What helps you put aside the shame of creating or enjoying porn?

The first time I created an erotic story- and pretty much every every time I have written one afterwards- I have felt a bit guilty. Writing about explicit sex will always be a sin to some people. You will always be labeled an objectifier of people, a potential danger to them. Even when more of your stories are about consensual and enjoyable sex and things that happen because of sex than abusive harassment and worse.

What keeps you doing it? What motivates you to stay in the arena?

In my case, it’s the good feedback I get on occasion from people who have enjoyed my stories in spite of their potential lows. And the potential for more. I have enjoyed reading erotica as much as I have been given cause to consider it as furthering the cause of harassment and misogyny, and more than I have felt disgusted or disappointed by it. I would not destroy it entirely because of that. I’m not at that point. I will keep creating good erotica. Long as it is recognized by some audience out there.

I hope you can be that audience. Or, if you are a creative person, find similar potential viewers. Best of luck.
Easy. I can do it because I accept myself and this side of me, this side of us that we generally all have in however many ways that is expressed. I think the dirtiest secret of our sexual sides is that it might not be so dirty to feel those feelings after all. It's just a part of who we are. With the right care, with people who we can share a mutual bond of trust and intimacy to share these sides of us with care... it heals us. It inspires us for more than just the fun times, for life in general. It's a part of our imaginations, our fantasies. And exploring this with fictional writing is a healthy way to express that part of us freely, in my opinion.

We human beings are sexual creatures. It's just a part of who we are, man or woman. We sexualize. We are inspired by passion, sex, love, lust, desire, and a want for connection. Why stigmatize a significant passionate part of who we are as human beings? Long as you respect yourself and others' dignities and rights... and as long as you're not breaking any ethical laws? Of course, having a little moderation and class is key, but that goes with anything else in life that we can enjoy.
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I'm pretty sure I came out broken by modern societal standards. I have no natural modesty, no shame attached to my sexuality, and refuse to apologize for what I've done in my life or the things I enjoy writing about.

As to how to deal with it- I can't answer that question, but I will recommend finding your peace, be it through therapy, shadow work, or just deep thoughtful time with yourself. There's more than enough hate in this world, no reason to add to it by hating yourself.
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