Watch What You Write 2007

Radical should be on there, but I love it too damn much to let that happen :D
How about 'off the hook' or 'off the chain'? ANYTHING that can be found in a pollypocket movie. ugh *shivers*
Dr_Strabismus said:
v-enterpreneur -- a guy who earns his income from World Of Warcraft

Speaking as a WoW addict... wtf is one of those?

Also, to whoever posted it, its Holler or Holla. *shudder*
Oh how I hate this subject.

It annoys me no end.

It reminds me too much of the argument about Ebonics.

Just-Legal said:
Speaking as a WoW addict... wtf is one of those?

Also, to whoever posted it, its Holler or Holla. *shudder*

I don't know if I should thank you or cringe.
Lee Chambers said:
What disturbs me is that you know that much about Buffy. :eek:

The biggest Buffy-geek in the world, right here. Ask anyone.

The Earl
slyc_willie said:
I don't know if I should thank you or cringe.


And yes, Earl really IS the biggest Buffy Geek. I may set him a quiz along with another friend of mine and see who wins, but that would require finding a THIRD Buffy Geek.
TheEarl said:
I'd like to point out that I was using the word shiny to denote something cool was before using it was cool. Ask the Love Shackers if you don't believe!

First time in my life that I've been ahead of a trend. Normally trends skirt very widely around my lexicon.

The Earl

Edited to note that the merging of names is actually a standard online shorthand of discussing relationships from television shows - eg. Tara and Willow's relationship might be referred to as Tillow, while Spike and Buffy would be Spuffy (the alternative, I suppose being 'Bike').

This is useful shorthand when discussing the pros and cons of various story developments (like a discussion of how Wennedy in Season 7 was a sin against God), but it disturbs me that real life relationships are referenced often enough to need that kind of concatenated name.

Spike+Tara+Willow+Buffy=Stiffy?? (hornilogicaly speaking, of course :rolleyes: )