When was the last time you...?

With "something" or "someone"? "Something" sounds quite kinky.

If fingering a girlfriend while driving counts as "road head," I last did that about 28 years ago.

WWTLTY had sex in a car?
So long ago I don’t remember.

WWTLTY went to a concert of classical music?
So long ago I don’t remember.

WWTLTY went to a concert of classical music?
Hmm... I think it's 20 years or so. Much less since I last went saw an opera live (they sometimes stream from Metropolitan, New York, to the cinema here - it's awesome).

WWTLTY went social dancing with live music, without any alcohol?
Hmm... I think it's 20 years or so. Much less since I last went saw an opera live (they sometimes stream from Metropolitan, New York, to the cinema here - it's awesome).

WWTLTY went social dancing with live music, without any alcohol?
Early December at a wedding. I never drink.

WWTLTY discussed your sex-life, in person, with someone other than your partner? Who was it with?
No question, so:

WWTLTY dressed up for sex? (Take it however you want - lingerie, a nice suit or dress, as Snow White. Whatever.)
Well, I always wear fitted boxer briefs and my lover especially likes the leopard print ones. I wore them about four nights ago and got some action.

WWLTY were socially naked? Take that as being nude around more than one person, and they are also nude.
Well, I always wear fitted boxer briefs and my lover especially likes the leopard print ones. I wore them about four nights ago and got some action.

WWLTY were socially naked? Take that as being nude around more than one person, and they are also nude.
About two weeks ago. What happens in Vegas…

WWTLTY showered with someone else?
Six months ago when l visited my lit crush 2000 miles away.

WWTLTY you told someone that you loved them?