Literotica Guru
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- Mar 16, 2019
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OK....The first time I created an erotic story- and pretty much every every time I have written one afterwards- I have felt a bit guilty. Writing about explicit sex will always be a sin to some people. You will always be labeled an objectifier of people, a potential danger to them. Even when more of your stories are about consensual and enjoyable sex and things that happen because of sex than abusive harassment and worse.
What keeps you doing it? What motivates you to stay in the arena?
In my case, it’s the good feedback I get on occasion from people who have enjoyed my stories in spite of their potential lows. And the potential for more. I have enjoyed reading erotica as much as I have been given cause to consider it as furthering the cause of harassment and misogyny, and more than I have felt disgusted or disappointed by it. I would not destroy it entirely because of that. I’m not at that point. I will keep creating good erotica. Long as it is recognized by some audience out there.
I hope you can be that audience. Or, if you are a creative person, find similar potential viewers. Best of luck.
Shame and embarrassment....
Do I feel them about my attempts at writing smutty stories... Yes on both counts...
Why? I put it down to what I was taught growing up. Sex is taboo. You don't do it, read about it, or talk about it until you're married....
Our whole lives we are subconsciously pushed to think sex is a taboo subject.
I believe that today, the reins have been released and people have a more open approach towards it...
I know that reading or writing erotica, I do feel the shame in it. If I was reading a smutty novel and a friend caught me I would feel that shame....
Why so you ask... Because of what I was taught... But there's another element involved. Writing something gives the reader a brief glimpse into your world.
I am also a musician and song writer... I remember the embarrassment the first time one of my band mates heard me practising one of my own songs.
Thankfully he was impressed...
However, whenever we create something, we do expose our inner selves to everybody who sees, reads or hears what we created... There is a very fine line between embarrassment and shame... They are different, yet they are so closely linked...
If somebody close to me read an erotic story I had written. The shame element would be that they think that's what excites and arouses me...
There are reasons why we keep what happens in the bedroom private...
And yes I believe it is shame....