What's your interest level?

Thanks for the tip, man, I'll check it out, you've had some pretty good ideas that you illustrated in here so it should be interesting...

I Appreciate the support. Blaze, if only all internet gurus were as helpful and considerate as you and the other more experienced Lit users, the net would be a friendlier place.

BTW, 1 post till i lose my virginity!;)
Hey, we can only do what we can, right? Maybe, by setting an example here in Lit, the exemplary work done by myself and the other "experienced Lit users" will begin to spread, eventually bringing the enlightenment and truth of harmonious coexistence to the entire internet...
Maybe not.
But we can at least try to make it easier for new people to get in here, and get away from that thing called.... reality...
Damn, I hate that word.

i'll see what it's like. from what you've said, i'll probably get in on it
Hey Khadgar, you do realise that the new av only reinforces the whole image of that I have in my head, right? Or would you prefer that I call you Allanon? I always loved those books.


i would definatly not mind being called Allanon. then i get my bitchen druadic flames.... lol i love those books too. *grins* why do you think i chose that pic?
i'm going to start up those threads now. crimson tide and grail.
How would you all feel about a thread based on Ronin? The Frank Miller book, not the DeNiro movie.
Alright I have to admit I'm beginning to get a little disheartend. Most of my threads are failing within a week of creation.
A couple of new ideas

Here's a couple of new thread ideas. First, a Highlander style thread (You know, immortals battling to be the last immortal left and win the ultimate prize) set in the present.

Second, a Discworld thread (Discworld is a series of books by Terry Pratchett, set in another world supported by four giant elephants on an even bigger turtle flying through space). On this thread, should anyone like it, I would be honoured if Khadgar took it over. That guy has a flair for the absurd.;)

PMTick, I've noticed your threads failing a little. It's a pity, you are a skilled writer, and your threads are really imaginative. The ones I've seen anyway. Maybe it's this supposed threat of users dissapearing from Lit?
Of course, I haven't been here long enough to really be able to tell, but maybe I can pretend I have. ;)

But don't lose heart, I'd hate to see you stop writing. You do have a certain skill. Keep it up dude.
Hey People

Recently registered bonified newbie here!

I just found this thread and read the whole thing (whew).

I've never written a page of story in my life so I don't know that I'm a good writer at all, but, I love to roleplay, and I love to read. And when I play table-top, I prefer my characters starting unexperienced and learning as they go along.

Anybody ever play Shining Force for Sega Genesis? The cast started out as young teens, growing up together. They were best buds, and then set out on a huge quest, and they stuck together. Just an idea. (That was an awesome game btw, hehe)

All the threads I've looked over so far, have people playing together, but the characters hardly ever knew each other. How about starting to join games with a partner, being siblings or best friends. Or start up a whole thread where the characters have to be friends. I see people who want their characters to be the best, eating at the awesomeness (if thats a word hehe) of a thread. Perhaps if there were supposed to be relationships already there, things would flow better.

Or am I the only one that sees the clashing?

In any case, hi again, and I'm looking forward to flunking my reality class to have recess here at lit ORP, you guys n gals rock. :D
sweet jebus! Shining Force!! i LOVE those games! i've got 1 2 3 and dark force! that would be sweet to play. although i'm not sure how we would work it.... i've gotten to the last battle on Shining Force, but those bastard chimera's! i can kill 4 or 5 of them with my char alone, but then we just get slaughtered.... anyway, i'm sure you'd be a great writer. so don't worry about it. if you started the SF thread i would join.... maybe be Kazan.... that guy was cool.... and yeahm i see the clashing, i think we have a power user in one of my threads right now....

as for you PM, i've seen the movie, but not read the book, i'll see what i can do about that, but if you told me what it's like, i'd be interested.

Trey, i like the highlander idea, and thanks for the comment! *bows low* but you'd have to tell me a little about the story first. alright?
I didn't actually mean Shining Force, I just meant that it was cool the way the group started out all friends. I don't actually remember much about the game except that it was cool, and I remember the centaurs hehe.
Rifts anyone?

Just wondering if anyone here has played or heard of Rifts. Its a world put out by Palladium for table top roleplaying.

For those of you who havent, I'll do a small summary.

Some time in the future, maybe 50 years, the world was really coming into tech. Robots and power armor were being experimented with, it was pretty much a golden age. Then there was a huge (probably nuclear) explosion. The planets were aligned just right and the nuclear explosion killed a lot of people. The life force of those people was picked up by lines of force that run all around the globe, called ley lines. The energy was intesified because of the planets being aligned and other things. This energy rippled across the planet, and rips in space and time started to tear open where these lines criss crossed (nexus'). From these Rifts, demons, beings from other planes and worlds, and magic started flooding into the world. The Earth rebelled, the earth shook, mountains moved, rivers roared, and the waters rose. BILLIONS died, which kept the chain going...

When it was all said and done, most of the worlds major cities lay either in rubble, or underwater... sometimes both. Chicago is in ruins, Manhattan is underwater, and California slipped into the sea. Merlin and Arthu Pendragon are in England again. Atlantis has risen from the sea, and all kinds of baddies roam all over the world. Rifts and other inter-dimensional activity keep pouring more things into the earth. And humanity is slipping. They need to fight back. The United States is no more. Now, The Coalition has taken up the fight against all odds. With technology and strict military foundations, they build super cities, spanning miles. They manufacture energy weapons, do testing and research on the dimensional beings and activity while putting down mages and psychics in the name of taking back the earth. Although... some argue that Emporer Prosek is a bastard, killing elves and anyone who is different.

Annnnnnyway, its a cool world. pm started a thread kinda like this, I think it was him. With a plot about the electronic pulse. Whatcha think? Don't know if I'd want to run a monster of a game like this but... I could try anything once. Anyone else played Rifts?
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I played it for a while, years ago. It was a pretty good game, but I don't remember a lot of the details, and the few I do I keep getting confused with books by Mercedes Lackey and the Shadowrun game.

Well if you want to shoot the breeze on Rifts I'm willing and able. It's one of my favorite table top games, it just has a habit of turning hack and slash, there are SO many different weapons and armor, and TONS of character classes. And the way they publish their books doesn't exactly help that hack n slash thing... but it is still a helluva lot of fun.
i'm sorry, that was a little confusing, an emporer? where did he come from?

killing elves? so this force has created more species as well as mages and magic users?

they fight back, but against what?
The force didn't exactly 'create' any species, it simply tore a hole in the fabric of space/time, a 'rift', through which other creatures from other dimensions and planes of existence could travel. It theorizes that elves and all the other creatures of mythology have always existed, just not here on earth. the rift changed that, by granting access to the places where those creatures lived.

Yep, I was just using elves as an example of one of the D-bees (dimensional beings) that has found a way to earth. There are also dragons, aliens, giants, huge beetles, even dinosaurs. And I'm not really sure where Prosek came from. Just rose through the ranks and created his own system. He's feared. The coalition outfits their troops and armors with a Death Skull motif. It scares the hell out of the common people and makes perpetrators think twice. Well, not all the time ;)

Its fun to beat down the Coalition! They've made a few States, called the Coalition States, and the Coalition is commonly referred to as the CS.

There are also feudal kingdoms. Like the Federation of Magic. And most of north america west of the mississippi is all wilderness now.
Basically Ronin the book, not the crappy movie, starts in feudal japan. A all powerful samurai master posesses this magical sword that an evil demon, Agat, is after. Agat manages to kill the master but his servent takes the sword and pledges to his master he will slay the demon. Before he can do that though he must build up his skill level and also he must slay a few evil beings and an innocent man to activate the powers of the sword and kill Agat.

One day he finally battles Agat and impales himself and Agat on the sword. Before the sword can do all it's damage, Agat casts a spell that sends the both of them into future Manhatten.

Manhatten of the future is crime ridden and vile except for this company that's try to revive the world useing biotechnics. Inside this massive AI computer system there is a man born without hands and legs. The man becomes possesed with the soul of the Ronin and forces the computer system to build limbs for him. Agat tries to sneak into the system, but the AI blows part of itself up and sends the Ronin into Manhatten. The Ronin then has to locate Agate and kill him so that his soul and his master's soul can finally rest.

That's the book in a nutshell.

I also wanted to tell everyone that Know Your Enemy is looking for new people to join. If anyone's interested, join in.
I also wanted to tell everyone that Know Your Enemy is looking for new people to join. If anyone's interested, join in.

This thread, Know Your Enemy, comes highly reccommended.
See what PMTick says first, but I would personally read over the thread and figure out a way of bringing in a character.
ahh okay. thanks for the story lines on that blaze, and you too PM. i'd be interested.... lol

as for know your enemy, several chars seem to have died out, the daughter of the tribe master, the ritual.... cult guy. yeah, so create, or renew, but check with pm first