What made you sigh today?

Life, in general. I'd save up money today if there were a way to pay for 1 month of no bad things happening.
A missed opportunity to spend some time…unfortunately I had an appointment, hope he knows how much I would’ve rather spent time with him.

Doctors appointment
Signs that the day is about to get worse. Not unexpected, but I hoped it wouldn't. smh
How little hair is growing on the top of my head and how much hair is growing on my back! 😩
The realisation that after 10 days off you gotta go back to work as I haven't retired, yet!
Always heard that nobody needs a vacation as bad as the person who just came back from vacation lol. I always hate coming back from vacation. The night before going back to work. The realization that 2 weeks of work has just piled up, as opposed to anyone else helping out