What’s Crossing Your Mind II

Conversations that start, flow, and simply die away...


Conversations that start off hesitant, a little clunky, but become something incredible.

but also...

Conversations that pick up where they left off years ago, and turn into bright sparks and change everything.

of course...

All the other ways things shift and change as words are passed and exchanged...
That moment when I ran into the girl leaving the hotel room next to me. For some reason she didn’t make any eye contact. She was walking a little funny.
Pringles don't taste the same.
Agreed. I'm quite fussy when it comes to food and only like a couple of flavours.

In the UK ones, the ready salted ones seem to have changed significantly. The only ones I'll eat now are the Texas BBQ ones. Plus, the price of them have shot up recently.
Agreed. I'm quite fussy when it comes to food and only like a couple of flavours.

In the UK ones, the ready salted ones seem to have changed significantly. The only ones I'll eat now are the Texas BBQ ones. Plus, the price of them have shot up recently.
This is Lit, so I'm inserting: "that's not the only thing that has shot up recently" with an eyebrow wiggle.
I need to get my butt over to the Curvesday thread for some feel good, hottie realness!! 😍😍😍 I need to set a calendar reminder!!

I’m coming cuties!!! Wait for meeeeeeeeee!!!
I haven’t looked on the Playground in a long time and it’s good to see some familiar faces. Life has been really good, knock on wood, and I feel the best I’ve felt since long before joining Lit. Things just seem to be kinda falling into place at last. Thank you for the messages that were in my inbox. I deleted my Skype months ago so apologies if anyone tried reaching me there. ❤️
Some people are extremely obnoxious and rude, yet they say that they are “just being honest”. For example, my sister’s co-worker told her to get a breast reduction so that people can take her more seriously in a professional setting. That’s inappropriate and creepy, folks.
Just kind of frustrated with some of the people here, and yet very introverted, so I don't come to the Playground often. I guess I am afraid I am going to get more snark on my posts. Pisses me off.
There are some good people here. Unfortunately there are some not so good as well. Try not to let them get to you. Have fun! Cheers!