What's She (or He) Saying? Redeux


"So that's when he stopped kissing me, when I asked if his wife was a good kisser, and he just left me there!"

"Ooops! My shoe fell off. What are you going to do about that you cute little pervert?"

"Why yes, I am alone and not expecting anyone. Did you say your name was Liz?
Please join me . . . I think we may have a lot in common."

It's really strange how that plain looking waitress seems to look more attractive after each glass of wine. I'm on the second bottle now and about to make the same mistake again.

"Oh my god you were right! This is the most beautiful place in the world I have ever been!
Thank you sooooo much for bringing me here. I know we just did it in the hotel this morning,
but can we have sex down there on that beach? Please, please, please! Take another Viagra.
So what if we get caught? Who cares? It'll just make this place even more unforgettable!" :giggle:

(blonde): "Oh my god. Does that sound like a sybbie to you? I think this perv has a sybbie!
Yaaay!!! If it is, we totally have to fuck him so he'll let us play with it. Okay?"
(brunette): "Yeah, that totally sounds like a sybbie. Sure, we can fuck him if you want.
But do you see that painting over there? I think it's a real Picasso. We should leave a door
open or something so that we can come back later and totally fucking steal it. "
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"So, with my husband gone for the weekend, I wonder if that cute, curvy girl at his work that he talks about all the time has ever had experience with a sybbie?"

"Well, yes, my girlfriend is gone for the week....see we have a deal, when either of us are on vacation we can sleep with anyone we want while we're apart...but no strings attached."

"It looks like you have a flashlight in your pocket. But I don't know why you would have a
flashlight in your pocket out here on the ocean in the middle of the day. Oh? It's not a
flashlight? Then what pray tell could it be? Do you want to show me? You know, my husband
is going to be riding his stupid jet ski for at least an hour so we don't have anything else to
do but play hide the flashlight." :giggle:
Guys, here's an excellent example of a bad joke ending your sex life:


Take away lesson - please stop making bad jokes in bed!!!

I have to admit this one was pretty funny though - I may have to use it some day
(for the record, girls can get away with making bad jokes in bed because you guys are thrilled we are even there lol)