Tufa said while he poked his head into his parent’s room. Inside Harjareks sat in front of their fireplace stirring a pot of boiling oils and herbs. Their room smelled of jasmine, sage, honey, and burnt wood. Harjareks leaned back in his chair and gripped his wool cloak that he had around his body. “Yes son please come in and have a seat next to me.” Tufa walked in and closed the door behind him. “Father do you wish me to bring you some water?” “No thank you son, I wish to talk and enjoy some time with you. “Sure anything you wish.” Harjareks propped his feet up on a wooden block. “I looked into your room today. It looks like your classes have been going well.” Your mother tells me you’ve learned Latin now.” “Yes, I’ve learn both Visigoth, Ostrogoth, and I’m now learning to read Latin,” Tufa said with a smile. “Good, good my boy. I’m sorry I never learn to read more than what I have. And Florentina is a good teacher for you?” “Boy, father is she ever. She’s so smart and fun to be around. Did you know both her parents can speak four languages each. And her father knows two different forms of measurement, and he’s got theses devices around his house that are colored beads on wooden rods. He uses this to count and do mathematics. Florentina just opened up a shop and her artwork is amazing. I’m thinking later to get a bear’s paw dyed on my back but than I saw the markings on her back. She said it’s a Celtic knot and it looks impressive. Harjareks leaned back in his chair. “Son I’ll make this short because I want to hit the trails. I’m very proud of how you have turned out. Your mother and I have raised you the best we can. But your behavior around Florentina needs to change. You need to look to get married and have children. So if you’re serious about this girl you need to ask her father for his blessing to court his daughter.” Tufa a little unsure about the expected response kept quite. “If you speak with Horsa, Florentina’s father, I’m sure he and I will have to have a meeting to discuss her engagement. But with that all out of the way I need to hit the trail son.” Harjareks stood and moved his way over to longbow and a full quiver of arrows. “Going hunting father?” Tufa asked. “Since you’ve been running around several villages have called upon me to kill a bear that has been killing their live stock a day’s travel north.” “Wow big hunt. Are you traveling with a party?” “Nope I feel good and my senses are focus. I’m been tracking it for several days now. Today will be my kill. I have a quiver of barbed arrows, I’ve waxed my bow string and today is the day.” “Well than father good hunting.” The father and son hugged, smiled, and went on their separate ways.
Harjareks mounted his horse and rode off for the day. Life in the Munthas lodge continued as normal until the next morning when Harjareks failed to come home. They tried not to worry too much since the War Chief had plenty of supplies, villagers he could call upon, and was a able bodied warrior. But by that afternoon fear started to settle in. So Tufa, his brother, some family friends and several village elders made a search party and traveled north to where Harjareks said he was going to be. For a couple hours they searched the county side before Harjareks’s horse was discovered traveling down the main road. At first glance the animal looked fine but closer examination showed the horse was tired and his muscles were weak from running. The pack continued to travel in the direction where the horse had come from when the smell of decaying flesh was caught on the wind. It was off the path but the pack worked their way inwards and into a horrifying scene. Hanging from a tree as bait was a partially skinned deer. A couple feet a way a large dead bear layed, its body covered in arrows. One of the men rolled the dead bear over to find fourteen deep stab marks. “This bear was killed with a sword or knife. But whoever it was must have been up close and fighting the bear hand to hand.” Leading away from the scene was a trail of blood. Slowly they followed. Within ten feet they found Harjareks bow. A claw marks indicated that he must have defended himself against the charging beast with his bow. A little further their fears were staring them in the face. Laying face up with a bloody knife in hand layed the War Chief’s cold body. One of the men walked over and kneeled down to the body. The events and what was said quickly faded to a small tunnel and muffled sounds for our hero. The elder turned his head away from the body and stood up. Everyone but the boys dropped to one knee and lowered their head. Tufa just stood and stared at his father’s body. His youngest brother walked slowly over to his dead father’s body. He leaned over to touch his body when Tufa shouted. “DON’T TOUCH HIM!” “But is he?” The tears welled in Tufa’s eyes, “Yes he’s dead.” The child’s mind knew of death but couldn’t fathom his own father’s death. “But he can’t be dead. We were going riding when he got home.” Tufa walked over and pulled his brother aside. Wala stood and gained composer, “Men lets stand him up, clean him off, and get him back home.” As they started to move the body his father’s bloody deer knife layed in Tufa’s hands wrapped in a piece of leather. The elder who was first to examine the body gave it to him but the image was blurred.
The march home was slow and quite. For one last time the Chief rode into his village on his horse but was spared the sight of his wife’s as she saw the slow caravan return to town. Tufa’s mother rushed to her fallen husband’s side sobbing in grief and loss. Together the returning party and Tufa’s family carried the body to the temple. Any person who caught a glance of the body stopped and lowered their head in respect.
His body was taken to the temple for all to see and give their final blessings. For day his body was taken care of and preserved by his devoted wife and family. After all had given their blessing, a final service was held this time by the elders and Harjareks family. Wala and Tufa both dressing in their formal armor manned the line of people into the great hall. All had nothing but words of praise and admiration for the falling chief, however none could keep a dry eye was Tufa had to take the longest walk any son would have to take. From the mouth of the temple doors Tufa walked slowly, carrying a torch, to his father’s body what layed on a bed of twigs and hay. Behind him stood Wala holding the leather and jewel incrusted crown that his brother had worn for thirty-four years. Fear, sadness, pain, a blank numbness all stated to compile on Tufa’s worried mind. He stood there staring at this father’s lifeless body and flashes of Hunananths body started to flood in. This was a year of death for the village but Tufa swore to himself never to allow this to happen again. With that pact made to his father Tufa lit the pyre and stepped back as the flames around his father grew. As he turned around to face the crowd Wala looked him in the eyes. “Tufa Der Munthas, son of Harjareks Der Munthas kneel before the Elder.” Tufa dropped to one knee and starred at the crowd before him. The crackling noises behind him and the warmth of the fire made a dreadful environment for Tufa. His stomach turned inside as he tried with all might to not let his emotions over take him. He said over and over again in his mind. Be strong, I have to be strong, Father would be strong.” Wala walked around his kneeled nephew and stood behind him. “Do you Tufa Der Munthas, son of Harjareks swear to uphold the laws and traditions of our village?” “I do.” “Do you swear to speak for the people of this village and never for your own personal gain?” “I do.” “Do you swear to protect this village and all the people with in this village even with your own life?” “I do.” “Than rise Tufa, son of Harjareks, and take your place as Chief of the village of Bain.” As Tufa rose he felt the weight of his father’s crown lay upon his head. Wala reach around Tufa’s body as he attached the royal fur cloak to Tufa’s armor. As he did he whispered in his nephew’s ear. “Your doing great my boy. You’ll make your father proud. Now go and present yourself to your people.”

Down the steps he walked in to the waiting arms of his loving family, supportive members of the Council, and his loyal captains. A wave of cheers and applause brought the temple to a deafening roar. Roderick and Saphrax opened the door to the temple to usher the new chief to his people who had gathered outside to wait their new chief. Outside in the darkness a blanket of faces and torches could be seen for as far as the eyes could see. Their faces reflected the light of the moon back at Tufa who’s stomach clenched as he walked closer to his people. He stood on the top step of the temple looking down at all the people who have been looking at him grow up since a small boy. Now their looking at him as their new chief and most importantly the replacement for a great leader. The light from the fire with in the temple still glowed brightly on the back of the new leader. Tufa raised both his hands out to the crowd. “Friends, I know I need no introduction. You know me and have either grown up with me or have watched me grow up with your children. I have lead you into battle and have honored your families losses after the battle. You have supported my father since he was named chief and you honor him today by being here. There are no words or speeches I can give on this day that can change your opinion of me. Just know I will continue to do what I have been doing for the past two years. Expand our borders, defend our lands, and as my father did before me continue to make our village and our people great in the eyes of our Gods.” The seconds of silence in the cold night seemed to pass by like hours before the tidal wave of cheers and a pounding noise, from staffs hitting the grounds, crashing as the steps of the temple. “Guards stand at attention for the new chief,” Captain Saphrax hollered to the troops, and a assembly of thirty men stood in from of Tufa while his three Captains and his Uncle flanked him. Supported by his family and the Elders the precession walked down the steps of the temple and through the village up to the Bain’s fortified farm. Tufa, his mother, and siblings walked on to their porch. They turned to face the crowd who had followed them back. “Troops defend the chief,” Saphrax ordered to the troops. Each men at arms preceded to un sheathed his axe or sword and one by one planted their weapon on to the steps walking up to the family creating a defensive wall. This wall was finish by Roderick, Recared, and Saphrax each driving their swords into the bottom step. Recared stepped forward, “May this be a symbol that none shall pass with out going through us first.” Recared kneeled and bowed his head to Tufa. Soon after each of the troops followed suit. “Please rise all, you serve me and our people well. Tonight we will sleep like a new born does in its father’s arms.” Tufa and his family turned to walk into their farm, which seemed a little emptier now.

Over the next week the Bain household was a bustle of activity. To help with the grieving process Tufa and his family remodeled their farm. Andaswintha moved out of her room and into Tufa’s old room. Tufa being the new head of the house moved into his parent’s old bedroom. Sovia and Lyentta re arranged their rooms and discarded some of their more childish things. Where Magnus and Svend made plans to enlarge the family farm come spring. Tufa’s room got split between a place to work and a place to relax. Pictures of Harjareks were placed through out the house for memory. Every time Tufa walked out to the front porch he would take a moment to look down at the markings on the steps where swords and axes lined them.

The fall winds calmed themselves over the last month before winter. In that time several official parties were held. One to honor a new elite fifty man cavalry coined the wolf riders. One hundred and fifty men where honored with title of men at arms to the village of Bain. Captain Roderick and Saphrax both built a new home for them and their troops and with military training slowing down due to the incoming winter months both captains have taken advantage and thrown lavish parties to show off their recent conquests and wins over pirates, clan less marauders, and common thieves. In between meetings, remodeling, and working on future plans Tufa and Florentina were able to rekindle their affair whiling she helped Tufa write a letter in Latin to the King. This letter was to express Tufa’s honor that the King would extend an offer to him however it is the decision of the Counsel of Elders that no formal treaties be signed at this time. He hoped that if the King needs any assistants to defend the island as a whole, against foreign invaders, that he would not hesitate to call about his serves.

One night Tufa was sitting in the main hall of the house enjoying a bit of silence when Andaswintha asked to join him. The two sat and enjoyed the warm fire and the bite of silence. “I miss your father,” Andaswintha said quietly. “I know so do I. I’ve been trying to keep myself busy with thing so I don’t have to think about it. I should its worse for you mother. Sleeping in a bed alone must seem strange.” She giggled a bit. “Well son, you know as well as I do. I’ve seen you running home from Florentina’s house when her parents come home after their travels.” “I know her parents aren’t interested in hearing her seeing men. She tells me she treats her like she’s a little girl.” “Son, she is twenty five years old and your twenty nine, yes her parents are going to be a little more controlling. And I’m sure having the Chief of the village sneaking in and out of the house looks great too.” “Your right, I can’t be as fooling as I have been in the past. I want to invite her parents to our house to dinner and ask their permission to court their daughter.” “That would be very responsible of you.” Andaswintha stood up and kissed you son on his forehead. “I think she would make a wonderful daughter in law. She’s making a better man out of you.”

The next night Tufa gathered all the Elders and Captains to his home to hold a meeting. “Ladies and gentlemen, winter is upon us and as many of you know I have big plans for next spring. However that does not include fighting another invader.” The crowd chuckled. “But seriously, I have been pushing this village hard. We’ve expanded to two different settlements, we have a growing navy, and we have defended and won against a larger opposing army. Even the King himself now pays attention to use and our actions. But like the mighty bear there is a time for rest to gather our strength. This is our time of rest.”

There needs to be a division of power in our military. Captain Saphrax will be in charge of our cavalry and reserve division. Captain Roderick will take control of our foot soldiers. You have complete control to advanced and promote men with in the army, as you seem fit. Captain Recared I’m placing you in control with the development of our navy. This division is in its infancy stage however all our invaders will be coming from aboard. By looking at the Persian galley we will be greatly out powered if they send a fleet after use.

Defense: The outpost to the north, Tirana, will be supplied with one hundred men and women. Two towers, a fortified farm, and a defense wall must be first to be built. The signal tower in Tirana and Visen must both be manned at all times. The barracks between each settlement will manned and equipped with a kennel. If we need to take dogs from the hunting lodge by the lake than so be it. Our current seaport must also be added to our routine patrol. Even in winter the possibility of being attack by a naval force is probable.

Harvest: With the help of Publius and his wife this year we should keep the most crop vermin free than any year before. However with our expansion we have a lot of mouths to feed. The last pull from the sea produced an abundance of fresh fish for use to eat, I’m hoping the hunting lodge and both barracks will keep up hunting during the winter to keep up our stock of fresh meat. I’m asking each villager to do their best to pull all the good fruits and vegetables from the fields’ and the grove. I know Visen’s waterfall keeps a steady flow of salmon but if anyone can think of another source of food that we can pull from please speak up. On the topic of harvest next spring I’ll be gather a work force to work with Publius on improving our irrigation system. As well as designing our water powered mill to be built in Tirana.

Building: We have several major projects for next year. Our new mill, a irrigation system, improving our navy, and many of you I’ve asked to help with designing a large seaport with the help of our neighbors to the north. With four villages providing the manpower, resources, and time I’m hoping this could be a great market place for all of use.
*Another project I wish to embark on is educating our youth. Many of you know that I have been taking lessons to learn to read and write. I am asking for two things. First we need a location in which to hold class. Second is to find one or more people who would be willing to donate their time to teach. I’m envisioning classes running only half a day so that each child could still tend to the farms.
* Our current defensive wall is marginal if best. By next fall I have plans to double the size of our stonewall to be lined with wooden walks and each corner to have a guard tower.
*The last project I wish to get started this spring is to address the conditions that many of our people live in. King Augustus pointed out how are people live in mud homes. And that got me thinking that we need to address the living conditions that many of people live in. What I would like to do is create a counsel of our brightest minds to work together to create stronger, warming, and cheap building material and home designs.
*My family and I will be working on our own project to increase the size of our home. However our family money will fund this.

*I plan to continue keeping open discussion between our engineers and that our neighbors to the north to design a seaport.
*I will be sending a sealed reply back to King Augustus thanking him for his offer but we as a people will have to decline his offer.
*The foreigners from the Persian galley will be offered land of their own with assistance. The lot of land will be either by the hunting lodge near the lake or next to the Mahak people on the coast. If they do not wish to manage their own land a position in the army or navy will be offered. Unless their skill can be better severed in another potion.

Enlarge family lodge, ask to court Florentina, and continue to learn reading, writing, and if Florentina father says yes learn mathematics.
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The War Gods welcome a new Adventurer Lyandria

Welcome Mistress of the Sea......Warrior Goddess of Britain Lyandria Brisbain

Background and Setup

Your father and brothers were privateers for the Queen of Briton. Queen Elizabeth was never able to build a fleet in the past decades with the resources she had available. She always was able to field and lead armies to fight of the many enemies of the kingdom. The Queen herself is a skilled at the practice of arms and is even a knight, but often left the naval part of the war to her subjects and merely issued offical licenses. After many years of constant warfare peace has finally settled on the island. The Picts, Welsh, Irish, and Viking invaders have all been defeated or become part of the kingdom after the bloody fighting. Your father and many other captains armed their merchant ships (in peace time he traded with other nations) and set sail on the highseas. They battled the Vikings often defeating them at sea preventing landings. Other enemies include the sea trading Phoenicians, Greeks, and even Asian groups. You grew up playing in your father's office which had a fine wooden desk with dragons craved in the sides, a Persian carpet on the floor, and Arabian stallions grazing in the field outside. You were the only girl to have a dragon kite.

With the wars over the Queen finally had time and the funds to begin building a navy. Your father soon retired to the town of Georgetown not far from Londinium doing some trading, but mostly fishing and ship repairs. The famous Ghost Fleet built by your father who hired the finest nautical designers in the land. The ships are cutting edge by all standards and impress all who see them on the highseas. Your father kept two ships The Golden Hind (large galley) and Most Holy Trinity (another large galley named by your mother) for trade and protection of the town. The four other ships The Queen's Revenge, Tiger, Victory, and Sea King were divided among your two brothers who still come back to Georgetown but not to raid but to trade. The Flying Dragon was left to you though your mother thought it would be only a gift to your husband.

Problem was you had no wish to stay at home take care of a house while your man was away at sea. You want to be at sea being a holy terror. Memories of your childhood include sword practice, building your strength up rowing in the bay, and learning your charts. You had a wild few years learning how to navigate, sail a ship, use a sword, and command sailors and marines. A pair of beautiful dragon tattoos on your arms, a good pair of leather boots, and broken jaw remind you of those experiences. It was a result a bar room fight with three large men sailors. You fractured the arm of one and punched out the other two men. Needless to say no one bothers you when you go to the Sea Dog Pub. Your father's reputation does get you some recruits for your new ship. You spend the summer restoring your father's old base of operations a few miles down the coast. It had a long history before your father took over the space. It was once a whaling and fishing village before Viking raiders took it over only to be driven out by your Grandfather and father with the local militia. It was then they saw the potential for the land.

Starting Assets

Your ship The Flying Dragon of coarse which is equiped with Greek fire launchers, and an armory filled with bows, spears, harpoons, swords and shields. It is a long range trireme which needs some 85 men to row the vessel. It is a mix of war and merchant vessels with both speed and space for cargo. Truly an amazing design that is not normally seen.

You also have a small scout ship of the Dromon class. The Wave Runner is small but good for patrol, cruising, and spotting enemies around the coast. The other vessel you have is a captured Viking Viking merchant ship of the Knarr class named Little Aegir which is smaller then your other raiders but is a true ocean going ship.

The old Viking settlement is in bad shape as you arrive that hot summer. The fields for food need work, the many large huts are falling down, and the workshops need tools and martials. All told the space can hold about 100 people with a forge for tools and weapons. A lumber yard to make timber for ships, and a maritime house. The docks are in good shape with two warehouses that only need alittle patching. The ship yards though small are good enough to maintain and repair your ships for now. Most importanly the brewery is in good shape and the Sea Scout Pub is open for business. Though only rum, beer, stew, and bread are available for eating and drinking. The pub owner's son Ardwolf has taken over running the pub and is happy to see the fresh stream of people back to the small post. You are back at the family farm again which was being taken care of by Attewater a long time family friend.

Plenty of men arrive some just carrying their sacks of posscessions while other come with wagons and families. Seems you will have all the recruits to fill the ranks of sailors and marines. Others come looking for other kinds of work in the area. In the maritime house you find chart marking Phoenician trade routes. These ships carry all manor of goods.

A scroll with the Queen's official seal is handed to you one night when you are drinking at theSea Scout Pub. It is an official licenses allowing you to protect the island, and collect duties from merchants. You are ready to begin your career as a Pirate Queen.........

Welcome aboard.....this is just a beginning to your turn so feel free to change and add. Anything major ask like you have in the past. Sorry couldn't find your physical description of your firey haired beauty. Begin play any time you like.
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Tales of the Asian Empire

OOC: Sorry lost this post twice. Need to start backing things you but now I am on the right track.

Focus on your one purpose- Japanese motto


Tales of the Dragon.......

The war is the formost concern. You could not even fathom any of your man heading this campaign other then you......this is is much about revenge as it is eliminating a long time enemy. Never mind that Tran sent spies and assassins that were responsible for killing your wife. He would not sand with you against the bloody pirates that raided your coast time and time again. He slapped way the hand of friendship and while you tried to build better lives for your people he was building an army for conquest. Your men learn honor and loyalty while Tran hires mercenaries. So now you are deep in the interior of the island ready to resolve matters once and for all.

You watch as the warriors that were your wife's personal retainers rip apart straw dummies with their long blades. Several blame themselves for the intruders getting to Namiko that night, but they had been at her cottage guarding her land. Mingan one of the warriors who is among the small group of Apaches that live on the edge of the city walks back into camp with his horses trailing behind him. On the first horse the bodies of three deer lay across it. The second has the bodies of two of Tran's soldiers. He pauses and turns to you after placing a deer near the main fire by your tent.

"Hunting is good great commander. They are between the main camp and the false one. Three thousand warriors make as much noise as herd of wild beasts. You cannot hide to well. Tomorrow we take many scalps." He smiles and moves on to where his peers are camped. The Apaches and the other tribal warriors of their type are fond of you and respect you as a warrior. In fact you have spent this campaign in a large teepee that they say is fitting for a great chief.

As night comes upon you walk to the fire side to get your portion of rice and meat. The new armor on your body feels good though unfamiliar on your back. It was something Namiko had commissioned for you to wear into battle. It is blood red and has black dragons in several places hiding renforcements to make it even stronger then normal armor. The blades were some of the first made in your forge, and have just been sharped. You have tested them on a nearby tree and destroyed it easily. Your ready for the next days battle.

That evening before the battle you do get some unexpected visitors..... You already have a group of Lady Kaede's men with you, but a small party of courtiers and observers. They wish to see the battle and help where they can as well as bring the news back of the results. They do bring a letter from your wife's friend who says she is so sorry for what has happen and pledging support in your rule.

Another group arrives from the Noble Kim who has sent his brother Kenji with 100 of his best arches mounted on horse. Many are veterans of the battle against the pirates. Kenji salutes you then comes over and hugs you and smiles.

"My brother is dealing with a new pirate threat so he needs his army near home, but these men are of our clan. We will help eliminate Tran." You notice trade has been good with his village. He wears a suit of armor you know is made at your village.

Other riders arrive from Ivan's town that evening as well. Some 25 men-at-arms mounted on warehorses and fully armed and armored. They bring another man with them as well. He is a foreign agent in the service of an exhiled Czarina who is the rightful heir and is locked in a war with the current Czar. Czar Black Vlad has married a Asian princess niece to Tran whose brother is fighting off Mongals. The Czarina wishes to form an alliance and if you can cause any trouble for this mutual enemy it would be most benificial. She hopes to be good trade paterners. Tolenka says he will stay and join in the battle, but hopes to meet with you soon and agree to a treaty. He gives you a gift of a bear skin rug which is impressive and a surprisingly white as well as a barrel of volka.

This is the first player to player contact though not is a important beginning.

The battle begins early the next morning........ Your men take the field after a night of talk about blood and victory. Some look foward to killing as many as possible before they die or dying protecting their lord. This is only the second great battle in the island's history. Though there has been many small battles and countless skirmishes armies clashes of this sizes have not occurred in decades.

Several units form squares behind a long line of your pike men on a slight incline. Tran's forces mostly peasant levies without their Mongal mercernaries. The levies make up a strong frontline while the flanks have good troops on the side. Tran's house hold troops makeup the center reserves and are among the best equipped. Your banners wave in the breezes as your archers move through the lines and fire a serveral waves of arrows down on the enemy who seem to lack enough shields. This spurs them on to attack you as your men quickly pull back behind the pikes.

The sounds of flesh being pierced and screams of the dying is almost unnerving as the blue "PJ" clad (think Vietcog in blue) throw themselves against your lines. They are armed with only axes, spears, and long knives. The weight of numbers does drive your men back and when a particular large group of troops surge against your right they break the line and make it around. The rest of your troops fall back as orderly as possible, but the line is broken. The riders Kim sent ride out and fire arrows covering the retreat of your men who begin to reform behind the samurai who move up to take on these levies.

Your elite samurai cut into them easily with their long blades and heads and hands with weapons still in them hit the ground. There are soon piles of limps as your men cut down the enemy. Hôjô Masako is wounded but she only stops to bandage her arm and pick up her bow to kill retreating levies. Takezaki Suenaga is seen picking up a levie and slamming him down on his own spear. Your brother Toshiro takes down 5 men with single swing of his blade. Honorato a Roman in the service of Kaede carries an arsenal of weapons and uses everyone. Some are run through with a spear others have an short sword cut their throat.

Soon the attackers are surrounded and it simply butching handed down by your samurai. Tamako one of your wifes students stumbles back towards your lines with two arrows in her sides. She screams out and points to Tran's clansmen who are advancing. She falls to the ground weak from blood loss. Your troops quickly reform a line as Tran's personal flags come close to your line.

The second wave attacks as savage as the first, but this time this is the best of the best. Many of your samurai are on foot fighting along side your Viking subjects as well as the Ashigaru and Monks. Soon skill of your men begin to slowly overwelm Tran's forces. Then you catch site of Tran himself fighting on horseback with his two sons. You and your brother and Minamoto Yoshiie ride at this formation. Two guards try to get in your parties way, but Minamoto jumps off his horse and knocks them both down to the ground. Out of the corner of your eye you see him wrestling on the ground with the two men, but soon runs one through. Your brother rides right at Tran's son Teiji knocking from this horse and they both battle with swords. Tran holds his ground and you to meet in mortal combat.

You both battle on horse back with swords riding back and forth until you both crash into each other with both of you tumbling to the ground. Tran pickup a spear and drives it into your left side. You wince from pain only a second then move foward with the spear driving against your body until you are in range of Tran with your sword. With his helmet gone your deadly blow goes that much more quickly as you slice down from his head to his stomach. He falls down almost in half. You jerk the spear out and kill the terrified standard bearer taking Tran's standard as a prize. Your men see you horseless and alone and quickly run to help you with some 20 samurai forming a circle of protection around their lord. A monk with the bag of a healer does come over to you an encourages you to go back to camp. You insist on staying and see the battle continue as blood flows from your wound.

The battle continues on as your men push foward. By midday your victory is clear. You take time to have your wound bandaged and see that some food and water is passed out among your troops. You move on to the village and fight what remains of the militia and the exhausted survivers of the battle earlier in the day. The fighting is only prolonged by those held up in Tran's small castle. Your men are not detered and take logs from outside a nearby workshop and use them to pound on the main gate. The fight is brief an brutal inside with some fighting to their deaths as servants run away. Still others of the Tran's family committ suicide. Skikibu Tran's youngest daughter who is of age comes out shaking and offers the castle's relic a sword of protection to one of your officers.

She says weakly holding out the blade, " our kingdom is now your lords. I am to be hostage so their is no rebellion though none seem left to fight...." She begins to cry as she looks out at the burning village in the background.

The day is yours and there is only potential for what you can do now. With Tran's lands now yours you have more then doubled your land holdings on this day.