What made you sigh today?

Realizing I made the same mistake for the millionth time. But I'm still new. I'll figure it out. :)
Knowing that I could handle the job if I decided to go for it, but not sure I could handle the repercussion at home if I do.
People made me sigh, I want to kidnap my moon baby and go live in the woods. 🖕
Trying to....been vaccinated and boosted...I can't imagine how much worse this would be if I wasn't....
I’ve seen so many different experiences with this! My friend and sister have both had three vaccines doses. My friend is still sick six weeks later, and has been put on steroids to help, and my sister is in the thick of the virus - but only has a ’tickly throat’. The majority of the staff at my work have had it, and the experiences range so widely that it’s shocking!