Weird ideas for stories

... Man dates blind girl. They break up. He comes back again a few weeks later with a fake accent and a different voice, taking her out for another date. It takes her a while before she realizes it's the same guy.

I thought of one once where something happens to this guys wife, where she's basically in a vegetative state. Knowing how much she loved sex, once he got over the grief or whatever, he decided to keep his promise that he would continue to have sex with her at his leisure, her granting him permanent consent, knowing her fate, and out of curiosity to how she might react. After her body absorbs his cum, she briefly returns to normal for x amount of time. Eventually they find out the more cum in her body the longer she can stay active, so she convinces him to start hosting parties where she gets gang banged, like in her fantasies they had discussed before, that way they can continue to share their lives with each other. Was gonna call it Anna the Anahole or something.
Spider sex is unique even leaving aside extreme size differences. Mature males squirt their sperm onto a tiny “sperm web,” then siphon up the sperm into appendages on the sides of the head for storage until mating. In females, these appendages — called pedipalps — are leg-like structures used to prod and probe prey, but in males the tips are transformed into sperm-delivery organs.

During copulation, the male inserts one palp into an opening in the female’s abdomen, and pumps in sperm. If he gets the chance, he’ll insert his second palp into the female’s other opening. There, his sperm — and that of any subsequent successful male — is stored in pouches called spermathecae until the female begins laying eggs. At that point, the sperm are activated, travel into the egg-laying canal and fertilize the eggs.
This came up randomly on my Suggestions on Youtube:

It details the mating process.
Charlie is the subject of the story. Algernon is the mouse who first got the experimental treatment. Charlie is the human who gets the treatment and it's told from his perspective.
My favorite version of this is still the Spider-Man story where the Rhino, one of the dumber members of his rogue’s gallery, receives the treatment. Gloriously tongue-in-cheek while also being weirdly affecting in parts. The glasses on under the Rhino costume still cracks me up.

So, I’m a total arachnophobe.

Let me recommend:

This is a modern classic of sci-fi that's won multiple awards. I've touted it to several friends who don't read science fiction and they all found it astounding and mind-bending.

It will put you into the mind of a spider. Really. They think very differently from humans. And they're good people. This novel could cure you of your phobia. Seriously.
Jumping spiders are best for overcoming arachnophobia; they are friendly, will recognize your face and your voice, and, yes the do watch you. Treat them right, and they'll even jump up on your outstretched hand to greet you. and they do like a bit of mashed banana now and then.

Could make a good story of bonding leading to physical intimacy between a woman and her spider friend. I expect eight little legs could offer a stimulating clitoral massage.
Could make a good story of bonding leading to physical intimacy between a woman and her spider friend. I expect eight little legs could offer a stimulating clitoral massage.
That's the kind of thing that makes me very glad that Lit has a "no animals" rule.
That's the kind of thing that makes me very glad that Lit has a "no animals" rule.
And there are those who object to this blatant anthropocentric specieism! But you could get around it by writing the spider as a radioactively transformed eighteen-year old high school science student.
I'm supposed to be working, but instead I'm plotting out the story in my head.

Now you just need to figure out how to make her pregnant with the five thousand eggs of his babies.
Thanks, you've cured me of the idea. Now I can throw myself into my work, just to keep this image out of my mind.
What weird ideas do you have?

I just had this idea:

There’s an ancient Bronze Age state in which each year there is a countrywide competition in an ancient sport. The sport is only played by young women. At the end of the tournament, the MVP of the winning team is added to the king’s harem. The idea is to strengthen the royal bloodline.

When the king has sons from these MVPs, he educates and trains them to rule. They will be the next generation to lead the kingdom.

When the king has daughters, he marries them to the MVPs of the men’s tournaments. They play different sports. This competition is not as prestigious, since the daughters are not in line for the throne. The king does not attend this tournament.

But then one year the women’s MVP doesn’t want to marry him. It’s unprecedented. There’s no law against it, since neither the king nor his ministers ever imagined there could be a winner who didn’t want to be the king’s new queen. The king does desire her, but he doesn’t want to flaunt his own laws.

What happens?
I've got a weird premise for the Crime and Punishment event. I don't know if I'll develop it, since it's not readily apparent to me how to turn it into a story that's not just a copycat of the piece of fiction it's inspired by.

The inspiration is the anime/manga Death Note. For those unfamiliar, it's about a young man who finds a mysterious notebook. Anyone whose name he writes in the notebook will inevitably die (immediately of heart attack, but the time and manner of death can be specified). MC uses this power for what he thinks is "good," turning him into a self-righteous vigilante rather quickly. The original plot is about the chase and then psychological mind games between him and a rather odd but brilliant investigator.

Since death is pretty, well, morbid, my idea is change the notebook's effect to what the French call the 'little death'. The victims of the notebook would experience an immediate, mind-blowing orgasm, no matter where they are and what they are doing. 24h cooldown per person to both keep it somewhat realistic and prevent turning into the original.

As you can imagine, this could be used for both good and ill. With some clever timing, the owner can turn him- or herself into an amazing lover. Or they can utterly embarrass anyone they want in public. Or they can flaunt it as a superpower. Or there could be something bigger at play, like in the original where a shinigami (Japanese "death god") appears and both guides and tricks the protagonist.

Working title would be, of course, Cum Note.
I just had this idea:

There’s an ancient Bronze Age state in which each year there is a countrywide competition in an ancient sport. The sport is only played by young women. At the end of the tournament, the MVP of the winning team is added to the king’s harem. The idea is to strengthen the royal bloodline.

When the king has sons from these MVPs, he educates and trains them to rule. They will be the next generation to lead the kingdom.

When the king has daughters, he marries them to the MVPs of the men’s tournaments. They play different sports. This competition is not as prestigious, since the daughters are not in line for the throne. The king does not attend this tournament.

But then one year the women’s MVP doesn’t want to marry him. It’s unprecedented. There’s no law against it, since neither the king nor his ministers ever imagined there could be a winner who didn’t want to be the king’s new queen. The king does desire her, but he doesn’t want to flaunt his own laws.

What happens?
For a start, you'll want to avoid anachronistic terms such as MVP and possibly even minister.

Secondly, it's an interesting idea, but (speaking as a non-expert who's read quite a lot about Bronze Age cultures) be prepared for historians to criticise it.

You've got a scenario similar to the idea of Year Kings, where a man is chosen to be the consort for the queen (and/or high priestess). This seems to have been a more commonly accepted arrangement (it being easier to trace lineage through the mother than through the father - the Year King is essentially a stud). That said, personally I see no reason for inverting the system.

Also bear in mind that Bronze Age cultures were not in any way uniform. Who's to say a daughter can't inherit the throne? But then again, who's to say that she should?

Have you ever read The King Must Die, by Mary Renault? It's the first book in a series that retells Theseus's story, with a heavy emphasis on the concept of Year Kings. If nothing else, it's a wonderful read.
Jumping spiders are best for overcoming arachnophobia; they are friendly, will recognize your face and your voice, and, yes the do watch you. Treat them right, and they'll even jump up on your outstretched hand to greet you. and they do like a bit of mashed banana now and then.

Could make a good story of bonding leading to physical intimacy between a woman and her spider friend. I expect eight little legs could offer a stimulating clitoral massage.
Done already:
For a start, you'll want to avoid anachronistic terms such as MVP and possibly even minister.

You've got a scenario similar to the idea of Year Kings, where a man is chosen to be the consort for the queen (and/or high priestess). This seems to have been a more commonly accepted arrangement (it being easier to trace lineage through the mother than through the father - the Year King is essentially a stud). That said, personally I see no reason for inverting the system.

Also bear in mind that Bronze Age cultures were not in any way uniform. Who's to say a daughter can't inherit the throne? But then again, who's to say that she should?
This is exactly the theme for my Yearning Man: Quest for the Consort tale, with a title riff off the 'Burning Man' bacchanal in the desert.
Just finished drafting a GM version of the Stormy Daniel's tryst with DT (as related by her). That was weird--but fun. Explored the "how can you be a fantasy porn star but still be bothered by a RL fetish tryst?" issue.
Just finished drafting a GM version of the Stormy Daniel's tryst with DT (as related by her). That was weird--but fun. Explored the "how can you be a fantasy porn star but still be bothered by a RL fetish tryst?" issue.

I'm more than burned out on newscycle politics and have done pretty well tuning that stuff out this cycle, but damn, now I am very interested in what Stormy said.