When Darkness Falls


"You mean that your family has been fighting vampires for awhile."

Elizabeth took a seat and laughed when he offered her a cigarette.

"My sister would hand you your ass if she knew you offered me a cigarette. Thanks, but no."
For the very first time in a very long time, Dracius's mask slipped, but only just a crack. He blinked once insuprise as his lips turned down in a frown.

"Dahmnall?? Not Aleric??"

The mask was placed back in it's place as Dracius regained control. "Tell me about this friend Dahmnall and who else goes with him?"

Dahmnall shrugged and put the pack down. "My clan has been fighting everything for a long time." he said "My clan had the last ruling gaelic chieftain in Ireland, but recently we've been focused on vampyres." He heard a knock at the door, he grabbed a large knife, and walked over. "Whos there?" "Your cousins ya eejit." He opened the door but kept the knife ready "Eamon, Michael, Finn, Danny, William, Patrick, and is that the wee Shannon? Good god, lass youve got old on me." he ushered them in and Shannon gave him a hug "Saints preserve us boy, what happened to your eye?" Finn asked "You should see the other guy" Dahmnall said laughing. "Elizabeth Callahan, meet Finn, Eamon, Michael, Danny, William, Patrick, and Shannon O'Dochartaigh. Cousins meet elizabeth." he said introducing them all, always finding it amusing how much his family look like, red hair, pale skin. "Come in and sit." he said

Amelia was confused for a moment because he acted like he had been expecting Alaric. Dahmnall's the hunter and Alaric said that he was just a slayer. Amelia shrugged her shoulders and said,

"What's there to tell? Tall, dark, handsome, but not really your type. I'm sure he's like everyone else. Likes long walks on the beach, bubble baths, and enjoys quiet evenings at home. Spends a lot of time in church and hangs out with a lot of irish guys. What can I say?"
Dracius was aware that he had slipped, what was more irritating, was that Ms. Calahan had also realized it as well, and already there was a change in her attitude. It was slight, but it was there...

..She was loosing her intimidation and fear of his presence and all of this did not sit well with him.

"And the names of those he fights with? What are they?"

Elizabeth was fascinated by Dahmnall's history until it was interupted with a knock on the door and he pulled a knife.

"And here I usually answer the door with a hello."

Dahmnall answered the door and Elizabeth was happy to see his cousins. Elizabeth smiled at the strong family resemblance and laughed when she got caught up in a hug or two with a couple of the more cheeky members of Dahmnall's family.

Amelia, deciding on seeing how far she could push her strange companion, said,

"I'm sorry. I can't help you. I don't know the names of the vampires he fights with. I don't think he is really interested in finding anything about them past how to dispose of them. That would be like asking an exterminator what the names of the vermin he kills are."

"we drove by the area and took pictures for ya Dahm." Finn said he spread them on the table, "Security doesnt look too tough, we should be able to crack it." Almost simultaneously, the men produced cigarettes and lighters. "We brought the van so we can case the site, and make moves from there." "Well done lads." Dahmnall said, "Elizabeth, Shannon is here to keep you company, so you have someone to eat ice cream with, talk girl talk, swoon over pop stars, whatever it is you ladies do. Danny, William, and Patrick are your guards-" "DAHM i want to go to battle with you" danny, by far the youngest piped up. "Your 14 years old-" "almost 15" "FOURTEEN, years old" dahmnall said "You are too young for a battle like this, stay here, guard elizabeth, help yourself to smokes or beer, but your too young for the whiskey. Billy boy, Pat, make sure you watch over him." Dahmnall said. "Finn, Eamon, Michael, your coming with me" Dahmnall said, "Everybody to the shrine." Dahmnall said leading them out
"Ahh.." he whispered again. "I see."

Almost nonschelantly, he reached out and took Amelia's left hand, gently stroking her finger with his own.
"You have very feminine hands Ms. Calahan." and he drew her hand up, pressing it against his cheek and holding it there where it seemed to leech the very warmth from her limb. His skin felt ice cold and as hard as marble. "Not quite soft, but feminie never the less."

He let her hand fall, but still held her left hand with his right, tight like a vice. "Now then, we have been having a pleasent conversation, you and I. I would like it to continue, so I shall ask you again; What are the names of those Dahmnall hunts with?"
Leola went storming through the house, as she went past three gaurds and Trent Carver she told them to follow her. She led them to Sylvia's room where she knew the girl would be waiting.

Leola opened the door slowly. She saw the girl packing some things into a bag. "What are you doing my dear?"

Sylvia jumped and spun around to face the door. "N n nothing." She studdered.

Leola laughed a little. "I control everything that goes on here, don't you know that by now, my dear. After all the time that we have spent together. Don't you realize that I control every move that you make, every thought in your head."

Leola walked over to Sylvia and threw the bag on the floor. "I knew that you would help her, you've always been so tender hearted. I knew those little girls would remind you of the ones you lost and you would turn on me. You did everything I expected you to do."

Leola began to walk towards the door. "So I'm willing to set you free. You've served me well, so you are free to leave."

Sylvia looked so surprised and hopeful. "Oh Maestosita, Thank you for your kindness, thank you." She crouched to pick up the bag.

Leola turned around and nearly started to giggle. "But there is just one thing. I can't just simply forget about your betrayal. I can't just let it go unpunished, don't you see, if I let it go, I would have to worry about everyone following your deceitful actions."

Sylvia gasped as the guards threw her on the bed and held her arms and legs down. Trevor pulled a set of pliers from out of the bag that he carried. Sylvia screamed and kicked as Trevor came closer. Sylvia's vampiric strenth was no match for the human guard to her right. Sylvia pushed him to the ground. The other guards held on. Trevor jumped on Sylvia's chest and used his knees to hold her arms down. Sylvia screamed as Trevor used the pliers to pull out her fangs.

Leola spun around the room dancing as if she were listening to beautiful music. When Trevor was done. Leola told him and the guard to take Sylvia and toss her out of the car half way to town.

Leola was laughing as Sylvia was drug from the room screaming. When the door shut Leola stopped and stared at the guard that had been thrown to the floor, blood was dripping from a wound on his head. Leola began to notice her hunger. She had been so preoccupied with Amelia that she had forgotten to eat. She eyed the guard. "You failed me, letting her go." The guard tried to mutter out a frightened protest but it was silenced when Leola lept across the room and sunk her teeth into his neck. He grabbed on to her arms trying to struggle, but he was no match for her. She drunk deeply and could feel the warmth of his blood pass into her body, til she was done and he had grown cold.

She wiped her mouth on his collar and let him drop to the ground. She left the room and closed the door. On her way back to Amelia's room she saw a maid and told her to bring tea, and to use the good set.

Amelia had been expecting violence like what Leola would have done but his actions scared her and threw her off balance. He grabbed her hand and press it against him. He was so cold and she tried to continue breathing but was unsure of what was going to happen. He let go of her right hand and she was repulsed by the contact but he continued to hold on to her left hand.

"Who are you? You aren't one of Leola's lackies. What is your interest in all of this?"

Elizabeth looked at Shannon and rolled her eyes at the ice cream, swooning, and girl talk comment.

"What!? Fifteen years old. Welcome to America where you can't ruin your liver or lungs until you are at least 18. You are quite the example Dahmnall."

"The laws of men mean little to my family, in my family your allowed to smoke at 14 and drink beer at 10." he said laughing "but no hard liquor till your 16" he said entering the shrine "alright lads, you know the drill, blades out, start the prayer" the men kneeled and held their blades, in front of the ancient warrior effigies of the family "Spirits of battle, our blades thirst for blood, Spirit of victory, may our enemies lay dead in the mud...." they said, all of them knowing the words." After a few minutes, Dahmnall stood and took an ornate knife and with a quick motion cut his wrist, sqeezing blood into the bowl on the altar "This blood is a taste of our sacrifice to you, If it pleases you let us bring you some more." "SPIRITS OF BATTLE, WE GO TO WAR!!" the other men yelled. "Alright, in the van boyos, keep 'em locked and loaded, and smoke 'em if ya got 'em. Shannon, lead the house in a rosary for us will ya? i have a box full in my armory." Dahmnall and the others climbed in the van, and lit some smokes to calm their nerves. "Lets roll lads."
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His expression never changed, never altered in the slightest.

"That was not what I asked to hear Ms. Calahan."

His left hand came to cover her trapped hand, gently taking the pointer finger held there. There was a sharp tug and a sickening 'crack!' as the finger broke. and Amalia suddenly fell to her knees, all the while he still held her hand without a trace of emotion.

"Did you know, Ms. Calahan, that there are some forty bones in the human hand, twenty-seven in the fingers alone?" He asked, raising his left hand between them and waggling his fingers in demonstration. "This means that I can, at this point, ask you thirty-nine more times the same question I have asked already."

He suddenly paused, making a thoughtful appearence before looking back at her. "Actually, Ms. Calahan, that's not quite true. I have a confession to make, you see, I do not know this Dahmnall you mentioned, and I don't care who he fights with, they are all the same in the end. So in this case, there is only one question that you have to answer to yourself..."

"Is he going to rescue me?"

"Tragically, this answer means nothing to me, so instead there it to be a lesson for you to learn. Now repeat after me; There are no such things as vampires."

Amelia never had the opportunity to answer, instead there was another 'crack' and Dracius repeated the statement, again followed by another 'crack'.

Five times the statement was spoken before Dracius let her go.

"You may rest now, Ms. Calahan." he said rising to his feet. "In thirty minutes or so, I shall return and we shall start again until the lesson is learned. Do enjoy your tea."

They pulled up near the house. "Alright boys before we leave, we ask St. Michael for aid. You all know the words." Dahmnall said "St. Michael, archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the snares and the wickedness of the devil, may go rebuke him we humbly pray, and you, prince of the heavenly host, by the power of god, cast back into hell satan and all other evil spirits that prowl the world for the ruin of souls amen." they said, dahmnall pulled out his medal of st. michael and kissed it. "lets go lads." They all left the van and approached the gate. Finn walked up to it and placed a charge on it. They all went over to the side and set the charge off. As soon as the gate fell, all four of them rushed in and took cover behind some stone planters. they counted ten guards and started firing.

"There are no such things as vampires."

Amelia looked up at him unsure of what he was doing. Him breaking the bones in her hand had been an inexpected move. Amelia screamed through the next five breaks and even after he stopped she could still hear the nauseating sound of her bones breaking.

He let go of her hand and she crumpled to the floor pulling her mangled hand against her stomach.

"You may rest now, Ms. Calahan. In thirty minutes or so, I shall return and we shall start again until the lesson is learned. Do enjoy your tea."

After he left, she continued to cry and hoped that she had given the girls a strong enough dosage of sleeping pills to keep them out. The thought is he going to rescue me, kept going through Amelia's head.
Leola walked into Amelia's room and saw her on the floor. Dracius wasn't in the room any longer. She was glad Amelia was still alive, she didn't want to miss anything. Leola tossed a pair a fangs towards Amelia. "A friend of yours?"

They were shooting back and forth Dahmnall heard someone on the other side say "I'm out ammo!" "LETS GO!!!" Michael yelled drawing his sword and charging. "MICHAEL NO!!!" Dahmnall yelled, Michaels charge was met by sounds of gunfire "MICHAELLLLL!!!!" Dahmnall roared "COVER ME!!!" Dahmnall surged up and with his speed got to the guards, of which there were five left, all vampyres. the vampyres laughed and dropped their guns, then Finn and Eamon joined in. dahmnall took one out immediately, by cutting off its head. Finn and Eamon each took one and Dahmnall took two. One charged at dahmnall. He flipped the vamp over and put a knife in its heart. The next one had a katana. He dueled this one, but then saw something bad. More guards came, another four. The vamp lunged at a dahmnall, but he sidestepped it, chopping off the vamps arm then bringing the blade back up to drive it through the vamps heart. All of a sudden he saw Eamon surrounded, then Eamon succumbed. Dahmnall and Finn ran over and killed the vampyres around him quickly and kneeled next to him, "FINN GO CHECK ON MICHAEL!!" Dahmnall said. "Eamon, im sorry, im sorry, i should never have brought you into this." Eamon sputtered "D...ahmnall, its okay, itssss our... our job. Ive been bitten, im gonna turn, you know what to do." "Eamon, dont talk like that, youll be fine," "Dahmnall, come back to reality, we are slayers, you know what to do." "Aye, i do. goodbye eamon" "cheers" Eamon said. Dahmnall roared and drove his sword into Eamons chest. Finn came over. "Michaels dead, dahm, hes dead." "Im sorry Finn, they were your brothers," "we knew what we were doing," "Finn take their bodies and leave, this isnt your fight." Finn punched him in the face, knocking him down "DAHMNALL O"DOCHARTAIGH!!! HOW CAN YOU EVEN SAY THAT TO ME!?" Finn roared "We are kin, all our fights are each others. Now lets go." They ran into the house.
Leola turned around and shut the door. She huged herself and spun around alittle, revelling in the pain she saw on Amelia's face. She skipped down to her bedroom ,opened the door and found Dracius standing in her room. "Tea will be done shortly, someone is tending to it now."
Dracius dismissed the notion of tea with a wave of his hand.

"The hunters will be here soon." he said. "Prepare to leave."

Then there was the sound of an explosion, followed by the tell-tale chatter of automatic weapons fire.
"They are early." Dracuis mused. "No matter. It is time to go."
"The hunters will be here soon. Prepare to leave."
"They are early. No matter. It is time to go."

"We aren't going to fight?" Then she thought how ridiculous that sounded, if they were this close, her guards had failed. "Sorry my Lord, should we take Amelia?"

Amelia glared up at Leola when she left and looked down at what was tossed to her. They looked like the canines from a dog. She wiped the blood off of them with a corner of the sheet from the bed and kept one hidden in her right hand. She looked at the sleeping pills and thought about knocking herself out but knew that she would probably never wake up if she did.

Suddenly she could hear the rattle of a machine gun and began to hope that she could get out of this alive.

Dahmnall and Finn ran through the house, killing anything that got in the way. then they ran into a maid carrying a tea. "WHERE IS YOUR MISTRESS HOLDING THE GIRL!!??" he roared at her, making her drop the tea set "SHOW ME!!" the maid nodded and started running up the corridor, with Dahmnall and Finn behind her.
For the first time since he had arrived, Dracius smiled wide, laughing aloud as he did so.

"My dear, playful Leola, I have already won! These pitiable mortals just haven't realized it...yet. Now, let us go and let the poor fools mop up the unworthy, burn the house down, rescue the girl, dance about and think thay have actually accomplished something this eve."

"Come Leola," he said, slipping his sword under his newly replaced trenchcoat. "The night is young, and I hunger."
"My dear, playful Leola, I have already won! These pitiable mortals just haven't realized it...yet. Now, let us go and let the poor fools mop up the unworthy, burn the house down, rescue the girl, dance about and think thay have actually accomplished something this eve. Come Leola, The night is young, and I hunger."

Leola laughed "Of coarse, I knew you would already have a plan. How do we leave?"