Um, I'm guessing here, but Nikola would be related to Kimi somehow, yes? A brother of some type? Or is Nikola a she? Typically, a name that ends with "a" suggests a female to me. But you're post seems to suggest that Nikola is a guy, right?
Katagarian, I presume. So, Nikola is an adopted brother to Kimi. Okay, just as long as I have that info straight, I'm good. Working on the reply at the moment.
Say, I've been meaning to ask: what part of the world are you in? You seem to be online at the same times I am.
Jeez, it's nearly 6 am out there, right? I'm three hours behind ya. Daylight Savings in effect? The time difference between me and the rest of the world changes depending on Daylight Savings Time; sometimes, I'm two hours behind the east coast, and sometimes I'm three hours behind. Makes coordinating with different time zones kinda difficult. But at least I don't have to change my clocks several times a year.
Imagine my discomfort, being a native born of Phoenix, where the low temeperature in the winter is about 40 degrees, coming up to Flagstaff for college where the high temperature in the winter is less than freezing. Yeah, it gets cold here. Of course, I bet Maine gets even colder, so I shouldn't have much to complain about.
its already dropping to the mid to high 20s at night around here. I HATE the snow but thankfully my love of leather boots has served me well up here. Need new sweaters though
I thought that was leather in your AV. How interesting.
Anyways, I must be off. It's late, I'm tired, and I like my sleep.
Oh, by the way, in case you hadn't noticed, I have a bit of an annoying tendency to hijack a story, kinda like what I did with Jeff running off to save the woman. Anyways, I don't have any plans for the woman. I figure that you might be able to make use of her. Plus, if you want to get your story going, please go ahead; I'll do my best not to hijack it again. Sorry.
Edit: Obviously not, so I'll just say what I want to and let you respond at your leisure.
First off, apologies for taking so long on the reply, busy few days, and also been spacing on ideas. However, I have the post ready now, but I want to confirm a few things before posting.
First thing to confirm: were-hunters have a faster/better than normal (i.e. human) ability to heal, yes? Efficiency limited to how much energy the were has available to devote to healing?
Second: expect some drama from my post.
Third: Expect poison; the knife that caused the wound on Jeff's leg was poisoned, at least as I see it. The poison would take a little effort to deal with, but it isn't something that a good healer couldn't handle.
Fourth: Given that you named the two guys who brought the woman to the RR Carlos and Manuel, which are definitely not Greek names, I figured that they would be from the Gerakian side of the family, which has a Hispanic heritage. The Lykos side of the family is directly decended from King Lycos, so they would have Greek names, with Jeff being the exception.
I think that's it for now. Might be more questions later.