Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even can enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind.

~ Theodore Roethke
Perhaps, if someone were to care enough to look, they'd find some impropriety and could go from there, like a kind of Government Housing and Retirement Plan for him.

Of course, it would be in Kansas, most likely.
Perhaps, if someone were to care enough to look, they'd find some impropriety and could go from there, like a kind of Government Housing and Retirement Plan for him.

Of course, it would be in Kansas, most likely.
He tried his best but he really didn't do anything illegal. For the most part the courts shut him down so the only thing he really accomplished was to piss away a ton of taxpayers money.
I have one of these little motherfuckers. It was my truck gun for awhile, and is still subject to be, depending. This guy is 100% right in all of his observations and leaves out that fact it kicks like a Georgia mule.

Cool. Documenting Russ tech is always valuable.

( O O )

There is just so damned much of it out there. My nephew told me that he recently bought a Tula SKS rifle which he hasn't fired yet. I thought he was hinting around for a shooting partner, but maybe not. My SKS is, IIRC, a Yugo. The combloc farmed out manufacturing to all the satellite states. And the ammo is readily available thanks to the fall of the wall.

The SKS may have made its first appearance at Berlin as a (marginal) counter to the StG44. It only stayed the state's army's rifle for a short time because the Kalashnikov came along not very long afterward.

Happy New Year.
There is just so damned much of it out there. My nephew told me that he recently bought a Tula SKS rifle which he hasn't fired yet. I thought he was hinting around for a shooting partner, but maybe not. My SKS is, IIRC, a Yugo. The combloc farmed out manufacturing to all the satellite states. And the ammo is readily available thanks to the fall of the wall.

The SKS may have made its first appearance at Berlin as a (marginal) counter to the StG44. It only stayed the state's army's rifle for a short time because the Kalashnikov came along not very long afterward.

Happy New Year.
SKS is a great rifle. One of my favorites.

I had a beaten to shit 1967 Chinese version from Factory 26. This was way before Norinco. Rugged and worked… but not very accurate. Came with a crate of 1200 rounds of corrosive Yugo ammo. At least the barrel was chrome lined.

I got a 1952 Tula and damn is is a lot more accurate. And must’ve been refurbished because it was like new.

Big fan of the SKS.
SKS is a great rifle. One of my favorites.

I had a beaten to shit 1967 Chinese version from Factory 26. This was way before Norinco. Rugged and worked… but not very accurate. Came with a crate of 1200 rounds of corrosive Yugo ammo. At least the barrel was chrome lined.

I got a 1952 Tula and damn is is a lot more accurate. And must’ve been refurbished because it was like new.

Big fan of the SKS.

I had a Norinco I bought from a guy I knew. It slam-fired on me once. Once. I never put ammo in it again and traded it for a computer. The Eastern European model is a lot more . . . rifle-y. Works as advertised.

I've used corrosive ammo. It just makes for more cleaning.

The Mad Farmer Manifesto: The First Amendment
By: Wendell Berry


That is the glimmering vein
of our sanity, dividing from us
from the start: land under us
to steady us when we stood,
free men in the great communion
of the free. The vision keeps
lighting in my mind, a window
on the horizon in the dark.


To be sane in a mad time
is bad for the brain, worse
for the heart. The world
is a holy vision, had we clarity
to see it -- a clarity that men
depend on men to make.


It is ignorant money I declare
myself free from, money fat
and dreaming in its sums, driving
us into the streets of absence,
stranding the pasture trees
in the deserted language of banks.


And I declare myself free
from ignorant love. You easy lovers
and forgivers of mankind, stand back!
I will love you at a distance,
and not because you deserve it.
My love must be discriminate

or fail to bear its weight.

And the second is like unto the first . . . .

A Look Back at the SKS-45 Rifle​

It seems to be the nature of modern human culture to react to a threat—like war—with great alacrity and energy and then try and find a vent for that huge volume of energy once hostilities come to an end. Equally apparent is the penchant militaries have for fighting the previous war after it has ceased—to wit: the design and production of most “state of the art” weapons. Like the U.S., the post-World War II Soviet Union spent a great deal of its assets—both real and imagined—on producing a new and modern rifle for its troops based upon the demands of World War II.

The concept of a full-size battle rifle chambered for a powerful cartridge that could incapacitate an enemy soldier out to 2,000 yards was rapidly being replaced by the creation of a selective-fire carbine chambered for a medium-capacity cartridge that could reliably take out an enemy soldier out to about 400 to 500 yards. Such a rifle would be lighter, thus allowing a soldier to carry more ammunition and have a detachable box magazine that would increase the firepower of an individual soldier and make him and the entire combat force more efficient.

Germany was one of the first to pursue this logic during World War II with its StG 44 rifle. Thankfully, Adolph Hitler was a bit hesitant to fully implement the StG 44 en masse, otherwise the war would have almost assuredly lasted longer.

A perfectly serviceable battle carbine . . . .
If this is you, kindly log yourself out, turn off the computer, put on your shoes, go outside for a walk, and step off the curb in front of a bus that's brakes have just gone out.


Mine would be a bit more Chinggis than Conan: kill all the men, impregnate all of the women, and enslave them and the children.

🤣 :nana:
