What's She (or He) Saying? Redeux


"I told you you should come hiking with me today, baby. Now I'm going to let this
boy I just met and his two friends go hiking with me and make you watch. Ready?"


(guys: when we say we want to get outside and get some exercise you really should
always, ALWAYS come with us because exercise doesn't always mean hiking or jogging
or anything that boring!)

"You think I'm down on my knees for just anyone? Maybe....maybe not...but you won't think of me the same after tonight, I promise" 😇

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I forget to mention I use to play competitively?
I'll try to hit it a little softer next time so you can hit it back, sweetie."


"Oh my god, some guests are SUCH a pain in my ass!"

(words I've said a thousand times lol)

"Are you sure this dress isn't hanging too low on me, honey? I want to feel
sexy, but I don't want anyone to see my ass crack. Really? You promise you
can't see it? It feels like it's hanging a little low to me."

(no matter what he answers, most women will still check for themselves - we've all learned from experience we just can't trust you guys in a situation like this!)