What's She (or He) Saying? Redeux


Naughty Advice Doc
Oct 13, 2014
Continuation of my previous thread - which was surprisingly popular and got over 5,300 posts! :nana:

Thanks everyone who contributed on the first one and everyone who contributes on this one! :kiss:

BTW "Redeux" is a fancy way of saying Part II, so take that as a hint.

Keep it classy!

For those who are new, it's very easy. Post a picture of a woman or a man, or group of women, or group of men, or group of men and women, and PUT WORDS in their mouths! Look at the first couple of posts. You'll get the idea. It's really easy and really fun.

If you feel like changing the caption on someone else's post - that's fine too! :D

Things got a little carried away towards the end of the first thread, but NO PENETRATION pics or cock sucking pics, or COPYRIGHTED PICS (anything with another website's logo in one of the corners or anything like that!) or the Mod's might zap the entire thread and all our hard work and funny jokes will be lost!

Here's the link to the old thread just for reference and occasional trips down memory lane! :heart:
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"Yep, we're really angels. But we want to be fallen angels.
Can you help us with that please?"
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"Yep, we're really angels. But we want to be fallen angels.
Can you help us with that please?"

(Pic circa 1986) “So, whose music video were we hired for?”

"Really? You're a director? That's so funny. My last boyfriend was a director.
But, we just had a fight and broke up and now I don't have anywhere to stay."

"Oh hey, thanks for stopping! I didn't think I was ever going to get picked up!
But then poof! Just like magic, you were the first person to come by and you stopped for me!"

Him: "I love you sweetie. But my friends and I are still going to do
unspeakable things to you tonight, okay?"

:devil: :)

"As you know, my husband is very rich and buys me everything I want.
But, there's some things money just can't buy but I want them anyways."
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Originally Posted by Solsurfer View Post

“So I got a call from Doc Liz today and she told me a few of the things you guys talk about during your appointments. She said I should go for the “sophisticated yet sexy” look to really get you’re arousal, I mean attention. I hope this works for you, babe.”

Sometimes my calls to my patient's wives are a lot more awkward than this!

But I'm glad to see yours obviously took my advice! So did it work?

Oh it worked alright. But now I can’t decide where to shower her with my attention; chest or feet. I’m leaning towards that wonderful cleavage. I’ve never really been into feet, but this picture has me thinking about it. Thanks Liz.

Ok, you are young and pretty but that look in your eyes is strangely compelling, I can’t resist you..
Love this thread. Love the concept. Like many of us I often wonder about people I see in real life. In fact, before I found this thread (thank you) I had wondered whether a thread where people made up a story about random stranger, from real life, would fly. And here's why.

Years ago I was standing on a crowded platform waiting for the commuter train to work. It was about 7am. Normally I’d either be heads down looking at a report, a presentation, meetings notes, etc., But on that morning my mind was replaying some hot very sex I'd had not an hour before. Recalling everything very vividly. As that mental replay came to an end I came back to reality and started to take in the sea of faces on the platform. All of us commuting to work, as we did every day.

Then I wondered, “Who else just had sex this morning?” Is that guy texting someone saying he can’t wait to replay things after work? Is that woman talking to her friend, still thinking about it? How many people standing on this platform, had an orgasm(s) this morning? What was the sex like? I mean, because for one brief moment, I was thinking, no one did. But I knew that was not true at all.

So, I found this thread and throwing up this pic I took the other day, at my local Starbucks. It was this woman's ass that caught my attention first, as she was texting (left) and then her animated conversation with her friend (right). Realize it’s a little different, hopefully not too long, but taking a gander.


Left: At Starbucks and still thinking about your cock. I love it when you pull my hair and fuck me hard. So fucking hot. And when you unloaded inside me, my god, you were so fucking deep I swear I could taste it. Still dripping. Can’t believe you’re going to be gone for a week!!!

Right: Oh my god, he was fucking rock hard this morning and just kept pushing it into my back. Over and over. I kept saying "Not now!" But he kept pushing. At one point he literally almost went right in my ass. And I was like, "David! Fucking stop! The kids will be up any minute and we have to get them ready for school” And I got up. He was pissed.
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"Yes, I'm still conducting interviews for the Chauffeur/ManServant position my Husband listed. You may apply within."

"Please? Just a quickie. I really need it. You know I love your parents
and traveling with them this past week has been great but ... come on ... it's been almost a week!!"
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