What are you thinking?

I need to finish my evaluation of the TV show pilot that was submitted for my Thursday evening writer's group...
Turned 41 this past weekend, what I got was into yet another fight, what I didnt get, were the divorce papers 😒
Image removed per Literotica forum rules. Underage content is NOT allowed at this site!
[Image and content removed per Literotica forum rules. Your post better have been a joke. But, either way, it’s not funny. Stay away from your niece.]
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Some people shouldn't be allowed near a school, let alone allowed to teach in one...
I’m actually a teacher and I can’t tell you how true this is. I constantly have kids bitching about a certain teacher and they’re definitely not wrong but with the teacher shortage these days it seems like standards are sacrificed just to get warm bodies to teach as it is…
I’m actually a teacher and I can’t tell you how true this is. I constantly have kids bitching about a certain teacher and they’re definitely not wrong but with the teacher shortage these days it seems like standards are sacrificed just to get warm bodies to teach as it is…
One of my teachers set fire to his own house just before the police raided it...
Are people who think everybody else’s ideas are “idiotic” really egomaniacs? 🧐