What's your interest level?

Well, the books are bizarre and amazingly funny, written by Terry Pratchet, and 100% ridiculous.
They are set on a flat, round world, supported by four giant elephants on the shell of a giant turtle flying through space.
Anyway, the theme is basically medi-evil fantasy, although the author has been known to introduce the occasional electric guitar. Basically, if it's bizzare, its possible in this world, from Death taking a holiday, to a college with stairs akin to an Escher painting.

That's as well as I can describe this crazy series. If you are interested, consider reading one of the books (in any order. It doesn't matter which one first) eg "The colour of magic" or "Sourceror"

There are also a couple of cartoon series (British) called Soul Food and Wierd Sisters.
alright, i'll see what i can do.... what exactly goes on in the book though? you said weird sisters, are there witches or something? or is it a real life "troubles in governing a kingdom" kind of book?
What goes on in the books? Hmmm.
Death plays a large role, being very polite and taking poeples souls after they die. "Death was not, contrary to popular belief, evil, he was just very good at his job." Death is in all of them.
Wizards try to decide the fate of other wizards, witches restore a kingdom to its rightful heir- a court jester, a proffessor of the college is turned into a cchimpanzee and prfers being that way, and subsequently cheats death of a young guy who plays music on an electric guitar.

If it sounds confusing, that's because it is. But it's so funny that I think the author is either crazy or dropping acid. So hopefully the kind of poeple who would take up this hypothetical thread would follow suit (go crazy or drop acid, or drop acid & then go crazy). :cool:

Sorry I can't remember more detail for you, but I think i'm either crazy or...
its a tired joke now.
Well, hey, I kinda giggled at the end lol.

So either I'm crazy or.... I'm REALLY tired.


SpectralDragoon said:
Well, hey, I kinda giggled at the end lol.

So either I'm crazy or.... I'm REALLY tired.



You're just tired, man. If it was crazyness, you'd fit right in with the rest of us.

Holy crap, this thread died horribly!
Shall we attempt to resuscitate it?
All together now....

okies ~

But shouldn't you be asleep by now Blaze ??? Its like 3:30 am there or so right?
Actually, at the time you typed that, it was 6:30 am. I've been having trouble sleeping.
Gonna go try again now.

Hi everybody,


Where is this Summons thread I read about in the begining of this thread?

Correction ... it was on the 2nd to the last post on the 1st page ... :D
Hi Blaze,

Yeah, i kinda got that feeling when I read the OOC, especially towards the end.

Sorry man, thought it was a good idea too...I love Sword & sorcery stuff.

It was a good idea, it just happened at a time when a lot of things went wrong.
Some people disappeared, others were confused about the direction of the plot because of those losses, and I wasn't able to be online as often as I should have to guide the story.

I highly recommend the books that Blaze was basing the world on. The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. The first one is Wizard's First Rule. There are seven in the series and I think there are 3 more due out so far.
Quite right, Spectral, current speculation pegs the series at 10 volumes total.
