Weird ideas for stories

This is exactly the theme for my Yearning Man: Quest for the Consort tale, with a title riff off the 'Burning Man' bacchanal in the desert.

Okay, then how about this idea:

A woman comes across a scientific article that explains how a series of light patterns can cause a form of hypnosis for many people. She’s a software engineer, so she protos a simple phone app that can flash according to those patterns. The patterns need to change as the subject goes through deeper and deeper levels of hypnosis, so she has the app monitor its effect on the subject through its camera.

She meets a guy at a bar, finds him interesting, and on impulse tries it out on him, claiming it’s a new art piece she’s working on. He goes under quickly and deeply. She can make him do whatever she wants. What does she do?

It seems almost all mind control stories have a woman being controlled. I'm wondering what happens if a woman had that power. I know femdoms, etc., but what about say, a normal nerdy woman (she's a s/w engineer and knows neuroscience), not very experienced or sophisticated sexually, do?
Its not mine but I remember this from somewhere, I think it was a captioned comic strip.


Two goblins on the side of the road about to pounce on a travelling princess.

Goblin 1, whispering: "She will make an excellent dinner."

Goblin 2, whispering back: "Such juicy hind quarters."

Goblin 1 to Goblin 2, giving him a look: "You're going to try to fuck her first, aren't you?"

Goblin 2 to 1: "Of course I am you pervert, I'm not waiting until we've eaten her. Ew."