What Do You *Smell* Like Today?

Skin Party

So , if a guy types , wtf 😳 that reads creepy :D

Is it different then a cool kid saying it out loud if a man posted that.

:D You have to explain that , please

Asking for a lot of people……with penis , we are too lazy to google it.

Does it smell like …….

In the spirit of the thread , I smell like morning man funk
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Spanish Brandy... As I am now off work for 4 days, I also intend to smell like Australian Shiraz and Malt Whisky, before I return to work on Tuesday!
The three words that describe me best are as follows, and I quote: "stink, stank, stunk."
The three words that describe me best are as follows, and I quote: "stink, stank, stunk."






Meatballs ewww chicken meatballs

Stink , stank , Stunk

Bongo choruses

Meatballs , chicken meatballs ewwww
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Tobacca vanilla cologne
Lightly of lingering cigar
Steaks from lunch
Citrus hand lotion.

Somehow it works.