Wake me with kisses and fuck me to sleep


Pleasure lover
Mar 16, 2022
This thread was inspired by my love for a bed covered in lovely white linens and the threads Right Now I Fucking Want and What Kind of Sex Do You Want to Have.

A place to post your morning musings and night time desires. What do you want in the bedroom? How do you want to fall asleep and what do you want to wake up to? Paint a vivid picture. Use your words or images or words and images. Just let us see it.

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I’m very open with what I like before bed but what I want in the morning I haven’t shared as much of. This morning in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day ☘️ I’ve chosen a favorite green nightie and stayed in bed late reading poetry by Irish writers as part of my SPD recognition.
Two poems that stood out today are
When by Alice Kinsella and When You Are Old’ by WB Yeats
The audios are linked in the titles if you’d like to listen.