When was the last time you...?

2 days ago. Or if counting times when we had planned on doing something more, then last Saturday.

WWTLTY only used hands, neither one going oral nor intercourse?
Now - cock ring and a small butt plug while on conference calls for work

WWTLTY wanted to cum so bad but couldn’t because of the people around you
Not recently it’s too cold, I can’t even find it outside

WWTLTY shared a deep conversation with someone on here? (Sexual or otherwise)
Almost daily. I've been in a running deep conversation with a Lit member for a few months now.

WWTLTY had first time sex with a new partner?
2,5 years. Haven't had to find a new one since then.

WWTLTY stayed awake in bed so long that you had to skip breakfast to go straight to lunch?
Well i have to think about this, oh yeah, I remember, Never!

WWTLTY masturbated outside, worried about getting caught.
Last summer in my pool, though I can't say I was too worried about getting caught.

WWTLTY were screened for STD's?