What Was The SMARTEST Thing Someone Told You Today? 🤯


•.° inimitable °.•
Aug 13, 2018
What was the smartest thing someone told you today?

It can be some good advice, perhaps some words of wisdom, a math joke maybe? (Probably not a math joke but you never know!)
"Once the fog of infatuation lifts, what's left is the truth. Are you happy with the truth or horrified by it?"
"don't worry I will never expose you" (I would have deleted my account and change university if he didn't say that :eek:)
That wanting something should be an alarm bell in my head that I'm going to get hurt.
"If we didn't know, we wouldn't know what we were missing. But I'd never want to not know."

- sultry and smart bff litster
I wasn’t paying attention driving this morning and when the light turned green I never noticed. The guy behind me helped out by telling me that I can see better with my head out of my ass.

He was right. It did.

So I guess that was smart of him.